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General Scarlett
12-01-2007, 04:38 PM
[SIZE=5]The next set of questions are due for Hasbro..........post 'em up!!!![/SIZE]

I will be sending them next weekend-FYI ;)

12-01-2007, 07:03 PM
Yeah, I got one. When is Hasbro going to stop dishing up crap 25th anniversary junk and give us real, o-ring Joes again? Chumps! :D

12-01-2007, 07:12 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Yeah, I got one. When is Hasbro going to stop dishing up crap 25th anniversary junk and give us real, o-ring Joes again? Chumps! :D[/QUOTE]

Craig, change your byline on your avatar
from: "Not getting enough sleep"
to: "O-ring Purist"


How about, will there ever be another mail away figure after 25th A Doc?

Or, can we get a Doc without spending $60 to $100 on other products?

Prince Adam
12-01-2007, 07:32 PM
-Are there any vehicles planned after the initial assortment? (Hiss, Striker, Shark)

I'm really hoping to see a Vamp or a Hiss II or something. I plan to repaint these and use 'em for my vintage guys.

-Are you gonna develop bare skin lower arms, or is every character with short sleeves gonna have them rolled down their forearm like Duke?


12-01-2007, 07:41 PM
-Will they retooling the vehicles so they can fit the current figures?

-Will the fans see characters like Falcon, Tunnel Rat and the Alley Viper in the near future?

12-01-2007, 08:47 PM
[QUOTE=yorktownjoe]Craig, change your byline on your avatar
from: "Not getting enough sleep"
to: "O-ring Purist"


Hmmmm...... ;)

Da Talent
12-01-2007, 09:00 PM
HAhahaha, both my questions were just asked but Craig your hilirous, you new av. pic cracks me up!

I second the thoughts, any more vehicles planned, and is there an alley viper in the works..... also cobra eel? I bet he'd come with some cool gear I could use for the classic figs

12-02-2007, 04:18 AM
I'm not sure, but I have the feeling as if Outrider doesn't like the 25th Anniv figs:D

What about "We have seen the release of a new wave of figures almost every month. Keeping in mind that every wave includes aproximately from 5 to 9 figures (if we include comic packs) willl next year's releases be the same, and reach the score of 60+ releases, or will there be a more reasonable timing?"

12-02-2007, 10:34 AM
ok, 1 question that really needs to be asked. will the first 25th waves be put back into circulation as many sold out leaving a lot of collectors without a chance to buy any?

is the 25th design written in stone, or is there a chance that the future will bring about 25th figures which will be more interchangeable with the classic design so as to make customizing possible with ARAH and the 25th? [/COLOR]

12-02-2007, 10:47 AM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Yeah, I got one. When is Hasbro going to stop dishing up crap 25th anniversary junk and give us real, o-ring Joes again? Chumps! :D[/QUOTE]

Yeah.....What HE said!!

ok, 1 question that really needs to be asked. will the first 25th waves be put back into circulation as many sold out leaving a lot of collectors without a chance to buy any?

is the 25th design written in stone, or is there a chance that the future will bring about 25th figures which will be more interchangeable with the classic design so as to make customizing possible with ARAH and the 25th? [/COLOR][/QUOTE]

Or how about this one, will they ever quit trying to fix a line that never was broke? Do they ever do research by asking people who buy GI Joe consistantly or just middle class soccer moms who are in TRU grabbing whatever they think Timmy's friend Brad will like for his birthday right off the shelf?

General Scarlett
12-02-2007, 11:22 AM
'Kay guys? This is the 'Questions for Hasbro' Thread......NOT the 'I Need To Bitch About Something That I Know Your Not Going To Change Anyway' Thread.......

Come on, we can't be taken seriously if we can't even ask straightforward, sensical questions....... ;) :cool:

12-02-2007, 11:25 AM
will the 25th line continue until the movie comes out and then switch over to a movie line like the Transformers did

12-02-2007, 08:59 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]'Kay guys? This is the 'Questions for Hasbro' Thread......NOT the 'I Need To Bitch About Something That I Know Your Not Going To Change Anyway' Thread.......

Come on, we can't be taken seriously if we can't even ask straightforward, sensical questions....... ;) :cool:[/QUOTE]

Erm, my question was just meant as a joke, I didn't intend (or expect) that it would be sent to Hasbro. My apologies......

12-03-2007, 06:20 AM
OK, I got some questions:

1. Being that this is the 25th Anniversary of ARAH, why aren't the Sunbow
Cartoons being Released?

2. Why are Waves 2 & 3 so are to find in the stores on the east coast,
concidering Hasbro's Corporate Office is in RI?

3. Is the New Crotch going to be applied to all the waves of figures & is this why
we're not seeing waves 2 & 3 in the stores?

