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View Full Version : Theme Week 17 - Make your choices

08-06-2006, 11:40 AM
The date will be day 08/12 and 08/13. So pick your choice fast the poll will end in wednesday 08/09.

MARS attack it's obvious what I mean with that idea

Cobra Extermination you should peek the guys that you would send out to exterminate Joes. Think about some squads.

Hide your Joe/Cobra for pictures. So we can see how well they can stay hidden on the picture

Joe vs Cobra in the desktoip you can take pictures inside your house/attic/basement so we can see where you live, how is your house inside.

I hope you all like this alternatives.

08-06-2006, 12:03 PM
I voted the last option as it means I don't have to leave the computer to do it :D

08-09-2006, 10:11 AM
End of the pool, the winner is:

Where is the Joe/Cobra - how well a Joe/Cobra can stay hidden from the cam.

So go on and try to hide your Joe/Cobra from the cam. Let us see how well they can blend on the background!

08-09-2006, 02:44 PM
Hee hee. I love those Navy SEAL ads in the magazines where you try and spot them. I dont know if they do it still. The 1st ads, you can just make out where the guys were. But the ads now, I don't think they are there. It's like a photo of a jungle or swamp and that's it. But then, there are versions now where they use the desert and a bunch of bushes and a timer... Time goes by and suddenly, 2 bushes are missing. Oh yeah, fun stuff. I should get off this computer and get to work!

08-10-2006, 10:50 AM
okay, I chose the joes on the desktop idea because it's the easiest one!