View Full Version : *OFFICIAL* 'G.I. Joe Movie' Discussion/Reveal Thread
04-29-2007, 03:55 PM
[COLOR=Red]im reading some stuff as i write this, as of now im reading some bad things. take this for example, something i found on
"The screenwriter and self-proclaimed "Joe fanatic" also told us a tiny bit more about the film's sole new Joe character, Rex, who DiBonaventura said would be a major character. "Rex is just a first name (which actually came from Hasbro)," Gordon advised FilmForce. "Much like Duke is really Conrad, Scarlett is really Shana, etc. Rex will have a Joe handle just like every other character."
Gordon promises fans that "the G.I. Joe movie will ROCK!" and will be "chock full of blistering adventure, heart pounding heroism, high tech weapons and vehicles, and more crazy ninja action than you can handle." Sounds good!"
[COLOR=Red]NO!!! doesn't sound good to me! a new character instead of an old one, i know this is a way for the writers to put their selves in the joe verse. and im already worried about that smurfing snake eyes. still, its a movie about G.I. joe, so ill be first in line on opening day. honestly though, i wish they would do a good CGI movie, like final fantasy spirits within.[/COLOR]
04-29-2007, 04:42 PM
lets face it, its gonna be crap.
No matter what they do it'll never do the franchise any justice.
(Mind you, Joe fans are very hard to please.)
But bringing it down to one central character? NNooooo.
Its almost as bad as the last script I saw that decided 'Cobra was a concept that will work without guys in helmets or hoods.'
But, I agree Lehsreh, no matter how bad it is, Ill go and see it.
04-29-2007, 06:12 PM
Gordon promises fans that "the G.I. Joe movie will ROCK!"
Frank promises fans that "the G.I. Joe movie will SUCK!"
and will be "chock full of blistering adventure, heart pounding heroism, high tech weapons and vehicles, and more crazy ninja action than you can handle." Sounds good!"
...and that's why! Leave the Ninja s**t to TMNT.......they'll probably have Will Ferrel or Jerry Seinfeld or some other no talent a$$-clown playing Rex! REX?!?! REX?!?! Sounds like he should be Mutt's new Partner! Junkyards replacement! I have a feeling this will be one of those blockbusters in the same vein as 1998's "Godzilla" and Dolph Lungren's "The Punisher".
I need a drink!
04-29-2007, 06:26 PM
It's my belief that the movie should be written as an 'action-military' story. THEN put GI Joe in there. I'm thinking particularly of something like THE ROCK. Sure, the Sean Connery element wouldn't work, but uh, you get the idea. NAVY SEALS was another example. Story first and then tweak it so it caters to certain GI Joe characters. But man, don't write it around a character (like Matrix).
04-29-2007, 06:32 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]It's my belief that the movie should be written as an 'action-military' story. THEN put GI Joe in there. I'm thinking particularly of something like THE ROCK. Sure, the Sean Connery element wouldn't work, but uh, you get the idea. NAVY SEALS was another example. Story first and then tweak it so it caters to certain GI Joe characters. But man, don't write it around a character (like Matrix).[/QUOTE]
agreed, agreed.[/COLOR]
04-29-2007, 06:47 PM
;) It'll suck-maybe as much as Street Fighter with Jean-Claude Van Damme did.......... ;)
04-29-2007, 06:55 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]Frank promises fans that "the G.I. Joe movie will SUCK!"
...and that's why! Leave the Ninja s**t to TMNT.......they'll probably have Will Ferrel or Jerry Seinfeld or some other no talent a$$-clown playing Rex! REX?!?! REX?!?! Sounds like he should be Mutt's new Partner! Junkyards replacement! I have a feeling this will be one of those blockbusters in the same vein as 1998's "Godzilla" and Dolph Lungren's "The Punisher".
I need a drink![/QUOTE]
Supposedly its Mark(y Mark) Walhberg.
04-29-2007, 06:59 PM
[QUOTE=bigtattoo]Supposedly its Mark(y Mark) Walhberg.[/QUOTE]
[COLOR=Red]yeah, as of now hes playing duke, hes even said so.[/COLOR]
04-29-2007, 07:14 PM
Maybe we can get Ice Cube as Stalker and George Clooney as Flint and they go look for gold and treasures in Iraq and some bad things happen and...
General Scarlett
04-29-2007, 07:25 PM
Ummmmmmm................. :eek:
04-29-2007, 07:27 PM
I think the Watermark is going to be the TF movie. That'll set the stage for the Joe movie.
04-29-2007, 08:03 PM
C'mon, all you guys saw 3 Kings, right? Ice Cube is just fine in it. The guy has a lot more acting potential that he lets on or let's himself have. I like the guy tho I gotta wonder at his street credibility.
04-30-2007, 09:38 AM
[QUOTE=maxtype];) It'll suck-maybe as much as Street Fighter with Jean-Claude Van Damme did.......... ;)[/QUOTE]
Ewwww....we don't say the SF word here!! Sorry, I almost vomited!
LOL Seriously, thanks for reminding me about the SORRIEST excuse for a film in history! It makes "the accidental tourist" oscar material! The worst part is, that was Raul Julia's last film! That would be like Ben Kingsley dying after filming a remake of "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"
04-30-2007, 09:47 AM
I take it back...according to Wikipedia, Raul Julia made one more film after street fighter.....thank God! Something called "Down came a Blackbird". And despite the fact that I have NEVER seen it, it would have to be ungodly aweful to be worse that Street Fighter! LOL!!
Urban Saboteur
04-30-2007, 10:35 AM
[FONT=Arial]I mean c'mon.. G.I.Joe should never be about 1 person. It shouldn't be scripted to cater one individual.
G.I.Joe is a team.. not one person.. I actually think the whole idea sounds like it sucks.. and it most probably will do. I agree totally with what has been said.... where is my hardcore superstar cd.. I need to be happy again.. [/FONT] :rolleyes:
General Scarlett
04-30-2007, 11:11 AM
If they want to do it right......or at the very least 'decent'........then they have to format it a la 'X-Men' style. The exception would be to cast a virtual group of 'unknowns' in the prominent characters spots. And make it an ensemble outing, NO DOUBT ABOUT THAT! The only exceptions to 'famous' voices being, Cobra Commander, Destro and General Flagg, whose faces we don't actually 'see'
[obviously in the case of CC and Destro because of the masks. And for Gen. Flagg, just have the 'darkened face on the screen' approach]
And as for the storyline?? Follow the magical chemistry that the original Superman movie did.........simple and standard and paying homage to a 'Great American Hero' ;) :)
04-30-2007, 11:17 AM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]If they want to do it right......or at the very least 'decent'........then they have to format it a la 'X-Men' style. The exception would be to cast a virtual group of 'unknowns' in the prominent characters spots. And make it an ensemble outing, NO DOUBT ABOUT THAT! The only exceptions to 'famous' voices being, Cobra Commander, Destro and General Flagg, whose faces we don't actually 'see'
[obviously in the case of CC and Destro because of the masks. And for Gen. Flagg, just have the 'darkened face on the screen' approach]
And as for the storyline?? Follow the magical chemistry that the original Superman movie did.........simple and standard and paying homage to a 'Great American Hero' ;) :)[/QUOTE]
Yeah, but why do that? Throw in a bunch of characters that NEVER existed in the comic, use a bunch of top line actors and cry when it goes belly up ala Street Fighter! LOL!
I'd like to see them just do it like Issue #1. Simple, direct, no frills, just the story of a highly trained team of military professionals that fight terrorism! Let their action and interaction tell us about them!
Urban Saboteur
04-30-2007, 11:54 AM
[FONT=Arial]I actually like the thought of the film being done like the ''rock'' I could see someone like nicolas cage as being sci-fi v2. As a biochemist he was really funny.. In the rock he says "Oh thanks for the history and everything .. but right now I just wanna find some rockets" :p
I could definately see some of those badly turned military mercenary types as the cobra bad guys.. and the threat they pose in the film with rockets aimed at cities is typical of how I'd see cobra in todays modern world.
I think that guy who plays one of the mercenaries would make an excellent Mercer and I think the other dude would make a good Heavy Duty too! Sadly I can't remember the mercenaries names ;) [/FONT]:D
04-30-2007, 12:11 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]
And as for the storyline?? Follow the magical chemistry that the original Superman movie did.........simple and standard and paying homage to a 'Great American Hero' ;) :)[/QUOTE]
I agree with GenScar here. I think that the first Chris Reeves Supes flick is the BEST comic book movie ever made...well, except maybe Sin City...Jessica Alba....mmmmm....What were we talking about?
04-30-2007, 12:35 PM
PEOPLE do u remember Masters OF THE UNIVERSE the movie has new characters and guess what THEY SUCK ..... they :eek: want a new character to be the hasbro puppet , remember star wars episode 1 JAR JAR the same think will happend with the new gijoe character.... sorry guys but the movie will suck toooooo....
04-30-2007, 12:41 PM
I suddenly want to see a road-trip buddy-movie starring Gwildor and Jar-Jar Binks, more than anything in the world. Maybe by the Farrelly Brothers...
04-30-2007, 02:21 PM
[COLOR=Red]its true about needing a unknown cast. i say this to my friends all the time. look at star wars, both old and new. no actor was a big name when they made the films. admit that after that some of them because big names. using unknowns gives us the chance to like or dislike a character based on who they are, not on who plays them. heck, give jessica alba red hair and a tight outfit and ill be a true blue scarlett fan no matter what kind of attitude she has. i would like to see jackie chan as quick kick though,lol. chan's da man.[/COLOR]
08-17-2007, 09:46 PM
08-17-2007, 09:47 PM
its just a bit old news but the way this looking, we just may see him in gijoe,
08-17-2007, 09:56 PM
god i hope not after all the stuff i've heard about this movie i am very wary of's like they don't want to take it seriously because it's a toy line
I heard that Hasbro flat-out refused to let them use this script because of both Action Man's inclusion and the incredibly stupid love triangle between him, Duke and Scarlett. Not to mention the crappy villains.
08-18-2007, 08:24 AM
[COLOR=Red]i read that its almost certain that walberg will play duke and there will be a new character, i forgot his name, who will play a major role in the moive.[/COLOR]
08-18-2007, 08:42 AM
i just read on hisstank that they want to get the guy from the transporter movies to play action man and that way they can call the movie action man whan they release it around the globe because some folk might not like the name of g.i.joe..also that they want to make the team global peacekeers and have joes from all around the globe but with familiar names...why not just make an action force movie then i think..if this is the kind of crap there gonna force down our throat's then i for one will not support or go see this movie :mad:
08-18-2007, 09:36 AM
Sounds like they're forgetting about Action Force :(
I bet it all comes from studio execs only being able to identify the name GI Joe with the 12" figure and think of it as one guy, rather than a team.
08-18-2007, 01:37 PM
from what i read on hiss tank, this moive may suck.
the title of the gijoe moive is,
a man called gijoe. this may have nothing to do with gijoe , then there was this thing about hasbro saying no to the story,
so whats true and whats not?
Captain Max
08-18-2007, 01:46 PM
Don't worry too much yet,guys. It's early days yet on the Joe script. Hardcore Transformers fans went through more than a year of gritting their teeth on EVERY announcement-and then most of them LOVED the final product! :)
08-18-2007, 03:50 PM
I don't know who to believe, but from what I've read, it sucks. It is like they don't even know anything about G.I.Joe mythos at all.
Prince Adam
08-24-2007, 03:44 PM
Be warned, I'm gonna vent!
Just read that Sommer is back on GI Joe. Furthermore, here's the outline/synopsis:
"While some remember the character from its gung-ho fighting man '60s incarnation, he's evolved. G.I. Joe is now a Brussels-based outfit that stands for Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity, an international co-ed force of operatives who use hi-tech equipment to battle Cobra, an evil organization headed by a double-crossing Scottish arms dealer."
First off, Brussles based? Ugh.
Second of all the whole Global Integrated blah blah blah. It's GI JOE, you don't need to over explain things like that. Real American Hero is out the window.
