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View Full Version : Newer comics in the comic packs

03-13-2008, 10:30 AM
For anyone who has the newer comic packs with "new" stories by Larry Hama, what do you think?

Comments, opionions, reviews, editorials are all welcome!

(I should probably take a picture and post an official review...but I'm at work typing this while I'm eating my lunch.)

Thanks in advance for anyone who has this information, or links to reviews elsewhere, so long as it's okay to link across.


General Scarlett
03-13-2008, 10:43 AM
I have not seen them in any of the stores around me. Of course that could simply mean that by the time I get there, they've already been snatched up by the hording masses... :rolleyes:

But if you have some, please feel free to do some reviews on it!!! That would be great!

Considering that Hama does know 'G.I. Joe' better than any other writer.. ;)

03-13-2008, 11:03 AM
I found especially the "silent issue" with storm shadow and snake eyes to be a bleak update of an old classic. It wasn't good at all.

I feel they were done haphazardly and way to fast. If they had actually taken their time with them they could have been great updates.

So all in all, I am not a fan of the re-drawn comics - I'd rather read the originals any day

General Scarlett
03-13-2008, 11:11 AM
So all in all, I am not a fan of the re-drawn comics - I'd rather read the originals any day[/QUOTE]

I have to agree with you on this one....completely!! :cool:

03-13-2008, 01:36 PM
The story seemed decent, and the dialogue was very Hama-driven, but the art seemed liked someone had done it with a little less experience than the old school artists.

Of course, the comic I was reading was the Springfield one that came with Scar-Face and Fred. Since, Scar-Face died or seemed to have died in Marvel 19, I was suprised to see him driving the Commander around. I won't spoil the plot any further.

But that got me thinking. What if Scar-Face had some wriggled his way out to safety in 19. What would he do? Where would he go?

And those thoughts led me to my photo story of Scaar-Face and Major Bludd from a week ago.

I still enjoy reading my older comics. I thought I was one of few who did, but it sounds like others still read the old ones as well. Glad to hear that!

03-13-2008, 01:41 PM
I thought the Twins storyline sucked. I felt that Hama was trying to hard to jam pack it with cameos. It really didn't do much other than hint that we might get a few other characters soon. Cutter and Blowtorch, iirc. The cover art was great, the art sucked inside. And the reprints suck too. There's something lose from the newprint days to the glossier, smoother paper.

General Scarlett
03-13-2008, 01:51 PM
In mine and Flint's Joeverse, ScarFace did not die. And he's been causing havoc for years now!!!

I really liked those pics you did.......I just haven't had free time to comment on pics in some time!

03-13-2008, 02:10 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]In mine and Flint's Joeverse, ScarFace did not die. And he's been causing havoc for years now!!!

I really liked those pics you did.......I just haven't had free time to comment on pics in some time![/QUOTE]

Thank you for the kind words. As I hinted, he may not be dead, even after being back shot by Bludd. For a slippery fellow like Scar-Face, I wouldn't put it past him to hedge his bet with a Kevlar undershirt.

OOPS, did I just spoil my own future story plans? ;)

03-13-2008, 03:45 PM
[QUOTE=yorktownjoe]Thank you for the kind words. As I hinted, he may not be dead, even after being back shot by Bludd. For a slippery fellow like Scar-Face, I wouldn't put it past him to hedge his bet with a Kevlar undershirt.

OOPS, did I just spoil my own future story plans? ;)[/QUOTE]

I dunno about that, but you just gave me a GREAT idea! I was thinking about ways to bring back a lot of the old Characters like Dr. Venom and Quinn.....
