View Full Version : *OFFICIAL* 'G.I. Joe Movie' Discussion/Reveal Thread
04-05-2008, 09:21 AM
The Para Vipers sound interesting, unless they come in comic pack colors. I'll be looking forward to Mutt and Junkyard, too.
04-07-2008, 03:49 PM
[COLOR=Red]pics of wave 9 are out.[/COLOR]
04-07-2008, 04:55 PM
Bazooka could've turned out better, but I'll still get him... When will we have an Alpine to accompany him though?!?
Barbecue-- I was never a big fan of the character until I recently re-watched all of the cartoon's first season. You just have to love that goofy accent, so I'm actually looking forward to this one.
Hawk's collar looks a little weird, but I think it'll be better if he doesn't have the shoulder holster on. I'll have to wait and get him to see what I think.
Unlike many, I've never been a big fan of B.A.T.s, but this one looks cool. I'm assuming since he doesn't have the Creeper Bomb canister or battle damaged head and chest that we saw at Toy Fair, we'll likely see another version in a comic pack (the canister was, after all, from the B.A.T.'s first comic appearance).
I'm not a huge "specialty Cobra troop" guy either, but I'll get at least one Snow Serpent since he looks so darn cool!!
Black costume Storm Shadow-- Meh. If they'd given him dark skin and called him Ninja-Ku, as has been suggested on other forums, that would've been cool, but as is, I have no interest.
So overall, I'm pretty excited for this wave. I've noticed lately that normally I'm a bigger Cobra fan than Joe fan, but with regards to the 25th, I want Joes more than Cobras! Probably because, with only a couple of exceptions, they've already made (or announced) all the Cobras I wanted.
04-07-2008, 04:57 PM
HOLY FRAK! That General Hawk is awesome! Looks like a strong wave to me! I gotta have the General!!!
04-07-2008, 05:04 PM
[COLOR=Red]i want them all, snow serpent more then any. take another look at hawk, does it appear that his legs have the joint where they can go straight out to the side?[/COLOR]
04-07-2008, 05:06 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]HOLY FRAK! That General Hawk is awesome! Looks like a strong wave to me! I gotta have the General!!![/QUOTE]
couldn't have said it better myself :D
Da Talent
04-07-2008, 05:30 PM
another Stormy...Really? Man... Gold blades? seriously? jeez...
Prince Adam
04-07-2008, 08:48 PM
[QUOTE=fireflyed]another Stormy...Really? Man... Gold blades? seriously? jeez...[/QUOTE]
Yeah but it rounds out a wave of savagely awesome characters!!! I can't believe what I'm seeing. I'm three more figures closer to getting 1985 in 25th form and couldn't be happoer with Hawk and the BAT. Sweet! :D
04-07-2008, 09:00 PM
Something just occurred to me... The Collector's Club link simply calls Hawk, "Hawk." Did Hasbro finally get the rights to the name back?!? It's certainly possible with the movie in the works. Somehow the Transformers movie allowed them to re-secure the rights to the name "Bumblebee."
04-08-2008, 12:55 AM
I'm surprised that the wave 9 have gotten so many new bodies, arms etc.
There is only 1 repaint - Storm Shadow.
color me impressed (I was expecting more repaints)
04-08-2008, 04:50 AM
Shame they couldn't give that Storm Shadow darker skin and actually have a Ninja-Ku figure, even if they changed the name.
Well, we finally get to the first 25th figure I actually have an interest in getting; the BAT. The previous BAT figures have had proportions and articulation deviating madly already so this one can't really look out of place in an otherwise 25th-free collection. Plus, the chest-piece means it doesn't even get man- (robot-?)boobs!
Damn, I need to actually get moving on things like getting money and finding contacts -- there's the Target vehicles already (I'd love a HISS or two!) and now a figure, and still absolutely NO chance of Hasbro releasing them in the UK!
04-08-2008, 08:40 AM
Now that they've finally released the 25th in Canada, I'm hoping to see some Canada exclusives like the old days, but judging from the less than spectacular packaging we are seeing up here, it doesn't look good, though we may see some of the TRU exclusives, hoping.....
04-08-2008, 11:56 AM
[QUOTE=Stormer]...and still absolutely NO chance of Hasbro releasing them in the UK![/QUOTE]
I know just how you feel Stormer. Hasbro seems to have forgotten that Australia exists as well. :mad:
04-08-2008, 01:42 PM
Interview with Snake Eyes aka Ray Park (
I posted before I read it. Kind of boring really, you don't get anything confirmed nor any juicy tidbits - guess they are keeping it under wraps pretty tight.
04-08-2008, 01:44 PM
You guys are complaining???
I have to buy all my stuff off the net - more specifically Ebay to make sure it arrives without to much hassle.
The 25th line will probably never come here :mad:
04-08-2008, 03:17 PM
Are you serious? Brendan Fraser as Gungho? I would never make that connection, he's not cajun enough.
04-08-2008, 03:20 PM
Hey Silent Dusty, I did manage to find 5 figures in the TRU here surprisingly, but each of the figures were like 8.99 each. Are the Wal-Marts in Canada planning at all on selling the figures? It was my lucky day that day too, I totally expected to walk into TRU and see nothing like usual, but bamn there were 2 Crimson Guardsman, a Snowjob, Flash and Shipwreck.
04-08-2008, 03:47 PM
[QUOTE=Dersham]Are you serious? Brendan Fraser as Gungho? I would never make that connection, he's not cajun enough.[/QUOTE]
I hope they have mixed the roles up
Brendan Fraser as Shipwreck. and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as Gung Ho makes much more sense in my eyes/head/mind.
But thinking about it, they could probably pull it off.
But I regress - The Rock played a marine in Doom (well sort of) so I'm guessing he will be playing Gung Ho if he is at all, it is just a rumor.
Would be cool though.
04-08-2008, 08:31 PM
Oh Shipwreck, yeah I can totally see that. Man he'd be an awesome Shipwreck, since Brenden Fraser is a rather comical guy. But a serious jarhead, just doesn't click. Thanks for the heads up.
04-09-2008, 12:23 AM
Yeah, I hope they mixed it up, but still if they are going to have Gung-Ho in it...why not ask Stone Cold Steve Austin to do it???? I'mean the guy is a walking image of Gung-ho. Just has to learn the "Cajun accent"
Also he played a marine in The Condemned, and was pretty bad ass in it???
But seriously I do really hope they mixed it up, as otherwise Gung-Ho will seem like from the Village people if Fraser is playing him...
04-09-2008, 01:55 PM
[QUOTE=fireflyed]another Stormy...Really? Man... Gold blades? seriously? jeez...[/QUOTE]
It looks like they made it look like Ninja-Ku from Argentina (
04-10-2008, 02:11 AM
[QUOTE=Dersham]Hey Silent Dusty, I did manage to find 5 figures in the TRU here surprisingly, but each of the figures were like 8.99 each. Are the Wal-Marts in Canada planning at all on selling the figures? It was my lucky day that day too, I totally expected to walk into TRU and see nothing like usual, but bamn there were 2 Crimson Guardsman, a Snowjob, Flash and Shipwreck.[/QUOTE]
I picked up the same four figures as you at Zeller's, a good friend of mine got a me a CG, and he picked up some Cobra Troopers at Wal-Mart, I also saw Flash at Wal-Mart on the weekend, but the rest of the joe pegs were empty :( They are also cheaper than at TRU it seems. $7.99 at both WM and the Big Z.
04-10-2008, 10:57 AM
Oh man Zellers too? I guess I had I'll have to check them out next time I'm there. But they are showing at Wal Mart where you are? I was there last week and found nothing and then randomly Winners is selling a ton of Sigma Six stuff and those 2.5 inch guys for cheap too. Thanks for the info Silent Dusty, I'll definetely keep my eyes open.
04-10-2008, 01:07 PM
[COLOR=Red]tni has hi-res pics of wave 8 and comic packs wave 4 up.[/COLOR]
04-11-2008, 07:35 PM
Hmm.....some of the casting choices have left me scratching my head from time to time.......but I'm still stoked as hell to have this movie in the theaters!!
04-11-2008, 07:50 PM
I think Brendan Fraser would be good as Gung-Ho.
He is a pretty big guy:did you see him in Gods And Monsters ?
That performance was excellent! :)
04-11-2008, 08:16 PM
I enjoy these waves with each new one that drops!!
Lava Boss
04-13-2008, 05:58 PM
Another weak effort to make the early Baroness. SHE DID NOT WEAR HIP BOOTS WITH THE BLUE. Scarlett legs would be more accurate.
They are gonna wear that Storm Shadow mold out...and they haven't even gotten to Ninja Force...using the '88 head, of course.
I might get a Viper, but why does it seem like they made his hand preposed just so he could assume the card art pose?
General Scarlett
04-16-2008, 01:09 PM
Here's the 1st look at Scarlett!
04-16-2008, 01:12 PM
OH yeah! She's an @$$-kicking hottie!
Now I'm really looking forwards to the Movie!
Thanks,GS! ^_^
04-16-2008, 01:48 PM
:eek: Sorry the testosterone got the best of me.
Wow, costume wise, two for two, let's hope the story lives up.
04-16-2008, 02:30 PM
Love the Model, love the outfit...but where is "Scarlett"? Please tell me they're not gonna do what they did with "X-Men" know..."Geesh, these costumes are too hard to create and make them look realistic....I know....let's just put everybody in's so BAD @$$, no one will care......"
If this is the "cutting corners" approach they are taking with costumes, I can't imagine what a travesty the script will be. On the bright side, if this is the only "MAJOR" change from the characters, I can handle it.....let's just hope the wild changes end here!
04-16-2008, 02:50 PM
darn it! got beaten to the punch - found the picture at random myself just now.
Well at least they did Scarlett differently then the original comic - I mean do we really want to see a "soldier" in a orange and purple leotard (spelling?) - it really does remind me of the "spandex" line by Cyclops in X-men.
They could however have given them OD green bdu/acu's or heck even multicam (which would have been my choice if they were re-vamping everything).
Brightened up this pictures as well (here(here) ( )
She gets some kind of crossbow! woohooo!
General Scarlett
04-16-2008, 02:58 PM
[QUOTE=haradrel]darn it! got beaten to the punch - found the picture at random myself just now.
Brightened up this pictures as well (here(here) ( )
She gets some kind of crossbow! woohooo![/QUOTE]
Come on now man...........WHO else is qualified to get the scoop on Scarlett? :rolleyes: ;) :D
04-16-2008, 03:01 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]Come on now man...........WHO else is qualified to get the scoop on Scarlett? :rolleyes: ;) :D[/QUOTE]
Well, duh! if there was anyone to beat me to it, then it really should be you (but I wanted to be really annoying and go "FIRST" :p)
From joke to explosions: I like it, if she is Snake Eyes's gf in the movie then they fit togheter with those suits. And she is supposed to be counter intelligence anyways so the whole spy things works in this suit.
04-16-2008, 03:38 PM
[COLOR=Red]mmm, i have to admit she looks a lot better then i expected. i was never a scarlett fan, and the girl who is playing her didnt look hot to me, but she is actually looks hot enough that i would give her the time of day,lol. still could use to gain a few lbs, gotta like them softball chic thighs. [/COLOR]
Urban Saboteur
04-16-2008, 04:06 PM
You know, this definately works. Considering the viewpoint that she's counter intelligence.. consider she might go on a mission where she'd have to sneak around.. it wouldnt even make sense for her to wear the first version uniform. ;)
her teamed up with SE would go well. i'm just not totally sold on the story outline and what they end up doing in the film. I get the feeling they'd concentrate on the characters looking stylish and looking great so much so they won't care what happens in the film, and just hope the gi joe brand name carries it :(
I hope i'm proved wrong, either way both characters look really good so far..
Hey do you think we could have a GIJOE movie sticky thread. And then post in each casted member as the photo's are revealed? :)
Urban Saboteur
04-16-2008, 04:17 PM
I thought it would be good to have a stickied thread here for the cast list of the movie as well as have pictures next to the character as they are released?
Plot outline: An elite military unit comprised of special operatives known as G.I. Joe, operating out of The Pit, takes on an evil organization led by a notorious arms dealer.
For example:
[FONT=lucida console][COLOR=Red][SIZE=3]Scarlett[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] (Rachel Nichols)
[FONT=lucida console][COLOR=Black][SIZE=3]Snake Eyes[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] (Ray Park)
[FONT=Lucida Console][SIZE=3]Baroness[/SIZE][/FONT] (Sienna Miller) & [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Storm Shadow[/FONT][/SIZE] (Byung-Hun Lee)
Breaker (Said Taghmaoui)
Cobra Commander (Joseph Gordon-Levitt)
[SIZE=3][COLOR=Green][SIZE=3]Covergirl[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE] (Karolina Kurkova)
Destro (Christopher Eccleston)
[FONT=Lucida Console][SIZE=3]Duke[/SIZE][/FONT] (Channing Tatum)
[SIZE=3][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=DarkGreen]General Hawk [/COLOR] [/FONT] [/SIZE] (Dennis Quaid)
Gung-Ho (Brendan Fraser) - Rumoured
Heavy Duty (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje)
[FONT=Lucida Console]Ripcord[/FONT] (Marlon Wayans)
Shipwreck (Dwayne Johnson)- Rumoured
Zartan (Arnold Vosloo)
Obviously as the cast list & pictures are revealed we add the picture to the cast list. :cool: it would mean we would then have the team assembled etc, and see how they look together in uniform.
NOTE: If there are any cast changes please lmk, I can then edit this post accordingly to show the change. All in all it will look great when finished.
04-16-2008, 05:27 PM
Here's my MAN license. I think she ugly. The suit is cool but very... Sigma6-ish which isn't necessarily a bad thing. All depends on the story. IF they were doing a jungle adventure, I'd prefer a group along the lines of Dutch's squad than whatever they are doing now. There's something cool about futuristic but there's also something wonderful about regular BDUs (ala Transformers and Predator. Colonial Space Marines were futuristic enough for me!).
General Scarlett
04-16-2008, 08:13 PM
Just so we're clear........NO MORE threads about the movie!
I'm going to spend this weekend cleaning up all of this.....there's too many threads that are running rampant.
This thread is for the discussion of the pics released for the movie.
Thanks all. :cool:
04-16-2008, 08:37 PM
Thanks GS. Personally, I'd prefer EVERYTHING to get shoved into the Movie Thread that's already out there.
