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08-12-2006, 07:05 AM
I'm looking at getting a newer version of Scarlet, but I'm not sure which one is the best to add to my collection. Do you guys have any imput that could swing my vote? Lemme know! Thanks!

08-12-2006, 07:22 AM
Nothing lamme on this one. I was ready to post the same question, hahahaha! :D I made myself the same question, but didn't get any answear. :) I would go today for the comic pack version, but the Green version is a must have too.

08-12-2006, 09:23 AM
Man, I can't even answer this one because the VvV Scarlet is so-so (yet, she's my Scarlet) and the JvC is a great sculpt but very boy-ish at the same time. Thing is, Scarlet's sculpt is pretty lame compared to Bombstrike and Cover Girl. Maybe the comic pack (non karate outfit) would be your best bet?

08-12-2006, 11:34 AM
My opinions on recent Scarletts:

JvC: I actually love this one except she's way too big. Even compared with the other JvC figures, which were slightly larger than the RAH or VvV stuff, she still looks like an amazon! Her shoulders are a little too broad, but I like the gangly look about her limbs. Also, at the risk of sounding sexist and weird, she has a great rack. :eek:

VvV: Just doesn't say "Scarlett" to me. The costume isn't in her classic colors, and the hair doesn't have the trademark ponytail. I could see her as a new character, but not as the person she's supposed to be.

Comic Pack #2: Pretty useless. I like the head though.

Comic Pack#9 (I think that's the number): She uses the original Scarlett body, which is kind of squat, and her head is a wee bit small, but the colors are perfect, and the head is sculpted very nicely despite its size. This is my definitive Scarlett, though I can see why others might not prefer her. I like to equip her with the quiver from VvV Scarlett so she finally has someplace to store her crossbow bolts.

08-12-2006, 02:40 PM
The consensus seems to be for the second comic pack Scarlett, which is the one I would have suggested as well.

08-12-2006, 03:35 PM
does the comic pack version (non-karate) have high heels on her boots? also use the V V v V one becuse she is very poseable

08-12-2006, 06:18 PM
I personally like the V6 (single pack from the VvsV line). But he looks too young....for older looking Scarlet, I like the Agent Scarlet V1. Just my $.02.

BTW I got an extra V6 if you need it.


Lava Boss
08-13-2006, 08:06 AM
Big shoulder aside, my favorite recent version is VvsV wave 1 Scarlett, though I had an idea she was a replacement character brought in because Shana was getting to old and dumpy (Based on her comic pack 2 figure). But then I just dumped that idea.

I was a tad disappointed by the comic pack 9 Scarlett, head so tiny her collar has a gap between her neck and they used that damn sunburnt waxy fleshtone plastic again.

08-14-2006, 04:38 AM
I use VvV. It's the most female looking, though a bit too bright.

80s Child
10-01-2011, 04:50 PM
I like the one from the comic 2-pack (25th anniversary) with Hawk.

As for ARAH - too bad they never made one with the 1993? "real" hair pony tail on the 1983 swivel arm body style....

But, when/if they ever release the Renegades verzion (probably in wave 2 or wave 3 of the current hasbro offerings, that'll be a great new Scarlett look.

10-01-2011, 05:09 PM