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General Scarlett
04-27-2008, 03:45 PM
[SIZE=3][COLOR=Red]Global Front Page Notice!!! Please Read!![/COLOR][/SIZE]

Ok gang, I've spent all day today redirecting, combining and renaming threads in an attempt to 'Spring Clean' the site.......and I'm damned tired now, let me tell you!!! :p

I've taken the most relevant topics, stuck them & made them *OFFICIAL*

That means, that if you want to post up with news, questions, comments, concerns or 'whatever else' that is remotely connected with said *OFFICIAL* topics-do so in that thread.

Any threads that are started that fall into any of those *OFFICIAL* stuck threads will be absorbed into the corresponding master thread.
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue](please don't make it a habit to blatantly start a similar thread....use your head BEFORE clicking 'New Thread' ;) )[/COLOR]

Once a thread reaches 25, 50, 75 or 100 pages-it will be closed and the next version (pt. 2, 3, 4 etc.) will be started and labeled as such with the appropriate *OFFICIAL* stamp in the title.

Anything else that is stickied, i.e.-'Target Range', that is on a continuous rotating basis will not recieve *OFFICIAL* status-it will just simply be stuck for the appropriate time.

As it stands right now, these are the *OFFICIAL* threads:

*OFFICIAL* Welcome~Rules/Regulations/Reminders (http://www.joedios.com/forums/showthread.php?t=277)

*OFFICIAL* Getting to know each other-Words & Pictures! (http://www.joedios.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1239&page=1&pp=10)

*OFFICIAL* Good/Bad Traders (http://www.joedios.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1336)

*OFFICIAL* Post Your Latest Booty! (http://www.joedios.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1885)

*OFFICIAL* Wants/Needs/NOW HAVES! (http://www.joedios.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1884)

*OFFICIAL* 'Noob-Type' questions/comments/concerns, etc. (http://www.joedios.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2529)

*OFFICIAL* 'G.I. Joe Movie' News/Pics/Reveals (http://www.joedios.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2475)

*OFFICIAL* 25th Figures/Vehicles/Accessories, etc. (http://www.joedios.com/forums/showthread.php?t=546)

*OFFICAL* Chap Mei 'Hunt & Discovery' (http://www.joedios.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2484)

*OFFICIAL* 'Dear Hasbro'~Our 'Love/Hate' Relationship with you (http://www.joedios.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2415)

Keep in mind, I didn't take every single posting and dump them together...I searched out the newest (and some not so new, but not too old and still somewhat relevant) and stuck them together. And no one's posts/threads were deleted (so no one lost any post counts!)

The hope is to try and keep the site somewhat 'tidied up', and enable members who might be 'new' or 'seasoned vets' the ability to not have to hunt around the pages for information or to post on things they are interested in. I'm still working on getting sub-forums in the main section....but until I can iron all the kinks out, I'm doing my level best to make this site as 'user friendly' as possible.

So bear with this WIP......it's for the benefit of all members of JoeDios-past, present and future!!!

Peace :cool:

04-27-2008, 04:34 PM
Thanks for doing this.

However, I think there are too many stickys. WIsh we could have a separate forum for some of these things, y'know?

General Scarlett
04-27-2008, 04:44 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Thanks for doing this.

However, I think there are too many stickys. WIsh we could have a separate forum for some of these things, y'know?[/QUOTE]

Graham, seriously.......do you just NOT read anything I write??!?! :rolleyes:

I'm working on it......once I can iron out the kinks, things will be changed AGAIN......hence calling this a 'WIP'...... ;)

As for 'too many stickies'.......the threads that are 'stuck' are relevant to the forum......that's why they're there. Plain and simple.

I'm one woman doing the job here......I know there's members who don't like or appreciate me or what I do......but I'm doing the best I can with what I've got.

Peace :cool:

04-27-2008, 05:05 PM
I was just stating some stuff that people have IM'd me about. I'm cool with the whole OFFICIAL title thingy. Don't know why we didn't do that eons ago. It's cool. I figured just about everything had been cleared up in terms of stuff combined.

I wasn't sure about the separate forums thingy. I know we had discussed it a long time ago, but I didn't know how to create new forums. Now, where's the Garfield specialty forum??? lol

General Scarlett
04-27-2008, 05:13 PM
Yes, I do love how they all go running to you to b*tch about me....... :rolleyes:

And yet, I still take my entire Sunday....and time from work during the day.....to ensure this site is maintained and respectable.

Good thing I do it all for free, eh? ;)

Let's not turn this into a p*ssing match, shall we? That'll be for the 'Steel Cage' section once I get the sub-forums sorted out!! :p

Back on topic:

Members should also watch for other 'similarly veined' threads that suddenly merge together under a more 'broad' title to enable viewing by the masses....