BUT Let me ask this before things get deleted and moved. Is that an official General Hawk shot or is that from another movie?
BTW, there was talk of the Rock being Leatherneck or something. The 'announcement' of Rock and Brendan Fraser really threw people off because the roles they were to play were polar opposites. HOWEVER, anybody who has the Star Wars trilogy and watched the making of dvds, KNOWS that Return of the Jedi was called something entirely else to help get costs down AND to mess with people. I wouldn't be surprised if Joe did the same thing, to an extent.
BUT shame on THEM if they try and get our hopes up. I already have a multi-chaptered story of who I'd do the movie and it has NONE of the core as main characters.
General Scarlett
04-16-2008, 08:42 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Thanks GS. Personally, I'd prefer EVERYTHING to get shoved into the Movie Thread that's already out there.
BUT Let me ask this before things get deleted and moved. Is that an official General Hawk shot or is that from another movie?
BTW, there was talk of the Rock being Leatherneck or something. The 'announcement' of Rock and Brendan Fraser really threw people off because the roles they were to play were polar opposites. HOWEVER, anybody who has the Star Wars trilogy and watched the making of dvds, KNOWS that Return of the Jedi was called something entirely else to help get costs down AND to mess with people. I wouldn't be surprised if Joe did the same thing, to an extent.
BUT shame on THEM if they try and get our hopes up. I already have a multi-chaptered story of who I'd do the movie and it has NONE of the core as main characters.[/QUOTE]
Depending on my mood when I attack this cluster****, it just might......heh.
This is the only 'movie' shot so far that's been issued of Quaid. If you pull in close enough, 'Abernathy' is clearly visible on his name tag, so 'YES', this is an 'official' pic.
As for the rest........we shall see. I for one though, am happy so far. :cool:
04-17-2008, 01:02 AM
That picture of General Hawk is wrong I think - That's a navy uniform, so its probably from some other movie.
Generals have stars - Admirals have stripes - Although in this picture he has stars on his shoulders, the dress uniform is blue/black which tells me Navy and not Army (Army is green/beige/brown me thinks)
(I think it was on some site I saw as well, and I immediately went :confused: )
And just to clear things up - The picture of Quaid is not official until the studios says so, so far there are only 3 official pictures out, 2 of Snake Eyes and one of Scarlett. (I'm betting they will throw a lot more promotional shots out before anything else). The sneak peaks underneath my post here for example (of duke and the baroness) are not official, but from the movie.
The name tag might be photo edited - any Quaid fans out there that knows if he has played a Navy Admiral in some other movie?
First look at duke:
First look at The Baroness:
04-17-2008, 01:32 AM
BTW, there was talk of the Rock being Leatherneck or something. The 'announcement' of Rock and Brendan Fraser really threw people off because the roles they were to play were polar opposites.[/QUOTE]
The Rock as Shipwreck, Brendan Fraiser as Gung Ho - its still just a rumour though.
General Scarlett
04-17-2008, 10:16 AM
[QUOTE=haradrel]That picture of General Hawk is wrong I think - That's a navy uniform, so its probably from some other movie.
Generals have stars - Admirals have stripes - Although in this picture he has stars on his shoulders, the dress uniform is blue/black which tells me Navy and not Army (Army is green/beige/brown me thinks)
(I think it was on some site I saw as well, and I immediately went :confused: )
And just to clear things up - The picture of Quaid is not official until the studios says so, so far there are only 3 official pictures out, 2 of Snake Eyes and one of Scarlett. (I'm betting they will throw a lot more promotional shots out before anything else). The sneak peaks underneath my post here for example (of duke and the baroness) are not official, but from the movie.
The name tag might be photo edited - any Quaid fans out there that knows if he has played a Navy Admiral in some other movie?
First look at duke:
First look at The Baroness:[/QUOTE]
Actually Haradrel, that IS an ARMY uniform.
It is the Army's New Federal Blue Class 'A's..........and now you know.... ;)
Urban Saboteur
04-17-2008, 01:43 PM
I'd be cool to have things moved around, whatever works.. I just thought if we had a cast list + who was playing who + a movie picture together, before the film comes out we'd have a thread showing everyone in their movie uniform..
of course it wouldn't mean the film would be deemed a success or failure, but it might give us all something to observe before we see the film.. and a good idea of the team assembled.
I think so far that Snake Eyes looks great with Scarlett. :cool:
04-17-2008, 02:18 PM
[COLOR=Red]in my book this movie will be saved or destroyed depending on rather hawk, or duke gets more screen time. hawk=good, duke=bad, and im not saying this because i like hawks character better, im saying that because of the actors cast. oh, we only need a cameo of ripcord and CC as well. because those are 2 other miscast. [/COLOR]
04-17-2008, 02:48 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]Actually Haradrel, that IS an ARMY uniform.
It is the Army's New Federal Blue Class 'A's..........and now you know.... ;)[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the heads up red :)
Didn't know that they had changed it - I believe it more now, but still remain skeptical.
Not that movies go for 100% authenticity all the time, but the pants should be lighter blue (ala this) (
If it is true however, that's good news - they are at least keeping up with the times!
04-17-2008, 02:49 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]in my book this movie will be saved or destroyed depending on rather hawk, or duke gets more screen time. hawk=good, duke=bad, and im not saying this because i like hawks character better, im saying that because of the actors cast. oh, we only need a cameo of ripcord and CC as well. because those are 2 other miscast. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Quaid already stated that his part in the movie would be minimal. He has however signed on for 2 more.
So I am guessing that Duke will get 90% of the limelight.
04-18-2008, 09:53 AM
Check THIS out:Pix of Scarlett ,Hawk,the Baroness ( -click on the thumbnails
Awesome! ^_^
04-18-2008, 10:45 AM
[COLOR=Red]pics of them all. gonna suck because scarlett has a hotter suit then the baroness.[/COLOR]
04-18-2008, 10:50 AM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]pics of them all. gonna suck because scarlett has a hotter suit then the baroness.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
DUDE............I just posted those right above your post!
04-18-2008, 10:51 AM
[COLOR=Red]my bad, yours just said pics of a few. didnt know you had the total link. i deleted mine.[/COLOR]
04-18-2008, 10:52 AM
Dennis Quaid looks like General Sheppard from CnC........Snake eyes looks does scarlet.
04-18-2008, 11:06 AM
hey check out the unifom close , can u read gijoe , why ? :confused:
04-18-2008, 02:25 PM
Maybe it isn't new anymore but look:
04-18-2008, 02:26 PM
Storm Shadow, Ripcord (black?), Cover Girl.
General Scarlett
04-18-2008, 02:28 PM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]Storm Shadow, Ripcord (black?), Cover Girl.[/QUOTE]
Yes indeed.....quite the head scratcher.......ahh well....we shall see.....
04-18-2008, 02:43 PM
I wish they would just call Wayans for Stalker and make it right :rolleyes:
I like the new uniforms ok enough - at least they got Snake Eyes and The Baroness right - Stormshadow needs a mask.
Hawk has a leather jacket at least.
notice the guns they have : FN FS2000
Urban Saboteur
04-18-2008, 03:36 PM
Added some more pictures.
Cover Girl, Hawk & Duke. :cool:
Also Added Baroness & Storm Shadow..