Third, it would appear that they've combined Destro and CC into one, or it's terrible writing. Probably both.
Read more here.
08-24-2007, 03:59 PM
OH...MY...GOD.. :mad: this movie will suck if they base it off of that, what's so wrong with the team being American based? i mean they were a real [COLOR=Red]American[/COLOR] hero, now i know that when the figures where released globally they changed it but still...i don't know stuff like this just bothers ya know? get it right ,care about the fans, is that so much to ask for?
08-24-2007, 04:11 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: Wow. That has got to be the most retarded thing I have ever heard. They can't make it an American team :confused: . Sounds like they never read the marvel series even once!
08-24-2007, 04:27 PM
last time when i read it, before Sommers step back in, the title was called.
a man named gijoe. every one is getting there pants in a bunch about this movie.
this is the same when transformers came out, and that movie came out better then everyone expected to be,, so you know what lets see were Sommers takes this down the road,, the movie wont be out till 09. things can change, trust me, look how many times ,it took t.a.m.n.t. and transformers ,before it hit the big screen,
08-24-2007, 04:38 PM
08-24-2007, 04:54 PM
yeah but with transformers they never thought about making the autobots space banditos who spoke in stupid accent's, they knew sort of what the fans wanted and gave it to them(sort of :p ), the joes not being an American team is like a slap in the face, i never heard bad things about the story in transformers just that the autobots looked weird(which they did not)...i'll wait but the first accented yo joe i hear in the preview( you know if they even keep it) and i will not support wait and see
gung ho
08-24-2007, 05:09 PM
we should all gang up and go kick some @$$!!!!!........this is the dumbest thing i've ever seen! what the h3ll was they thinking???....somone must have been high or drunk to come up with that....!!!! :mad:
08-24-2007, 06:56 PM
ok heres the latest info on the moive
thay just may redo the scrip again, but remember when money talks bullshi#@t walks,
08-24-2007, 07:07 PM
[COLOR=Red]read all this last night. im not gonna worry about it, it will change a few times, hopefully it will need up being worth while.[/COLOR]
General Scarlett
08-24-2007, 07:27 PM
Remember, everyone was so concerned about 'Transformers', and look how that turned out.......and that script went through a bunch of re-writes and the like.......don't jump to any conclusions.........YET
All in all - Transformers was a damn good comedy first :) At least I laughed a lot, and as I watched it with a whole Polish TF Fandom - I also know what was wrong there.
You know - giving Cobra Destro-like character for a leader is going the easy way. I think it'll be much easier to find an actor with scottish accent, dress him up in mask and here we go! And making a GOOD, maniacal CC or perfectly buid Serpentor is a challenge no one dares to take. Dunno why though.
And - well - I think that we should team up, kick some @$$es and make the perfect G.I.Joe movie together ;) TF proved, that no scenario or plot is needed at all ;)
08-25-2007, 05:03 AM
I think I share your feelings about TF, Ion...!
Personally, having grown up with it, I don't mind the idea of an International Heroes team. I can understand why they'd want to do this -- they have to think of international markets when making blockbuster movies and the subject of American military action is quite touchy these days. An "Americans to the rescue because we know what's best" attitude is what they're worried about putting across in other countries. There's similar things going on regarding the upcoming Captain America movie because that by nature needs to be patriotic but can't have an attitude of American superiority. And after Team America: World Police, it'd be hard to do a film like that and get away with it...!
The only problem is the name; even if they use that stupid acronym, it doesn't make sense to use the generic soldier term because it's 100% American. Nobody else calls their soldiers GIs so the whole "average soldier guy" thing is lost. When I was a kid collecting Action Force, I occasionally saw US things and had NO clue what GI Joe meant. I actually thought it was one word, Gijoe (I would have pronounced it "gidge-oh") and it was a few years before I found out what it really said, and even longer before I understood it. So if you have to do a GI Joe movie and not an Action Force one, just base them in America and let them have international members...
Share your thoughts Stormer :)
Basically - I don't mint Joes being international team. But for God's sake... If they FORCE some well known characters to change their personality that'll be a disaster...
I just wonder - there's so much inique characters in Joe toyline, that assembling an original all-around the world team should not be a problem.
Oh yes... I forgot - this requires GOOD WILL and some KNOWLEDGE.
And personally - I'd be glad to see in film for example Big Ben or TF Blizzard (as far as I can remember TF one got Swiss or Austrian personality) or other guys. You know - seeing AGAIN Snake Eyes vs Storm Shadow could be boooooring - especially, that Hasbro overuses those characters.
Just don't make Stalker a Republic of South Africa nationality as this would be ridiculous! But fully within the wide Hollywood imagination...
And still - Cobra forces give quite an oportunity... I mean - they probably AGAIN use B.A.T.'s...
And then - we'll have a huuuuge fighting scene, with buildings being blown up, cars flying, bats dying and all.
Whoops, sorry for spoiling ;)
08-25-2007, 05:13 PM
Jeeeeez.... It seems the Joe's are becomming Action Force... Not cool. Not at all. Even though I grew up with and adore AF... this just doesn't seem like a cool move at all...
G.I. Joe is the real American hero... For heavens sake Hasbro, keep it that way...
D :D
08-25-2007, 10:10 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]Remember, everyone was so concerned about 'Transformers', and look how that turned out.......and that script went through a bunch of re-writes and the like.......don't jump to any conclusions.........YET[/QUOTE]
08-26-2007, 05:08 PM
I ain't see a reply from Master Craig yet!
I read about this on the JBL and while I'm all for an international military team... I mean, I forget that GI Joe is very US-centric, but... Uh... Man... I think the mistake Hasbro made way back when WAS making GI Joe "A Real American Hero". I like the idea of a global force and they can call it GI Joe... But that would have had to be back in the 60s when it was first introduced. Not decades later when it's pretty much written in stone of what GI Joe is.
I think it can work but man... It could end up a military-like movie called GI Joe, just like Star Wars. *shrug*
Agent Viper
08-26-2007, 05:48 PM
I can't stand this crap!!!
All I have seen at the theaters are watered down versions of great comics! :mad: :mad:
I hope to god that they throw out those crappy directors in those movies and put in somebody good!!!!
lord if your willing, please
Let this be a hoax and have the G.I.Joe movie worth watching.
Let the Avengers movie be great too.
thanks for your time,
08-26-2007, 06:36 PM
just to let everyone know that they've got a new writer and that they are throw out the previous two scripts and starting fresh :D
08-26-2007, 07:59 PM
g :D :D d
10-14-2007, 03:40 PM
I have thought a lot about this and I find it a bit worrying. Maybe its the cynic in me. I remember scare mongering back at the time of the 25th A pictures being revealed, that the 25th thing was just an excuse to reboot the line. But what is this movie going to do? If everything is true that has been released so far, Action Force would be a far more appropriate name!
That said, is this new movie gonna cause the G.I.JOE we all know and love to lose it's identity? Let's face it... The Joe's won't be the Real American Heroes anymore... That is what Joe is... Surely?
What will this mean for our favourite characters and their histories as know them? Will Flint end up a Frenchman or something?
I'm going to be really cynical again and say that Hasbro may well be about to do what Paramount is about to do with Star Trek. Completely F**K it up in otherwords...
The time for a Joe movie was in the 80's. To do one now can only be to reboot the brand and profit from the current political climate of the world. Okay so America and their military isn't too popular at the moment... So lets push Joe into a Counter-Terrorist Unit, which is essentially what Joe pretty much was back in the 80's, the Real American Hero... But it seemed more army than anti-terrorism... Well with Anti-Terrorism being the thing these days, I guess it's just free enterprise on Hasbro's part.
In my mind any Joe movie should have the characters we all know and love stomping snake, while wearing costumes as close to the figure as humanly possible, using vehicles which are as close to their respective toy counterparts as humanly possible too. It's just not going to happen is it?
There seems to be a lot of new guys involved in the line now... What are their plans? How big will their input be in the movie? Will Larry Hama fix it?
Jeez so many questions... I just want to get you all thinking... What does the future hold for our toyline? The Real American Hero? If the movie info is anything to go by, G.I.JOE isn't going to be what we expect or hope for.
I guess I'm just thinking out loud... and preparing myself for yet another Hasbro related disapointment! :rolleyes:
If anyone made any sense out of my concerns and rants please feel free to give your thoughts. I'd really like to know everyones take on this. :cool:
D :D
10-14-2007, 03:45 PM
With the movie rumours, and the one that Hasbro isn't going to renew DDP's comics license, and what they've already done in terms of the Sigma 6 universe, as far as things go for the GI Joe continuity I've grown up following I am on the verge of wailing "Death of teh line!!!"
Urban Saboteur
10-14-2007, 04:19 PM
I couldn't care less about hasbro or the film. I agree with you about the timing, it's again a free meal ticket on the back of the current trend that is anti-terrorism and terrorist activities.
It's stinks of hasbro, and hasbro stinks.. simple as that.
I don't think hasbro would care who appears in the film as the chosen characters and we'll probably get something like a low par street fighter .. :rolleyes:
The fact they are calling the film GIJOE and then moving its operations into europe.. (yeah great move :o )
The fact that I heard destro & cobra commander are being merged as one bad guy called cobra. I love that...
The madness knows no boundaries.. they'll probably stamp the GIjoe logo on it and because there are hundreds of deluded, smacktards willing to pay to see it..
Thats really great... the movie will sell by the canyonload and then hasbro will release the movie figures based around a 25th style design.. wonderful hasbro wonderful.. I think the whole think stinks...
just I swear that I never meet a hasbro rep or person who makes the decisions.. :mad:
10-14-2007, 10:53 PM
The movie doesn't interest me in the least. I couldn't care less what the plot is, or who stars in it. No way will I bother paying to see it. I'm already certain it will suck.
Most people know my opinion of the 25th stuff. As far as I'm concerned, Hasbro have killed the Joe line. I'm waiting for the announcement that the line has been cancelled any time now. And you know what, if the 25th stuff is the norm, I won't even miss it. Sad but true.
Honestly, don't expect much from a GIJoe movie. This isn't going to turn out like Blackhawk Down or Tears Of The Sun or any other serious soldier movie.
This is going to end up in the same category as Chuck Norris's Delta Force or Van Damme's Street Fighter in terms of military movies.
10-16-2007, 02:59 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]The movie doesn't interest me in the least. I couldn't care less what the plot is, or who stars in it. No way will I bother paying to see it. I'm already certain it will suck.
Most people know my opinion of the 25th stuff. As far as I'm concerned, Hasbro have killed the Joe line. I'm waiting for the announcement that the line has been cancelled any time now. And you know what, if the 25th stuff is the norm, I won't even miss it. Sad but true.[/QUOTE]
NAYSAYER!!! BLASPHEMER!!! We all KNOW GI Joe is GOD and everything Hasbro makes is cooler than MTV in the '80's.......
Whoa! What am I saying!! LOL!
Seriously, I agree with you 100%......with the War in Iraq becoming unpopular, these companies are shying away from war happens during every war since WWII!!! They are just looking for a way to drive the line to the bottom and cancel her! BLAH!!!
I hate what they do, and I hate what they have planned, but I remain hopeful that someone will infiltrate Hasbro and say..."uh, guys...if you wanna make money off this line....give people what THEY WANT...not what you and your marketing research companies that never play with toys tell you to make....has it worked for you so far???"
I hold hope that something will change, but for the most part, it's gotten awefully dark in the old joeverse!!
Uncle Flint
10-17-2007, 01:23 PM
I'm not sure why everyone is so pessimistic about the movie. We really don't have much to go on right now. All we've got is a bunch of rumors. And we know some of those are false anyway.
No this won't be a real serious military movie. Its GI Joe. Come on. No
one is gonna make an R-rated movie based on a toyline. And I agree with that. I want to be able to take my son and my nephews to see it. Lets be realistic here.