Peace :cool:

Urban Saboteur
04-27-2008, 06:11 PM
Good News,
this is something that has been long overdue for a while and i think it's great that your going through the threads and cleaning up the forums :)

As for you not being appreciated and people running behind your back to b*tch about you to Sonnelion.
It's not that your not deserved of praise, it's your ability to point out what you do at every crossroads. Did you volunteer to do this job of your own free will or did the cast of members at joe dios hold you to gunpoint and force you to do it continuosly?

I'll try and be as helpful as I can here and not be confrontational.
''I'm one woman doing the job here......I know there's members who don't like or appreciate me or what I do......but I'm doing the best I can with what I've got.''

I appreciate anything a Moderator does. It's long work and must be incredibly annoying for nobody to notice the subtle changes you make to keep the place smooth and running well.
''Yes, I do love how they all go running to you to b*tch about me.......
And yet, I still take my entire Sunday....and time from work during the day.....to ensure this site is maintained and respectable.''

You don't want to turn the thread into a p*ssing match but you just sarcasticly responded to a work colleague by suggesting we all favour Sonnelion over you and don't appreciate you take time out to do it.

This is actually far from the truth. No moderator receives constant praise for what they do, why do you think most of the numeracy count here is prominently members? It's the same every board you go to.. if you wanted praise for work maybe you volunteered to do the wrong job?

I really appreciate you take time out from your days to keep the forum tidy, but to throw it in our face continuously everytime you do something to help us is most probably why people don't respond with praise. This is what you signed up to do when you volunteered or accepted to do when you became a moderator and nobody forced you to accept to do it.
It's not easy, and it certainly doesn't mean people should be able to cuss at you (when I sometimes have) I don't like it one bit, and i've apologised for my past outbursts.

I don't believe any forum online you will get praise for being a moderator. Does this mean people should constantly keep schtum about it? I don't think so, if i've seen a change anywhere on here it's been between the veterans and the moderators.. this place has tons of potential, and you have the responsibility of steering the ship. Moderator status brings about a whole new problem for you, but it's literally just a case of ''knuckling down and getting on with it'' regardless of if your being paid to or not.

My main point is to thank you for all the work you've done over the last 2 years or so, and also to thank you for working on these growing changes. I also think you'll find that if you do exactly as you were asked to do you'd find that most people praise you rather than ''b*tch about you'' behind your back.

General Scarlett
04-27-2008, 06:22 PM
Rich, I don't need a 'reminder lesson' from you or anyone else....on this board or any other, but thanks for volunteering it anyway.

I never ask for high praise or anything else.......simply to be respected for the title I stepped up to. Something which is painfully difficult for certain people to show, no matter what the situation. And FYI, I have feelings too.....whether there's a 'title' attached to my screenname or not......so please don't attempt to belittle them when I voice my thoughts.

And considering that more times than not I've gone to bat for each and every one of the 'vets', without looking for thanks or congradulations or publicity......I don't need a lecture on how to conduct myself or run a forum.

Anyone else who has something along these lines to say to me, please do yourself, me and the site a favor.......take it to me in a PM.

This is the last time I'll engage publically regarding this......and any posts directed at myself or Graham that single out 'overt deficiencies' in our skills will be deleted. Again, take it to a PM, thanks. :cool:

Now Back on topic (again):

If anyone finds that there are any threads that I might have missed that are relevant to any of the *OFFICIAL* threads.....please send me a PM with the link and I'll be sure to merge it appropriately.

Thanks!! :)

Peace :cool:

04-27-2008, 06:46 PM
*claps for Rich*

04-27-2008, 07:20 PM
[COLOR=Red]cant think of any missed, but i agree that some should be taken down. what about the chap mei, is that really necessary? it is good to clean things up, but the only problem with having so many sticked is that if there is a topic someone is looking for and it isnt stuck, you may have to go to 10 or more pages to find it. how about having the sticks on the first page of forum topics only. that way we will know where to find them, then instead of turning to page 2, 3 and so on and finding 7 stuck topics and only 2 or 3 different ones we will have every page after num 1 different topics.[/COLOR]

04-27-2008, 07:24 PM
Ahem, ok, at the risk of being the straw....

I Don't think anyone here DOESN'T Appreciate the effort of what you did, my question is.......was it nessessary? Now, after months of keeping up on posts, I have to sort through these monsters (some over 20 pages long) to find what I was looking for. So, where was the gain in search time? Agreed, we had a Lot of posts that were so close to one another that they needed to be combined, but to do this throughout the forum and turn it from 200 pages of small threads to 15 threads that have 7-20 pages.....I fail to see the effeciency. I think combining posts should be on a by-post basis.

