View Full Version : how are you going to incorporate your 25th into your joe world?

12-10-2007, 09:45 PM
[COLOR=Red]just wondering for those who have them. are you going to use the 25th in your pics and/or dios along side the old sculpt? or are you going to keep them by themselves? and are you going to use them all as who they are? or, like myself are you going to use them as different persona's?

i dont have a 25th serpy, but if i did i would use him as a different clone. i was going to do some with zartan. make him a clone that CC had mindbender do, but now i switched the legs around with the old zartan. still trying to decide if i am going to use buzzer as buzzer, or maybe a new dreadnok. [/COLOR]

Da Talent
12-10-2007, 10:49 PM
I merged the 25th s.e. into my story but I'm using him mostly with the newer non 25ths joes bc se was one of the shorter 25ths and the newer oring joes blend pretty well with him. he;s really about the only one I really like bc of his proportions.

12-11-2007, 05:28 AM

i dont have a 25th serpy, but if i did i would use him as a different clone. i was going to do some with zartan. make him a clone that CC had mindbender do, but now i switched the legs around with the old zartan. still trying to decide if i am going to use buzzer as buzzer, or maybe a new dreadnok. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]

How did the leg switch go, is the color close to the original purple color?

I have a v1 Zartan my son amputated at the knee....so replacing both legs with 25th from the hip down could do the trick. I haven't cut apart any 25th yet, so any advice would be great.

Oh yeah, and then I'd have to go out in Christmas nuttinees and find one. :eek:

As for your question, I mix them right in for now. They can't ride in vehicles, but that's okay.

12-11-2007, 05:43 AM
[QUOTE=yorktownjoe]How did the leg switch go, is the color close to the original purple color?
I have a v1 Zartan my son amputated at the knee....so replacing both legs with 25th from the hip down could do the trick. I haven't cut apart any 25th yet, so any advice would be great.
i didnt take him apart. i took the legs off by unscrewing them, then added them to the v3 zartan hip and added that to the V1 upper torso(look at my most recent pic). it also makes him just a lil bit taller, anyone who has read action force knows that in the beginning zartan was a monster brute.[/COLOR]

Prince Adam
12-11-2007, 07:23 AM
I don't.

It's separate continuity for me. So I've got two Joe-verses now, in a way. To me it's like playing with the newer Star Wars figure and the Vintage figures too. Just not for me. But I will be picking up the vehicles for ARAH figures, especially the Hiss. It's cool to see others doing it though. :)

12-11-2007, 07:31 AM
i am, it's nice to have updated versions of classic characters and i'm more than happy to replace a character when i get a new figure, plus it's nice to have a Shipwreck who's taller than Cover Girl ;)

Cobra Freak
12-11-2007, 02:03 PM
I dont mix mine I just think its a new line so when I get a nice little army I will start taking pics of them.

Cobra Freak :D

12-11-2007, 02:53 PM
[QUOTE=gogorobo]it's nice to have a Shipwreck who's taller than Cover Girl ;)[/QUOTE]
You obviously never put her with the Joe Vs. Cobra/Spy Troops version of him...!

12-11-2007, 03:10 PM
i dont
i dont need them , i hate them looks like robots , old school rules , o ring rules :cool:

12-11-2007, 08:17 PM
im Not , There Just For My Kids And Hunting. I Buy Two Of Everything And Use'm For Wall Decorations....

12-11-2007, 08:48 PM
well,.. I mixed most of them into the general population of Joes. but most of them are at the headquarters, whereas all the O-ring guys are the combat troops.....

...with the exception of Snake Eyes, and Storm Shadow.

as for the 25th cobras, there mixed in with the rest.

12-12-2007, 12:13 AM
[QUOTE=kingofpain26]well,.. I mixed most of them into the general population of Joes. but most of them are at the headquarters, whereas all the O-ring guys are the combat troops.....


12-14-2007, 11:22 AM
For the most part, they'll be separate universes. The 25A, because they are in the old outfits, will be part of a dio line called GI Joe Chronicles. The middle child era of figures will be called something along the lines of GI Joe Modern Age. THere'll be very small crossover. ie; 25A Destro is perfect in my eyes as is the CLegion Stormy so those will be my standards for THOSE characters. But someone like, oh, Roadblock... I'll use a different figure.

12-14-2007, 11:47 AM
The few that I did buy are in a box on the shelf, most likely to never see light of day again. A horrible military experiment that went wrong, like the zombies in the barrels in Return of the Living Dead. :D