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06-07-2006, 03:33 PM
Has anyone seen this? Can you provide details?

06-07-2006, 04:01 PM
That is the Dragonhawk.

The whole story?

Rumor has it that Sigma6 is doing so well that they can do another line. While the 8" line caters to a core set of characters (Duke must always be on the shelf, in other words), the NEW 2.5" line is vehicle oriented. The figures will have very limited articulation (less than MASK, unfortunately) and these things should come in sets.

So that is the Dragonhawk, piloted by Lt. Stone. It SHOULD show up in the 2nd season of S6, which by the teaser on yojoe.com, it looks pretty gnarly. Expect to see a VAMP, ATV, NInja Cycle, etc. Don't expect that these smaller vehicles will work w/ the 1/18th inch figures. Nobody knows if it will really work until they show up. Either way, I'm skipping them tho the Dragonhawk (expect it to be $40) is pretty tempting. I'd have to talk Craig into a lot of photoshopping to make the Dragonhawk look right w/ 1/18th. lol.

Here's the link.
ToyFare pics (http://afigures.com/g/?mode=album&album=2006_Toy_Fair%2FHasbro%2FGI_Joe%2FSigma_6%2F2.5)

Feel free to ask away. General Hawk is probably the most knowledgable about Sigma6 and you can find him over on the JBL or JoeSightings.

06-07-2006, 04:04 PM
I found this on the Hasbro site. I was curious what the scale was.

06-07-2006, 04:12 PM
2.5". Whatever that translates into, someone else can do the math. *shrug*

$40 is a lil heavy for a 'small' vehicle like that, imo.

The Firebat looks kinda neat too. Seriously, check out the link and see what H has up their sleeves. And will it answer the question of WHY Wave4 isn't out yet? Not really, but apparently the crews who did the small joes for the last few years are doing these too.

06-07-2006, 04:56 PM
This DragonHawk looks as it come out of a StarShip Troopers movie or even from Star Wars.

General Hawk
06-07-2006, 05:40 PM

Feel free to ask away. General Hawk is probably the most knowledgable about Sigma6 and you can find him over on the JBL or JoeSightings.[/QUOTE]

Hey, I still visit this little corner, too... ;)

Son's got pretty much all the info all locked up. The Dragonhawk is going to be the central piece of an ongoing vehicle-based Sigma 6 line, reduced in scale to enable larger, more elaborate, detailed vehicles to be produced without being at rediculous price points. It features some very cool magnetic "deployment" systems which interact with numerous other vehicles in the line and is a darn cool looking vehicle to boot.

Unfortunately for diehard 3 3/4" fans, it is geared towards the 2.5" scale, so it is a little on the small side...but there is at least the potential for some customization. At Toy Fair this year, I took a picture of my old pal Hit & Run inside the Dragonhawk's cockpit for size comparison:


So it may be workable, but it will take some cutting, probably. Not sure if anyone's willing to drop $40 to chop up the vehicle for possible customizing.

Any other info you need to know?


06-08-2006, 08:31 AM
I had forgotten about that pic. It's hard to believe how big a difference there is between 3.75" and 2.5" I guess that's more than an inch difference, but looking at HnR and Lt. Stone, raar?

I forgot you stop by on occasion, Justin. We need you to stop by more often. :D

06-08-2006, 07:12 PM
Thanks for your replies. I appreciate the information. I may be late for the parade, but doesn't it seem that Hasbro hates their fans? They cancel the line, they bring them back, they tweek them into a completely different scale, then make it only possible to buy them from the internet. I'm not feeling the love.

Sorry, needed to vent a little.

06-08-2006, 09:06 PM
Dawg, I've vented plenty of times about what H's been doing. Don't worry, vent all you want. You shoulda seen the reactions to the DTC W4 Falcon!

Maybe I should try to clarify a lil something here for ya in case you aren't in the know. The so-called "Hiatus". It wasn't necessarily about Hasbro GI Joe doing it for the fun of it or to clear the stores of Joe stuff, it had to do with Star Wars Episode3. Ie; Lucas didn't want any competition for his line. Between that and the fact that Walmart doesn't care much for the 3.75" line, the hiatus became a big deal initially. Fortunately a very short time later, we (the fans) would learn about DTC. The creation of DTC was to continue giving the collectors their 3.75" figures.

Unfortunately, what you wish for doesn't always show up the way you want it, yes?

But as it stands now, the 3.75" community is really wondering what H is doing. We all expect answers (well, whatever info H gives, not us DEMANDING answers...) at the Con. A lot of suspect that Wave4 will be released just before the Con or right after.

It has also been prophesized that the 3.75" Joes will come and go. *shrug* But that gets into a whole 'nother conversation and not one I'm sure I can babble about easily.

06-08-2006, 11:29 PM
[QUOTE=Bayer]Thanks for your replies. I appreciate the information. I may be late for the parade, but doesn't it seem that Hasbro hates their fans? They cancel the line, they bring them back, they tweek them into a completely different scale, then make it only possible to buy them from the internet. I'm not feeling the love.

Sorry, needed to vent a little.[/QUOTE]

Add to that the fact that Hasbro Toy Shop won't sell to anyone outside the US and it makes us "foreign" Joe fans even madder! :mad:

06-09-2006, 07:59 PM
Well, it is nice to know that I'm not alone [sorry in a way I wish I were, so that the problem wasn't so prevalent]. Lucas again. When will he realize that he has enough money and leave the cosmos alone. Between him and Mr. Gates, the universe seems to be constantly being tweeked. :mad:

General Hawk
06-10-2006, 11:54 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I had forgotten about that pic. It's hard to believe how big a difference there is between 3.75" and 2.5" I guess that's more than an inch difference, but looking at HnR and Lt. Stone, raar?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, to us it doesn't sound like a big deal...I mean, it's only an inch, right? Well, 1.25" is a full 50% larger compared to a 2.5" figure. It's like comparing a 6 foot human to a 9 foot human. Quite the size difference there, eh? ;)

As for Hasbro "hating the fans", quite the opposite. They really do value their adult fans. In fact, the DTC line would never have existed at all if Hasbro didn't have some sort of appreciation for us and a desire to cater to our needs...not to even mention the upcoming 25th stuff the end of next year... ;)

Hasbro is, unfortunately, strictly regeminted to what retailers want. Back in the "good old days" the toy manufacturers brought their product and the retailers aim to please. Now, more than ever, the retailers have the power and demand the manufacturers abide by their "rules". You get very large powerful retailers like Wal-Mart calling the shots, you run into some problems.