Yes some of the early story lines may get re-written, but who cares. We already have cartoon and comic lines that don't completely agree. Some Joe fans are so obsessed with the comic story lines. GI Joe comic have been around in various formats for a long time, but even in it prime the comic audience was nothing compared to the number of kids who watched the cartoon. Hasbro produced figures, and then Larry Hama and others dreamed up story lines to sell figures. If Hasbro wants to make a movie and change some of the story so what. How many different Superman, Batman, Spiderman, X-men, Fantastic Four, Punisher, movies have been made. How many times have those stories been re-written.
From the rumors it sounds like the GI Joe team will be international. This seems to have annoyed people, but the GI Joe has always been international. GI Joe team members come from all over the world, and the settings for most of the cartoons and comics was international. People kind of freaked about the idea of the team being based in Brussels, but remember that NATO headquarters is in Brussels. Cobra is an international threat, so Brussels is the perfect place to headquarter a team tasked with fighting Cobra.
Hasbro has a bad reputation for screwing things up, but Hasbro is not making this movie. Sure they will have some input but they are not writing, directing, or producing it.
I'm not a Transformers fan, but the movie was really a pleasant surprise to me. It stayed true to the original concepts and ideas (if not the storyline -did Transformers comic have story lines?), and it was a pretty good movie. I'm expecting the same for the GI Joe movie.
I'm just hoping they have the common sense to leave out the lame ninja stoylines.
General Scarlett
10-17-2007, 01:31 PM
THANK YOU Uncle Flint!!!!!!
Stop p*$$ing on the movie BEFORE you have anything concrete to run with!!!!
'Transformers', ring any bells????
10-17-2007, 02:30 PM
And now it's my turn to chime in. I'm all for doing a sci-fi action movie along the lines of Doom, just with Joes. :P Or Navy Seals.
10-17-2007, 03:19 PM
I've just saw too many films screw things up. The X-Men Trilogy was pants.
The Star Wars prequels were pants...
And it's not just movies...
Look at Star Trek Enterprise... That festering bucket of crap completely rewrote Trek history as we knew it.
I'm just really really worried that Joe is about to go the same way...
Seriously, I agree with you 100%......with the War in Iraq becoming unpopular, these companies are shying away from war happens during every war since WWII!!! They are just looking for a way to drive the line to the bottom and cancel her! BLAH!!!
See Frank, this is what is funny... Back in the 80's when the UK had soldiers abroad kicking @$$ in the Falklands and later in the Gulf, Action Force/Joe sold incredibly well here. Infact kids were actively encouraged to buy the line by their parents when we were at war!
It's amazing that the world has changed so much in 20 or so years.
I guess public opinion just isn't on Joe's side anymore. It makes me think that as a toy, Joe is doomed and us die hard collectors are pishing into the wind... Same with our hopes for the movie...
D :D
10-17-2007, 04:07 PM
[QUOTE=Uncle Flint]I'm not a Transformers fan, but the movie was really a pleasant surprise to me. It stayed true to the original concepts and ideas (if not the storyline -did Transformers comic have story lines?), and it was a pretty good movie. I'm expecting the same for the GI Joe movie.[/QUOTE]
I was pretty much in agreement until here, in particular the "did TF comic have storylines?" part -- the mythology established by the comics was even more rich and involved than GI Joe's! Especially when you look at Simon Furman's stuff; things that originated in the comics are still affecting the mythologies of modern incarnations of the brand!
I have mixed feelings towards the live-action movie. I got a bit annoyed by the Autobots being portrayed as giant mechanical clown-monkeys...
11-20-2007, 01:54 PM
The film might not crash and burn after all...
I hope it's true!
D :D
General Scarlett
11-20-2007, 03:39 PM
I'll remain cautiously usual......... ;)
11-20-2007, 04:39 PM
I'm assuming for Baroness then? With a dye-job? Otherwise I dunno -- Cover Girl? Quarrel...?
I see they're still going with the whole Belgium thing even though Hasbro shot that down...
11-20-2007, 05:02 PM
i'm Hoping They Drop That Too. An American Joe Team Is What Im Looking Forward To Seeing , And The Idea Of Destro Drunning Cobra Is Not What I Want Either. Siena Miller Is Hot Though
11-20-2007, 08:07 PM
Maybe she's Scarlett with red hair? That'd be interesting. Though I didn't know the guy who did the Mummy is working on this movie, perhaps it'll be light hearted like that movie was.
11-22-2007, 08:28 PM
Destro head of Cobra mmmmm , i dont think so , well please do a decent job pleaseeeeeeee
11-22-2007, 09:08 PM
She has been signed on as the Baroness.
11-23-2007, 03:04 AM
At least we are not ripping our clothes with these news like in some of the previous rumors :p
I only hope they don't select really bad actors that make the film lower in quality (don't expect it be more than an entertainment product, so it can be very easily lowered in that matter).
11-23-2007, 08:27 PM
Sienna Miller? Is she even respectable? I don't know, doesn't seem like a good idea. I'd rather an unknown come in.
Agent Viper
11-24-2007, 03:09 PM
Ok thats cool.
I just think they should shoot down Brussels ( Worst then the food :( )
11-24-2007, 03:46 PM
Hasbro has stated that the team will be American and be based out of the Pitt so that's gotta be good news for some right? :D
11-24-2007, 10:18 PM
What Dave posted could be considered the most current info and it CONTRADICTS Hasbro's statement of G.I. Joe vs G.I.J.O.E. I don't know. Maybe Hasbro and Hollywood are playing games just to get gossip up. They've done it before. Maybe GS is right. What we'll end up getting is something as gnarly as Transformers which means they'll utterly surprise us. But hey, I'm open to the concept of a global task force called GI Joe.
11-25-2007, 04:23 AM
I'd think it was possible that whoever wrote the story just referred to the most recent movie info they had, which could have been the report from Variety or wherever that had the Brussels stuff. Since the open letter from Hasbro was more a toy community thing than a Hollywood press thing.
I'd thought that Hasbro had said the team itself would still be international, they'd just be based out of the Pit in the US...?
11-28-2007, 05:08 PM
lets check
11-28-2007, 09:13 PM
thats the link , people what do u think about that movie cast
11-28-2007, 10:02 PM
hey people check this link let me know what u think
11-29-2007, 06:01 AM
Cool! I think most of them would be great, except for Milla - Scarlett; I mean, in fact she would be great, but for some reason I can't see her as Scarlett, who's supposed to be a different kind of woman.
And Cobra Commander Willem Dafoe? PLEASE tell me who do I have to kill to make this real!!!! :D
11-29-2007, 02:26 PM
nothing against Dafoe he's a great actor but for my money i would love to see Gary Oldman as Cobra Commander the guy is such a great actor that he could totally pull it off but that's just my two cents :p
11-29-2007, 05:05 PM
I definitely agree with Ray Park as Snake Eyes, he does silent martial arts type perfectly, I think I would go with someone different for Scarlett as well, not really sure who though. Willem Defoe or Gary Oldman as Cobra Commander would work for me, and Gerard Butler as Destro, finally an actor that could portray him with the proper scottish accent.
11-29-2007, 05:24 PM
i read that Jessica Biel is gonna be Cover Girl, does anyone know if this is true or not? personally i can totally see her pulling it of but i don't want to get my hopes up if this is just another rumor
11-29-2007, 06:53 PM
What about Kate Beckinsdale as Scarlet, just with dyed hair? As much as I love Jovovich, no.
I'm guessing the use of Willem Dafoe is because of his villianous stint as the Green Goblin in Spiderman Whatever. I'd go for Gary Oldman myself. I'm not even going to LOOK that list. I'd rather a bunch of semi-unknowns with a few old-skool stars than a bunch of mid-carders. Transformers was perfect in that way, yah?
11-29-2007, 07:04 PM
Unless they cast Frank as himself, then I'm not going to see it! :D
11-29-2007, 09:20 PM
[QUOTE=Stormer]I see they're still going with the whole Belgium thing even though Hasbro shot that down...[/QUOTE]
I'm wondering who shot that down? Hasbro or Hollywood? With Hasbro's decisions as of late, I wonder who is the worst one for this project to be micro managed by.....Hasbro or Hollywood! They totally need to give this to someone who has a love of GI JOE, not some Liberal Hollywood mamby-pamby or those "Is there a buck in it for us?" Idiots at Hasbro. Hell, before this is over, I see GI Joe as a cross dressing international peacekeeping force who gives kids balloons and defeats the baddies of cobra with "Care-Power" ala Care-Bears.
This sucks!
11-29-2007, 09:24 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Unless they cast Frank as himself, then I'm not going to see it! :D[/QUOTE]
I don't know about playing me, but I honestly think I would totally rock as MAinframe......besides, I know the Tech lingo and at 6" 1' 201 lbs and soon to be 40 years old, I fit the bill to a "T".
Old, fat, nerdy and tough as nails!;)
11-29-2007, 09:44 PM
[QUOTE=nando]hey people check this link let me know what u think[/QUOTE]
I can't post a comment on this site......Could someone cut and paste the following?:
Mr. Mitchell (Jason),
Just FYI, the Warthog is actually a shortened version of the Marine AAV-7A1. The M113 is the same size as the warthog, but the shape is too boxy there are no upslopes on the frontal Armour of the M113 as there are on the AAV.
Frank Nash, GySgt USMC
11-30-2007, 08:44 PM
Man, it's not even worth wasting the time on trying to correct this guy. It's just an armchair mook who thinks THOSE people would be best in the various characters.
12-05-2007, 12:40 PM
Here it is official, sort of, Ray Park is our favorite ninja, Snake Eyes. :D
12-14-2007, 08:22 PM
[COLOR=Red]thought we needed a place to gossip and post news on the 25th. i mean we have a bash the 25th, so why not. this would be a good thread to post new pics of new figures instead of people(like me) starting a new thread for ever new set of pictures that come out.
first thing is these
some battle dios hasbro has. im wondering if maybe the gun could possibly be something to look forward to in the future. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]anyone herd any rumors, post them. im like my great aunt whne it comes to gossip about G.I. joe[/COLOR]
12-14-2007, 08:36 PM
okay first off awsome idea :D , now one thing i've heard is that the vehicles coming as the Target exclusives will be retooled to fit the 25th Joes( at least the AWE Striker will be) not very new news but hey it's news right?
Prince Adam
12-17-2007, 09:51 AM
The first wave of Comic packs have hit! Northeatern area mostly. PA and NY so far. I heard it first on the Tank and now TNI. Happy hunting!!! I can't wait to rescue Doc!!! :D
12-17-2007, 10:35 AM
Those are the best Dio shots Hasbro has put out in 20 years! Front page news here!
12-17-2007, 05:20 PM
Apparently, Larry Hama will be writing up the comics for the comic packs. Check out who is coming!!!
Comic Packs (
And I guess Ray Park has been cast as Snake Eyes for the GI Joe movie.
12-19-2007, 04:19 AM
As posted on, and Latino Review, Storm Shadow and Scarlett have been cast. Korean star Byeong-Heon Lee will be playing Storm Shadow, and Rachel Nicols (Alias, P2) as Scarlett
I checked out images of both, better casting, looks wise than Sienna Miller as the Baroness, let's just hope they have some semblance of acting skills.
12-19-2007, 10:45 AM
[COLOR=Red]for anyone who hasnt already, head over to general joes for all the Q and A's from hasbro. two questions made me happy, we will be getting a V1 b.a.t(we all knew we would) and we will be seeing a quick kick. ninjas arent the only ones who can rise frm the dead. for those, like myself who hated the serpentor and lady jaye head. there are plans for a new head for jaye, a old style serpentor and a new baroness.
you know one thing bothers me. in many questions hasbro says stuff that seems like once the movie is out the figures will be only movie figures, or will we only get the movie figures for awhile and then back to the 25th figures., and for that matter, arent the movie figures going to be the 25th figures, just new characters? [/COLOR]
12-19-2007, 11:23 AM
Much as I hate to say it, I may have to buy a dozen or so of those retooled Bat V1's.....
God, I hate myself......:(
Prince Adam
12-19-2007, 11:25 AM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]for anyone who hasnt already, head over to general joes for all the Q and A's from hasbro. two questions made me happy, we will be getting a V1 b.a.t(we all knew we would) and we will be seeing a quick kick. ninjas arent the only ones who can rise frm the dead. for those, like myself who hated the serpentor and lady jaye head. there are plans for a new head for jaye, a old style serpentor and a new baroness.
That's good news! I look forward to a classic Serpentor and a V1 B.A.T. Quick Kick also sounds like a winner to me. The more figures from '85 the better! Hope we don't have to wait too long Iron Grenadiers though. An IG Destro without Grenadiers is somewhat pointless. I'm anxious to see who else is instore. Recondo is #1 on my list right now.
12-19-2007, 12:14 PM
Scarlett and Storm Shadow cast!! Actress Rachel Nichols from alias has been cast as Scarlett and Korean soap actor Byung-Hun Lee has been cast as Storm Shadow, i'm excited because unkowns mean that we'll focus on the character and not the actor so much :D
12-19-2007, 12:28 PM
I wouldn't be entirely surprised if Hasbro doesn't just frankenstein the movie figures and give 'em a new coat of paint. I assume they'll be 25A style too.
12-20-2007, 02:07 AM
More Confirmed for G.I. Joe
Source: The Hollywood Reporter December 20, 2007
The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed that Rachel Nichols (P2, "Alias"), Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje ("Lost") and Said Taghmaoui (The Kite Runner) will join Sienna Miller and Ray Park in Paramount's live action film G.I. Joe.
Stephen Sommers is directing Stuart Beattie's latest screenplay draft based on the popular Hasbro action figures, comic book series and Saturday morning cartoon. That cartoon featured military soldiers fighting a terrorist group called Cobra, with characters like the mute ninja Snake Eyes (Park) on the side of the good guys.
Nichols will play Scarlett, a skilled martial artist who specializes in hand-to-hand combat and counterintelligence.
Akinnuoye-Agbaje will play ordnance expert Heavy Duty and Taghmaoui will play Breaker, the team's communications specialist.
Miller will play the Baroness, known for her espionage skills.
Lorenzo di Bonaventura and Hasbro's Brian Goldner are producing with Sommers and Bob Ducsay. The film is scheduled for an August 7, 2009 release.
12-20-2007, 05:59 AM will be interesting to see how Said Taghmaoui pulls off Breaker.
Uncle Flint
12-20-2007, 06:49 AM
Seems like this all-American team is a bunch of Europeans. Maybe somewhere in our population of 300 million people we could find suitable actors. Maybe the team should be based out of Brussels.
12-24-2007, 05:02 PM
[COLOR=Red]TNI now has high def pics of the 25th comic packs. looking great to me.[/COLOR]
12-25-2007, 05:31 AM
[COLOR=Red] has posted that some new comic packs may include
hasbor hasn't confirmed this, but i hope this is true. i am guessing that nemesis would be nemesis enforcer. if so, he would be the figure i want most.[/COLOR]
Agent Viper
12-25-2007, 08:43 AM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red] has posted that some new comic packs may include
hasbor hasn't confirmed this, but i hope this is true. i am guessing that nemesis would be nemesis enforcer. if so, he would be the figure i want most.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
I hope to god that is true and they hit Virginia HARD!!!
Hopefully the only thing they change on firefly is the size of the grenades and packs on his web gear.
And Shorten the neck along with some different style legs.... :D :D
lets not get to hopeful.
12-25-2007, 12:36 PM
What the frak is Destro vs Grenadier? Wouldn't it be more accurate that it would be Destro & Grenadier?
Cobra Commando (or is that Commander) vs Tripwire? I suppose if these are written by Larry Hama, then maybe we have to throw old continuity out the door. Until someone gets these packs, they'll have to let us know if the comics are relaunch of the universe Hama wroteded.
The thought of getting a Falcon and Tripwire are awesome. Hasbro musta been reading my babblings over on JBL seeing how I tend to plug those 2 figures many times. ;) Oh, and you guys DO know that some of the figures being released in 2-pack form is on purpose, right? I read somewhere that Hasbro doesn't believe they can sell a single pack (insert name here) so they'll do it in a double instead. In a way, that's not the worst way to sell a figure that might warm the pegs. Perhaps Hasbro DID learn something about the 2-pack era! Better value in the end, isn't it?
12-25-2007, 01:30 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Oh, and you guys DO know that some of the figures being released in 2-pack form is on purpose, right? I read somewhere that Hasbro doesn't believe they can sell a single pack (insert name here) so they'll do it in a double instead. In a way, that's not the worst way to sell a figure that might warm the pegs. Perhaps Hasbro DID learn something about the 2-pack era! Better value in the end, isn't it?[/QUOTE]
yeah, i had guessed this. for example, scarlett and hawk. its a smart way to sell another scarlett just to get a hawk, which i want but will not buy. i mean i have scarlett and there is another one coming out in 08. i wonder if hasbro will bring out all the comic packs in single packs, or just some.
12-25-2007, 02:29 PM
I don't honestly know how it will play out. I WANT Hawk am willing to buy another Scarlet (which I'd just give to a friend or Kody). Hasbro's POV is that Hawk wouldn't sell on his own. It's cool for us to get a figure like that but why not do the Torch/Ripper idea? Like, Maybe Hawk and Steeler together?
12-25-2007, 02:48 PM
[COLOR=Red]yeah, or hawk and braker, someone i need.[/COLOR]
12-26-2007, 09:57 AM
I was already having a great Christmas, and finding out we're getting a new Falcon figure just made it better :)
Most of the others are pretty cool too, but another Duke, Storm Shadow, and Cobra Commander? :mad: I might pass on those, but a new Red Star would be cool.
01-07-2008, 04:29 AM
:eek: Marlon Wayans Recruited for G.I. Joe
Source: Variety
January 7, 2008
Marlon Wayans has signed on to play Ripcord, leader of the military unit in Paramount's big screen G.I. Joe. adaptation, says Variety. :confused:
Joseph Gordon-Levitt is in negotiations to join the tentpole pic, which is based on the American soldier action figure created by Hasbro.
The war-themed story is set 10 years in the future. Stuart Beattie wrote the screenplay, while Paul Lovett & David Elliot and Skip Woods contributed earlier drafts.
The Stephen Sommers-directed film is set to start shooting next month in Los Angeles. Rachel Nichols, Sienna Miller, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje and Said Taghmaoui have already joined the cast.
Lorenzo di Bonaventura, who produced the Hasbro-based hit Transformers, is producing G.I. Joe. alongside the toy giant's Brian Goldner.
Paramount will release the film on Aug. 7, 2009.
Y'know I was kind of thinking of giving this movie a chance, but, come on, Marlon Wayans ????. Ripcord as the leader of the Joes?????? What happened to Hawk, Duke, or Flint, these guys were the de facto designated leaders. I don't think this will be another Transformers.
01-07-2008, 04:31 AM
I'm sure that MUST be a mistake of whoever wrote that article.
01-07-2008, 05:56 AM
i thought they casted mark whalberg as duke?
01-07-2008, 06:05 AM
Mark Whalberg was in negotiations, but fell through.
I really hope they are wrong about a Wayans brother for this movie.
01-07-2008, 06:36 AM
holy cow what happend to duke , hawk , flint , beach head come on , this movie casting sucks....
Prince Adam
01-07-2008, 07:08 AM
DON'T WORRY! I'm sure it'll get much worse before it's through! ;)
01-07-2008, 07:43 AM
we should really just wait and see what happens with this movie, they're still casting and principal photography hasn't even begun yet, let's wait till all the cast members have actually been announced before we start freaking out :D
01-07-2008, 07:56 AM
[COLOR=Red]no way anyone is stupid enough to cast him as ripcord. whoever wrote this should be shot is it does not happen for causing so many heart attacks. however, i wouldnt mind seeing rip cord as team leader in place of duke.[/COLOR]
01-07-2008, 08:02 AM
just read that he will not be playing ripcord in the movie but instead will be..Cobra Commander :confused: i no longer take anything that is said online seriously, i mean this is whack people i'm just gonna wait until all the casting is done and they announce who will play who in the flick
01-07-2008, 01:57 PM
[QUOTE=Prince Adam]DON'T WORRY! I'm sure it'll get much worse before it's through! ;)[/QUOTE]
You'd think Variety, a decent entertainment news source could get things right. I think I agree with others. Until we see hard evidence, the whole movie could still fall through.
Uncle Flint
01-07-2008, 02:01 PM
Maybe he'll play Alpine instead of Ripcord. Alpine was a kind of comic relief character anyway. I don't remember Ripcord doing much except dating that cobra chick.
01-07-2008, 02:57 PM
[QUOTE=Uncle Flint]Maybe he'll play Alpine instead of Ripcord. Alpine was a kind of comic relief character anyway. I don't remember Ripcord doing much except dating that cobra chick.[/QUOTE]
mmm, yeah. i could see that happening.[/COLOR]
01-08-2008, 03:28 AM
[COLOR=Red]wasnt sure about this rumor. didnt believe it because i didnt want to, but in the end i knew they would do something like this to keep me away from the movie. here is a link to the interview if you want to read it for yourself, but it is true that wayans will be playing ripcord. why will he be ripcord? because they need someone stupid to be dukes friend and get him into trouble, thats what i thought the stupid rex character was for. someone needs to tell these guys to read around, we do not want wayans to have anything to do with ripcord, we want roadblock and not heavy duty.
Urban Saboteur
01-08-2008, 04:39 AM
Thanks for the post on this, jeez.. this guy doesn't clearly know what GI JOE is.. or who the people are..
infact picking wayans as ripcord would be like picking.. I dunno.. Verne Troyer as Road Pig :confused: :o
It's not just that but seriously.. Duke and Ripcord "chill" together.. this movie is going to be a total a$$.
Of all the things they could do this would be one of the worst, oh and the verne troyer as road pig thing could happen if this director is in charge..
01-08-2008, 11:13 AM
damn it will be a comedy , duke and ripcord , maybe alpine and bazooka what the ·"$!"!, wayans can play stalker or rb , heavy duty but ripcord mmm , damn u hasbro now u are going to kill the joes mythos...... :confused:
01-08-2008, 02:10 PM
I'm saving judgement for opening day. I was very much against Transformers that didn't look like the toys but in the end it worked. I doubt this will but I'll still hold my judgement.
Captain Max
01-08-2008, 03:56 PM
Deth Of Teh Line!!!!
General Scarlett
01-08-2008, 04:46 PM
'Kay, I just Ripcord is red haired and case anybody was wonderin'............. :confused:
01-08-2008, 05:00 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]'Kay, I just Ripcord is red haired and case anybody was wonderin'............. :confused:[/QUOTE]
Ditto. I just lost what little hope I had for this movie.
01-08-2008, 06:06 PM
Ok, I probably am the LAST person who should be saying this, but let's wait and see. RipCord is one of those Characters that could be black or white. Other than that thing with Candy (the Balloon Bear) getting him into trouble, and switching places with Zartan for a while, they never did develop his Character too much in the Comics. If they don't let Wayans play him like one of his characters in his Comedies but let him kinda be the joker in the bunch, it might not turn out too bad! Not too serious, but not too much comic could work!
Would anyone be upset if they got, oh, say, Edward Norton to play Doc? Ok, he's not Black, but I could totally see him bringing the character to life. Some of the Characters ethnicities need to stay intact (Like RoadBlock, Gung Ho, Zap(maybe), Tunnel Rat, StormShadow) but others could use a little "flair" like Grunt, Breaker, Recondo or repeater. I could totally see an Austrailian or Brazilian Recondo, a Filipino Shipwreck, Flash with a bad Italian/ Brooklyn Accent. After all we have an Arabic (?) Breaker.....let's wait and see what Wayans can do with the Character.....if he acts goofy and stupid like he's in "Don't be a Menace...", then yeah, I'll save my $8.00 and wait for it on DVD!
