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08-13-2006, 07:39 PM
Hi everyone! I was just wondering when you guys take regular dio pics do they show something that is currently going on in your Joeverse or are they stand alone shots just for fun and to post. I was just curious. I just grab some Cool G.I. Joe Stuff and take some pics and I was wondering what everyone else does and if anyone cares to share. Thanks again!!! BKC

08-13-2006, 08:04 PM
Great topic, man.

I would say that 90% of the 3.75" figures I shoot are part of my Joeverse. At the same time, I'm still adding stuff and fleshing ideas out so often it's a work in progress. In my mind, I don't actually post anything that would be considered out of the ordinary for my 'verse. As anyone who has read my latest dio, it gets pretty weird but at the same time, it stays rooted in my Joe Reality so it's not totally off the page.

As for Sigma6, that's a little bit more up in the air. When I wrap up Episode 2 someday, I'll begin work on my 8" dio. I've been coming up with a lot of ideas that don't quite work with the 3.75" due to articulation and hell, even the 'verse that 3.75" is in. However, Sigma6 will be, I suppose more like Universal Soldier whereas my 3.75" is more like Aliens. :D

08-13-2006, 10:49 PM
Like G said, my pics will generally fit within the bounds of what I consider normal for my Joeverse, although my pics are not really ever part of a storyline, just one shots (or maybe a few in a mini-series) of whatever figures or vehicles I feel like using at the time.

08-14-2006, 06:11 AM
My shots sometimes have a mini-series idea on background. The Oktober Guard shots are part of a mini-series, 'coz I wanna shot them running over all my Cobras. Other times I just grab some figs and go out to shot something that will make me happy.

For a dio shot I need to go out with the full idea and just do that, nothing else. So I don't loose the right direction.

Lava Boss
08-14-2006, 07:15 AM
I've currently given up on the Joeverse thing until the day when I have editing software enough to make some decent dio stories.

So they are just pictures.

The Leader
08-14-2006, 10:00 AM
So far I’ve only used figures and vehicles that exist in my Joe verse. The pics I take are just for fun, though I’m going to take a couple pics that may hint at a future dio.

08-14-2006, 10:40 AM
I think one of the reasons I used such a small cast with my dio is because my 3.75" isn't fleshed out. But the concept of the Rapid Response Tactical Squad (aka RRTS, based on the movie Doom) is a huge thing with my Joeverse. Course, anyone reading Episode 2 is seeing that the 1st RRTS isn't quite together. But by Chapter 3, they'll be reformed along with a few other characters.

Just because you do 1-shots doesn't mean that that verse has to pertain directly to a dio and vice versa. The rescue theme week we did, I had Spirit and Major Barrage rescuing Scarlet from Interrogator and a squad of CGs. For that shot, I thought it would just be fun to use those characters. But keeping with my verse, Barrage, Spirit and Scarlet are part of the RRTS2! However, it wasn't pertaining to any dio. It was for fun.

On the other hand, I had the shot of Ace and Slipstream being held captive by Blackout (unpictured) and a squad of Sand Vipers. I chose random Joes that don't get a lot of time and simply shot it. That didn't fit into any dio.

Now that I think about it... I am currently buying toys that cater to my dios and that cater to my Joeverse. Creating a verse can be a lot of work. Some guys come up with some really gnarly stuff (check out the ideas on JoeBattlelines.com). For me, I sold a large part of my 'collection'. I pared it down to the characters I want on the team and that I have use for. Chars like Mindbender, VenMax, Scalpel, Blackout (I know, I know, sounds weird), Link Talbot (shudder), Kamakura, TigerClaw and a slew of others have no place in my 3.75" Joeverse. (yet, Tigerclaw showed up in Episode1!)

Uhmmmm, what were we talking about again?