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05-06-2008, 08:49 AM
[COLOR=Red]i thought that headline would get some attention, but it isnt misleading. is joe dios dieing? when i started coming here this place was full of stuff to talk about. now when i check this site there are many, many occasions where no one has posted anything new. after seeing that, i head over to the other joe sites (this being my first stop because its my first joe home) and hisstank has tons and tons of interaction going on. i have probably posted 100 post there in the last week, and for me, that is a lot. anyone else been noticing this?[/COLOR]

05-06-2008, 09:08 AM
I don't post all that often but I've noticed this, too. Things have seemed to be a little slower than usual. I just figured that's it's a natural progression of very busy times, followed by slower times. I've got a lot of ideas for pictures, just not any time right now.

gung ho
05-06-2008, 09:22 AM
and i've een very busy and since i've got no more G.I Joes i just don't post here anymore just come around to check on friends :)

05-06-2008, 01:41 PM
i dunno. there's always a lull. I think part of the problem is that a lot of people don't like the 25A here and that's the bulk of the info on the other sites, right?

05-06-2008, 02:02 PM
End of the semester, I'm teaching two college classes in addition to my 40+hour job. I love to look, but not much time to post.

Don't speak of the site dying. I love it a lot...

See ya guys later...

Urban Saboteur
05-06-2008, 02:04 PM
A very misleading title.. certainly an attention grabber.. ;)
However things may seem you have to ask why theres a lull, is it because of other reasons people have stopped posting pictures or contributions?

I know lots of us have 'things going on' that are taking priority at the moment, and i know for sure that I have been checking back on this site.

Theres been some good contributions from regular members, Outrider & Tone Guns.,.Prince Adam, oh and I realied Agent Viper has stepped up with some good shots too..

It depends how you look at the contributions really, I mean sometimes just posting up a photo is better than random waffling on a board. :o

05-06-2008, 02:08 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]i dunno. there's always a lull. I think part of the problem is that a lot of people don't like the 25A here and that's the bulk of the info on the other sites, right?[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=Red]very good point. think this is the major issue why there are less people posting. they really dont have much to post if their not not the 25th.[/COLOR]

Mysterious Stranger
05-06-2008, 02:09 PM
Honestly I don't come here for the general Joe chat. I come for the pics and dios and stuff. I can get that other info elsewhere but very few have active pic and dio sections like here. I like browsing the days photos and commenting and steal... I mean borrowing ideas and stuff. In fact I have an idea for a fun series of photos I'm going to try shooting soon. Something that will harken back to the good old days.

But I do see where the forum side of things might seem a bit slow. Its the natural ebb and flow of the interwebs.

Da Talent
05-06-2008, 05:50 PM
[QUOTE=yorktownjoe]End of the semester, I'm teaching two college classes in addition to my 40+hour job. I love to look, but not much time to post.

Don't speak of the site dying. I love it a lot...

See ya guys later...[/QUOTE]

Agree totally agree here, just hard to balance time with the semster wrapping up, shit is crazy busy. I get to look but its hard to post unless its at like 3 am and I can't sleep. Normally I get a photo or 2 up on the weekend but my mom and sis cam in town from the AZ and bought me Grand theft auto 4 and mario cart. It was a fun weekend and I can't put gta 4 down so now balancing my time is that much harder!!! :D

05-06-2008, 08:48 PM
I mainly stopped posting cause the atmosphere wasn't there... but since I see Hammerfell cleaned house, I'll come back ;-) I've got quite a few how-to sets I've built and haven't posted.

And I don't see the 25A thing being an issue really. I love seeing the old school shots, and I'm only 25A and the ARAH folks on the whole have been super kind with their feedback and comments. It's all good baby! woot!

And I do agree with Cory... GTA4 is eating my life away too ;-)

Cheers! ~ Paul.

05-06-2008, 09:00 PM
[COLOR=Red]yeah, your someone who has been missing. really, REALLY miss those how to's. glad things have changed for the better to get some more of those.[/COLOR]

05-06-2008, 09:38 PM
Well i'm new to Posting here,but i'm not new to Joe Dio's.I've lurked here for a pretty long time,heck i can almost tell by looking at a pic' who made it.Now that i've got off my lazy behind and registered,i plan to start getting some shot's up of my own.I've got a bunch of good ideas from looking at all the great Pic's here,i just hope i can do half as good as most on here.I'm guessing when Summer kick's in it will pick up,at least i hope so.

05-06-2008, 10:00 PM
dawg, engage!

05-07-2008, 02:09 AM
I'm in the military. I just finished up annual evaluations, and we just changed shift schedules and systems, we took three crews and combined them into two, so alot of changes really fast for me. Additionally, being a dad takes up a good amount of time. I try to post as often as I can, though sometimes it's only pics. For the most part I generally comment on the photos.

