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View Full Version : sgt slaughter, "yo joe"

04-02-2008, 11:07 PM
[COLOR=Red]sitting here at 2 am watching awa wrestling on espn classic (ive always been a huge wrestling fan) and sgt was the main event. after his match he did a interview, in this interview i thought i herd him say something about a triple t tank. at first i wasnt sure, but the last thing he said was, "YO JOE!" this was 1986, i didnt think he was plugging joe and wrestling at the same time. i know, this isnt big news, but i guess im a big dork because i had to get on here and let everyone know. dont know why, just wanted to.[/COLOR]

04-03-2008, 10:04 AM
Hey the Sarge Rocks!!! Yo Joe!!! :D

04-03-2008, 10:29 AM
really i miss all that i was too ;) young at that time , so the sarge is a real joe , cool

General Scarlett
04-03-2008, 11:00 AM
You are correct.......

The Sarge did indeed 'plug' G.I. Joe during his heyday as a wrestler.......he was and still is extremely proud to be a part of this toy line......and he never forgets the fans!!!

I had the opportunity to meet him waaaaaay back during the beginnings of 'Wrestlemania'.......he is such an awesome celeb!!!!!!!

Urban Saboteur
04-04-2008, 02:44 PM
I knew this mutant once.. :rolleyes: no seriously.. he was going to kick slaughters butt in the film.. then he got a substantial pay increase to take a fall in the movie so that Slaughter could win.

Now that Slaughters retired i'm sure he'll clear it up for you.. he's quite open to bribery so i've heard, it's just now it's not money you bribe him with, it's dohnuts.. burgers etc. :p