4. Why is HasbroToyShop always out of stock of all the 25th figures, namely
waves 2 & 3?

5. Will we be seeing any of the following figures in the near future: General Colton (G.I. JOE) Clutch, Mutt & Junkyard, Alpine, Bazooka, Tomax & Xamot, Law & Order, Dr. Mindbender, Zarana and Covergirl?

Da Talent
12-03-2007, 10:00 AM
I thought of two more...

1.Ask them if there creative team ever comes to joedios.com

2. How do they decide on what products and prototypes they put into production, for instance, test groups, surveys, etc. and how can you volunteer to be a part of it?

12-03-2007, 11:09 AM
[QUOTE=fireflyed]I thought of two more...

1.Ask them if there creative team ever comes to joedios.com

2. How do they decide on what products and prototypes they put into production, for instance, test groups, surveys, etc. and how can you volunteer to be a part of it?[/QUOTE]
2 very, very good questions. especially the second. why dont we do a list of the Q's and then have a vote on which ones to send?[/COLOR]

General Scarlett
12-03-2007, 12:30 PM
Alright, here is the list of legitimate questions that have been put up so far. Remember that we can only send [SIZE=5]5[/SIZE], so let's try and find the [SIZE=5]5[/SIZE] that will hopefully yield some concrete answers..... ;)


-Will there ever be another mail away figure after 25th A Doc?

-Can we get a Doc without spending $60 to $100 on other products?

-Are there any vehicles planned after the initial assortment? (Hiss, Striker, Shark)?

-Are you gonna develop bare skin lower arms, or is every character with short sleeves gonna have them rolled down their forearm like Duke?

-Will they retooling the vehicles so they can fit the current figures?

-Will the fans see characters like Falcon, Tunnel Rat and the Alley Viper in the near future?

-We have seen the release of a new wave of figures almost every month. Keeping in mind that every wave includes aproximately from 5 to 9 figures (if we include comic packs) willl next year's releases be the same, and reach the score of 60+ releases, or will there be a more reasonable timing?

-Will the first 25th waves be put back into circulation as many sold out leaving a lot of collectors without a chance to buy any?

-Is the 25th design written in stone, or is there a chance that the future will bring about 25th figures which will be more interchangeable with the classic design so as to make customizing possible with ARAH and the 25th?

-Being that this is the 25th Anniversary of ARAH, why aren't the Sunbow
Cartoons being Released?

-Why are Waves 2 & 3 so are to find in the stores on the east coast,
concidering Hasbro's Corporate Office is in RI?

-Is the New Crotch going to be applied to all the waves of figures & is this why
we're not seeing waves 2 & 3 in the stores?

-Why is HasbroToyShop always out of stock of all the 25th figures, namely
waves 2 & 3?

-Will we be seeing any of the follwing figures in the near future: General Colton
(G.I. JOE) Clutch, Mutt & Junkyard, Alpine, Bazooka, Tomax & Xamot, Law &
Order, Dr. Mindbender, Zarana and Covergirl?

-Is there a creative team ever comes to joedios.com?

-How is the decision made on what products and prototypes they put into production, for instance, test groups, surveys, etc. and how can you volunteer to be a part of it?

12-03-2007, 12:44 PM
1-Can we get a Doc without spending $60 to $100 on other products?

2-Is the 25th design written in stone, or is there a chance that the future will bring about 25th figures which will be more interchangeable with the classic design so as to make customizing possible with ARAH and the 25th?

3-Being that this is the 25th Anniversary of ARAH, why aren't the Sunbow
Cartoons being Released?

4-Is there a creative team ever comes to joedios.com?

5-How is the decision made on what products and prototypes they put into production, for instance, test groups, surveys, etc. and how can you volunteer to be a part of it?

this would have to be my 5. it was hard because there was another Q flint asked that i wanted to know too. [/COLOR]

General Scarlett
12-03-2007, 12:45 PM
Post it as an 'add-on'.......if I see that we have a 'deadlock' then I might just go with the alternate.......

12-03-2007, 01:46 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]'Kay guys? This is the 'Questions for Hasbro' Thread......NOT the 'I Need To Bitch About Something That I Know Your Not Going To Change Anyway' Thread.......

Come on, we can't be taken seriously if we can't even ask straightforward, sensical questions....... ;) :cool:[/QUOTE]

Well, I think the point some of us are getting at, (Albeit by bitching and smart-@$$ remarks) is

Why do these guys even collect up questions, when like you say there "...Not Going to Change Anyway" . I mean if They really want to find out what collectors are hungry for, what we like and dislike, why spend millions on marketing research? Instead, just Surf some of these forums. They're being lazy and they never listen anyway.