[QUOTE=General Scarlett]
I never ask for high praise or anything else.......simply to be respected for the title I stepped up to. Something which is painfully difficult for certain people to show, no matter what the situation. And FYI, I have feelings too.....whether there's a 'title' attached to my screenname or not......so please don't attempt to belittle them when I voice my thoughts. [/QUOTE]

And was this nessessary? Rich was just stating what many here feel. Is this site a colaboration of individuals or one person's project? You took it upon YOURSELF to do this, and then act like you're a Martyr if someone disagrees with what you have done.

Why is it you can belittle someone here for them stating how they feel and voicing THEIR thoughts, but NO ONE can do the same to you. Did you ever think that it is this "Do as I say, not as I do" kind of thinking that has gotten you the label you keep throwing in everyones face, that supposedly everyone thinks of you? Now, not only can you speak you mind and I can't, I'm told BY YOU what I THINK of you and if I disagree, you have the right to ban me.....??

Put the shoe on the other foot. Someone Volunteers of their own free will to do something, then dares anyone to disagree with them and when they do, that person is TOLD by the authority what they think about the authority.

[QUOTE=General Scarlett]
I don't need a lecture on how to conduct myself or run a forum.

I think maybe you do. First off, it's not just YOUR Forum. It's a collaboration. If we wanna make it a matter of ownership, it's Mr. Fel's Forum and he has provided it to us to share a common hobby.

A Moderator is a word from the base word "Moderate" which means

" 1 a: avoiding extremes of behavior or expression : observing reasonable limits <a moderate drinker> b: calm, temperate"

That is NOT you! You fly off the handle way too easily. You take things to personally and you have no ability to take criticism. Sorry. Not meaning to belitle , but if you can "voice [your] thoughts" then so can I!

I'm sorry it has come to this, but I am getting sick of you playing the martyr and using that to justify your heavy handed tactics. It is a vicious cycle....you do someting others don't agree with, argue you're being picked on because everyone doesn't agree with you, then make another unpopular decision, knowing that it will bolster your self fulfilling prophecy.

General Scarlett
04-27-2008, 07:26 PM
That actually will end up being the final factor lehsreh, once the 'sub-sections' of the forum are put into place.

For instance, 'Good/Bad Traders', 'Latest Booty' & 'Wants/Needs/NOW HAVES' will occupy one sub section.......and so on and so forth.

I know that it seems like a lot of stickies gang, but with the site 'archiving' threads after the first 3-5 pages (depending)....it's not so bad.....for now.

I do want to get the sub-forums up and running. It will make the navigating that much easier in the forum. So it won't be long now, I hope! :p

Actually, as it stands, there are 10 *OFFICIAL* stuck threads and 2-3 plain 'stickies'.....so at least half of the forum page is still relatively new material.


04-27-2008, 07:39 PM
*claps for Frank*

Da Talent
04-27-2008, 08:32 PM
At the risk of being band, I would just like to make my point. And even though you said to pm you on said subject, I feel as if that is, maybe, a form of censorship, being that my voice isn't heard. Now anywho...

I know I have only been here a little under a year but I have never seen or read where anyone bitches about you GS or beraids you or belittles you etc etc. What I have seen is that in quite a few of your posts there is a air of contempt and self defecations. Like Frank said, you are the one who says everyone hates you and your unappreciated, and you are the one who cries about not getting credit or respect. Maybe I'm wrong, seriously I might be, but it just seems like most of the time you are quite discontent. It is fine for a member on any given day to be pissed, but as a moderater it is not (in my opinion) ok for you to take on a public persona throughout the site, of always being ticked or a martyer and then get upset when you are called on it. YOU ARE NOT ABOVE CRITICISM. WE AS MEMBERS OF THE SITE HAVE A RIGHT TO THE SAY. You are a moderator not a dictator. You have taken you position and transformed it into one that has the "power" to incure significant change and punishment instead of handling site up keep.

This whole business started because you said "its nice to know people are talking about me" or something like that. Like I said earliar, to me it was just another example of you being upset over nothing. Could it just be that people had question about the changes? I know I couldnt find a thread I was looking for. And I think the main thing, is that because of the tendency you have to blow up over nothing, Graham is just more approachable when you have questions or concerns. I'm sure some people might discuss you, as I'm sure some people don't like me. But people going to Graham is a product of your own vitural persona. I have nothing against you what so ever, but I didn't twist your arm to change anything. As a matter of fact, I liked the way it was. I just get sick of being lumped into the category of the "haters" of you and reading about how horrible you have it. And as far as the "claps", I appluad frank and rich as well. Regardless of what they wrote and there view, it is impressive they had the balls to give there opinion on the matter. O'well I'm shrugging this off, I hope I'm not band.