View Full Version : Before and after...
06-07-2006, 12:56 PM
Back, before you come to Joedios was you takin' pictures from your Joes like today?
My answear is no. After the discovery of Joedios I'm takin' tons more pictures then before. I think 'coz it's fun share your work with another ppl who will understand how hard and dificult is takin a picture of a burning BAT ;) , or from an angle very special that make things look in scale.
And you, how was it for you?
06-07-2006, 01:05 PM
Up to now all my pics was taken before I knew joedios but I may confess that I`ll make some works just to upload here since I`m loving the idea of sharing the pics with you guys! :D
06-07-2006, 02:31 PM
I got back into collecting in 2002
I have been taking pix since 2003
I have been taking pix for the GIJoural game on the Yojoe boards
to better illustrate & give visualizations, but unfortunately that game
is now dead due to lack of participation :( ~ including my own participation
So I would say before Joedios & after Joedios, it would still be
the same amount of time i devote to taking pix etc
General Hawk
06-07-2006, 05:42 PM
I've been taking tons of pictures for several years now, but at least with JoeDios I can now look at everyone ELSE'S cool pics, too!
Keep up the great work, guys!
06-07-2006, 11:54 PM
Taking Joe pics has always been something I've always done for fun, even back to pre digital camera days. But I definitely take more pics since I discovered this site. Two reasons for this; firstly, seeing everyone else's great pics inspires me to do better, and secondly, the pics are so much more fun when you can share them with other people who share the same hobby. :)
06-08-2006, 04:13 AM
I was taking pictures of my 12 inch "Joes" and writting dio stories back in 97 before I even got a computer. After I got a PC I had to email my pics to sites and wait for them to eventually be posted. This site is great for the simple fact that I can upload my own pics.
06-08-2006, 08:29 AM
Yeah, what Mr. Rider said.
I didn't start taking pics until I got a digital camera back in, I dunno, maybe 2002. I started a huge dio during the JvC era and it finished up right when the 1st Wave of VvV came out. That makes it 2-3 years for a dio?
I have found that dios and general pictures are a hard sell on the boards. I was hanging on the Devils Due board until what's-now the JBL showed up. I'd post a pic here and there but eventually I gave up. I've talked to friends about dios in general and all they can come up with is that dios are like fanfiction. If it's not officially done by Hasbro, a majority of people don't really care.
I've taken more pics for Joedios because of all the reasons stated. It's nice to have a community (wish it were bigger tho) where everyone has a common interest. Certainly, the fanfic people have tons of Joe sites out there. Hammerfel was very cool for creating this.
As it stands now, I don't take a whole lot of 'extra' pictures if it doesn't have to do with my dio(s). I can't just go out and shoot for the fun of it. Which I'm kinda envious of you guys who can do it on a whim. That recent Bludd w/ 2 Blueshirts? It's an ok shot, but since it doesn't fit in with any story I'm working on, it's really pointless to me. I'm the type that needs a reason to be shooting stuff, y'know?
Blowtorch is so right. It's so nice to upload your pics to the site as opposed to finding a free hosting site. That might be a lot of the reason why I don't show pics on the other Joe boards too.
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