View Full Version : How about our own poll?
03-19-2008, 01:45 PM
Reading Scarletts post about the new figure poll, I wondered that because it's on Quizilla, are there collectors voting on that or mainly just 40 somethings reminscing and being nostalgic? The reason I wondered is because even though Big Lob is a figure I could TOTALLY do without, I couldn't believe more people would want a Pythona firgue than Big Lob. (Hey, big lob is as bad as Bazooka as far as uniforms go and a very unrealistic character, but I never thought someone would want to bring back even the hint of that trash HAsbro came out with for Cobra-La!) Anyway, Let's start a voting, just write in your answers;
1.) Top Characters (in order) you would like to see made into figures? (10 Max!)
2.) With the GI Joe movie, would you rather they go with a Comic book style theme, or Cartoon Series theme?
3.) Which do you draw from more in YOUR JoeVerse? The comic or the Cartoon?
03-19-2008, 01:51 PM
Ok, I'll go first;
1.) Top Characters (in order) you would like to see made into figures? (10 Max!)
1 Wraith
2 MayDay
3 Alexander Destro
4 Lady Armada
5 Dr. Venom
6 - 8 Red Shadows (I forget their names, the 3 leaders)
9 Red Shadows troopers
10 Billy (Cobra Commanders Son)
2.) With the GI Joe movie, would you rather they go with a Comic book style theme, or Cartoon Series theme?
3.) Which do you draw from more in YOUR JoeVerse? The comic or the Cartoon?
03-19-2008, 02:23 PM
1.)1, cold slither (wouldnt care if we got anyone else or not)
2, mara, the girl shipwreck fell in love with
3, hector, the reporter
4, red shadow leader
5, red shadow troopers(only want the 1st 5, but threw in the others
6, female troopers from some of the old cartoons, night stalkers arent the same
7, Zanya (forgot mabout her untill i saw her on stormer's)
8, MayDay
9, pythona
10, soft master
sorry but i hate billy as much as snake eyes and were getting a venom in the future if things havent changed.
2.) although the comic was more realistic (more realistic, neither has any realism at all if we must be honest) i will go the way of the cartoon because it was my only influence during the days i played with joes.
3.) cartoons all the way, no way am i letting others tell me who they want to be dead and who is the all time hero. not that all the silly cartoon stuff has happened in my joeverse. the only thing i take from the comic are a few characters attitudes whom didnt appear in the cartoon. but most of those i would still go with the file card. i love the comics, but i hate them at the same time. [/COLOR]
03-19-2008, 02:23 PM
Kinda difficult, especially putting them in order...!
1) Firewall
2) Mayday
3) Zanya
4) General Rey
5) Alexander McCullen
6) Mistress Armada
7) Vanguard (would like ALL of the Plague but he's the hardest to customise)
8) Machete
9) Lt. Stone
10) Death Metal (I like his look, he'd be a great addition to the Dreadnoks...)
There's loads who didn't quite make it (Mariner, Dr. Knox, Heartwrencher...) not to mention the characters in desperate need of a DDP-style update (Zandar, Jinx...)!
Of course, if they made any of them and they were in 25th style & scale, I'd be really conflicted over whether or not to bother getting them...
As to influences, it's comic all the way. I would have said I'd use the cartoon for some characterisation inspiration but since DDP started doing that I can just carry on saying comic!
03-19-2008, 03:20 PM
1.) Top Characters (in order) you would like to see made into figures? (10 Max!)[/QUOTE]
Iron Grenadier;
Lt. Falcon;
Oktober Guard members;
2.) With the GI Joe movie, would you rather they go with a Comic book style theme, or Cartoon Series theme?[/QUOTE]
Comic Book defenily
3.) Which do you draw from more in YOUR JoeVerse? The comic or the Cartoon?[/QUOTE]
03-19-2008, 07:02 PM
I. Top characters I want in figure form:
(these are more or less in my preferred order)
1. Pythona
2. Dr. Venom
3. Lt. Stone (the Sigma Six character in 3-3/4" scale)
4. Professor Appel
5. Summertime Kwinn
6. Mayday
7. Armada
8. Alexander Destro
9. Cadet Deming (Crimson Guard trainee from the cartoon)
10. Billy (I do not like Billy, but for the sake of completion, I want one)
II. Movie influence:
It should have its roots in the more realistic world of the comic.