I couldn't add Ripcord, I got an error message it says that administrator must set the rules on images per thread/post.
I've sent a PM to GS. Hopefully she can add the Marlon Wayans Pic soon. :D
04-18-2008, 03:37 PM
I will be adding some lighter pictures of Snake Eyes - it seems his mask, is not a mask at all - as well as his visor not being real (it is cg I believe) - might because it would be hard to do action scenes with it (sight and all)
04-18-2008, 05:54 PM
Nuuuuuu ! thats not duke.......duke should be the blonde all American football hero dang it......any way i love the armor they have it almost looks like the new batman's gear the Nomex survival suits
04-19-2008, 07:21 PM
tada (
As you can see - his face looks computer generated. - as well as the visor being see-through
04-20-2008, 08:01 PM
04-20-2008, 08:01 PM
04-20-2008, 09:14 PM
Is it me or does Quaid look more like Flint than he does Hawk? :confused:
04-21-2008, 04:14 AM
He really does, with the beret :D
04-22-2008, 10:57 AM
Shame Baroness doesn't seem to have glasses (shades don't count). Sienna Miller's agent probably said the black hair was enough and she wouldn't be sufficiently recognisable with anything else...
Wonder if they'll have helmets or if it's just the Sigma-Suits?
I like that they took something of a Reloaded approach to Storm Shadow's costume.
04-22-2008, 11:52 AM
[COLOR=Red]interview with fraser confirms that he will be in the joe movie.[/COLOR]
04-22-2008, 12:19 PM
I've lost all hope in the movie since seeing the promo pictures. They look more like the X-Men than the Joes. Or one of the many films that have been cloning themselves after the Matrix. All they had to do was buy army surplus for the costumes, cheap and easy. If they changed something so simple so drastically, what else will they do? I don't understand the point of adapting something just to change it.
I'll never watch the movie, I'm afraid it will destroy the nostalgia.
04-27-2008, 03:52 AM
7 Hurt in G.I. Joe Crash in Prague
Source: AFP
April 27, 2008
Seven people were injured Saturday in a collision between a bus and several cars during the filming of G.I. Joe in the center of Prague, reports the AFP.
Video seen on the private Nova television channel showed the bus, and then other vehicles, being hit by an all-wheel-drive vehicle that appeared to have braking problems.
"It happened in a closed area that was rented out to the filmmakers for the weekend," said Prague police spokeswoman Eva Brozova.
Jirina Ernestova, spokeswoman for the emergency services, said the injured were treated in hospitals in the Czech capital.
"According to my information, there were only slight injuries," said David Minowski from the local production house Stilling Films.
pictures here:
and here:
General Scarlett
04-27-2008, 05:25 AM
Thanks for the links haradrel!
Between this and the car going off the cliff for the new Bond looks like the stunt people are really pushing the limits in the movies for the 'wow' factor.
General Scarlett
04-27-2008, 02:38 PM
05-04-2008, 07:23 AM
Well since its been quiet on the joemovie front lately I'm adding this picture to the gallery - the Joe team together - 'cause we haven't seen this yet - somebody with better photoshopping skills might make it look real, but for now we can at least see how they look next to one another.
05-06-2008, 10:05 PM
Set Visit Preview: G.I. Joe
Source: Heather Newgen
May 6, 2008 Hype! got a chance to visit the set of Paramount Pictures' G.I. Joe on Monday where we watched Channing Tatum (Duke) and Sienna Miller (The Baroness) shoot an action scene complete with explosions and lots of water! Miller was stunning in her all-black tight leather costume and black hair, while Tatum looked rather fit in black slacks and a knit sweater.
Based on the action figures created by Hasbro, director Stephen Sommers' (The Mummy Returns, The Mummy) cast also includes Dennis Quaid (General Hawk), Ray Park (Snake Eyes), Marlon Wayans (Ripcord), Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Rex), Rachel Nichols (Scarlett), Arnold Vosloo (Zartan), Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Heavy Duty), Said Taghmaoui (Breaker) and Byung-hun Lee (Storm Shadow).
As if being on set of one of the most anticipated movies wasn't enough, Lorenzo di Bonaventura gave us about a two-hour tour of the soundstages at Downey Studios in California, where the film was being shot.
The prolific producer, who couldn't have been more accommodating and courteous, showed us McCullen's underwater base station, the MARS lab, the interior of the G.I. Joe submarine and the remains of the Pit. He talked to us at length about the movie and we also got a chance to talk to Tatum, Miller and Park.
We'll have lots more on the set visit as we get closer to the film's release, scheduled for August 7, 2009.
05-07-2008, 02:27 AM
05-07-2008, 12:58 PM
[COLOR=Red]new pics of destro, storm shadow and heavy duty.[/COLOR]
05-07-2008, 02:29 PM
Good to see Storm Shadow with his mask, now I wonder how they executed Destros :confused:
05-07-2008, 09:14 PM
[COLOR=Red]the baroness is HOTT!!! look at this pic
[COLOR=Red]didnt think she could pull it off, but this one pic shows she can. oh, here is a pic of breaker too, but hes not so hot.[/COLOR]
05-07-2008, 09:17 PM
Awesome find!
Good to see Stormshadow in a mask, tho the penguin suit is still a bit wierd.
And good to know that Destro will have a mask - the nano thing is probably so they can move his face around, creating expressions so that it wouldn't just be one mask that had no expression at all.
Now we are missing Arnold Vosloo as Zartan, as well as Destro in a mask.
I'm happy enough with how they look. Hopefully we get to see at least some cammeo's of old costumes for some of the characters. I just realized that all the promo pictures of the Gijoe team is in The Pit.... Man am I slow...
Also noticed that Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes has the Arashikage symbol on their swords. At least they got something completely right ;)
05-07-2008, 11:39 PM
"Unfortunately the character photo was taken before McCullen’s face was disfigured, and covered by A swarm of nano-mites, giving him the iconic metallic mask, which allows the Cobra Commamder to control his mind."
Waitaminute - Destro is controlled by Cobra Commander via his metallic mask... Oh well, guess that's one way to explain their relationship.
05-08-2008, 03:10 AM
Hi everybody. I've been quite out of Joedios due to a lot of factors, one of them being a lot of work at the spanish Joe community. But anyway, I'd just like to know if the rest of you have the same impression on he look of those "movie Joes". I think that they have completely ruined the concept of G.I.Joe, wich was each character having a personalized uniform, rather than being all of them in the same suit.
I still dont't want to judge the film, even if it sends me negative vibrations, but I think the pictures we've seen so far are too X-Men-like; just look at Destro's in front of that gate clearly rescued from Xavier's School.
05-08-2008, 04:14 AM
Head over to for some of the latest cast photos: Destro (sans mask), Baroness, Storm Shadow (in mask this time), General Hawk, Breaker, and Heavy Duty.
05-08-2008, 06:00 AM
[QUOTE=silentdusty]Head over to for some of the latest cast photos: Destro (sans mask), Baroness, Storm Shadow (in mask this time), General Hawk, Breaker, and Heavy Duty.[/QUOTE]
uhm, these are all covered here as well if you go back 1 page.