01-08-2008, 08:37 PM
yeah until a trailer is released i'm not gonna fret over what is said or done, odds are most fans won't like the movie just because it's not a true translation of the comics or cartoon, i'll give it a shot worst thing that happens is that it sucks and i'll never buy the dvd and pretend the movie ever happened
01-09-2008, 03:04 AM
Ed Norton would actually make a really good Lifeline...
It could be worse. RuPaul could have been cast as Lady Jaye...
General Scarlett
01-09-2008, 02:55 PM
Oh I wasn't bashing anything...........I was just stating that MY Ripcord is red-haired and W-H-I-T-E.............that's all...........
I've been saying since the begining.............WAIT FOR IT!!!
01-17-2008, 03:34 PM
[COLOR=Red]like in the other thread. here are pics of wave 7. cant wait to get a viper[/COLOR]
01-17-2008, 04:31 PM
wow thanks for posting those pics!! gotta say i'm really liking all the figures in this wave especially that Spirit :D can't wait for em
Prince Adam
01-17-2008, 04:38 PM
Spirit and the Cobras look amazing!!! I cannot wait for spring! These are gonna rock!
01-17-2008, 05:03 PM
[COLOR=Red]i cant wait for spirit either, and i even want this snake eyes. may be bad of me for saying this, but i hope they make snake eyes V4[/COLOR]
Prince Adam
01-17-2008, 07:25 PM
TNIs got an update on Mjr. Bludd.
I guess I'll have to stick it out yet another wave. But at least we're getting Copperhead! :D
01-17-2008, 08:00 PM
Man, as much as I want Bludd, I'm worried too. The DTC was awesome. But if they go off a crap drawing like that with THOSE colors, we'll end up with a red and blue Major Bludd. :mad:
01-17-2008, 08:33 PM
[COLOR=Red]i think they will get the colors right. at least im hoping. neither my cousins nor i have ever owned a single major bludd, not from any year, so in a way he is the one im wanting most.[/COLOR]
Prince Adam
01-17-2008, 08:53 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Man, as much as I want Bludd, I'm worried too. The DTC was awesome. But if they go off a crap drawing like that with THOSE colors, we'll end up with a red and blue Major Bludd. :mad:[/QUOTE]
I think the drawing was supplied by TNI, it's a pretty popular Bludd image. I'm sure he'll be brown and black w/ silver highlights. Hasbro hasn't screwed up on color schemes yet, even the comic packs are accurate to art they're based off.
01-17-2008, 09:04 PM
Big L, you never got the DTC Major BLudd??? That's one of THE Best figures Hasbro put out since 2002!
01-17-2008, 09:18 PM
[COLOR=Red]no, never saw him around here. i was just about to get one from ebay, but then i saw that the 25th was coming. so im gonna hold out.[/COLOR]
Prince Adam
01-18-2008, 08:13 AM
Just received this from Big Bad concerning wave 6:
"Hi - Hasbro has slightly changed the contents of the Wave 6 case you have on order with us. The changes are as follows:
Armored Cobra Commander =Reduced from 2 pieces to 1 piece.
Red Ninja = Removed
In place of these two figures, they have added one each of the Cobra Air Trooper, and Crimson Guard. This assortment actually looks better than the original, but we just wanted to let you know about the change. "
Now the case pack consists of:
Rock & Roll
Cobra Commander (Fred VII)
Torpedo (yay!!!!)
Serpentor (ugh!)
Snake Eyes black
Crimson Guard
Air Trooper
I was almost looking forward to getting two Commanders, but gotta say I'd rather have Troop Builders. At least it shows Hasbro is re-thinking their case assortments now. :)
Alo there is at least one other wve 6 case assortment with a Trooper instead of Serpentor I think. IDK, it's Big Bad's site.
01-18-2008, 10:49 AM
BigL, if you ever happen upon SicDunbine's GI Joe Army Store on Ebay, he has some great deals. ;)
01-18-2008, 03:50 PM
[COLOR=Red]thanx, ill go check him out. i can always use an old school bludd. i actually thought of getting the a few later versions and using them for bludd troops as the skull squad didnt cut it good enough for me[/COLOR]
01-18-2008, 04:33 PM
<a href="¤t=MajorBludd.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
a supposed image of the wave 8 Major Bludd... i don't like his face sculpt, he looks constipated
01-18-2008, 07:24 PM
[COLOR=Red]woooo, thanx big time for that. he looks great. just you can tell he has to much zartan in him.[/COLOR]
01-18-2008, 07:54 PM
well this is just a prototype so i think he'll look a little less like Zartan
Prince Adam
01-18-2008, 09:42 PM
Not feeling this one at all. It would've looked better with Flash parts that these.
01-19-2008, 11:00 AM
Hello! Please could someone explain me what's the deal with Bludd's right arm? Is it bionic?
01-19-2008, 11:04 AM
i think it's just armor
01-19-2008, 01:19 PM
The best theory I ever read is that it's armor to protect him from potential recoil and/or explosion if that rocket pistol of his ever malfunctions.
I love this figure, by the way.
01-20-2008, 01:22 PM
I thought it was shielding against the rocket exhaust from his pistol?
01-20-2008, 07:04 PM
I thought it was a fake arm. Like, it was robotic or something (or ultra burned like ANakin SkyWalKer). Didn't DD in the comic say that Bludd lost his right hand and when General Rey was duking it out with Bludd, didn't Bludd get all bugged about 'losing his other hand?"???
01-20-2008, 07:37 PM
oh... an armor... it make sense. I always thinked about it as bionic like Steve Austin.
01-20-2008, 08:04 PM
[QUOTE=rambo]oh... an armor... it make sense. I always thinked about it as bionic like Steve Austin.[/QUOTE]
You ALMOST make me spit out my kakipi. Not so much cuz Steve Austin as the Millionair Dollar Man, I meant as STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!
01-20-2008, 08:08 PM
:D :D :D
Stone Cold... that's another cool character. Yeah I was referring to the Six million dollar man. When I was a kid, there wasn't Stone Cold. :D
01-20-2008, 08:10 PM
Sonneilon... who is the clown?
01-20-2008, 08:19 PM
LOOK HERE YOU OLD FART!!! j/k I don't really remember watching Lee Majors as the Bionic Man. I DO remember watching Bionic Woman more. Dont' worry, I think maybe that old Steve Austin has had JUST as much work on him. I mean, he DOES wear 2 knee braces; looks like a broken down mofo to me.
Uhmmmm, anyway, the clown in question... It's a, uh, clown from the Cirque du Soleil video, QUIDAM. He can be scary to some but he's a BUFF mofo and way cool.
01-20-2008, 08:50 PM
:D I DO remember Lee Majors playing Steve Austin... another one that I remember is Bill Bixbie. I don't remember them very very clearly but I have some memories. Jaimie Summers DOES wear 2 knee braces too... anyway she was prettier.
Clowns look scary.... just think about Krusty.
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]LOOK HERE YOU OLD FART!!! j/k I don't really remember watching Lee Majors as the Bionic Man. I DO remember watching Bionic Woman more. Dont' worry, I think maybe that old Steve Austin has had JUST as much work on him. I mean, he DOES wear 2 knee braces; looks like a broken down mofo to me.
Uhmmmm, anyway, the clown in question... It's a, uh, clown from the Cirque du Soleil video, QUIDAM. He can be scary to some but he's a BUFF mofo and way cool.[/QUOTE]
01-20-2008, 08:55 PM
Bill Bixbie played the Bionic Man? I knew Bixbie as the Incredible Hulk. For the record, I DO remember the Fall Guy. I did like this show. Geez, right up there with Dukes of Hazard for me. Uh, what was the original topic again?
01-21-2008, 06:29 AM
When Rey cut off Bludd's hand, I think it was as a direct result of all the fan speculation/confusion over the original figure's right arm. They basically said "Well, if it wasn't bionic before [and it wasn't] then it definitely is now!"
01-21-2008, 09:04 AM
[COLOR=Red]yes, it was bixbie who played the hulk, not the bionic man. and cirque du soleil rocks. havent saw it in a few years however.[/COLOR]
01-21-2008, 10:16 AM
You are all rigth. But I didn't say Bill Bixbie played the Bionic man. I just said I remember him... and it seems all of you too. So dear Sonneilon you are another OLD FART too...
Yes, Cirque du Soleil is art! We only have Circus of the Gasca Brothers :D
01-23-2008, 09:01 AM
[COLOR=Red]just wanting to know if anyone has any idea as to what the prices of the target or any other upcoming 25th vehicles will be? will it be cheaper to buy the old school from ebay or cheaper to get the 25th? and in your opinion, if any play sets, say the command center comes out, will it be cheaper on ebay or in the stores?[/COLOR]
01-23-2008, 10:59 AM
I'm guessing they'll be comparable to ebay prices for the most part. I think the real selling the point are the figures that will be in the vehicle packs.
01-23-2008, 12:23 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I think the real selling the point are the figures that will be in the vehicle packs.[/QUOTE]
Not to everyone... ;)
01-23-2008, 01:26 PM
I think they are going to be around 12-15 buck range is what I heard late last year.
Prince Adam
01-23-2008, 05:01 PM
I think $15, I remember hearing that at some point too. I'm hoping to stock up on a few hiss and a couple of cans of flat black spray paint. Too bad their driver sucks, but I'm sure I can find some who'll want them.
01-23-2008, 07:07 PM
[COLOR=Red]you dont like the driver? i think he rocks[/COLOR]
Prince Adam
01-23-2008, 07:14 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]you dont like the driver? i think he rocks[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
I just wish they'd held out for the actual Hiss Driver. This guy looks like stinger driver with different pants. An all black Trooper would've been cool
01-23-2008, 07:44 PM
The driver is a dork for the HISS. But Crankcase, I'd have more interest in.
Prince Adam
01-23-2008, 08:22 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]The driver is a dork for the HISS. But Crankcase, I'd have more interest in.[/QUOTE]
Agreed! Crankcase and Grandslam rock! I'm curious to see what else, if anything, they re-release. Man I can't for these to hit! They better get to the Vamp and Clutch SOON!
01-25-2008, 12:31 PM
Hasbro just won't stop revealing product! Check out the three "Senior Ranking Officers" sets at the bottom of this page:
They're going to be TRU exclusives. My quick opinions:
The Crimson set is not my cup o' tea. I don't like Cobra Commander in red, and I really don't even like Siegies all that much, so I'll pass.
The Cobra set is just the single card officer and the five-pack trooper, but they come with a more cartoon-accurate Cobra Commander than the supposed cartoon-accurate one that was revealed a few days ago! Note the absence of red trim on his gloves, and the gray upper belt, in addition to the stripe on the helmet. That's what a cartoon CC is supposed to look like! I'll probably skip the single-card one and grab this set.
The Joe set leaves me with mixed feelings. It's great that we're getting Grunt (though I'm not sure why he's considered a senior officer). The Duke is the same one as we're getting single-carded with the jet pack. The Hawk is pretty neat, with the Duke torso and long sleeves. I could see myself using him as Hawk around HQ, when he doesn't always wear his bomber jacket (assuming they make a bomber jacket Hawk, which I'm almost certain they will). If nothing else, he looks more formal than comic pack Hawk, so I'll likely get this set-- Even if I do wind up with another Duke I won't need.
Really, though, instead of Duke, I would've liked to see the Tiger Force Flint we just saw yesterday, but painted in his cartoon colors. That would've made the Joe set a definite must-buy.
(oh, and I almost forgot-- Snow Job rifles are always a nice bonus incentive for me to get something, and the Joe set has two!)
EDIT: Someone just said on another forum that the Hawk would make a great base for a 25th Steeler! I hadn't even considered that, but now the set is a must-buy!
01-25-2008, 12:51 PM
[COLOR=Red]great heads up. i had just came across these and this post at the same time. i feel the same about the CG's in the way that i dont like cobra commander in red. but ill get these to have the officer, i wont get the blue shirts or the joes. i dont liek the way grunt's head looks. i will be getting the night watch, i never got those a few years ago when they came out.[/COLOR]
Da Talent
01-25-2008, 08:50 PM
I think Cobra Commander is getting more repaints and releases than snake eyes! I mean jeezzzzzzzzzz!
01-25-2008, 09:07 PM
I wouldn't be getting CC or SE if I wasn't trying to get the complete set of 25th stuff, if for no other reason then getting to be able to give them to my kids one day.
Let's get some rare figures remade, or better yet how about throwing in an original figure once and a while.
01-26-2008, 09:36 AM
The movie had better rule!!! I want to see the rise of Cobra and Joe team. It had better not be a disaster.
01-26-2008, 09:55 AM
[COLOR=Red]i honestly expect the fan film to be better. sad, but that is what i expect.[/COLOR]
Lava Boss
01-26-2008, 07:40 PM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier] It's great that we're getting Grunt (though I'm not sure why he's considered a senior officer). [/QUOTE]
He's not supposed to be, these are mistitled sets. They are what the Hasbro people compared to an Evolutions set from the Star Wars line. The transition from enlisted man (Grunt) to First Sergeant (Duke) and commanding officer (Hawk). Same with the Corba sets, only one has elite troops and both have Cobra Commander as the commanding officer.
Basically, it's trooper, field leader/officer, commanding officer.
01-28-2008, 01:26 PM
GIJOE is apparently an acronym for "Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity", only when was The Real American Hero 'Globally integrated' ?
From IMDB so not sure how true it is but
"A European-based military unit known as Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity (G.I.J.O.E.), a hi-tech, international force of special operatives takes on an evil organization led by a notorious arms dealer."
02-05-2008, 03:37 PM
I know this might be advertising (I don't have anything to do with the site! And I contribute here with pictures etc) but if you want the latest news on the movie go here:
Just do a search for gijoe and you'll find bundles of good info.
I think they have started filming now, or are going to at the end of february (or some such).
I'm expecting the worst and hoping for the best. Marlon Wayans as Ripcord?! Seriously, why couldn't they make him Stalker instead...
And I hope to JOE almighty that they make Snake Eyes (Ray Park aka Darth Maul/Toad from X-men) a mute!
I've been thinking that multicam uniforms might be the way to go on some of the characters - but who knows they might try to keep it all like the original (I highly doubt it - seeing grown men in bright blue uniforms isn't going to be very believable)
02-05-2008, 04:41 PM
I'm not feeling real good about the movie. I just can't help but think it's gonna be sucky. Different than Transformers which ended up pretty good.
02-10-2008, 07:27 PM
A random rumor I found somewhere:
Karolína Isela Kurková as Cover Girl
That is not confirmed, and filming has started!
I hope we get to see some sneak peeks soon.
There is a rumor floating around that Snake Eyes will wear shades and no mask, and that he will talk... I hope not...
Also I read that they are going for the whole Scarlett & Snake Eyes thing and not Duke. But again all of that is only a rumor.
02-11-2008, 10:58 AM
G.I. Joe Starts Filming Today
Source: The Associated Press
February 11, 2008
In an article talking about Hasbro's fourth quarter results, it was revealed that G.I. Joe starts shooting today:
Two Hasbro-related live-action movies are scheduled to be released in 2009 — Transformers 2 and G.I. Joe, based on the Hasbro action figure starts shooting Monday, Verrecchia said. Despite a Hollywood writers strike, there were no delays in the movies' production schedules, he said.
Paramount has scheduled an August 7, 2009 release date for the Stephen Sommers-directed action-adventure written by Stuart Beattie. Dennis Quaid, Channing Tatum, Sienna Miller, Ray Park, Rachel Nichols, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Said Taghmaoui, Marlon Wayans, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Arnold Vosloo and David Murray star.
02-12-2008, 01:21 PM
Eccleston Reports for G.I. Joe Duty
Source: IESB, The Hollywood Reporter
February 12, 2008
First reported by IESB and later confirmed by The Hollywood Reporter, Christopher Eccleston has been cast as the villainous Destro in Paramount's G.I. Joe. The actor's credits include 28 Days Later, "Heroes" and "Doctor Who."
Irish-born actor David Murray originally had been set for the role, but withdrew from the film because of visa issues. Stephen Sommers is directing the latest script written by Stuart Beattie.
Produced by Lorenzo di Bonaventura (Transformers), the August 7, 2009 release co-stars Dennis Quaid, Channing Tatum, Sienna Miller, Ray Park, Rachel Nichols, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Said Taghmaoui, Marlon Wayans, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Arnold Vosloo.
For those of you who don't know him.
He's the invisible man from Heroes!
02-14-2008, 12:10 PM
[COLOR=Red]just found out that we are going to be getting some battle packs from the cartoon mini series. each will have between 3 and 4 figures. the sets include the mass device(which we have already saw the commander with the hard element). the weather dominator, arise serpentor arise, pyramid of darkness(dont know who were getting from these 3) and the animated movie(which is where the falcon/nemesis comes into play). these will be around the 19.99 price range.
we will also be getting some vehicle other then the ones we already knew of. so far there will the V.A.M.P. and armadillo vs. serpentor’s chariot. the price for these will be around 14.99 each, not sure if the armadillo vs the chariot will be 14.99. im guessing not.
as for the single packs, so far there are 40 set for 08 at 5.99 each. and the 12 inch line is coming back. dont know what characters there will be yet, but the price will be around the same as the vehicles. kinda costly im thinking, but i dont know as i never bought 12 before.
02-14-2008, 01:19 PM
I'm all about the Falcon pack. Hope to have a chance to pick him up. He is DA character IMHO.
02-14-2008, 02:15 PM
I'm really excited for the cartoon packs. I've already got my preferred line-ups picked out. I doubt they'll happen like this, but a guy can dream:
MASS Device
1. Duke w/new, cartoon-accurate head (or just a re-tool of the already cartoon-accurate VvV Comic Pack head)
2. Torpedo (cartoon colors)
3. Snake-Eyes (purple v1 costume with no gloves)
4. Scarlett w/new, cartoon-accurate head
Revenge of Cobra
1. Flint (cartoon colors)
2. Lady Jaye (no hat, cartoon colors)
3. Mutt & Junkyard
4. Zartan (cartoon colors)
Pyramid of Darkness
1. Bazooka
2. Alpine
3. Quick-Kick
4. Dusty
Arise, Serpentor, Arise
1. Dr. Mindbender
2. Scrap-Iron (cartoon colors-- ie, gray helmet)
3. General Hawk (cartoon colors-- black hair)
4. And if they could somehow secure a license to do it-- Sgt. Slaughter!
G.I. Joe: The Movie
1. Jinx
2. Pythona
3. Golobulus
4. Cobra-La Guard
I suspect, however, that we'll see some of these characters single-carded before the year is out (particularly my choices for the Pyramid of Darkness). If that happens, I'll change my dream line-ups.
Also, I didn't list Falcon and Nemesis Enforcer under the movie because I was under the impression that was going to be a comic 2-pack-- Just like how the MASS Device CC and Baroness are going to be single-carded.
Finally, I'm betting that this is where we'll see the promised Scarlett and Lady Jaye with new head sculpts show up. I'd rather not see a Scarlett in the MASS Device set, but that seems the most logical place for her so I included her there. I'd much rather see a Destro with new lower arms that have no grenades or wrist rockets, and a new cartoon-accurate head.
EDIT: Oh, and I forgot-- Naturally, all the Joes in these sets would come with Snow-Job rifles!!
DOUBLE EDIT: Also, I didn't include Serpentor in the "Arise Serpentor Arise" set since it appears we're getting a new carded version of him this year, and I'd be willing to bet he'll also come with the just-announced Air Chariot.
02-16-2008, 03:42 AM
Clinton, Obama & McCain Who? Here Pryce is President!
Source: Latino Review
February 16, 2008
Latino Review is reporting that Jonathan Pryce ("Pirates of the Caribbean" trilogy) has been cast as President of the United States in Stephen Sommer's live-action G.I. Joe adaptation at Paramount Pictures.
02-17-2008, 04:03 AM
Hasbro Previews G.I. Joe, Hulk, Iron Man, Indy & Clone Wars
Source: Edward Douglas
February 17, 2008
The G.I. Joe presentation kicked-off with some of the new figures to coincide with the 25th Anniversary of G.I. Joe's battle with Cobra, but more exciting was the preview reel for next year's movie, showing off concept art and animatics from the movie with sound bites by Sommers, producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura, screenwriter Stuart Beattie and others, talking about the general principle behind the movie, while confirming all of the casting that's been discussed over the past few months. The two women on each respective team, Cobra's The Baroness played by Sienna Miller and Rachel Nichols' Scarlett, were said to anchor the movie with two love stories (just what guys need in a G.I. Joe movie, right?). Presumably, these romances are between the two women and men on their respective teams, unless there's some sort of "don't ask, don't tell" scenario going on that we probably don't need to know about. The movie, which just started shooting last Wednesday, will be more of a "James Bond adventure fantasy" that will take the characters to the polar ice cap, the Sahara desert and Australia, though we also got to see early animatics for one of the key scenes, which was an accelerator suit chase through the streets of Paris, which looks like something we might see in a "Flash" comic book (or movie, if that ever happens). The movie will also introduce a number of new vehicles including "The Scarab" and "Howler," but since the movie just started production, one probably shouldn't expect to see any movie-related toys from Hasbro until next year's Toy Fair.
02-17-2008, 05:47 AM
Accelerator suit? Sounds horribly Sigma 6...
And how much you want to bet the Scarab and Howler are the same basic vehicle type as existing ones, so we end up wondering why they couldn't have just made the things we know instead of making up more stuff just for the sake of it...?
02-17-2008, 06:49 AM
Might be a M.A.R.S. product - Who knows
I'm expecting the worst and hoping for the best for this movie :rolleyes:
02-19-2008, 06:55 AM
[QUOTE=Stormer]Accelerator suit? Sounds horribly Sigma 6...
And how much you want to bet the Scarab and Howler are the same basic vehicle type as existing ones, so we end up wondering why they couldn't have just made the things we know instead of making up more stuff just for the sake of it...?[/QUOTE]
It dosen't sound to far fetched especially when you think about the future warrior system.
02-19-2008, 10:34 AM
Oh, I know there's all kinds of technological enhancements and strength-boosting exo-skeletons in development, but when you are able to compare something to the Flash you're in the realms of wacky sci-fi that Sigma 6 reveled in. I imagine there's going to be virtually nothing that resembles conventional military in this movie, apart from maybe Hawk in uniform...
I can understand them playing up the sci-fi for the movie, especially since they'll want to sell this movie to countries who aren't necessarily going to jump behind a (US) military unit as the sole protagonists (at least Transformers had heroic alien robot monkey-clowns to get behind). It just gets to a point, with all the "tweaks and improvements," where I find myself asking why they bother calling it GI Joe when it only shares names with the source material.
Last I heard (haven't gone looking for a proper source, admittedly): Snake Eyes will wear shades but no mask, and will be a speaking role (Ray Park's Englishness helping the international team thing, I guess) and Baroness might be blonde. What is it with actresses not changing their hair colour for adaptations, do they think it won't fulfill the star's "brand identity" or something? (Nicole Kidman's character in the Golden Compass has black hair in the book as, I believe, did Michelle Pfeiffer's character in Stardust...)
02-19-2008, 10:45 AM
The shade part and snake eyes speaking is a rumor, nothing has been confirmed about that yet. (hopefully he shuts the heck up like the good mute Ninja he is).
Also a rumor is that he and Scarlett will be siblings, brother and sister... *sigh*
Like I said earlier, I expect the worst but hope for the best from this movie.
02-19-2008, 10:50 AM
[QUOTE=haradrel]Also a rumor is that he and Scarlett will be siblings, brother and sister... *sigh*[/QUOTE]
That is all kinds of wrong.
It'd have to be the end of the reprints in comic packs, then, since you couldn't have kids who get into GI Joe through the movie then reading stories showing the two of them being all lovey-dovey...
02-19-2008, 03:35 PM
[QUOTE=Stormer]That is all kinds of wrong.
It'd have to be the end of the reprints in comic packs, then, since you couldn't have kids who get into GI Joe through the movie then reading stories showing the two of them being all lovey-dovey...[/QUOTE]
Agreed, that is wrong in so many ways. Unless the producer is trying to "normalize" activity that is inherently wrong.
More likely, they are too l-a-z-y to r-e-a-d the source material.
I'm setting my sights for a movie that comes out like a bunch of Halloween costumed convention-goers drinking heavily and then running through the streets pretending they are the characters whose costumes they are wearing.... If it's better than that, I will be pleasantly surprised.
Pardon the upcoming pun:
If Snake-Eyes and Scarlett turn out to be siblings, then this movie will literally be like kissing your sister.
Kissing your own sister.
02-19-2008, 03:36 PM
hmmm Star Wars anyone ;)
02-19-2008, 04:30 PM
That'd be so cool if the bionic suits give that bionic man/woman sound!
02-19-2008, 06:06 PM
More news on Hawk/Quaid
One would presume that all the action in Vantage Point must have been a good warm-up for Dennis Quaid playing General Hawk Abernathy in Stephen Sommers' live action movie based on the cartoon, comics and action figures known as G.I. Joe, but Quaid admits he doesn't have a lot of action in the Paramount feature scheduled for the summer of '09. "Not so much for me in this one. Hopefully, there's going to be two more after this. I don't really have a lot to do here in the first one. I really signed up for the future as well."
He told us that he's already been scanned for his action figure and "it's anatomically correct, too," he joked, but he's not involved with the romances mentioned at the Hasbro presentation a couple days ago. "I have no romances, but my aide-de-camp is a Victoria's Secret supermodel, Carolina Kournikova, her name is Cover Girl, so it can't be too serious. It's a little bit like the cartoon show and it's a little bit like a modern action film, and it's also a little like James Bond old-style back in the '60s with Specter taking over an island for it's own criminal country and a threat to the entire world. It's somewhat tongue-in-cheek and great action and it just seems like a lot of fun. I just wanted to be a part of it."
02-19-2008, 06:24 PM
Well, at least we know that he WANTS to be in it.
General Scarlett
02-21-2008, 08:20 PM
'Transformers'........that's all I'm going to either 'get it' or you don't...... ;)
02-25-2008, 08:37 AM
G.I. Joe Filming in Czech Republic When?
Source: Czech Film Commission
February 25, 2008
The Czech Film Commission says that Paramount Pictures will film G.I. Joe in the Czech Republic in either May or June.
Scheduled for an August 7, 2009 release, the Stephen Sommers-directed action-adventure stars Dennis Quaid, Channing Tatum, Sienna Miller, Ray Park, Rachel Nichols, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Said Taghmaoui, Marlon Wayans, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Arnold Vosloo and Christopher Eccleston.
03-03-2008, 11:46 AM
Good news (I think!):
Brian Goldner Talks G.I. Joe
Source: MTV
March 3, 2008
MTV interviewed Brian Goldner, executive producer of G.I. Joe, and incoming Hasbro CEO, about the upcoming movie. Items revealed were:
- Comics writer Larry Hama is indeed working on the script, and will also make a cameo appearance in the film.
- The movie will disregard the cartoon and focus on the classic 155 issue Marvel run.
- The story is, more or less, about the rise of Cobra Commander.
- Locations involve underwater, desert, mountains and cities.
- Denial of rumors that American patriotism angle has been dialed back.
Read here for the full interview:
03-03-2008, 02:09 PM
Oh, well, those are the best news I've heard in a while.
03-09-2008, 10:26 AM
The official logo for Paramount’s G.I. Joe live-action movie has been found at Toy Fair in New York City. You can take a look at the full banner at MTV or Hisstank. I spent a good half an hour cleaning up the image, so that it looks presentable online. I’m sure Paramount will issue an official digital graphic this week. The official studio plot synopsis follows:
“From the Egyptian desert to deep below the polar ice caps, the elite co-ed GI JOE team, based from it’s headquarters The Pit, deploys the latest in next-gen spy and military equipment to fight crooked arms dealer Destro and the growing threat of the mysterious COBRA organization from plunging the world into chaos.”
[COLOR=SlateGray]FYI! : I did not make this, I copy and pasted the link![/COLOR]
03-09-2008, 02:19 PM
It's funny that they felt the need to say "co-ed" in there.
I like how it reads regarding Destro in that it's possible he's a separate entity from Cobra. Sounds like he may be an established threat and, as we've heard elsewhere, the film charts the emergence of the Cobra organisation. With its awesome young leader who's down with the kids and probably recruiting those going through a teenage rebellious phase.
Nice that they also specify Destro is a CROOKED arms dealer. Because as we all know, selling weapons is perfectly OK when it's being done by good people like, say, the government...
03-11-2008, 04:03 PM
G.I. Joe Filming Update
Source: Prague Daily Monitor
March 11, 2008
The Prague Daily Monitor has posted an update on the filming for Paramount's G.I. Joe, to be directed by Stephen Sommers and starring Dennis Quaid, Channing Tatum, Sienna Miller, Ray Park, Rachel Nichols, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Said Taghmaoui, Marlon Wayans, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Arnold Vosloo and Christopher Eccleston:
The shooting of the U.S. high-budget action film GI JOE will start in Prague's Barrandov studios in May, Barrandov spokeswoman Dusana Chrenekova told CTK Monday.
GI JOE is directed by Stephen Sommers who in the past shot another film in the Czech Republic - Van Helsing (2003).
"The film, based on a strip cartoon, with a 170 million dollar budget will be premiered next year," Chrenekova said.
Read here:
for the whole article
03-14-2008, 08:27 PM
Latest G.I. Joe News from 2008 Toy Fair - Cobra Commander Confirmed
by Jack in GI Joe at 05:23 PM on 2008.02.16
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News from The International Toy Fair 2008 in New York confirms that Joseph Gordon-Levitt ("3rd Rock from the Sun") will be taking on the role of Cobra Commander in the upcoming GI Joe movie from Paramount Pictures. This news was once announced last month Click Here, but quickly taken down from the source, leaving us wondering if it was leaked early or incorrect. Well, now we know and knowing is half the battle. Read more tidbits from the 2008 Toy Fair on GI Joe at
Well I hope he gets the voice right, so he can at least be just as annoying!
03-14-2008, 08:53 PM
Just a few notes from watching too many commentaries.
1. It's cheaper to shoot outside the US. In terms of the Czech Republic, I'm guessing that there is architecture that Somers thinks it way cool.
2. The ratings restrictions are different. From what Paul K ANdersons says of the 1st AvP movie, because it was monster vs monster or human vs monster, it gets a more mellow rating (cuz it's not human vs human). In his commentary, he said he was surprised that it got a PG13 rating as opposed to an R. Take that as you will. IF there is any truth in this, the Joe movie might be able to get away with being more violent than what the ratings people would do in the US. Especially if Cobra utilizes BATs over Troopers and Vipers. Shoot, even if they used clones (ala SW), the rating would most likely be more mellow.
3. Uh, ran out of thoughts.
Here's a question tho, IF the movie is gonna be based on the Marvel run, which part of the 155 issues are they covering? Snake Eyes wasn't the crazy ninja that he ended up becoming AFTER the Cobra War AND during DD's WHOLE run. But we already know there'll be a huge SNake Eyes vs STorm Shadow fight. I just want to know why them? Cuz they are the fighters of the team? I don't feel that a movie needs a one-on-one fight. But then, it's formulaic to do so. :\
03-15-2008, 07:08 AM
I doubt they're going to be filming a particular storyline from the comics, just that they'll look to them as reference and inspiration for tone, characterisation, relationships, etc. rather than looking to the cartoon.
As for Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow, they were up against each other from SS's first appearance and had their one-on-one running battle on the train in the Origin Of Snake Eyes story in the late 20s. I'd say they'll have them fight each other in the movie because out of all the characters they have the most personal motivations for a one-on-one, and there is a precedent for them fighting from the comics, CGI movies, Sigma 6... I think they have these kinds of personal duels in movies because it's possible to get a lot more emotionally invested in the conflict as a viewer -- just look at Star Wars, where an emotional climax of each movie is a lightsaber duel.
as for Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Cobra Commander; OH MY GOD. How's he had time to grow cynical with the system and build his organisation? Did Cobra start out as his college fraternity or something? I just hope to hell he's not starting out as a member of the Joes who betrays them... That's the kind of twisting of the mythology I really wouldn't put past Hollywood, who seems to insist that in any adaptation of a comic where there's good guys fighting bad guys there's a personal connection between them (Sandman killed Uncle Ben? WTF?). It's not enough for a bad guy to be motivated by things like greed, and for the good guys to go after them because it's their job to stop people like that...
03-18-2008, 12:00 PM
Byung Hun Lee Starts Shooting G.I. Joe
Source: Paramount Pictures
March 18, 2008
Paramount Pictures just released the following announcement, which looks to be targeted to the Asian press, as Hun Lee was already announced to be playing Storm Shadow back in January:
On March 13, prominent Korean film and television actor Byung Hun Lee, one of Asia's top stars, completed his first day of principal photography as Storm Shadow in Paramount Pictures' action adventure "G.I. JOE." He joins the ensemble cast that includes Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Christopher Eccleston, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Sienna Miller, Rachel Nichols, Ray Park, Said Taghmaoui, Channing Tatum, Marlon Wayans and Dennis Quaid.
As big in his native land as he is in other parts of Asia, including Japan, Lee started his acting career in 1991 with the Korean television drama "Asphalt, My Hometown." Since then, he has appeared in several television dramas including "Tomorrow Love," "Police," "Son of Wind," "White Knight 3.98," "Happy Together," "Beautiful Days" and "All In."
Among his feature film credits are Kim Jee Woon's "A Bittersweet Life," Park Chan Wook's "Three Extremes," "Everybody has Secrets," "Addiction," "Bungee Jumping of their Own" and Park Chan Wook's "Joint Security Area." This year he will star in two films, Kim Jee Woon's "The Good, the Bad, and the Weird" and Tran Anh Hung's "I Come with the Rain."
Storm Shadow, one of the most popular characters in the G.I. JOE universe, has a dark and complex history. He was trained by the same Ninja master as Snake Eyes, a member of the elite G.I. JOE team, but now fights against him.
Paramount Pictures and Hasbro, whose previous collaboration was the worldwide blockbuster "TRANSFORMERS," have reunited for another extraordinary action-adventure in "G.I. JOE." From the Egyptian desert to deep below the polar ice caps, the elite G.I. JOE team uses the latest in next-generation spy and military equipment to fight the corrupt arms dealer Destro and the growing threat of the mysterious Cobra organization to prevent them from plunging the world into chaos. "G.I. JOE" is directed by Stephen Sommers ("The Mummy" and "The Mummy Returns") and will be released on August 7, 2009.
Byung Hun Lee is represented by the Endeavor Agency and managed by Charles Pak of BH Entertainment.
General Jones
03-18-2008, 03:26 PM has a feature on the website that introduces the cast of the movie and a little of what it is about
03-18-2008, 03:41 PM
Not really any new information in the movie clip, something that peeked my interest though.
He said that Scarlett would be Snake Eye's girl. This hasn't been confirmed yet, but if its true, then at least its a step in the right direction (if they are going the marvel comics way).
03-20-2008, 04:01 PM
okay gang heres the first official pic of Snake-Eyes, now i don't care if you like or dislike the film so far you have got to agree that this shot rocks and it's really awsome to see snakes in his gear for real!! :D
03-20-2008, 04:32 PM
Where did you get this from? What's the source?
I was curious because it looked fake, so I lit it up with photoshop, lo and behold, it looks legit!
03-20-2008, 04:36 PM
it's official i got it off hisstank,that's really snakes costume for the movie :D
03-20-2008, 04:38 PM
Kudos for finding it, I've been dying to know how they would do him.
Seems like a mesh between the commando and the Knight suit.
Wish they would have given him different webbing though - but its ok, because webbing like this helps give him more freedom of movement for martial arts moves.
Strange he has a FN Five-Seven ( pistol and what appears to be a Korean sword (the handle sure looks like it at least).
Also on his (left) leg there seems to be an Ingram or Mac-11 and not his trademark uzi, but I could be wrong about that - it just seems that the extendable stock end of a ingram (I have two in airsoft format, but my brother has a uzi, I'll do a comparison and see later) - Either way I am now curious as to why he has M4 pouches on his chestrig instead of something that would hold ingram/uzi magazines - Because I can tell you, those pouches there will not fit either (unless he only has short magazines and for a movie I seriously doubt that)
But I like it nonetheless. Just a lot more questions that popped up now that we finally got to see him! :eek:
Now here's hoping he will be silent in the movie and Scarlett is his girlfriend!
Edited for the umpteenth time:
I think they got the inspiration for the suit as it is now from here:
03-20-2008, 06:04 PM
Today was the day when AICN was gonna show the world what Snake Eyes was going to look like. It's funny, it has a very Ray Park-esque style to it!
I don't really like the area between the head and waist. Maybe it's the spandex-looking shirt or it's the shirt AND the gear with it. I would've rather have seen the guy in BDUs, decked out like the boys in "DOOM", and still be able to do everything. IF SE lost the military shirt to reveal his "I actually play baseball!" underarmor, that'd be cool. BUT such is not the case since his gear is OVER the BDU like it's a regular outfit. There is something definitely lost in the translation from the source art to the real thing.
03-20-2008, 06:33 PM
Yup, I agree with you Son.
Only thing I can figure is that Parks said no-go on a lower part body suit because it would mess with his movements, so they decided to do half and half. (which is kind of silly).
03-20-2008, 06:58 PM
03-20-2008, 07:12 PM
Keep em coming! :)
Great find Sonneilon, where did you get this one?
Once again, did a edit to make it brighter so we can get all the details:
(is it just my monitor that is way black, or does this help anyone else as well?)
I like this version a whole lot better! This makes more sense (the knife) instead of the chest rig.
03-20-2008, 07:18 PM
Someone posted on the JBL from a news site. *shrug* I just stole the image and hosted it myself. lol And this topic has now been stickied since info seems to be flowing as of late.
03-20-2008, 07:21 PM
Expect lots of new pictures to show up as they start marketing the thing ;)
So far Its better then what I had feared! At least they got the look of Snake Eyes pretty much down (except for the pants - maybe we'll see something different in the movie? who knows).
I'm expecting them to do a shot of Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes ( side by side as in the picture on the Ray Park ( home page. Darn, now I really want to see Storm Shadow....
edited: added the new logo to the picture - not gonna put the picture up here, but I'll add the link ;)
Ray Park as Snake Eyes with new logo (
03-21-2008, 05:27 AM
First 2 Photos of G.I. Joe's Snake Eyes!
Source: Paramount Pictures, USA Today
March 21, 2008
Paramount Pictures has released the first two photos of Ray Park as Snake Eyes in the Stephen Sommers-directed G.I. Joe, coming to theaters on August 7, 2009.
"He's the world's greatest ninja, but he's also next-generation. He's not afraid to use a sword one second, and a split-second later he's pulling out his Glock," Sommers told USA Today. "His chief nemesis is arguably the world's other great ninja, Storm Shadow. The two grew up together, were blood brothers and now are mortal enemies."
Sommers stressed that the movie is an origins story, so his challenge is to explain why the bad guy wears a metal mask, why Snake Eyes doesn't talk and other strange things kids took for granted. "For people who know nothing about it, it'll make sense," Sommers said. "And to people who love this stuff, it'll show where they all came from."
Adapted by Stuart Beattie, the action-adventure also stars Dennis Quaid, Channing Tatum, Sienna Miller, Rachel Nichols, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Said Taghmaoui, Marlon Wayans, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Arnold Vosloo and Christopher Eccleston.
The two pictures finally got posted here as well.
A few things though - Snake and Stormy GREW UP together???
Snake doesn't talk! (YES!)
The bad guy wearing a metal mask - well that's Destro.
03-21-2008, 05:56 AM
Shame that the people who love this stuff DO know where they came from, thanks to the comics and filecards. I'm now worried about what kind of crazy-ass reason they're going to give for Destro's mask...
General Scarlett
03-21-2008, 06:03 AM
Darth Maul Reborn.... :p
The costume is definately 'Hollywood' worthy.....but the Arashikage clan symbol on his shoulder takes away from the overall character, IMO.
As for the rest.....I'm stoked for the movie, even if they do get some elements wrong. ;)
03-21-2008, 10:42 AM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]
As for the rest.....I'm stoked for the movie, even if they do get some elements wrong. ;)[/QUOTE]
You speaketh the Truth Red!
As long as they get one perfect moment up on the silver screen (fight/stance between Snake and Stormy or something similar) then I'm going to enjoy it for what it is and not what it could be. Face it, it will never live up to the perfect dream of someone's re-make of the original marvel stories, first of all directors don't want to re-make something that has already been done, secondly everybody has their own ideas on how such a thing would be..
Just to throw in another example, Aliens vs Predator 1 had about 5 scenes in it that made it worth my while when watching it. Overall the movie was so and so, but those scenes made it memorable enough for me.
General Scarlett
03-21-2008, 10:47 AM
You know it.
The aspect of a memorable movie is that one thing that makes you remember........
Take 'Transformers' (only because I could go on and on with a ton of movies, but this one just sprang to mind because of it's connection to G.I. Joe)......the movie was decent enough.....but for me, when I heard 'I am Optimus Prime'....THAT was the moment...... :cool:
03-21-2008, 11:38 AM
It's good to see they are making the actors look like the characters. I can wait to the the other actors
03-25-2008, 05:47 PM
The Snake Eyes photos are so heavily photoshopped I don't know what to think. Looks good. I think if they added some realistic web gear it would even out the cargo pants but all in all not a bad design. Can't complain so far.
03-25-2008, 09:57 PM
I hadn't been impressed before about what was going on with this live action movie, but I gotta say those are some pretty sweet pictures. If they're willing to apply that same kind of detail to the rest of the movie, then maybe it won't be so bad.
03-27-2008, 07:29 AM
Well, something positive: characters are going to be visually recognizable.
03-27-2008, 07:59 PM
If the movie tanks, will figure values drop and if it is a hit will the ARAH, DTC, 25th, Sigma lines increase in value. Waddya think?
General Scarlett
03-27-2008, 08:05 PM
I don't think the movie will 'tank' per se......and I intend to see it multiple times.....and so does we'll help the sales!! :D
As for the toys......I honestly think that they will do well....regardless. Especially if they come out with the vehicles/playsets that people are clamoring for.......that stuff will be H-O-T, we're all jonesin' for that.....because whether you like the 25th figures or not, the vehicles are still the classics we all know and love. That right there will make them attractive to casual and hardcore collectors.
As for the Sigma line.....I just don't know, sorry.
And for the value factor?? Well, to me and Flint.........our Joes are PRICELESS...... ;)
03-27-2008, 08:29 PM
as Long As The Movie Does "well" We Can Almost Gauranty To Get The Toys In Bulk At The Huge Stores. Such As Wal-mart Target K-marts Etc.... And When In Bulk The Prices Will Stay Relativly Low... It's The Interest That Will Be Sparked By The Ones Who Remember The Line But Havent Stayed "in The Loop" Hitting The Small Mom And Pop Toy Shops That May Cause Proices To Rise There. This Is Where I Get Most Of My Older Figures So I Hope That It Does Great But Not To The Point Where I Have To Pay Ebay Prices At The Shop.
03-27-2008, 08:45 PM
There'll be a spike on old stuff. But the value is based on what people want for them. It's a pretty BS market in the end. I wouldn't worry. If you are keeping your Theme Year stuff, it's already fallen with the 25A. Same will happen when the movie overtakes the 25A. You just gotta wait 10 years to see what happens.
03-27-2008, 09:40 PM
Because the franchise has changed and each variation has its fans and detractors already, I don't think the movie will make an overall difference. There are RAH collectors who don't like 25th so their interest isn't affected by new stuff that comes out.
The movie might cause a slight overall interest increase in all toys if it does well, but if it tanks I don't think it'll have much effect on prices of the older lines as the existing interest is there regardless of a movie already. I'd say the only Joe toys whose after-sales market value is going to hinge on the success of the movie are whatever they bring out that's directly based on it.
03-29-2008, 08:07 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]
As for the toys......I honestly think that they will do well....regardless. Especially if they come out with the vehicles/playsets that people are clamoring for.......that stuff will be H-O-T, we're all jonesin' for that.....because whether you like the 25th figures or not, the vehicles are still the classics we all know and love. That right there will make them attractive to casual and hardcore collectors.
I pretty much agree with you assessment.
03-30-2008, 11:05 AM
G.I. Joe Production Moves to Czech Republic
Source: Edward Douglas
March 30, 2008
About a month back, Hype spoke with Dennis Quaid for Sony's Vantage Point, and he told us a little about his role in Stephen Sommers' G.I. Joe, which you can read here. Yesterday, we spoke to Quaid again for his new ensemble comedy Smart People, and apparently, Quaid is finished shooting his parts as General Hawk, and he mentioned that the production will be heading to the Czech Republic for the next three months to finish shooting. (Maybe they got sick of all those pesky photographers hanging around!)
This information came out of us following up with Quaid whether he might make a visit to this year's San Diego Comic-Con for the movie--he still hasn't heard anything--and whether he had a chance to talk to his Smart People co-star Thomas Haden Church about the experience, since Church was there for the insane 2006 panel for Spider-Man 3.
04-01-2008, 05:40 PM
[COLOR=Red]tni has new images of the target exclusives[/COLOR]
04-01-2008, 06:03 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]tni has new images of the target exclusives[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
They're pretty awesome-- In a rare occurrence, I found them early instead of being the last one on the planet to get them. I skipped the HISS, but the AWE Striker is great (I never had one as a kid), and the SHARC --err, Night Spectre-- is still in its box since I mainly got it for Grand Slam.
I've been way too busy lately to take any pictures, or I would've posted some shots of the AWE Striker and Grand Slam wearing a Cobra Legions JUMP painted olive drab.
04-02-2008, 06:02 AM
I read in some rumors that Cobra Commander will be the friend of Duke and they will have a a falling out? Which doesn't make sense at all (If they are going for the marvel run backstory)
Anyhoo I think maybe the rumor-monger was confusing GI Joe with Stop-Loss in which both Tatum Channing and Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays (and from the trailer they look like friends and some drama).
Just a random thought I had after watching the trailer for Stop-Loss.
04-03-2008, 10:47 AM
Fraser and The Rock Join G.I. Joe?
Source: Latino Review
April 3, 2008
Latino Review reports that Brendan Fraser has filmed what sounds like a cameo as Gung Ho in G.I. Joe, while Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has been offered the role of Shipwreck. The Stephen Sommers-directed action-adventure is now filming for an August 7, 2009 release.
04-04-2008, 08:44 PM
[COLOR=Red]just putting this up in case anyone hadnt saw it over on hisstank. im looking forward to croc master, most will be wanting wraith.
04-04-2008, 09:02 PM
And us slightly harder military fans can't get Tunnel Rat, Grunt, Leatherneck and Repeater out of this? Hasbro will do Crocodile Mile instead???
Prince Adam
04-05-2008, 06:55 AM
Interesting. Not perfect but interesting. Mutt & Junkyard sounds awesome! I'm still holding out for Recondo though. I was hoping they'd bypass repaints like Tiger Force and Python Patrol, so I'll most likely be cherrypicking this wave.
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