Heck, go with the 5 Lehsreh picked! Those are blunt, well asked and hard questions that I think warrant an honest reply from Hasbro! Now, will they answer those? hmmmmmm........................

Da Talent
12-03-2007, 01:57 PM
I like these :D

-We have seen the release of a new wave of figures almost every month. Keeping in mind that every wave includes aproximately from 5 to 9 figures (if we include comic packs) willl next year's releases be the same, and reach the score of 60+ releases, or will there be a more reasonable timing?

-Is the 25th design written in stone, or is there a chance that the future will bring about 25th figures which will be more interchangeable with the classic design so as to make customizing possible with ARAH and the 25th?

-Will we be seeing any of the follwing figures in the near future: General Colton
(G.I. JOE) Clutch, Mutt & Junkyard, Alpine, Bazooka, Tomax & Xamot, Law &
Order, Dr. Mindbender, Zarana and Covergirl? add Ally Viper and Eel

-Does there creative team ever comes to joedios.com?

-How is the decision made on what products and prototypes they put into production, for instance, test groups, surveys, etc. and how can you volunteer to be a part of it?

Prince Adam
12-03-2007, 02:41 PM

-Will we be seeing any of the follwing figures in the near future: General Colton
(G.I. JOE) Clutch, Mutt & Junkyard, Alpine, Bazooka, Tomax & Xamot, Law &
Order, Dr. Mindbender, Zarana and Covergirl? add Ally Viper and Eel


Let's add Recondo to that list! I need a 25th Recondo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Although I doubt they'll give any hints as to who's in store.

12-03-2007, 05:16 PM
I only have a real desire to know the answer to a couple:

Will the vehicles be retooled to accommodate the new-scale figures? and

Do any Hasbro folks ever come look at JoeDios?

(Paraphrasing there, but you know the ones I mean)

12-03-2007, 10:49 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]Well, I think the point some of us are getting at, (Albeit by bitching and smart-@$$ remarks) is

Why do these guys even collect up questions, when like you say there "...Not Going to Change Anyway" . I mean if They really want to find out what collectors are hungry for, what we like and dislike, why spend millions on marketing research? Instead, just Surf some of these forums. They're being lazy and they never listen anyway.

Heck, go with the 5 Lehsreh picked! Those are blunt, well asked and hard questions that I think warrant an honest reply from Hasbro! Now, will they answer those? hmmmmmm........................[/QUOTE]

Perfectly stated Frank, and my thoughts exactly. Hasbro won't change anything because of our questions, which is why I've never bothered asking any. Most of their answers to previous questions are of the "we'll see" or "maybe" or "no decision has been made" type corporate speak b.s. anyway. Hasbro are only interested in one thing.....$$$$$$$$$$$$.

12-04-2007, 06:52 AM

Do any Hasbro folks ever come look at JoeDios?

I would like this one more than any other question.

12-04-2007, 07:05 AM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited][QUOTE=Stormer]Do any Hasbro folks ever come look at JoeDios?[/QUOTE]

I would like this one more than any other question.[/QUOTE]

It think it would be interesting to hear what they think of some of our work

Captain Max
12-04-2007, 07:41 AM
[QUOTE=Outrider] Most of their answers to previous questions are of the "we'll see" or "maybe" or "no decision has been made" type corporate speak b.s. anyway. Hasbro are only interested in one thing.....$$$$$$$$$$$$.[/QUOTE]

Really?? A multi-billion dollar Corporation that's interested in turning a profit?? :eek:

Why those evil Nazi pigs!

Come on! Hasbro has shown more love for GI Joe then anyone has a right to expect.They've brout the line back from oblivion over and over. It's obvious that someone in Corporate has a real love for the brand.

What other toy line allows a Collector's Club to produce exquisite and resonably priced versions of it's toys for fans? How many toy companie's allow fan-sites to submit questions about the line?

