View Full Version : Huuuuge Wants List!! (Feb. 2, 2008):

DTC Collector
02-04-2008, 01:08 PM
Hi, I'm new here, but am an active member on yojoe, cobra island, hisstank, and collectors anonymous.. my name everywhere (except here) is cobra-loyalist. :)

..here's my “Updated” Huuuuuuge Want List (Feb. 2, 2008). PM me if you want to trade (willing to buy the accessories / vehicle parts I need if you don’t want to trade). I have all types of toys and stuff, too many to list at the moment.. got tons of 90’s legos, gi-joes, hotwheels / matchbox cars, boxes of sports cards 80’s-90’s).. just tons of stuff.. tons of cd’s too (pm me for long list / mainly techno / metal music). :cool: I have +65 great feedback on yojoe.com, and some people know me here too. ;)

My Trade List: http://forums.yojoe.com/showthread.php?t=55375

Figures Wanted (c-7 or better):
1984 Cobra Commander (complete)
1985 Snow Serpent (complete or near complete)
1986 Lifeline (complete or near complete)
1986 Viper (complete or near complete)
1987 Gung Ho (must be complete w/ stickers)
1988 Astro Viper (complete or near complete)
1988 Nullifier (complete)
1989 Alley Viper (complete or near complete)
1989 Frag Viper (complete or near complete)
1989 Heat Viper (complete or near complete)
1989 Snake Eyes (complete or near complete)
1989 Wild Boar
1990 Ambush (complete)
1990 Viper (red) (complete or near complete)
1992 Firefly (complete or near complete)
1992 Ace (complete or near complete)
1993 Cobra Commander (complete or near complete)
1993 Firefly (complete or near complete)

Vehicles Wanted (must have all decals applied):
1983 Polar Battle Bear
1985 Ferret
1987 Adder
1987 Air Skiff
1987 S.L.A.M.
1987 Sky Sharc (must be mint / complete)
1987 Wolf
1988 Imp
1989 Destro’s Razorback
1989 Radar Rat
1992 Battle Copter

Figure Accessories Wanted:
1983 Snow Job – black laser rifle, 2 white ski’s, 2 black ski poles, white back pack.
1983 Destro - gun.
1984 Baroness – gun.
1985 Crankcase – helmet, gun.
1985 Crimson Guard – 2 red backpacks, 2 black rifles.
1985 Xamot (Twins) – gray skyhook w/ string.
1987 Avalanche – silver rifle, silver mouth piece.
1987 Croc Master – green alligator, tan whip, black mouthpiece.
1987 Crystal ball – hypno-shield.
1987 Fast Draw – 2 white hand controls, green backpack, blue mouthpiece, 2 black hoses(that attch to his backpack).
1987 Ice Viper – 2 silver sai’s.
1987 Techno Viper – backpack (not broken).
1987 W.O.R.M.S. - antennae.
1988 Duke (Tiger Force) – tan helmet, black submachine gun, black binoculars, green backpack.
1988 Iron Grenadier – 3 black submachine guns, 3 red laser pistols, 3 gold swords.
1988 Storm Shadow – black bow, black claw, red sword, red backpack.
1989 Darklon – black rifle.
1989 Stalker – white rifle, silver knife.
1990 Topside – white submachine gun, light gray helmet, light gray backpack, 3 red missles, bipod (that attaches to backpack).
1990 Undertow – gray mask, black harpoon, gray sled, red missle, 2 gray flippers, hose, silver barracuda fish.
1991 Grunt – helmet.
1992 Destro – black rifle, black disc launcher, 2 red discs, black figure stand.
1992 Slice (ninja force) – wide black knife, thick black sword, black figure stand.
1993 Frostbite – all 3 rifles, white machete, white mask, orange missle launcher, 2 white missles.

Vehicle Parts Wanted:
Asp – both shields.
Cobra Rage – 2 missles, and side red missle launcher.
[size=3]Cobra Pogo – 2 missles.SIZE]
DTC R.h.i.n.o. (2006) – black machine gun that goes on the backside of the vehicle.

Figure Stands Wanted:
Black figure stangs x30
White figure stands x2
Grey figure stands x2

Filecards Wanted:
1983 Snow Job
1984 Wild Weasle x2
1984 Baroness
1985 Crimson Guard x2
1985 Frostbite
1986 Lifeline
1987 Ice Viper
1987 Techno Viper
1988 Duke (Tiger Force)
1988 Iron Grenadier x3
1988 Nullifier
1988 Storm Shadow
1989 Darklon
1989 Stalker
1989 Snake Eyes
1990 Undertow
1992 Slice

Filecards Wanted *Uncut:
1983 Destro
1985 Crimson Guard
1986 Lifeline
1987 Techno Viper
1988 Iron Grenadier
1988 Storm Shadow
1989 Snake Eyes
1989 Stalker
1990 Undertow
1992 Slice
1992 Destro

Vehicle Boxes Wanted (near mint-mint condition.. flattened is ok):
FLAK (1982)
Destro’s Razorback
Desert Fox
HISS I (1983)
Rage (1990)
Rattler (1984)
Sky Havok

General Scarlett
02-04-2008, 02:33 PM
I've copied and moved your list to the 'Wants/Needs' thread that is stickied right here in the forum........


Being such a small community here.....we try to keep it as condensed as possible....thanks!!! :cool: