View Full Version : favorite cartoon good guy

02-18-2008, 11:47 PM
[COLOR=Red]who is your favorite 80's cartoon good guy leader? [/COLOR]

02-18-2008, 11:56 PM
Optimus Prime all the way!

02-19-2008, 12:22 AM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]Optimus Prime all the way![/QUOTE]

QFT baby!! While, overall, I prefer GIJoe to TFs (barely), Optimus will forever be THE ultimate hero for me.

02-19-2008, 03:37 AM
[COLOR=Red]even though i made this one up, it was hard for me. i was into he-man first and owned a lot of figures. but they werent as long lived as GI Joe or the transformers. i like GI Joe a lot more then transformers, actually i like a few of these more then transformers, but i like optimus way better then duke. in fact i hate duke. i was going to go with bravestarr, but in the end i with with papa smurf, lol. that could be because im psyched about the first movie coming this november.[/COLOR]

02-19-2008, 08:39 AM
Dude, this was hard. It was between Matt Tracker and Prime. I don't remember MASK as well and I figure, Prime died in the movie which is a huge deal. I think that was more gnarly than when Roy Fokker died in Robotech. Course, I was slightly older when Prime died.

02-19-2008, 10:45 AM
I voted Prime. Spider-Man is the greater hero, to me, but that's in the comics (pre-One More Day). As a LEADER, he doesn't work for me -- he should be the guy making smart-ass comments about the leader's orders, if he's even in a team situation.

Optimus had to make all kinds of hard decisions and, yeah, his sacrifice in the movie basically martyred him (hell, he even rose from the dead...). I had the movie soundtrack on cassette as a kid, and I used to have to fast forward through the Death of Optimus Prime track because listening to it would make me cry!

As for Duke (since this is a Joe site and all) -- Hawk had more respect and Flint was cooler. They only followed Duke because when the show started he was the only leader they had, and while he did a decent job he had a tendency to throw himself into situations to play the hero and then be all smarmy about it... :P

02-19-2008, 12:24 PM
[QUOTE=Stormer](Duke) had a tendency to throw himself into situations to play the hero and then be all smarmy about it... :P[/QUOTE]

Hey, some of us like that about him:

02-19-2008, 12:32 PM
[COLOR=Red]mmm, who voted for duke???[/COLOR]

02-19-2008, 03:25 PM
Hard to beat Optimus Prime for cartoon leader-hero.

Willing to put your life on the line for others is very heroic. Willing to actually die for others on your team is another thing altogether.

Willing to jump in front of a Serpentor snake spear and slip into a coma so your half-brother Falcon can move some cartoon movie related merchandise using Don Johnson's voiceover? Not sure if Duke is on a level playing field... :D

Editorial comment: If only the Duke of the early comics had held true throughout the comics and the cartoon. That angry, "I'm going to shoot down a Rattler with my .45 side-arm" John Wayne meets a drill instructor with a Preparation-H problem. Now that would have been quite the fella... :eek:

Even then, it would have been hard to top 'ole Optimus. Then of course, they brought him back from the dead, and all that...

General Scarlett
02-20-2008, 01:01 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]mmm, who voted for duke???[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

Based on his reply, I'm going to say Self-Modifier....... ;)

And I'm glad he did!!!!!

02-20-2008, 02:56 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]Based on his reply, I'm going to say Self-Modifier....... ;)

And I'm glad he did!!!!![/QUOTE]

Actually, my vote was cast for Optimus Prime. As much as I love Duke, G1 Optimus is pretty much my all-time favorite fictional character. I'm glad to see he's winning, but I'm also glad Duke's getting some support too!

Captain Max
02-20-2008, 03:49 PM
I voted for Duke.

He's an old soldier,a commited,courageous warrior.