View Full Version : Ultimate Cobra Command Team
07-12-2006, 02:05 AM
Hey gang, I have a question that maybe you all can help me with. I want to assmble the ultimate Cobra Command team. The epitome of the top Cobra characters, supported by my already growing army of cobra troops, but I was wondering who do you all think should be in the Command Team.
Right now I have various versions of:
Cobra Commander
Major Bludd
Scrap Iron
Doctor Mindbender
Tomax and Xamot
Scalpel(on his way)
CLAWS Commander(on hisway)
Storm Shadow (he flip flops, I know)
I'm also in the market for a Cesspool and probably version 2 of Metal-Head. Is there anyone you think I should add to my list of needs for the complete command circle? Thanks!
07-12-2006, 08:12 AM
Your command is far more complicated than mine. I've pared down my 'collection' and have very few commanding officers. I basically don't have a 2nd in command! It's Cobra Commander or nothing. No one can lead Cobra unless it's him. Sure, Major Bludd, Firefly, Interrogator, and the Twins are around, but none really hold the capacity to lead an huge terrorist organization.
07-12-2006, 11:16 AM
My main Cobra Command circle is pretty much as you described them: Cobra Commander, Destro, and Baroness form the top tier. Below them are Cesspool, Dr. Mindbender, Scrap-Iron, Slice, and Dice. Major Bludd, Firefly, and Zartan & the Dreadnoks are just independent contractors in my world (though they do most of their work for Cobra). Also, Storm Shadow is a Joe as far as I'm concerned. I don't really see Scalpal as a "main" Cobra. I just use him as the head Medi-Viper.
Now, here's a little secret: I don't really like Mindbender or Zartan all that much. I use them to fill the roles that only they can fill, but that's pretty much it. I never go out of my way to use them when they aren't needed. That's why they're pretty much the only classic Cobra characters who aren't appearing in my crossover (besides Storm Shadow, who as I said I use as a Joe).
07-12-2006, 11:41 AM
A fairly streamlined command structure works for me; CC in overall command, Major Bludd as Infantry commander, Copperhead as Naval commander and Interrogator as commander of Cobra's air force. The Baroness is head of intelligence and Destro is not part of Cobra at all (in my Joeverse he is with MARS which is separate from Cobra). The next level down, (Firefly, Zartan, etc), are in charge of particular types of troops within a branch of service.
07-12-2006, 01:04 PM
Cobra Commander in supreme control, with Commander Halford(original character... I needed to use the DTC CG for something special as I only have one) leading the infantry and Chamelion leading the intelligence sides. A few characters however like Scrap Iron, Stormshadow, Twins and Interrigator are exempt from Rank.
Destro, Zartan, Firefly etc are not members of Cobra, but are hired by them.
07-12-2006, 01:15 PM
Nice, Raven.
As I have it, Destro and Zartan has their own forces. Would they come in to lead Cobra? Only if they have something to benefit by it. But otherwise, NO. Major Bludd is just an officer as is Commander Vlasko (custom) and Ghost Bear. Bludd takes care of the Vipers, Ghost Bear takes care of the Blueshirts (as seen in my dio) and Vlasko takes care of the Neo Vipers.
If CC should disappear, I believe the Twins would take over. But like in Devils Due, the Cobra organization would go underground.
As for Baroness, she works for both Destro and CC. She's kind of a liason between the two. Firefly, like Bludd, is a merc. But Firefly likes to run solo missions, not lead the troops. Scrap Iron is a merc too. Storm Shadow is the body guard w/ Slice and Slash doing their own thing under CC's orders.
Lava Boss
07-12-2006, 05:57 PM
Way I see them...
Zartan isn't a true Cobra, neither is Bludd, both are contract operators. Bludd won't committ, because when Cobra falls of tough times, he hits the road.
Zartan is an aloof jerk. His skills allow him a certain level of arrogance, but of course, Cobra Commander doesn't trust him.
Firefly isn't a leader of men (or women). It's not in his nature. He might be capable of small unit ops, but he's too used to going it alone. Not a team player.
Destro is a weapons dealer who's so darn rich he can hang around Cobra and just meddle. He's a snob, of course. He always was.
Baroness is a Cobra, through and through. Why doesn't she join Destro's organization? Because she's a psycho motivated by warped politics, not an arms merchant. She's LIKES being part of Cobra. She's friggin' evil.
I detest Storm Shadow and his side-switching, no idea what to do with him.
Mindbender is a an untrustworthy and a lunatic, but connects with Cobra Commander on that loon level. He's willing to do the insane projects Destro won't touch.
Tomax and Xamot connect with C.C. on the greed level. But they are more profit oriented than the Commander.
Scrap-Iron is a shifty character. He works for Cobra but will sell info to Destro. He's not really loyal to Destro. He finds imperfection in his bosses, and will switch sides at any sign of weakeness or failure. Scraps loves destruction, gets his kicks in the explosions. Not like Dreadnok zany joy, more of a cold-blooded glee.
Big Boa, the unsung hero of his own mind anyway.
Interrogator, Claws Commander, Skull Buster, Slice, Slash, etc...buncha nobodies who might think they are somebodies. Wild Weasel just likes to fly combat jets. He's probably so old that no real army would let him be a jet jockey. Croc Master is a side show freak who everybody mocks, yet they are afraid of. Razorclaw thinks he is wolverine. :p
I don't have a handle on Overkill yet.
07-12-2006, 06:02 PM
I wanna thank everyone for thier input. It's given me lots of different opinions and views on who does what and how in the command scheme of things. To be honest, I like most of the characters in Cobra. Everyone has a really awesome story, too bad so many of them connect with Snake Eyes somehow (Storm Shadow, Cobra Commander, Baroness) I HATE Snake Eyes, LOL. But, he's the Boba Fett of the Joe World. Everyone loves him and there a million versions of him out there. I just wish so many stories didn't revolve around him. So, this post went from Cobra Command to SE's been a long day. heheh. Thanks again everyone!
07-12-2006, 06:27 PM
My 'verse have Cobra Commander as Commander Master Chief and president and all high command posts related with COBRA.
Baroness is in charge of mission coordination like Lady Jaye for DDP. But it can also be seen on the field sometimes leading a covert operations.
Destro is the second on command, but CC never go far from his duties so most of time Destro is a fine field coordinator. Is tactician that sell weapons for COBRA and another terrorist organization. He is most of the time in charge of his own army of Iron Grenadiers. There is another chain of command but I'll let this for another post.
Zartan use his 'Noks for COBRA urban operations. He employee his own explosive experts (monkeywrench) and another sorts. When they need a backup, the 'Noks work like sargents for COBRA troops on urban enviroment.
Bludd is a mercenary assigned to lead and to training the COBRA Troops. He choose who will go for CLAWS, Range Vipers, and so one. Most of the time he is out on the field
Mindbender is just a mad guy doing some experiments for self pleasure and CC just use this experiments to his own objectives.
Firefly is a mercenary called when the job is much difficult. Major Bludd don't like this he thinks that his troops are very capable so there is a small stress between FF and MB.
I have other minor places for Cristall Ball, Officers and so one.
07-12-2006, 09:42 PM
[QUOTE=Lava Boss]Way I see them...
Destro is a weapons dealer who's so darn rich he can hang around Cobra and just meddle.[/QUOTE]
Heh heh, I like that description. It pretty much fits how I feel about the character too. He just sort of... hangs around.
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