III. What influences my Joe world:
Both the show and the comics. The comics are what I use for the primary storyline, and for the characterizations after 1986. However, for the 1982-86 characters, I try to characterize most of them as they appeared on the TV show. I'm sorry, with all due apologies to Larry Hama, but as much as I love the comic book storyline, I found all the good guys pretty much interchangeable. They all spouted the same military jargon, and they all pretty much had the same "voice". If I read you a random line from the comic and asked if it was said by Duke, Stalker, or Flint (for example), I bet you'd have no idea. The show, however, gave most everyone their own distinct characterization and voice.
(oh, and as you can tell from my answers above, I do, in fact, want a Pythona figure more than Big Lob! More than pretty much anyone, in fact!)
03-19-2008, 11:19 PM
Okay, here goes:
1. Most wanted figures:
1. Captain Minh
2. Dr Venom
3. Kwinn in his proper shirt and shorts outfit
4. Daina in her regular gear (from the Marvel comics)
5. Cool Breeze
6. Prof Appel
7. Almost forgot - Captain Bulgakov
2. The Movie? Couldn't care less.
3. My Joeverse influence? Definitely the Marvel comics, ignoring the ninja-heavy bits.
03-20-2008, 02:43 PM
1.) Top Characters (in order) you would like to see made into figures? (10 Max!)
[color=blue]1) Dr. Venom[/color]
[color=blue]2) Kwinn in shorts gear[/color]
[color=blue]3) Professor Appel[/color]
[color=blue]4) Billy[/color]
2.) With the GI Joe movie, would you rather they go with a Comic book style theme, or Cartoon Series theme?
[color=blue]Not really interested.... I'd rather have a place to get the toons on DVD for a reasonable price (legally).
3.) Which do you draw from more in YOUR JoeVerse? The comic or the Cartoon?
[color=blue]Possibly, the comic a little more, but both influence my thoughts. I try to come up with my own material rather than only reliving the continuity of others. And characters killed in the comic does not influence me at all. I could have a major character get bumped off (or dismembered) in one episode, and then perfectly fine with a reboot the next day. Sometimes retaining those child-like thoughts help me keep perspective as an aging man who collects and plays with toys... :D [/color]
[color=blue]Press CTRL+ALT+DEL and all the fellas are healed for tomorrow...This also helps when I only have one of a troopbuilder....[/color]
03-20-2008, 03:29 PM
[QUOTE=yorktownjoe]3.) Which do you draw from more in YOUR JoeVerse? The comic or the Cartoon?
Possibly, the comic a little more, but both influence my thoughts. I try to come up with my own material rather than only reliving the continuity of others.[/QUOTE]
I couldn't agree more Yorky. I base my Joeverse on the comic continuity, but I am by no means limited by it. If I want something to be different in my Joeverse, then it is! :)
03-20-2008, 04:02 PM
Thanks Outrider!
I have often thought it might be cool to recreate an entire comic replacing drawn characters with posed figures. But time consuming---eeek!
That would be a lot of work, and the story would not really add anything to anyone, other than an appreciation of photography and a diligent attention to detail. And possibly a tip of that to our man Larry Hama.
It IS cool to recreate a single scene from a cartoon or comic with figures, from time to time, to conjure up some nostalgia.
But new material, using our own imagination ...that is where it's at!
03-20-2008, 06:01 PM
I've never re-enacted scenes from the comics, but I do use them as the history for the characters. I quite like the challenge of coming up with storylines that weave around the events of the comics, building on things that were only touched on or adding to the epic stuff.
If I EVER get my act together and actually make the dio-story that's been "in the planning stages" for the best part of two years, it'll actually fit into the first couple of years of DDP's America's Elite series. It stands alone as its own story, yet won't contradict anything from the comics, with the intention of just making it an even richer reading experience if you're familiar with them. Plus some of the plot points draw from things in the Marvel run!
As I've said many times before, I'm a HUGE comics fan and do see them as the "official" story of GI Joe. With my own Joe-verse, rather than seeing their events as constraints/restrictions, I take them as foundations & materials for constructing my own grand ideas.
