View Full Version : A Day In The Life Of An Army Builder

03-23-2008, 07:27 PM
The following events are about my Army building Star Wars 30th anniversary Stormtroopers....but you get the idea. Hope you get a chuckle out of it.

8:30 am - Siginificant other wake me up, saying she's off to work, mumble something close to "I love you too" and then go back to sleep.

11:30am - Roll out of bed.

11:31am - First pee of the day.

11:32am - Boot up laptop.

11:35am - Check threads on JD for flaming or praising.

11:45am - Watch old episode of Reboot on Veho.com, eat 4 slices of toast.

12:00pm - get arse in gear. Shower, shave, Sh*t.

12:45pm - Realize that having a bath instead of a shower means missing the latest bus, kill 30 min before I can head out

12:50 - Jenn reports from her work downtown. Finds 25th Anniversary Snake Eyes. Graham has poisoned my mind, I tell her to get it.

1:15pm - head for bus stop. Not too cold out.

1:23pm - Reach bus stop. Crack whore pacing near you waiting for the same bus. Ignore her. Turn up MP3 player, hope she doesn't ask for change.

1:30pm - Bus arrives. Hop on. Luckily, get a seat to myself near cute girls. Smile, rock out to Johnny Cash in mp3 player.

1:50pm - Arrive at mall. Head for Zellers (Canadian version of Target first)

1:55pm - Zellers turns up dry. Only 3 figures of 25th Shippy and 15 of Biggs Darklighter.

2:00pm - Stop by work. Kids slacking BIG TIME. Raise hell. Give them giant list to do. Storm out.

2:10pm - Arrive at Toys R Us. Easter Weekend. Place is packed. Head for action figures

2:12 pm - Nothing left for Joes. Not surprising. Star Wars section isn't too bad, pick up one Stormtrooper and the Wolfman Jedi from the Clone wars cartoon. Dig through along with another collector. Mention how there's always the same 5 Biggs figures everywhere. He laughs.

2:14pm - Roam to board game section, looking for Heroscape boosters. Nothing. While walking to the cash, find a SECOND display of Star Wars figures...

2:15 - Regain consciousness, Stormtroopers abound in second display. restrict myself to just 2. Still need to buy Easter present for Jenn.

2:25pm - Head to best Buy to look for Easter present for Jenn. Find it, see it's price, realize it's cheaper elsewhere.

2:35pm - Hop into work once again. Same amount of slacking. Put fear of God into kids. Storm around, raising hell in general. Walk out.

2:40pm - Hit HMV for Easter present for Jenn. Find it 20 bucks cheaper then Best Buy.

2:50pm - Head home, deciding to skip the Comic Book Store due to amount spent at TRU.

3:15pm - Hit Grocery store, getting snack foods. Roam into thier toy aisle for the hell of it. Find 2 more Storm troopers. Buy them anyways.

3:30pm - Finally home again. Set up current roster of Stormtroopers for Luis.

4:00pm - Nap

6:00pm - Jenn arrives home, with 2 more Stormtroopers and Snake Eyes. We have a good laugh about it.

So, there ya go. a Lil comedy for ya'll.

03-23-2008, 08:19 PM
And Jenn wants to kick you out? WHY is she buying you stuff???

Da Talent
03-23-2008, 08:46 PM
Had a good laugh, thanks for the write up

03-23-2008, 10:38 PM
[QUOTE=LordRaven]11:45am - Watch old episode of Reboot[/QUOTE]

Heh heh, Man, I remember Reboot. Never would have thought of it if you hadn't reminded me though! :rolleyes:

03-26-2008, 02:53 AM
Despite his status as pegwarmer par excellence, somewhere out there someone is busy building an army of biggs.

(Our imperial stormtrooper forces will soon be the ultimate power in the universe! :)