05-08-2008, 07:27 AM
[QUOTE=Acantilado]Hi everybody. I've been quite out of Joedios due to a lot of factors, one of them being a lot of work at the spanish Joe community. But anyway, I'd just like to know if the rest of you have the same impression on he look of those "movie Joes". I think that they have completely ruined the concept of G.I.Joe, wich was each character having a personalized uniform, rather than being all of them in the same suit.
I still dont't want to judge the film, even if it sends me negative vibrations, but I think the pictures we've seen so far are too X-Men-like; just look at Destro's in front of that gate clearly rescued from Xavier's School.[/QUOTE]
Well work and other things always keep you away from things/people and places you love ;)
I don't think they have completely ruined the concept of G.I.Joe - The concept wasn't in the uniforms, but rather people being from different branches and having different specialties. And as a military man myself (or rather having done my tour of duty) I prefer a unit that looks cohesive rather then a mix-match or ragtag appearance. As an example I'll put up Scarlett once again, I don't think you could sell her as a soldier in a form fitting orange and purple leotard, that just wouldn't look right (its kind of like the joke in the X-men movie from cyclops "What would you prefer? Yellow spandex?).
But I do think they could have gone another way with the uniforms, especially the camouflage uniforms that Cover Girl and Hawk are wearing (those are just plain wrong...) - It has been said though that there will be more then one uniform/suit for each character, so maybe we get to see the old comic book uniforms make a cameo or some such (Here's hoping!)
And on the Destro thing - We will get to see him in a mask, but I figure they will CG that to make it easier for expressions to show. - Did you notice the little button on his tie - I'm guessing that's a family heirloom (ala his necklace in the comics).
The Casting for me on this picture has been Complete success and complete miss at some levels, but I'll say more on that when the movie is released, they might have hit the nail on the head if its a good movie.
Truth be told and I've said this a lot: I expect the worst, but hope for the best from this movie.
Keep in mind, I thought that Transformers was one of the best movies ever! (I like that kind of humor and there were moments in the movie that brought back fond childhood memories).
As far as the hype from fans for this movie, I don't think it will ever live up to it. It will most likely fail in the eyes of the die hard fans because they didn't go that direction completely.
05-08-2008, 06:51 PM
[COLOR=Red]here are some vids of a chase in the joe movie. [/COLOR]
looks like were getting a lil pick up in joe news all over the web. although the links above are from you tube. i first saw them on hisstank. just thought i should give credit where credit was due. usually if i find something somewhere, i post the link here, just in case some here dont have the time to hunt this stuff down. welp, back to tna wrestling for me, enjoy.
05-09-2008, 12:22 AM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]here are some vids of a chase in the joe movie. [/COLOR]
Good Find!
Now for someone to leak some footage of the actual heroes doing their thang.
I hope we get a teaser soon.
05-09-2008, 03:29 AM
Goog point there haradrel, Joes are probably to be depicted in other suits besides those seen here. But I do think one of the charms of G.I.Joe is the variety of uniforms, in opposition of uniformity of regular, real military units. If not, then G.I.Joe would just have been BBI Elite Force, but they are not.
I also expect the worst for this film, specially as images keep showing up :D I think few of us will like it, but I also think we will have to be fair with it and try not to judge it as the die-hard fans we in general are, but from a more general, non-biased point of view.
EDIT: videos look cool, but I expected to see something acting as a HISS tank :D
EDIT2: Oh, well, in vid 3,... that COULD be a HISS:eek:
05-09-2008, 07:57 AM
EDIT2: Oh, well, in vid 3,... that COULD be a HISS:eek:[/QUOTE]
What? Where? all I see is the same Humvee lookalike.
05-09-2008, 12:28 PM
They're changing costumes, characters and histories. I don't see the point of calling this movie GI Joe. This is going to be the worst adaptation since Starship Troopers.
05-09-2008, 12:34 PM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]They're changing costumes, characters and histories. I don't see the point of calling this movie GI Joe. This is going to be the worst adaptation since Starship Troopers.[/QUOTE]
Hmmm, wierd enough I found Starship Troopers entertaining :eek:
Starship Troopers 2 however is a movie I'd like to forget completely...
I guess the re-make in 5-10 years (5 years, that will make it 30 anniversary) will be better :p
But I find it strange that people come off so negatively without having seen a single scene from the movie. Is the uniforms that important to you? To use an old saying "its not the suit that makes the man" (I think I'm paraphrasing here).
I still have optimism left for this flick, I just hope we get a teaser soon so we can actually base some of our fan-judgement on something other then stills.
05-09-2008, 01:10 PM
EDIT2: Oh, well, in vid 3,... that COULD be a HISS:eek:[/QUOTE]
I believe it's just a stunt vehicle designed for flipping cars but I could be wrong.
05-09-2008, 01:29 PM
[QUOTE=haradrel]But I find it strange that people come off so negatively without having seen a single scene from the movie. Is the uniforms that important to you? To use an old saying "its not the suit that makes the man" (I think I'm paraphrasing here).[/QUOTE]
Personally, other than their code names I haven't seen or read anything about the movie that is true to the source material. Like everybody else here, I've spent a lot of time in the Joe universe and I've waited a long time for a movie. Now to see it all systematically dismantled is depressing.
The same goes for Starship Troopers.
05-09-2008, 02:27 PM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]I believe it's just a stunt vehicle designed for flipping cars but I could be wrong.[/QUOTE]
Now add a CGI HISS tank on this vehicle...
... and in minute 1:02 there's a high heeled dark-haired woman walking by and staring at that vehicle. Am I getting too paranoid? :D
05-09-2008, 02:52 PM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]Personally, other than their code names I haven't seen or read anything about the movie that is true to the source material. Like everybody else here, I've spent a lot of time in the Joe universe and I've waited a long time for a movie. Now to see it all systematically dismantled is depressing.
The same goes for Starship Troopers.[/QUOTE]
Only qualm I have with their code names is that they are calling Stalker for Ripcord (well Wayans looks more like Stalker then Ripcord if you ask me).
The story so far isn't that bad actually, its quite intelligent, if not completely correct to the source material - but even the source material is contradicting. From the Cartoons to the comics, there is always something that doesn't quite mesh, as well as the action figures and their filecards.
Just think of it as "their" joeverse, its definitely not the Cartoon, its not the comics, nor is it the action figures, but a new way of telling the story. I think I'm beginning to understand in my "older" days that directors don't want to recreated something that has been done before, but rather make something new and possibly unique.
Though we as die hard fans (because lets face it, that is what we are) won't always like the choices made by the directors and actors, because they could have done something different and closer to the source material.
What I am trying to say is, take it for what it is, not what it could be in your eyes. Because I'm willing to bet that there would be as many different versions as there are people on this forum ;)
Wow I actually think that made sense :eek:
I for one am anticipating some cool ninjostic (tm fifthconspiracy) fights from Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow.
Very much like transformers - if there is one moment in there that gives me a nostalgic feeling and glee from my childhood, then it will be worth it. (To me in Transformers it was when Optimus Prime said "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings".
I know its easy to be negative about this, but how about discussing for once what we will enjoy if it reaches the silver screen? What we hope /wish to see?
05-09-2008, 02:54 PM
[QUOTE=Acantilado]Now add a CGI HISS tank on this vehicle...