12-04-2007, 07:54 AM
[QUOTE=Captain Max]
Come on! Hasbro has shown more love for GI Joe then anyone has a right to expect.They've brout the line back from oblivion over and over. It's obvious that someone in Corporate has a real love for the brand.

gotta agree with that. if they didnt care about joes they would have never tried again and again with them.[/COLOR]

12-04-2007, 09:47 AM
[QUOTE=Captain Max]Really?? A multi-billion dollar Corporation that's interested in turning a profit?? :eek:

Why those evil Nazi pigs![/QUOTE]

Hmmm, yeah. The point I was making was that they only care about them because of the $$$$$$ they bring in. Do you think Hasbro execs lie awake at night thinking nice thoughts about Joe fans, and wondering what they can do to please us? :rolleyes:

Da Talent
12-04-2007, 12:31 PM
It's nice to think they do :rolleyes: There's gotta be at least one that comes here

Captain Max
12-04-2007, 12:59 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Hmmm, yeah. The point I was making was that they only care about them because of the $$$$$$ they bring in. Do you think Hasbro execs lie awake at night thinking nice thoughts about Joe fans, and wondering what they can do to please us? :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

Actually,I do think the GI Joe guys do care about the fans.

Truth is,ARAH style Joes weren't selling enough to please the big-box retailers.But Hasbro is trying to make what we want-shown by the increased hip articulation 25ths are showing up now.

12-04-2007, 01:31 PM
[QUOTE=Captain Max]Actually,I do think the GI Joe guys do care about the fans.

Truth is,ARAH style Joes weren't selling enough to please the big-box retailers.But Hasbro is trying to make what we want-shown by the increased hip articulation 25ths are showing up now.[/QUOTE]

The newer 25th have hip articulation? :confused:

12-04-2007, 03:29 PM
[QUOTE=Prince Adam]Let's add Recondo to that list! I need a 25th Recondo!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Me too. Might even be an opportunity to paint him olive. (I can't risk that on my 1984...)

12-04-2007, 10:38 PM
[QUOTE=Captain Max]Actually,I do think the GI Joe guys do care about the fans.[/QUOTE]

Cap, I wish it were true! :rolleyes:

12-06-2007, 03:21 PM
[QUOTE=fireflyed]I like these :D

-Does there creative team ever comes to joedios.com?


This is a cool question When I was at SDCC I told a few Hasbro guys about the site and asked if they had been there. They said they hadn't at that time, but thought it was pretty cool, and encouraged people to do things like this site. But I'd be interested to hear their feedback on this site too.

General Scarlett
12-17-2007, 08:46 PM
Got the answers tonight...........here they are...........

[COLOR=Blue] 1. Being that this is the 25th Anniversary of ARAH, why aren't the Sunbow Cartoons being Released? [/COLOR]

[COLOR=Red]Great Idea. We are looking into this already
and hope to have some more defined news at ToyFair.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Blue] 2. Why are Waves 2 & 3 so are to find in the stores on the east
coast, concidering Hasbro's Corporate Office is in RI? [/COLOR]

[COLOR=Red]While corporate offices are here in RI, our products are manufatured in China and clear customs in California, before being distributed to retailers, who distibute to their stores nationally. With increased production, it should be easier to find what you are looking for.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Blue] 3. -Will they retooling the vehicles so they can fit the current

[COLOR=Red]Yes, all the Target vehicles will fit current figures[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Blue] 4.Ask them if there creative team ever comes to joedios.com[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Red]We check out almost all the fan sites on occasion, including dios. We
also keep an eye on the boards to hear what is going on.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Blue] 5. How do they decide on what products and prototypes they put into production, for instance, test groups, surveys, etc. and how can you
volunteer to be a part of it? [/COLOR]

[COLOR=Red]The Joe Team works with a variety of test groups to decide what products we put into production. We also have some of the biggest Joe fans right here in the Hasbro officers. But, Thanks for the offer, we know where to find you.[/COLOR]

12-17-2007, 09:24 PM
Wow... they answered a question by ME! Well, I think it was by me. It was hypothosized on the JBL that the vehicles being released will be able to fit 25A figures. Which probably means, the guys at Hasbro KNOW that 25A can be a hard fit for ALL vehicles so they are picking and choosing and using what is still available. But seriously, you tellin' me that a 25A can't fit into a HAVOC??? :rolleyes:

Funny they reference the Target exclusives but not TRU? This might be info that needs to be told on other sites. GenScar, make it so! :D

Da Talent
12-18-2007, 02:03 PM
pretty lame answers for 4 and 5

12-18-2007, 04:15 PM
It's pretty much the truth. I think it was at the con that the different employees will check out the sites. I know they hit the JBL but the JD, I don't know. As for their 'test' groups, it's nice to have fans IN the company but that can also create a microcosm where... Well... Look at the 25th Anniversary. Surely, none of those guys were like Craig or Frank in that they are trying to push the series forward with new characters and whatnot. Then again, most fans are ARAH oriented so that 2002+ stuff probably didn't float with them all that well. But man, the DTC stuff, most of it, was pretty darn good.