View Full Version : Excuses, excuses.
08-06-2006, 12:15 PM
First off, I'm pretty sorry, but I can't continue with my dios for the foreseeable future. Stuffs gone on recently and I don't know how I can carry on with anything. Yeah, love. I'm now spending 14-20 hours a day sitting in front of my computer waiting for that 0.00000001% chance of that special person to return. While She never loved me, she meant the world to me (another reason why I haven't posted anything since May is because I spent all my time online playing games with her). So no doubt this is going to come off as some major imature teen depression, and not a real problem like some of you have dealt with, It's enough to bring my life to a standstill. I can't risk going anywhere away from the computer to take pictures Just incase she comes on etc. I won't go into details. I don't blame her though.
It's a really pathetic excuse, I know, so take me seriously/don't take me seriously, it's up to you. If you remember back at the start of the year, I got a month behind schedual due to severe depression. This is far worse than that (again the details aren't important), so I don't know when you'll be able to read the new tales of Major Barrage, Bombstrike, Mutt Jr, Barrel Roll, Med Alert, Link, Covergirl etc. But I'll still be here reading through/looking at your excellent works.
So yeah I'm sorry for letting you all down over something trivial (I'm not after pity or anything... That's what Livejournal is for :p. I just think you guys deserve an explination).
08-06-2006, 12:43 PM
I don't know if you wanna hear something about what you wrote above, or if I have a english good enough to make me clear. BTW I feel free to speak since you made it public and that I'm feel like I'm your friend.
I'm just 26 yo, but I saw many things happen. I heard stories like yours everyday, I'm a high school teacher. For my past experinces, I had several girlfriends (I can't remember the exact number), fiancées (3) and 1 wife (I'm still married! :D ), I can tell you that the perfect and only woman doesn't exist. You learn to love, you aren't born to love just one. You can love another women (but keep lovin' just one at the same time, more than that will drive you crazy ;) ). Love must be a think that made us better and be better. All feelings that bring us the opposite isn't love to me.
If she doesn't know that you love her try to tell her. Maybe she feel the same. If she doesn't feel the same you have to go one. No women like a boot liker. To all the woman man need to man. What I wanna say with it, that men doesn't cry? No. Man need to cry yeah, there is no problem with it. We just need to be independent. Your love have to make life beautiful not drag you.
Raven my friend you can call for me on the MSN, send me a PM with yours, we can make a longer talk there.
08-06-2006, 08:34 PM
Hey man just hang in there and do whatever you have to do to get things straighten out. Your well being is the most important thing for you right now. All this Cool G.I. Stuff is secondary. I don't think you have to leave an explanation b/c everyone has things to do but thats cool that you did. Everyone has gone through some hard times with the ladies and being kinda young you might think its the end of the world and life sucks and blah blah blah. You just got to take life one day at a time and take it steady. You got to hang in there and if you need to talk to someone talk to a professional such as a counselor or psyhologist and maybe they can point you in the right direction. Trust me, things will get better for you. Hang in there and good luck!!!
08-06-2006, 11:35 PM
[QUOTE=Raven]So yeah I'm sorry for letting you all down over something trivial (I'm not after pity or anything... That's what Livejournal is for :p. I just think you guys deserve an explination).[/QUOTE]
Raven, you haven't let anyone down, man. Hang in there... :)
08-07-2006, 11:50 AM
I'm gonna chime in with everyone else here and say that your life is always more important than your toys. We can wait!
08-07-2006, 07:56 PM
Life is too short to allow a great hobby to inerfere with people's interactions one with another.
As far as love goes, I can't help you there. Only had one other girlfriend before I met my wife. She is very special, even if she does continually ask "Don't you have enough Joes?" Occasionally she rolls her eyes at me. But we have been married 10 years and have two boys, and my love for her is eternal. :)
We used to have a poster in a place where I worked: "People first, paper later." In your case, that could be revised to: "People first, dio later."
If given the choice of taking pictures or playing at the park with my sons or going on a date with my wife, well, that would explain a lack of many photos from me these days. ;)
Hang in there, but never let obsession for that which is out of reach eat away your enjoyment of each new day. Each day is a gift, and we are not promised tomorrow, so we need to make the most of each day we are given.
Take care!
08-08-2006, 04:04 AM
Thanks guys, It's nice to know I'm not letting anybody down, and hear some different viewpoints on the matter.
Thanks :)
08-08-2006, 04:37 AM
Hey man, don't be sad! There is a time to everything and sometimes all we've got to do is wait. Unfortunately wait is not such a easy thing to do sometimes and there's things in life more important than others and is up to you define your priority.
Anyway, keep in touch. If you wann talk about it, feel free to add my msn ou send me pm, ok?
08-08-2006, 07:49 AM
Umm yeah, things worked out great and now are better than ever (though please don't be offended by me not explaining).
I feel kinda silly now making this topic :o
Expect me to start work on my comics by the weekend :cool:
08-08-2006, 08:33 AM
[QUOTE=Raven]Umm yeah, things worked out great and now are better than ever.
Expect me to start work on my comics by the weekend :cool:[/QUOTE]
Did you read the book I send to you? :D :cool: ;)
08-08-2006, 12:33 PM
[QUOTE=Raven]Umm yeah, things worked out great and now are better than ever (though please don't be offended by me not explaining).
I feel kinda silly now making this topic :o
Expect me to start work on my comics by the weekend :cool:[/QUOTE]
Wow .. the things are going fast, uh?
Good to know! Keep posting!
08-08-2006, 09:57 PM
[QUOTE=Raven]Umm yeah, things worked out great and now are better than ever (though please don't be offended by me not explaining).
I feel kinda silly now making this topic :o
Expect me to start work on my comics by the weekend :cool:[/QUOTE]
Glad everything worked out well, man. Love makes fools of us all.......
08-10-2006, 10:51 AM
have fun first, then dio
08-10-2006, 12:41 PM
Sometimes you just have to wait for the stars and planets to align right before things go right. Patience, young padawan. ;)
08-11-2006, 04:37 AM
Thanks Guys :D
Well I took the first batch of photos this morning, looking good.
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