... and in minute 1:02 there's a high heeled dark-haired woman walking by and staring at that vehicle. Am I getting too paranoid? :D[/QUOTE]
Hmmmm... Not sure its there, but I know what you are saying ;) I hope we get to see Hiss tanks! (and the baroness firing wildly from one)
05-09-2008, 04:54 PM
[QUOTE=haradrel]Just think of it as "their" joeverse, its definitely not the Cartoon, its not the comics, nor is it the action figures, but a new way of telling the story. I think I'm beginning to understand in my "older" days that directors don't want to recreated something that has been done before, but rather make something new and possibly unique.
Though we as die hard fans (because lets face it, that is what we are) won't always like the choices made by the directors and actors, because they could have done something different and closer to the source material.
What I am trying to say is, take it for what it is, not what it could be in your eyes. Because I'm willing to bet that there would be as many different versions as there are people on this forum ;)[/QUOTE]
You're right. But that's the problem, if a director wants to do something new then they should do something NEW. Taking something like GI Joe and changing it isn't really being original. I'm not interested in their version, I like was originally created with the figures and then continued with the comics.
I love this site! I get to compete in the Special Olympics, I mean argue with people about GI Joe.
05-09-2008, 04:58 PM
I love this site! I get to compete in the Special Olympics, I mean argue with people about GI Joe.[/QUOTE]
Hahaha, we're not arguing (yet ;) ), just having different opinions. And I totally see your side and understand it, but I also understand the need and feel for the movie to be different then what has been done before. I do however hope (as do the rest of us joefans) that they won't screw around with the story to much nor the "feel" of the joeverse - else we be forced to make a time machine and stop them, or put things right (alright its late and I'm tired, allow me my foibles darn you! ;) )
05-09-2008, 06:20 PM
If the movie has a good story, that's the most important thing to me. I expect it to be its own separate storyline just like the cartoon and comic, and even some dio stories, are their own separate storylines.
I'm okay with different outfits for the characters. Most of the pictures I've seen for the characters have been pretty cool. It's probably been mentioned that Scarlet's orange and purple outfit (among other character's outfits) might look kind of silly in a live action movie.
If Ripcord ends up dying in the movie, I wonder how many people will still be upset he wasn't Stalker.
05-12-2008, 03:51 AM
Personally, I can understand making the story different from what's been told before, at least in terms of the main events (character histories I'd prefer to remain faithful to the source) but I wouldn't say it's important to make visual changes and make it "theirs." They won't be repeating what's been done before -- there's never been a live-action represtentation of GI Joe, unless you count those toy commercials from the '90s! I do think the things that are going a bit far are Destro being mind-controlled by the mask (which I'm assuming asn't going to be a family heirloom), and the apparent likelihood that Cobra Commander is going to be a GI Joe traitor since Joseph Gordon-Levitt has been billed as playing Cobra Commander (which I'm going to have trouble taking seriously considering his age) AND this new character, "Rex."
Things like Scarlett's leotard I can understand changing, but putting everyone in identical suits isn't the only alternative. We've been told other crazy stuff like power suits giving action sequences "like Flash comics come to life" so maybe the black suits we've seen are for that sort of thing and we might see SOMETHING to tie them to their classic appearances at other times? Duke is the one that mystifies me the most (moreso than Ripcord even) -- they got an actor who fits Duke's physical appearance, and they've given him a 12" original GI Joe-style scar on his cheek, plus he's got a stylishly-trimmed goatee in at least some of the photos.
I'm hopeful we get to see some recognisable vehicles, but based on earlier reports with vehicles being named that we've never heard of I get the feeling the filmmakers don't see the vehicles as necessary to the iconic side of GI Joe. In fact, it looks like they've taken the most basic aspects of the characters (like name and specialty, with some physical characteristics for a few of them), listened to the spoken part of the cartoon opening ("GI Joe is the codename...") and then just made the rest up themselves.
I'm hoping the movie will manage to be fun in itself, but as a live-action representation of GI Joe I get the feeling it's going to be awful.
05-13-2008, 06:09 AM
[COLOR=Red]shipwreck cut from the movie and the hard master cast.
05-13-2008, 06:20 AM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]shipwreck cut from the movie and the hard master cast.
I think Shipwreck not being in the movie is for the better. They get to flesh out his character at a later time, good - they might get it right then.
Hard Master needs a shave (or maybe he has shaved for this movie, who knows!).
Hope he does a good job :D (I've mostly seen this guy in B-movies tho - or rather B-roles)
05-13-2008, 11:39 AM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]shipwreck cut from the movie and the hard master cast.
Bad casting anyway. Roadblock would have been a better choice for Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Better character than Shipwreck too.
05-13-2008, 11:44 AM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]Bad casting anyway. Roadblock would have been a better choice for Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Better character than Shipwreck too.[/QUOTE]
Roadblock??? Wow, I am so not seeing that. I see Roadblock more like a tall, slim but big muscled completely black(is it alright to say "black"? no racism intended, just curious on what is PT these days) dude with a mustache. Not sure about what actor could play him tho. Will Smith if he gained 50 Pounds of muscle, shaved his head and got a killer mustache maybe :p
05-13-2008, 12:33 PM
[QUOTE=haradrel]Roadblock??? Wow, I am so not seeing that. I see Roadblock more like a tall, slim but big muscled completely black(is it alright to say "black"? no racism intended, just curious on what is PT these days) dude with a mustache. Not sure about what actor could play him tho. Will Smith if he gained 50 Pounds of muscle, shaved his head and got a killer mustache maybe :p[/QUOTE]
We disagree on everything, don't we? We should become Official Arch Enemies.
Size-wise the old figures were almost all the same but in the comic Roadblock was bigger than the rest. I don't know anything about The Rock's ethnic background but I still think he could play him. Other actors could portray him too, but if The Rock was a Joe I think Roadblock would be the best choice.
05-13-2008, 03:35 PM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]We disagree on everything, don't we? We should become Official Arch Enemies.
Yeah we do, but its all in good fun ;) Arch Nemesis it is - Your evil nickname is "Other-opinion man!" :D
Hmmm I guess he could play him, though I don't really see The Rock as roadblock. He could probably play Gung Ho better (initially I thought they had mixed up the roles with Brandon Frasier - because I can see him play shipwreck and The Rock playing Gung Ho)
05-13-2008, 04:21 PM
[QUOTE=haradrel]Yeah we do, but its all in good fun ;) Arch Nemesis it is - Your evil nickname is "Other-opinion man!" :D
Hmmm I guess he could play him, though I don't really see The Rock as roadblock. He could probably play Gung Ho better (initially I thought they had mixed up the roles with Brandon Frasier - because I can see him play shipwreck and The Rock playing Gung Ho)[/QUOTE]
Evil? But I'm the good guys! (Yeah, it's fun, no malice here.)
Other than Scarlett and the Baroness I'm perplexed at the casting choices. Has anyone done their own ultimate dream cast list?
05-13-2008, 09:58 PM
Other than Scarlett and the Baroness I'm perplexed at the casting choices. Has anyone done their own ultimate dream cast list?[/QUOTE]
Scarlett and Baroness I agree on, I also like that they put Ray Parks in the Role of Snake Eyes, as long as he shuts up in the entire movie (and if we see him unmasked he is someone else :p) then I'm all for it.
I guess that was my only dream cast list - Ray Parks as Snake Eyes (and I got what I wanted!) :D
Then again I am missing a few characters such as Stalker, Roadblock etc, but I would have no clue on who could play them.
