View Full Version : thoughts on joe pets

03-27-2008, 09:11 AM
[COLOR=Red]just thinking about how many animals there are in the joe line. personally, i like the animals, in the comics, cartoons and toys. but how well do they work in pics and dios. i have used timber in a few shots of my first dio, but nothing ore. why do you, or why dont you use animals in your pics or dios? is it the realism or the fact they only hold one pose?[/COLOR]

General Scarlett
03-27-2008, 09:24 AM
Flint and I have completely incorporated the Joe/Cobra pets right from the word 'go'.......

We love using them hand in hand with the figures.....considering the prevalent theme of unity in our Joeverse, pets fit perfectly.

Prince Adam
03-27-2008, 10:27 AM
The wolf (Timber) and his visor are really what peaked my interest in Snake Eyes as a kid. Now, however, I don't find myself using the Timber much at all. AS for the others...I like Mutt and Junkyard as a pair and hate them alone. Same for Law and order, although I rarely use those two. I'd use Voltar and his Vulture if I had them. I really like the idea of using Freedom too, but don't have a good Spirit to use him with. :o *runs to ebay*

My thoughts concerning the others:

-Polly I have no place for, just don't ever need him when I'm using SHipwreck.
-Deep Six's dolphin, useless. But as a kid I thought it was cool that he came with one.
-The Manta Ray that came with hydro Viper, see above.
-Max just doesn'tdo too much for me, given I don't even have Spearhead.
-Dusty's coyote, Desert Storm was it, was an interesting idea, but would work better in dios as a wild animal and not a pet.
-Croc Master's croc, perfect for him!!!
-Serpentor's snake, I'm not a really big Serpy user to begin with.
-Undertow's barricuda was more of a prop than a pet, similar to Hydro-Viper.
-Gnawghyde is actually kinda cool with additional of the warthog. And what better pet for a 'Nok!

03-27-2008, 12:35 PM
I actually "borrowed" Timber to use as a "pet" wolf in some of my Lone Snowserpent shots. I also have plans to use Law & Order as well at some point.

03-27-2008, 01:13 PM
PA pretty well summed it up. Apart from the dogs, which obviously are based in reality, the rest of them are virtually just props, with no real value as "pets".

03-27-2008, 02:47 PM
I think just like Outrider. The ones based in reality are very useful, altought the eagle of Spirit give him a more native american look, what's nice. Voltar's pet, a vulture, eeks.

03-27-2008, 06:10 PM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]I think just like Outrider. The ones based in reality are very useful, altought the eagle of Spirit give him a more native american look, what's nice. Voltar's pet, a vulture, eeks.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I think the Noks should have come with pit bulls and dobermans. Maybe one with a python. Raptors falcon was in character, but Raptor was a geeky character....most of the animals are more of novelty than pet.

03-27-2008, 06:17 PM
Scarlett Has pretty much summed up my feelings on the Animals...
I use them every chance I get & try to find a creative way to make the most out of they're pose. That's half the fun & creatively challanging!!! :D

03-27-2008, 06:24 PM
I use Junkyard and Order with their respective masters when shots call for it, and those of you who've read my Joe/Transformers story may recall that Freedom played an important role in part one when he crushed Insecticon Bombshell and freed Bluestreak from his mental control.

Otherwise, I don't have much use for the rest. I'd probably stick Timber in a shot here and there around HQ since he hung out with Snake-Eyes a lot on the cartoon, but I don't see a wolf going on actual missions...