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View Full Version : What a shame!!!

07-02-2006, 04:58 PM
The Theme Week is fading away? Man the 'Noks just got 3 pictures in their Theme Week. We are in 11th or 12th week.

C'mon guys, we have to reborn!!!

I was yesterday or a day before talkin' with Sonne on MSN about the posts x views in our photo and diorama sections. I think something is wrong. Some pictures have 300 views and 10 coments only. Whats happening there? this 10 people who let their coment are coming back 30 times to look at it again? I ask to people who never last a coment but is coming here to see our pictures/dios, please support our artists letting us know what you think about it. Bad our good coments are welcome if you do it with respect and trying to help. We can dislike something but being kind on our words.

07-02-2006, 10:14 PM
Well said, TG. I couldn't agree more.

07-02-2006, 10:49 PM
Sorry guys I actually had something lined up, but the new job postion I just took kinda got in the way. I had to be at work at 1:00pm today and again on the 4th. One of the downsides to being management. I'll make sure I get it posted tonight or in the morning.

Lava Boss
07-03-2006, 10:15 AM
It's not always easy to think of something interesting. And even then pull it off. Which is why I passed Movie Scenes theme by.