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]Evil? But I'm the good guys! (Yeah, it's fun, no malice here.)[/QUOTE]
Mohahahaha my evil plan is coming to fruitation! I demand.... One MILLION dollars! *puts pinkie in mouth* :D
05-15-2008, 04:02 AM
I don't think The Rock would play a good Roadblock IMO, not because of his performance habilities, but of his look. Mr Hinton is always depicted as a darker-black person, while The Rock is more like brown-tan. It's like Ripcord being black :P
Urban Saboteur
05-15-2008, 05:33 AM
If marlon wayans can play ripcord.. I reckon the rock could do Roadblock.. hey why not.. what else can they get wrong? :o
05-15-2008, 07:29 AM
[QUOTE=Acantilado]I don't think The Rock would play a good Roadblock IMO, not because of his performance habilities, but of his look. Mr Hinton is always depicted as a darker-black person, while The Rock is more like brown-tan. It's like Ripcord being black :P[/QUOTE]
Ok, I shot my mouth off before thinking it through. The Rock is definitely not the best choice for Roadblock. My reaction was based more on the choice of character for the movie, rather than the casting. Who would choose Shipwreck over Roadblock? It's hard to take a figure seriously that comes with a musket, bell-bottoms and a parrot.
I admit it, I was wrong. (First time for everything. Hahaha.)
05-15-2008, 01:09 PM
Oh, well, if you think about the parrot, you definetely CANNOT take Shipwreck seriously :D But what about the VvV version?
I see a very pesimistic Saboteur there :p
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]I admit it, I was wrong. (First time for everything. Hahaha.)[/QUOTE]
See haradrel, this is the way its done LOLOLOL
05-15-2008, 09:22 PM
I'm not all that familiar with the VVV series. I'm just getting back into the figures, it's been since 89.
05-17-2008, 01:34 PM
Looks like a real tough guy.
05-18-2008, 03:28 AM
G.I. Joe Movie Set Images Snake Eyes, Scarlett And More 1-gi-joe-hummers-movie-snake-e
New G.I. Joe Movie Images have just been posted by Included in this round is Snake Eyes, Scarlett, The PIT, Storm Shadow, New Hummers and Stunt Photos.
its taken from
I really found these shots interesting:
Isn't that storm shadow in the back of the car - or his stunt double maybe?
05-18-2008, 06:41 AM
i don't get the power suits, i mean the Joes aren't Batman,they don't need special suits that do whatever it is they do,seems like they stole that idea straight from sigma six and let me tell ya it was a bad idea even then
05-18-2008, 08:22 AM
[QUOTE=gogorobo]seems like they stole that idea straight from sigma [/QUOTE]
Heh, I like the irony of Gijoe stealing from itself when making a real life action movie.
We don't know that these are the rumored power suit. - I have a feeling that the power suit is some MARS construct that will lead them to Destro (or hoping for it at least).
In fact, since they have been so thight lipped about everything, we know fairly little for sure - things change during production so, we might get something not expected.
05-22-2008, 08:40 PM
[COLOR=Red]not the movie, but there is a new joe cartoon coming out. here is the link for the interview.[/COLOR]
05-24-2008, 10:14 AM
[COLOR=Red]new images of sienna miller from the upcoming movie.[/COLOR]
05-25-2008, 03:01 PM
[COLOR=Red]another 1 of snake eyes too.
05-25-2008, 09:54 PM
[COLOR=Red]some more new pics. include the baroness, the hummer
05-26-2008, 04:16 AM
I've got to say she looks pretty good as Baroness. Still on the bench for this movie though.
05-26-2008, 06:58 AM
so the team logo is an eagle with a star, well i guess that makes more sense than slapping G.I.Joe on everything :D
05-26-2008, 06:59 AM
[COLOR=Red]yeah, plus when the movie figures come out we can use them all as a new team. im not going to use any of them as joes, that scarlett is to hot to be the joe scarlett,lol.[/COLOR]
05-26-2008, 09:24 AM
[QUOTE=gogorobo]so the team logo is an eagle with a star, well i guess that makes more sense than slapping G.I.Joe on everything :D[/QUOTE]
Take another look at their camo uniforms, they're covered in GI Joe logos. I wonder what would happen if they were ever captured? So much for being top-secret.
INTERROGATOR: "What is the GI Joe team doing in our country?"
JOE: "I'm not with the Joes."
INTERROGATOR: "You lie! You are covered in GI Joe logos!"
JOE: "Uh... These aren't my pants! Somebody must have switched them when I was sleeping!"
05-26-2008, 09:28 AM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]yeah, plus when the movie figures come out we can use them all as a new team. im not going to use any of them as joes, that scarlett is to hot to be the joe scarlett,lol.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
I'm afraid the movie figures will "override" the originals and the changes that they made for the movie will become the new standard. Like the new cartoon, is it going to be based on old Joes or the movie Joes?
05-26-2008, 09:56 AM
[COLOR=Red]im thinking the cartoon will be a mixture of old joes and movie joes. much like the new transformers, but hopefully not drawn the same. i agree that the movie line with take over the joe line, hasbro already said it would. hopefully i will have enough joes for my sues, there are still tons i dont have in the old lines. [/COLOR]
05-26-2008, 02:27 PM
That's some bad news...
06-08-2008, 04:41 AM
Young Snake Eyes Cast (
Live Action G.I. Joe Movie Leo Howard Cast As Young Snake Eyes
Posted on 06-07-2008 at 10:04 AM by DESTRO
Leo Howard TV and Martial Arts superstar, has been cast as Young Snake Eyes for the upcoming Live Action G.I. Joe Movie.
• 3x National, 3x World Martial Arts Champion.
• Proficient in Weapons (Kamas, Sword, Bo Staff)
• Proficient in Back Handsprings, Back Flips, and in many varieties of TRICK Martial Arts/Gymnastic moves and STUNTS.
Taken from hisstank
I hope they will show Snake Eyes practicing Tae Kwon Do and whatnot and not ruin it by making him train as a Ninja from the get-go (and completely ignore the characters background).
06-09-2008, 12:53 PM
I'm seeing on IMBD that Brendon Fraser has been cast as Gung Ho, this is ridiculous if it is true.
This movie is looking disappointing to me. :mad: :mad:
Casting Couch
Brendan Fraser is Gung Ho for GI Joe
Posted by Robert Fure ( on April 24, 2008
Brendan Fraser is Gung Ho in GI Joe
Mummy series actor Brendan Fraser has confirmed that he’ll be taking on a role in the upcoming GI JOE film, bringing the films casting expenditures to just under $12 billion. Fraser will be handling the role of Gung-Ho, a former Marine who joined the Joe team. Hopefully they’re abandoning the original Gung-Ho.
What, you say? Well you see, Gung-Ho was from Louisiana and he was a cajun and had an accent. I do not want Brendan Fraser trying to do that accent. So he should just be some other Marine, rather than butchering his way through some faux-French.
GI JOE hits theaters on August 7th, 2009, and will follow the adventures of an international action team fighting against the evil terrorist group known as COBRA, as well as butting heads with Scottish arms dealer Destro.
06-10-2008, 03:10 PM
G.I. Joe and RoboCop Displays at the Expo
Source: Kanon
June 10, 2008
The Licensing International Expo 2008 is currently taking place in New York and a great batch of photos has turned up, including these displays for G.I. Joe and RoboCop (with a 2010 release date).
