View Full Version : Change in Moderation

04-27-2008, 09:41 PM
Hello all,

I'd like to start first by thanking General Scarlett for her long contribution as Moderator for JoeDios. As I emailed her tonight, however, we don't have the same vision for the site, and that divergence got wider and wider over the last few months. I have removed her moderator rights but she is welcome to contribute as a Veteran member.

I created JoeDios with the intent to allow the most creative, passionate and collaborative amongst the GI Joe Diorama community to take it and make it their own. I wanted you to do things with it that were so creative, I'd never think of it on my own. And you have! It's wonderful how you've made it your own, without much direction from me, and made it fly.

And that's the core of my "management" style. I invite quality people, then I let them run with the idea. I don't put up unnecessary restrictions, or too many rules, I let the creativity flow, keep the tenor nice, and try to keep out the spammers. This is how I do thing, and how I want it to continue. I have faith in Sonnelion's demeanor to carry that spirit forth.

That said, here are some guidelines for healthy forums. I've been creating and running video gaming forums for Atari and Sony for 10 years now, and here are some things I've learned:

Don't make sub forums until your main forum has at least 2 pages of threads in a day OR, there's a particular subject in the main forum that pop up a lot and gets in the way of the main discussion. If JoeDios had 10 sub forums, they'd each have 5 threads and the site would look dead to a new user.

Don't have more than 3 or 4 stickies. 3 is my personal max. Have 8 or 9, and the site looks like it's highly regimented, which is not my style.

Appoint moderators to keep the peace when things go off the rails, but who otherwise are mainly contributors. I don't like thought police.

That's it. Please carry on, and if you want to reply, you can do it here, or in a PM to me, or if it's urgent, email me at natepearce (at) gmail.com. If you think I'm making a mistake, I'm happy to hear it. I promise I won't ban you for disagreeing with me. :)

04-27-2008, 09:48 PM
Dear Nate
You and I have talked through PMs as friends, I've asked your opinions on things MMORPG related and posted to you my thoughts of the site many times. I value your opinion above many others, and thank you for your actions today. YOUR site has allowed me to meet many awesome amazing people I consider friends and much more ( Hell, I use Frank on my resume as a reference). Your decision must not have come easily, and I respect your decision. Thank you for allowing this site to remain and thrive.


04-27-2008, 09:56 PM
Welcome mr. Graham. Good luck in your admin period. :)

Urban Saboteur
04-27-2008, 10:03 PM
I will say this again and I will say it for many moons to come.
My posts and contributions towards this site has always had the sites best interests at my heart.

Most of the contributors here do very very good exceptional work, and I feel priveleged to be a member of this forum and site you have created for us to enjoy.

I wholeheartedly support your decision, indeed if you don't share the same vision for the site as the person you have maintaining it, then without doubt you've taken the correct action.

I've no need here to blast General Scarlett for her previous work, as in my other post i've highlighted and tried to offer my best advice to her for her postings and contributions. I even thanked her then for her continued work as well as highlighted what i thought would be good advice to pass on from a veteran to a moderator.

I think now that we can all express ourselves with our shared opinions, as long as we do this in a polite way, we wont need to be censored no more from moving the site forward.

04-27-2008, 10:10 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo]Welcome mr. Graham. Good luck in your admin period. :)[/QUOTE]
lol, he was the first mod. as far as i remember it was graham who ran things when hammerfel had to much on his plate. then scarlett wanted to help because graham had a lot going on also.

nothing against you scar, but things did start to change more then a bit once you started moderating. i think you took on to much, especially when you said you had only been on the internet for about 2 years and only on this site for a few months. you really hadnt been here long enough to see how things were ran. i dont blame you for doing what you thought was right, but in many threads we have had different opinions with you doing things or taking things down just because they didnt appeal to you. that being said, i am for this decision, but hope you continue to post your pics. i would like to see what happens with your and flints world. [/COLOR]

04-28-2008, 12:02 AM
It's not for me to say who should or shouldn't be a mod, that is entirely up to Hammerfel, and I happily abide by whatever decision he makes. Similarly, I make no judgement on Prudence's performance as a moderator, but I would like to personally thank Prudence for the time and effort and love she has put into this site for the last couple of years. It takes a huge committment and a large proportion of one's own time (I know I could never find the time), often for no thanks, or even abuse in return. Well done Prudence, and thank you.

04-28-2008, 09:56 AM
Well,since girls aren't welcome here-I quit!


04-28-2008, 11:23 AM
I can't find any unwelcome statement against girls in this site...

[QUOTE=KamikazeGrrl]Well,since girls aren't welcome here-I quit!


04-28-2008, 11:30 AM
[QUOTE=Rambo]I can't find any unwelcome statement against girls in this site...[/QUOTE]
nor i. in fact im sure most, if not all of use welcome more girls into the joes world. it gives a different perspective. heck, ive been trying to get my g/f into them for almost 3 years now. furthermore, i do not think this should be made into a sexiest topic. i have disagreed with more then a few people on here, and also agreed with the same people. just because myself and many others did not agree with how scarlett handled things does not mean it would have been any different if she were a guy. if i think about it, i am a little insulted by the comment. but i try not let things on here bother me so much. best wishes to everyone, staying or going we all agree that G.I. Joe is awesome. [/COLOR]

04-28-2008, 12:18 PM
Well Said, Lehsreh!

04-28-2008, 07:34 PM
I'm pretty sure she's kidding.

04-28-2008, 07:37 PM
I'm happy as long as I can have this place to come and show some of my work as to see people's work. As far as my english goes thanks for Prudence and back to G. era. :)

Prince Adam
04-28-2008, 08:59 PM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]I'm happy as long as I can have this place to come and show some of my work as to see people's work.[/QUOTE]

I agree with TGR here. And I for one hope Scarlett (prudence) doesn't leave us for good. I did always like girls playing with boytoys! :)

05-05-2008, 03:31 PM
I would like to thank Prudence for the amount of time and effort she put into the site, and hope that she continues to contribute here, her shots and dios are amongst the top notch here.