I totally understand using the comics as inspiration in the way yorktownjoe and Outrider describe -- just wanted to try and explain my own, differing modus operandi. I hope it makes sense...!?
Roland da Thompson Gunner
03-20-2008, 10:58 PM
1.Top characters:
A.Dr. Venom
B.Kwinn (in a better outfit)
C.Black Major (as an official G.I.Joe character)
D.Baron Ironblood (as an official G.I.Joe character)
E.Red Shadow (as an official G.I.Joe character)
2. G.I. Joe the movie
I don't care about the movie, I feel it'll probably screw way too much stuff up so I'm ignoring it.
3. I draw from my own ideas mainly, some Marvel things are cool so I use them. Some cartoon stuff is cool so I'll use it. I use stuff from the Action Force too.
03-20-2008, 11:03 PM
i really love to recreate comic scenes , like metalhead vs the hammer and the pulverizer , i hope some day i will find all the fallen joes from the marvel saga
03-20-2008, 11:09 PM
top character:
Dr Venom
red shadows
gen colton ( well a cool one ARAH version ) :confused:
Urban Saboteur
03-21-2008, 12:06 AM
Why no love for Pythona and Cobra La? :o
You just know she's going to get made eventually.. :p
General Scarlett
03-21-2008, 05:31 AM
In no particular order:
1-Dr. Venom
Having another 'Mad Scientist' on Cobra would definately 'kick it up a notch'
2-Colonel Sharp
His involvement with the team as a liason for the govt. was always cool (and since Flint and I have need for him in our current dio-story, I just customized my own)
3-General Flagg
The original Flagg, 'nuff said
4-Major Juanita Hooper
Doesn't matter if it was the Baroness in disguise (which would be an added :cool: -ness factor), having a 'pencil pusher' to attempt to 'nip/tuck' the Joe teams finances is a plus
5-General Austin
Much like Colonel Sharp, having a 'brass' who stands up to 'The Jugglers' is a great thing
6-Dr. Vandemeer
Hey, Cobra's got scientists.....the Joes should too.
7-Dr. Burkhart
Same as above, besides, the more girls, the better!!
I know that some people are against a Billy figure, most likely because they're afraid that it's going to be 'uber-ninja' Billy, but a jeans/black t-shirt/eyepatch Billy would be an awesome addition to Cobra. I mean, come on, he's Cobra Commander's son!!! Besides, mine and Flint's Joeverse is really built on the 'family aspect' matter how twisted it might be in some cases.
Just always thought she was a great foil/friend for Scarlett with the whole 'Duke' thing.
Cobra-La or not, this figure could kick some serious @$$. Having her as a consort to Cobra Commander would totally bring a new aspect of 'female rivalry' to the hierarchy of Cobra.
Honorable Mentions: Candy, Buck McCann, Honda Lou, Presidents/Heads of Countries.......I know I'm missing some here, they'll come to me.
As for the next 2 questions, I don't understand (and never have) why so many people MUST limit it to one or the other. For 25 years, I and my best friend have taken bits and pieces from both and re-worked it into a wholly believable Joeverse. Making a choice between this or that is just remedial. The basic principle of 'G.I. Joe' is that so many differences can come together and make something amazing......
03-21-2008, 07:30 AM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]
I know that some people are against a Billy figure, most likely because they're afraid that it's going to be 'uber-ninja' Billy, but a jeans/black t-shirt/eyepatch Billy would be an awesome addition to Cobra. I mean, come on, he's Cobra Commander's son!!! Besides, mine and Flint's Joeverse is really built on the 'family aspect' matter how twisted it might be in some cases.
[color=blue]They could re-use the Hannibal body sculpt with a new head to create the look you are going for. (ie cost savings....) It would be nice to have an optional eyepatch, but that would be asking a lot....[/color]
[color=blue]Without the eyepatch you could use him as Billy or some other kid at a crossroads in his life, deciding to enlist as a Joe, or turn to Cobra...[/color]
[color=blue]Great idea GS...[/color]
I totally understand using the comics as inspiration in the way yorktownjoe and Outrider describe -- just wanted to try and explain my own, differing modus operandi. I hope it makes sense...!?
[color=blue]That does make a lot of sense Stormer. You said that very well.[/color]
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