06-23-2008, 07:37 AM
G.I. Joe Will Show the Rise of Cobra
June 23, 2008
The Cinema EXPO in Amsterdam, The Netherlands kicked-off today and a new poster for Paramount Pictures' "G.I. Joe" movie has already been spotted. The poster, featuring Channing Tatum as Duke, reveals that the full title for the movie is G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra. What we're not sure about is if this is only for international territories, but the fact that Hasbro has the domain name registered is a pretty good indication that it will be the title here as well.
The Stephen Sommers-directed film, co-starring Dennis Quaid, Sienna Miller, Ray Park, Rachel Nichols, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Said Taghmaoui, Marlon Wayans, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Arnold Vosloo and Christopher Eccleston, opens in theaters on August 7, 2009.
06-24-2008, 12:34 AM
More G.I. Joe
June 23, 2008
In addition to this morning's new G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra poster featuring Channing Tatum as Duke, has added two more photos of posters featuring Sienna Miller as Baroness and Ray Park as Snake Eyes. Just click the links to check them out.
06-24-2008, 01:16 AM
[COLOR=Red]nice, i hadnt saw the baroness one. she may pull it off, but i wish they had made her gain 10 or 15 lbs so he cheeks wouldnt look so much like a mummy. on a side note, she has to wear fake boobs in the movie because the director said he liked big boobs and she need more cleavage to be the baroness.[/COLOR]
06-24-2008, 03:05 AM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]nice, i hadnt saw the baroness one. she may pull it off, but i wish they had made her gain 10 or 15 lbs so he cheeks wouldnt look so much like a mummy. on a side note, she has to wear fake boobs in the movie because the director said he liked big boobs and she need more cleavage to be the baroness.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
That's just spooky - I just read an article on the local online newspaper about her fake boobs and was about to post a translation.
06-24-2008, 04:25 AM
So is Sienna Miller going everywhere talking about her chicken fillets, or did everyone just jump on what she said last week on Friday Night With Jonathan Ross? I know she was there mainly to talk about her current movie but when they touched upon the fact she finished shooting GI Joe a couple of weeks ago, apart from pointing out that GI Joe isn't one guy but is a team of the best of the best (which was admittedly cool of her to get out there), they just talked about her chest!
Urban Saboteur
06-24-2008, 04:46 AM
I hope I am seriously wrong.. but why do I feel the movie will be like Street Fighter :o :(
07-07-2008, 11:29 AM
[COLOR=Red]WHEW!!! fraser is not going to be gung-ho, but more then likely rock & roll.[/COLOR]
07-07-2008, 12:35 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]WHEW!!! fraser is not going to be gung-ho, but more then likely rock & roll.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Where did you get this?
Fraser as Rock&Roll would be awesome!
07-07-2008, 12:39 PM
[COLOR=Red]hisstank. the odd thing is that there saying that rock & roll is supposed to be fraser's character from the mommy movies great grandson or something like that. this makes me happy. he could pull this off, but npo one wants to see him as gung-ho/[/COLOR]
07-26-2008, 01:54 AM
probably old news for most, but I noticed a few parts here that were of interest to me:
GI Joe Movie & Resolute SDCC 2008 Panel Live Coverage
Posted on at 07-24-2008 at 02:20 by Tony_Bacala
GI Joe, Rise of Cobra logo on screen. Â Goldner: Â Larry Hama was integral in bringing Joe characters to life in the new movie.
Movie is unique due to there being multiple threaded story lines, there is no singular good/vs/evil situation. Â Baroness/Destro, Snake/Storm, etc etc. Â And more.
Larry Hamma will have a speaking part in movie.
Hamma did rip the movie guys about directions they wanted to go, and they listened to him when they could.
Rise of Cobra was chosen because they need to introduce these characters to people and kids that have never known them. Â So you will see Joes and Cobra exist before they were either.
Marlon Wayans is both funny and serious, not pure comic relief, plays serious role as Ripcord.
Showed storm shadow and baroness pics. Â Storm kicks ass. Â Baroness has lots of torn relationships, that tear her in all directions.
Duke and Baroness at one point were  engaged.
 Duke leaves her at alter.  Shes pissed, you can see where that goes.
Ripcord and scarlett have romantic interaction as well.
Action scenes will not be many 4 minute battles. Â There will be 4-5 major ones, lasting for 10-15 each. Â BIG battles.
they are saying while there are international elements, it is still GI Joe, and the focus is on Joe/Ripcord, and their team mates (and snake eyes, of course)/ Â And they are US military.
There is a Snake Eyes/Scarlett issue. Â But due to him not talking, they couldnt develop that as much (in real life), so its set up where Rip Cord digs Scarlett, and Snake Eyes keeps c-blocking subtlely
And eventually Rip cord asks Scarlett - Are you 2 a couple? etc. Â So its there.
1: Good Larry Hama was important
2: Not so sure about this one, at least we know that there will be multiple story lines. And hopefully one thread that connects them.
3: Heh pulling a Stan Lee, fun to see if I can spot him.
4: "listened to him when they could" what is that supposed to mean? ... Oh well at least he tried to get his say in.
5: Hopefully the movie ends when the Gijoe team is formed.
6: Marlan better be more serious then he is funny. He can do good serious roles, but he gets ridiculous as a comic relief.
7: Oh great torn relationships... Drama...
8: Excuse me but WHAT? I definitely don't like this part.
9: Oh great... enter "days of our lives" theme song...
10: WHAT?! :-s
11: Cool enough putting to much action in will kill the story
12: Good, Hopefully Snake Eyes is not French
13: Heheh, ok nr 10 makes more sense now, I can see this as being entertaining.
14: Good thing that they cleared that up, but if he turns out to be her Brother then I'm going to loose it...
Agent Viper
07-26-2008, 03:15 AM
I was thinking, if the movie fails, will it effect your collecting?
I mean if they do like Transformers and make awesome,beaten up Figures and playsets that would be great!
I'd buy'em :D
C-GDSM 2487
07-26-2008, 10:04 AM
well i just hopeing they show it over in the uk :)
or i shall have to wait :mad: for it till it comes out on dvd then
watch it :(
08-26-2008, 04:57 PM
[COLOR=Red]hisstank just posted a pic of the lie action movie neo viper.[/COLOR]
08-26-2008, 06:30 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]hisstank just posted a pic of the lie action movie neo viper.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Good heads up. I'm still not sure what to make of this movie, I'm waiting patiently for a trailer.
I don't know that much about Neo Vipers, shouldn't we get the "old" vipers before the "Neo" ones come into the picture?
Oh well, as generic bad guys they look the part.
09-09-2008, 02:12 AM
Article about Cobra Commander,
09-09-2008, 04:40 AM
I read this somewhere - might have been a different place in this forum :-s
09-09-2008, 05:17 AM
"one aspect of Cobra Commander from the cartoon will carry over - his voice. It won't be a perfect match, but Bonaventura says that Gordon-Levitt does leave his own unique vocal impression for the character. "
That cinches it. I am not going to waste my Money on this movie!
09-09-2008, 10:32 AM
The producer compares Cobra Commander to the KKK. The movie makers have no respect for the source material.
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