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05-08-2008, 03:08 PM
[COLOR=Red]mmm, with all the movement of threads going on i cant find the thread about 25th figures. anyway, here are some shots of the 25th comic packs. some are good, others are a disappointment. [/COLOR]


05-08-2008, 04:11 PM
Good find!

Nemesis enforcer is not that interesting to me - I rarely watched the cartoon.

The Iron Grenadier looks promising! Probably the best of the bunch

Lt.Falcon is just Flint repainted (well mostly - and still not painted here), so I'm not to thrilled about him.

Cobra Commander with cloth cape and extra stuff for his uniform - now we are talking - I'm probably getting this Cobra Commander as well.

Tripwire - using the Flash/Grandslam body - not really a suprise but hey it might work, I am definately getting him tho, one of my original tiger force (and first joes).

And Lady Jaye without a hat! To bad she is blonde - but some paint will fix that right up.

Again good find and thanks for sharing!

05-08-2008, 04:16 PM
[COLOR=Red]well nemesis is the one i want the most. it was supposed to be tripwire, but since i never owned a figure of him before and he was one of my fave joes, i really wanted something very close to the original. falcon is just a mix of duke and flint, but with the accessories he look pretty good. im surprised at the IG, i dont like that he is destro and armored CC together, but it really looks great, just nothing like the original. i would pass on CC, but ill still have to get tripwire, so ill use CC as a custom. [/COLOR]

05-08-2008, 04:23 PM
Nemesis's batwings looks much better than the originals.!!!!!!!!

05-08-2008, 04:27 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo]Nemesis's batwings looks much better than the originals.!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

[COLOR=Red]yeah, looks like they might actually move[/COLOR]

05-08-2008, 04:32 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]yeah, looks like they might actually move[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

And its pose!!! They have the look it have on the movie: threatening!!!

The ARAH one look like and a squashed squirrel.

05-08-2008, 04:53 PM
I want Falcon. Errrrr, I kinda want 'em all cept CC which I could care less about. Falcon and Tripwire are my the highlights. And a BETTER Lady Jaye works for me since I don't like ANY of the ones that we've gotten since 2002. Thanks Big L.

05-08-2008, 04:57 PM
I actually don't have a problem with re-paints, as long as they are done good. Now most repaints tend to use Snake Eyes or Dukes body, so that's been seen and done a lot now.

And how the Cobra Commanders Iron/battle suit is actually MARS tech (it says so on his filecard) actually makes sense that you will see the design in the Iron Grenadiers, so that's just something that backs up the little tidbit of info they made up for him. (correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it originally a Fred that made the armoured suit and wore it as cobra commander in the marvel comics? - oh well he might have stolen it from MARS for all we know).

The Cobra Commander repaint isnt to bad either - but they should have used his original legs, that holster for the pistol is just annoying and makes little sense.

05-08-2008, 08:36 PM
What you guys saw were prototype molds for the figures. That is not how they'll be released. They'll have detailed paint schemes and they'll look better.

05-08-2008, 11:02 PM
[QUOTE=rds13601]What you guys saw were prototype molds for the figures. That is not how they'll be released. They'll have detailed paint schemes and they'll look better.[/QUOTE]

Well that was pretty much a given - I don't think anyone belived that they would offer a grey head tripwire or completely green Lt. Falcon.
But true, they are prototypes and may change a little from now til release.

05-09-2008, 03:22 AM
Overall, I like all of them except for Lady Jaye (lousy female fig IMO), and the Nemesis Enf (not interested in). I look forward to see Falcon painted. But I can't help but think that the re-use of molds has gone way toooooo far. IG in armoured CC suit? Tripwire with Flash body? Nope, man. Nobody at the spanish community has had a positive feedback on these except but me (but I am a bit conformist, so that's ok :P ), and I really think that if Hasbro doesn't correct that, we are seeing the last of these 25th.

05-09-2008, 11:00 AM
Wait, we aren't getting a GREEN Falcon??? Man, he better not end up pink and blue or something!!! :p

05-09-2008, 02:21 PM
They'll start releasing a too black-camo version of the lieutenant, to replace it for a correct green version one... wait, that's already been done!

05-09-2008, 06:26 PM
I'll definitely get the new Falcon figure, but I would prefer he had different arms that looked like the original figure. The Iron Grenadier looks cool too. I hope the new CC is black, he'd go well with the the black helmeted version that came with the COBRA Legions pack. I wonder what all these figures will look like painted.