View Full Version : The Comic Box #47!!!

General Scarlett
12-15-2007, 07:38 AM
Welcome to The Comic Box. This is a discussion thread for the GI Joe comics. We start at Marvel’s #1 and move thru the series every week. It’s a chance to give your thoughts, opinions and remarks about the comic in question.

#47. Sea Duel

~Short Summary~
The Joes have rescued Zartan who is posing as Rip Cord, after Doc sedates him; he is rushed back to The Pit. On Cobra Island, Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow fight to get off the island. They steal a Cobra Hydro foil, but close to escaping the ship is wrecked and Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow are thrown into the ocean with tons of sharks. After Snake-Eyes is rescued, they see Storm Shadow walk out of the ocean only to shot by the Baroness.

~Notes of Interest~
First Appearance of Beach Head & Wet Suit.
The Baroness shoots Storm Shadow.
Zartan is posing as Rip Cord and Rip Cord is mistaken for Zartan.
~summary courtesy of yojoe.com~


~image courtesy of yojoe.com~

Discuss away!

12-15-2007, 11:07 AM
the highlight of this issue for me was Storm Shadow being gunned down, nothing shocks you more than when a major character dies especially one you've grown fond of, one thing that Mr. Hamma was good at is when introducing new characters he always gave them a chance to shine no matter what else was going on in the story

Captain Max
12-15-2007, 11:41 AM
I really like this one! Lots of combat on land and especially water......the new Devilfish,Hydrosleds,and Hawk's new uniform!

Not to mention the intro of Beachhead and Wet-Suit! :)

12-15-2007, 01:21 PM
Loved this issue! I really liked the EELS fighting with Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow. And the intro of Beach-Head. I didn't really latch on to Wet-Suit right away, but Beach-Head was too cool.

Hawk putting himself out there personally to go get Snake-Eyes gave a lot of insight into his character, and his devotion to his men.

I was shocked when SS was gunned down. I think she shot him 3 times. Brutal. But at that point I was "ninja-tolerant" since they seemed deadly, but not magical or invinceable. Seeing the Arashikage heir mowed down was quite a moment in the comic continuity.

12-15-2007, 03:02 PM
At least in this issue the ninja angle was balanced with some good old-fashioned military stuff. An okay issue with some great characters making thier debut.

12-15-2007, 06:14 PM
Unlike Craig, I never bought the comics when it went ninja heavy. For me, the whole time I collected (to the end of the Cobra War), the ninja stuff was balanced enough for me. Sure, it got a tad heavy when Se, Blindy, Scar and whoever else went to go spring Stalker and posse out of the gulag, but it didn't detract from GI Joe.

So in terms of THIS issue, I thought it was awesome. I enjoyed the whole on-the-water battle and the fact that the ninja stole the Moray only to crash it into rocks (OUCH!). Great issue all around but I believe the next couple of issues aren't so hott in that Serpentor is introduced...