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View Full Version : Visit the FILES section if ya's bored.

02-11-2008, 07:11 PM
Hey, if you guys are bored, jump on over to the FILES section and take a look at what I'm doing for a school project. Yeah, I get to write up files to help create my JoeVerse and post them online. I won't bother with a link since the buttom is up there ^^^ .

02-21-2008, 09:39 PM
I've been revamping stuff slightly.

If you need ideas for you JoeVerse, check out MY Battlefiles. That's not to say they need to be YOUR Battlefiles, but it's helping me flesh out things better. I know I posted a bunch, deleted them and reworked them. Seriously look over 'em, it might give you ideas on how to make things deeper. NOT that all Joe collectors need to do this.

I've got more posted and this is really for my own piece of mind. I pull from cartoon, both eras of cartoon and filecards (ala YoJoe.com). I do a lot of this work in my comp class. In the end, I can reference these (which are on my HD, not just here) so my dios can be remotely consistent. The problem I have is which era of figure do I LOVE best??? JvC Stalker or 25A Stalker. VvV SE (the good one) or my Ultimo 25A SE? Cuz what I choose would end up in a dio as my mainstay, right?