View Full Version : a perfect end to a perfect day...

gung ho
05-03-2008, 11:57 AM
well guys i had a great night last night...

i've been talking to this girl for about 4 weeks now and we've been hanging out for like 3 weeks.....and me and her's really got to know each other over the short period of time and we pretty much have fallen in love with each other.....but..

we went and picked her up yesterday (friday) and brought her down to my house for a little bit then we took her up to my uncles to listen to us practice...well she said she had lots of fun and she loved my family (brother mom dad and aun't) and soo we started to leave...we drove 2 cars cuz of the amount of people...and my her my brother and dad road in one car and the others in the other car... wel it was dark and i put my hand down in the seat to brace myself and she runs her hand down the under side of my arm and grabs my hand and holds it all the way to the house...and soo my mom came with us to take her home and i had to slide into the middle seat...and she grabs my hand again and starts holding it as i did hers and she starts rubbing my forearm and playing with my bracelet.... well we had to have her back by 10PM but we got there a little early soo we drove down to the river and set in one of the swings and she held my hand the whole time....soo we started back up to the car and she held my hand as we walked to the car....we got in the car and drove her to the hotel where her mom works....and me my brother and her went outside to talk and stuff while my mom and dad talk to her mom and stuff....soo she starts tickling me and runs up the hotel stairs.....well i peek around the corner and she's motioning for me to come sit with her.....soo i went and sit with her and started talking.....well my brother comes up with us....and talks for a little bit...then he heres my mom and dad coming out of the hotel and he goes down to meet them leaving me and her alone.....soo we're setting there and she looks up at me and smiles and i do the same and she grabs my chin and pulls me to her and starts kissing me and i start kissing her back and after we sorta put our heads together and look at each other and smile for a minute and then we get up and walk down the stairs and i hug her up tight and tell her bye soo it was pretty much a perfect ending to a perfect day :D

but on top of that i've never been with a girl and she said i was a good kisser soo i'm happy

gung ho
05-03-2008, 12:02 PM
ohh and heres a pic of her

05-03-2008, 12:06 PM
[COLOR=Red]you dog, way to go, lol. its always nice to meet someone that makes you feel special. but did you ask the one important every guy should ask when meeting a girl, how does she feel about G.I. Joe?[/COLOR]

gung ho
05-03-2008, 12:08 PM
dude lol i don't have to ask her that if you can recall i sold all my stuff and what didn't sell i gave to my brother but yeah

she makes me feel really special

Agent Viper
05-03-2008, 05:10 PM
Atta Boy!!

She's not that bad lookin.

Rock On!

05-03-2008, 05:53 PM
My teenage days... ;)

Go on boy. That's one of the best time on a men's life.

gung ho
05-03-2008, 05:57 PM
yes she's a very beautiful girl :D

05-03-2008, 06:04 PM
She looks pretty!!! Congrats!!

I see your frustration will end soon... :D

gung ho
05-03-2008, 07:01 PM
nah i don't look foreward to having sex with her for a long long time.... i just really want to wait :)

05-03-2008, 08:35 PM
Good job, gh, glad to hear you had a good day! ;)

05-04-2008, 08:43 AM
[QUOTE=gung ho]nah i don't look foreward to having sex with her for a long long time.... i just really want to wait :)[/QUOTE]
Teenage! LOL!

Gotta say, go for what your heart say kiddo!

neapolitan joe
05-04-2008, 10:14 AM

gung ho
05-04-2008, 10:40 AM
thanks guys :)

05-04-2008, 03:40 PM
way to go. I wish u the best. I'd give u advice but I've never had a girlfriend nor kissed one. :eek:

05-04-2008, 05:16 PM
go for it man , she looks cute , yep sex can wait take your time you are young well take it easy ok yo joeee.... :cool:

gung ho
05-04-2008, 06:31 PM
[QUOTE=battlewagon]way to go. I wish u the best. I'd give u advice but I've never had a girlfriend nor kissed one. :eek:[/QUOTE]

haahha welcome to my world lol just untill friday i had never kissed a girl....but she said i was a good kisser soo i'm happy :)

05-04-2008, 07:22 PM
Just take it easy...don't rush anything. Things will go as they will. Just enjoy this time together and let time tell you what to do. Congrats. :cool: