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View Full Version : Where are you??

06-23-2006, 06:59 AM
Since there was a thread about what our real names were
I was curious to know where everybody was from?!

I am in Fremont California, its about 40miles away from San Francisco CA...

06-23-2006, 08:26 AM
Bellingham, Wa.

06-23-2006, 09:09 AM
Lajeado - RS/Brasil

06-23-2006, 10:10 AM
[QUOTE=donsbabyboo]I am in Fremont California, its about 40miles away from San Francisco CA...[/QUOTE]

Hey, I live in Alamo, CA! (between Danville and Walnut Creek in case you're not sure where that is)

What a small world...

06-23-2006, 12:02 PM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]Hey, I live in Alamo, CA! (between Danville and Walnut Creek in case you're not sure where that is)

What a small world...[/QUOTE]
DUDE, I work in the AT&T Building in San Ramon
I know EXACTLY where your exclusive area is!!! :eek:
probably 3 exits away or so

06-23-2006, 03:50 PM
Melbourne, Australia.

06-23-2006, 04:21 PM
Syracuse, NY

The Leader
06-23-2006, 04:41 PM
I was born in Royal Oak Michigan but now I’m living in Rochester Hills MI, a suburb of Detroit.

06-23-2006, 04:57 PM
I'm from Monterey, California but have lived in Grand Rapids, Michigan for the last 6 years.

06-23-2006, 05:39 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Melbourne, Australia.[/QUOTE]
Guns N'Roses did a great show there in '88. Were you there?

06-23-2006, 07:26 PM
[QUOTE=donsbabyboo]DUDE, I work in the AT&T Building in San Ramon
I know EXACTLY where your exclusive area is!!! :eek:
probably 3 exits away or so[/QUOTE]

Okay, so get this... the company my dad works for, Swinerton, built that building. We used to have a magnet of it on our refrigerator at home. It's a pretty cool building, with that glass arch thing going over the top.

06-23-2006, 08:10 PM
Born in Tampa Bay/Clearwater area, raised in Minneapolis, now living in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

06-23-2006, 09:45 PM
Indianapolis, Indiana

06-23-2006, 09:58 PM
[QUOTE=ToneGuns]Guns N'Roses did a great show there in '88. Were you there?[/QUOTE]

Nah, sorry TG, I was never into the Gunners. :(

06-24-2006, 09:33 AM
Embu - SP / Brazil

06-24-2006, 11:31 AM
Nanaimo, British Columbia that's in Canada

06-24-2006, 12:13 PM
Montreal, Canada.

06-24-2006, 03:47 PM
A wee village called Longridge, in West Lothian, Scotland. :D

07-10-2006, 02:43 PM
A small back country town called Woolwich Maine.... its nice until you hear the banjo music....jk its ok if you like the woods

07-11-2006, 01:39 AM
Basically - I was born in Cracow in Poland. That's the biggest city in the South of Poland. The old capital city of my country.

And I also have a family house in the countryside about 180 kms /hell knows how much would it be in your Imperial miles ;)/ south-east of Cracow. Most of my pics are from the countryside :) more coming up. I hope...

Uncle Flint
07-12-2006, 06:59 AM
I'm in College Station Texas. Texas seems to be kind of wasteland for GI Joe.

07-12-2006, 09:49 PM
Twentynine Palms California......

But now that I've told you, I'm afriad I'm going to have to kill all of you people!
(I'm joking of course!)

07-12-2006, 11:05 PM
[QUOTE=Uncle Flint]I'm in College Station Texas. Texas seems to be kind of wasteland for GI Joe.[/QUOTE]

Living in Australia is no better on that front, it's like a forgotten outpost down here as far as Joe stuff is concerned. Thank goodness for the internet. :)