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07-08-2006, 08:30 PM
Believe it or not, I'm in therapy now for my utterly, overly anal, anxious ways. So bare with me on this one since I'm going to babble.

When I was doing Transformations, I had originally called Chapter 1 Transformations. It was, also, going to be a stand-alone dio w/ an open ending. For some odd reason, I felt like I could move forward on it. Moreso than a few of the other open-ended dios I had done recently. You can blame part of it on the movie Doom as well. (lol)

So I'm doing Chapters 2 and 3 and something was bugging me in the back of my mind. I wasn't sure what it was until I was in the middle of Chapter 3. It had to do with the titles of things. I started thinking (which in this case, was obsessed on) about chapter titles and how things were NOT working the way I wanted. I took it all apart and used the Star Wars 6-ology as the basis. I also looked at series of books too.

And then I realized it. The whole dio was supposed to be called Transformations! The problem was, I was calling the 1st chapter that too. Which made no sense. Well, maybe it did and it could be self-titled but that was lame in my mind. So I started working on ideas on what to call ALL my dios. If you think STAR WARS. Star Wars is the overall story. Each story is broken down into episodes w/ specific names. Take it further, each episode is broken into chapters that also have names. Books are the same way. Look at Robert Jordan and his Wheel of Time series. Book1, book2, book3, etc.

I tried to think of something clever to call the whole shebang. I threw around terms like "Legacy" and "Tales" and "Myths" and a whole slew of others. Finally, I copped out and went with "Chronicles". (Chronicles is used by Devils Due for their D&D comics) GI Joe Chronicles. It had a nice ring to it. Plus, once I was done with this WHOLE thing, I could change it to "GI Joe Chronicles II" or "GI Joe Chronicles 2" when I do the next 'big' dio.

That left me w/o a chapter name for Chapter 1! I had Chapter 2. I had Chapter 3. And after realizing that Chapter3 was getting REALLY long, I broke it in half and created a Chapter 4. Which you have to admit, sounds better in terms of a dio of this scale. Imagine it all wrapping up at the end of Ch3. You'd be like, "only 3 chapters? That's IT???"

In the end, I figured out a title I could deal with. I'm terrible at titling things. I graduated w/ a BA in Storywriting from college in 1998. I was working on a sci-fi series and to this day, I don't have a proper title for it! Well, I was using Iron Maiden song titles for the OTHER 3 chapters so I had to find something that would fit. I went thru the albums and titles and came up with:

Chapter 1 Quest For Fire.

I thought it was fitting because that very 1st chapter had to do with TigerClaw and Snake Eyes infiltrating a Cobra installation (it's actually named in Episode 2) to see what Cobra is up to.

Chapter 2 Fear of the Dark.

As you can figure, the Joe crew investigates the installation. It's a pretty drastic change from the original chapter. Misleading? Yeah and that's the way I wanted it! The whole point of Chapter2 was to create the atmosphere and mood of it all. UNFORTUNATELY, this is GI Joe and it's a lot harder to knock off characters because if you create your own canon... Face it, dead is usually dead. In the end, it had the crew going thru a lot of 'dark' passageways.

Chapter 3 Wildest Dreams.

From Maiden's latest studio album, I thought it fit because what they were facing was stuff that came from movies and people's imaginations! At the same time, the Joes would look inside themselves and see what makes them human. Surely, Bombstrike, Stalker, Graydon and Snake Eyes went thru some stuff in their heads!

Chapter 4 From Here To Enternity.

I loved that song! I played bass in high school and college and when Fear of the Dark came out, I was all over that tune cuz it started w/ Steve Harris. Anyway, it's the end chapter and well, it's a lot of fighting. Now I admit, the author tells what they want to tell the reader. They tell the reader what they should know, even if it is false. Read any murder/suspense book (PD James, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Dan Brown, etc) and you find that the author tells you what they want you to know. And so have I. By Episode 2 Chapter 2, some of the things that Cobra and the Joes believe are false! I won't say what it is. The only person who MIGHT have a clue is GI*JOCK and even then, he hasn't read Ep2 Ch1 yet.

Episode 2 War For Territory.

I digress from the Maiden tracks and went with Sepultura. When I originally did Ch4, Asmodeus had some different ideas about Earth. I changed it all up to make it more cryptic and unrevealing. But the title might give some stuff away. (lol)

Chapter 1 Where Eagles Dare.

You can think the Misfits tune, but I think Iron Maiden. (or Clint Eastwood, same difference) In any case, Installation Anaconda has been reopened (ala Resident Evil) and 2 Cobra platoons go in. You guys can guess what happens but the real kicker is that LowLight and Bombstrike also go in. Is it by choice? Bombstrike is going back into the heart of the Devil???

Chapter 2 Untitled.

I have yet to start working or EVEN thinking about this.

Thanks for reading. I know it's long but hopefully it is informative and fun!

07-09-2006, 03:20 AM
What more to say :) Using album/song titles for naming our own diostories just fits :)

And choosing Maidens for that - good move :)

I'm doing this for a long time, Devil's Ground is nothing more than a title of an album by Primal Fear (though these days I'm not as keen on them as I was). If you take a closer look at the titles of my DG episodes you'll find the following (not to mention memorable lines from JA2 ;) ): Day 3: "Down Where They Are" is taken from a Demons & Wizards song called "Down where I am", day 4 - "Sole Survivours" - is orginally a title of a Helloween's song "Sole Survivour" and sub-part of day 5 is called "Running in the Dust" - just as another Primal Fear's composition.
You know that sometimes just fits. And it's better than naming it "Assault", "Destruction" and so on. ALthough - those simple titles also have their informative role.

Anyway - always a good move to name some of your dio's after some albums/songs :)

The Leader
07-09-2006, 03:03 PM
I just forget about titles of chapters. Name the overall dio but just call the chapter’s pt 1 or chapter 1. If I don’t do it that way I end up crying.

07-09-2006, 06:46 PM
I look all around the places to find a name. Today I learned 2 new words that will turn in charpert's name or even dio names.
But Sonne, you are deep inside yourself man. Go for Dalai Lama. I read one of his books and opened my mind. I don't know the name in english but is something like The art of happiness. This one changed my mind in many ways, maybe is a solution friend :D

07-10-2006, 02:10 PM
the true path to inlightenment!!

07-10-2006, 07:26 PM
Hey man, theres no shame in getting some help. Thats great you recognized that maybe there was something you needed to work on. Keep a positive attitude and good luck!!!