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02-12-2008, 12:38 PM
I know we have a number of Joe cartoon fans on this board, and I just read that Steve Gerber, the story editor for the first season of the Sunbow series, died on Sunday: http://forum.newsarama.com/showthread.php?t=146401.

Though he was best known to many as the creator of Howard the Duck, he worked on dozens of comics, and several animated series-- Not the least of which was G.I. Joe. Though he only wrote four episodes (including one of my favorites, "Cobra Stops the World"), he was involved in overseeing the production of pretty much every script from the first season and did re-writes on many of them. So you could say his guiding hand was involved in basically all of the first 65 or so episodes of G.I. Joe.

I found an interview with him regarding his time on G.I. Joe here: http://www.joeheadquarters.com/interviews_gerber.shtml

I probably knew more about him as a comic book fan, having learned only a couple of years ago that he was so involved with G.I. Joe. But no matter how you might be familiar with him, it's sad to learn that he's gone.

General Scarlett
02-13-2008, 06:49 AM

Your talent will be missed.......... :(

02-13-2008, 09:41 AM
Just wanted to take the opportunity to point something out:

He was only 60 years old. That's not that old. I'm past half-way to 60 already.

As a parent with a child with a terminal illness - I just want to say... enjoy the moment. Do what makes you happy... I've seen too many colleagues, friends and family set very high goals, long-term goals that take forever to get to... and are usually met with failure, so they feel like failures and never get anywhere. Or they are in relationships that are not suitable, or they dislike their work etc...

I personally look no more than 12 months in the future - where do we want to be, where do we want to travel, which milestones for our kids do we want to acheive in the next 12 months. And we hit them everytime. Motivated, attainable.

Don't forget to identify the smaller details that make up the big picture. Sometimes life is the small stuff.

The straight reality is that anyone at any time can wake up with cancer, a brain tumor, etc. So enjoy the now and make the hard decisions to get on track with where you want to be. Why wait?

Anywho, enough of my preaching.

As a devoted fan of the 80's cartoon, I thank Steve Gerber for his hard work, devotion and talent for making my life a little easier back when I was a displaced foster child. Rock on Steve, rock on.

Cheers! ~ Paul.

02-13-2008, 04:32 PM
hey i understand u man every little time counts , my dad have cancer too , sometimes life sucks but u have to move on every little time counts..