05-07-2008, 04:32 AM
[QUOTE=Mysterious Stranger]Honestly I don't come here for the general Joe chat. I come for the pics and dios and stuff. I can get that other info elsewhere but very few have active pic and dio sections like here. I like browsing the days photos and commenting and steal... I mean borrowing ideas and stuff. In fact I have an idea for a fun series of photos I'm going to try shooting soon. Something that will harken back to the good old days.

But I do see where the forum side of things might seem a bit slow. Its the natural ebb and flow of the interwebs.[/QUOTE]

I agree with Mysterious Stranger. My involvement here has been primarily on the photo side. The forum allows some interaction with other GI Joe fans/fanatics and a great deal of reenforcement for my ability and ideas.

I am not interested in starting an arguement or pointing fingers at anyone because I'm not aware of all of the "inside" backstory and honestly have tried to stay clear of what appears to be disputes on the site. But lately there seemed to be some antagonism going on on the site. This might have scared off some of our fellow members or caused them to drop into "lurker" status.

Sonnelion also hit on a point; a lot of the new postings are 25th Anni. related. Personally I like the new sculpts but don't really see them having a place in my dios. However, there has been a great deal dialog both positive and negative about the 25th Anni.

05-07-2008, 07:27 AM

I am not interested in starting an arguement or pointing fingers at anyone because I'm not aware of all of the "inside" backstory and honestly have tried to stay clear of what appears to be disputes on the site. But lately there seemed to be some antagonism going on on the site. This might have scared off some of our fellow members or caused them to drop into "lurker" status.
a very good point. i myself have stayed out of threads because i knew it would end badly. im sure a lot of others are now starting to state their thoughts due to things like this.[/COLOR]

General Jones
05-07-2008, 08:34 AM
Same here with school. I just finished a 15 credit hour semester that included my Capstone project to finish off my BS, along with working two jobs, but I try to stop by when I can.

05-07-2008, 09:51 AM
the 25th and bbi is what got interested in joes again, which also led me to this site. i think it's just s slow point right now you see all the time in different hobby web sites

05-07-2008, 11:21 AM
Well, for me, there isn't much to talk about. I'm disgusted with the 25th anniversary molds and that's not gonna go away. Hasbro is Re-making the line from 1982- on and I already have the ARAH figures, so to me it's no big deal. The Movie,...I'll wait and see. I've gotten too excited about a book or series that was gonna be made into a movie only to see dissappointing results. It's like reliving 1982 - on but with crappier figures. When they come out with figures they never had before, I might get excited.

And there's all the work that's been keeping me as busy as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest!

Lava Boss
05-07-2008, 11:29 AM
I've lost interest in taking pictures of toys for now. Part of that's lack of interest in 25th Joes and but more of it is finding collecting unfufilling if not a hassle.

05-07-2008, 11:39 AM
G hit the nail right on the head; the 25th A junk has killed it for me. Plus, I gotta admit, GTAIV is taking up a lot of my time right now!

05-07-2008, 03:13 PM


05-07-2008, 03:23 PM
i don't understand the lack of interest in the 25th to me they seem to be the best thing since to original Joe line. Hasbro seem to doing the 25th for the fans too.

05-07-2008, 08:47 PM
It depends really, there are a number of joe fans who are not happy with the 25th line because of the sculpt design (which includes myself) and size. The 25th comes in much taller than the classic and there are a lot of us who have a big classic line collection and find that the 25th largely is incompatible with what we have. I personally also dislike the torso design, IMO, a torso does not split into two, it just looks odd and you can clearly see it in a figure like Flash where the body armor splits into two when you turn in the upper torso. Factor in also that the 25th is a rehash of character designs that seems to much like what Star Wars is now, same character in same costume with new articulation design and improved facesculpt. The vehicles are also redone classic vehicles and frankly 25 years later, some are showing their age in terms of what's out there in the real world and again a number of collectors already have these vehicles. Not knocking those who like 25th but just stating why some don't like it or are not too enthusiastic about it.

05-07-2008, 09:49 PM
that cool I'm ok with that

I'm not stating what I'm say next to keep an argument going, but I have found that the 25th are scale more correctly to true 1:18 scale figs than the classic line. They fit very well next to BBI and 21 century figs. That not to say i won't get a classic fig I like when i find um heck they are the reason t like 1:18th scaled figs in the first place.

05-07-2008, 10:02 PM
I think more people on here like the older style Figure's,and that's why it's not as busy as some of the other's.And like many here i'm not into the 25th Figure's they just look funny to me,i did buy 2 of them a Stom Shadow & Snake Eye's just to see what they was like.And i can say i won't be buying anymore Single Figure's,the only way i'll get anymore of them is when one comes with a Vehicle.And i can say that's the one part of the 25th line i'm VERY Excited about,i can't wait to go to a Store and buy a old school looking Black Hiss! :D

05-08-2008, 06:16 AM
Dzirhan summed up my feelings towards the current figures very well.

The site is getting a hell of a lot more posts and photos per day than when I joined, and for the year or so before that when I was lurking, for the most part. It's not a "GI Joe Central" site like yojoe or hisstank; I always saw the forum as supplementary to the pictures & stories which are the main focus of the site and they seem to be doing fine. If anything, pictures don't get quite as much attention & comments as they once might have because they get buried by new stuff so quickly!

05-08-2008, 06:28 AM
[QUOTE=Stormer]If anything, pictures don't get quite as much attention & comments as they once might have because they get buried by new stuff so quickly![/QUOTE]

This is true - I do a lot of perusing from work, and I usually just flip through a few and leave maybe 1 comment on one picture or two. If there is new stuff (and there usually is) that's the first to go.
I don't think its a bad thing though, as you can go back and look at all the purty pictures that has bombarded the site and then comment/rank then ;)

05-08-2008, 09:09 AM
I might also add that perhaps one of the reasons pictures don't get so much attention and comments these days could also be due to the fact that because there has been so much great pics on this sites in the past, the pic has to be somewhat extraordinary or really bad :) to get attention and comments, it's a bit of having too much of a good thing really.

05-08-2008, 10:46 AM
[QUOTE=Dzirhan]I might also add that perhaps one of the reasons pictures don't get so much attention and comments these days could also be due to the fact that because there has been so much great pics on this sites in the past, the pic has to be somewhat extraordinary or really bad :) to get attention and comments, it's a bit of having too much of a good thing really.[/QUOTE]

That IS true. There is a LOT of Talent on here. the Standards DEFINITELY have gone up since I got here. I remember back in the day, there were a few GREAT veterans on here (Outrider, Luke Ellison, Leonardo T. Dragon, Hammerfel, just to name a few) and Myself, ToneGuns and Shane were just starting out. We would see people come, take some amaturish pictures and we would critique them, give them advice (and I would be listening intently for nuggets of gold I could use!) but they would snap a few bad shot and then never come back. Now, a lot of the "New Jacks" start out better than I was after I was here for a year!

I mean what is there to say to these guys? It's easy to critique a pic that has something wrong, but when there are SOOOOO many good shots, "Awesome Pics" just sounds so vistigial! There is a LOT of talent here. I'd like to see some of you guys try your hand at small dios stories. I Love a good read! ;)

As for the 25th, I think Dzirhan said it. If you already have 99% of the figures Hasbro is "Re-Releasing" then there aint much to get excited over! But the Con Set has my interest! Just hope they don't sell out of the "extras" because I'm not gonna be able to go this year!

05-09-2008, 01:50 AM
a very good point. i myself have stayed out of threads because i knew it would end badly. im sure a lot of others are now starting to state their thoughts due to things like this.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

I haven't really noticed this, as most other boards (for other things mind you) tend to turn into flame wars before a moderator or someone in charge puts a stop to it.

I do however think that there are way to many times the 25th gets a negative comment, as even in this post it is mentioned several times. For my own sake I rather comment positively or at least with constructive critizism or not at all. But I guess its one of those things that some people will love and some people will hate and it will forever be a debate about it.

I've tried to comment more in the forum now as well (mostly from work when there is a lull), but mostly I tend to post pictures. I guess that's the thing with some of us here, we either post pictures or discuss stuff at the forum, and I guess that most are of the picture kind (as some have noticed there to be a slight lull in the forum these days.).

Oh well back to work for me ;)
-------- Edited
wow I think things picked up real fast here - maybe folks read this and realized that they had more on their chest then they thought :)

05-09-2008, 06:24 PM
For the most part, I go to this site to read dio stories and look at some cool pictures, and maybe sometimes post on the forum. Someone else already said this, but because there are so many good pictures that are posted on the site, I feel funny if I can only say "good picture" (I do sometimes anyway).

I wasn't able to take any pictures for a few months because I had snow on the ground, which wouldn't fit with the dio story I was working on. Now that the weather's getting better, I've been taking a lot of pictures, and hope to have an update in a week or two.

05-09-2008, 06:35 PM
[COLOR=Red]good, love your stories and cant wait for the next.[/COLOR]

05-09-2008, 10:16 PM
I always try to check the site at least once a day, I'm not on the forums a lot, but I really enjoy the site and the friends I've made here. The real life stuff I'm a restaurant manager my gm was on vacation making me the acting gm, and we've had a lot of turnover recently (meaning I'm cooking/dishwashing/waiting tables ect.) My goal is to eventually do a diostory but my lack of photoshop skills/ time has prevented me thus far. I do not think this site is dying, I really hope it isn't.