View Full Version : whos your favorite G.I. Joe and why?
08-19-2006, 07:10 PM
it can be anyone/anything. from the comics, any of the shows ( including sigma 6 ),and movies. Was your fav a cobra, G.I. Joe, or some other group like Destro's iron grenadiers?
mine at the moment is Destro... but I also like overkill :cool:
08-19-2006, 09:55 PM
Man, that's a tough question to answer. I've always liked Lowlight (the '86 version, then the brilliant DTC version), Muskrat '88, Flint '85, Crosshair (the first version and the night force version), and too many more to mention. As for the bad guys, Major Bludd (especially the DTC version) is hard to beat. Throw in Firefly (comic pack, or the green/brown one), some Night Vipers and the Skull Squad Troopers, and you're nearly there. Most Cobra army builders are awesome, and there's not actually too many Joes or Cobras that I don't like. Regardless of affiliation, cool specialties and great sculpts and colours are always appreciated. :)
08-20-2006, 07:13 AM
Really hard to choice. Mine is always the one that is in the mail... Ok, for now mine is Lt. Falcon v1!
08-20-2006, 11:07 AM
If I had to pick just one, I'd say v1 Falcon. I love the design, his outfit, cool shotgun, beret, colors, and a swell backpack. The cartoon and comic may have not done him justice, but as a toy, he was perfect. He had a good military balance when GI Joe was starting to get weird. I used him a lot.
But until 1986 or whenever he came out, my fave was probably Flash or Tripwire. Those guys took the backburner when cooler figures showed up. And Tunnel Rat, Muskrat and Repeater quickly became part of my top5 and always used.
C-GDSM 2487
08-20-2006, 12:06 PM
well i must say my number1 figure has to be overlord v1
i like his file card he worked his way up in the ranks of cobra
i like the colour joes shipwreckv1 great figure
try and get out of must of the ways to get and easy job
when hes need he there in support all the time like a good fight
rob :eek:
08-20-2006, 03:13 PM
From a figure standpoint, I like Blizzard v1, Mercer v1 & v2, Flint v2, Falcon v1. Character wise, I'm a big fan of Breaker.
08-21-2006, 06:49 AM
My favorite figure for the Joes would have to be a toss up between Law & Order and Lifeline. I just liked their look and their backgrounds. While my favorite Cobras would be Nightvipers, EELs, Firefly, Storm Shadow and of cource CC. Cool looking uniforms, cool weapons, cool vehicles, I like Cobra more, what can I say. :D
Lava Boss
08-22-2006, 07:08 AM
Duke's my favorite cuz Duke's the best there is. :p
I liked Airtight, Crazylegs, Recondo and Beachhead. But I did like Duke V1, arrogant smile and all. He was one of my earliest swivel arm joes and his look immediately said Heroic Leader, the original 13...well 12, I didn't have Hawk, were just his greenshirts. Even Snake-Eyes, I mean, really, SE without swivel arms and 2 broken fingers ain't good for jack anyway. I never had 1985 Snake-Eyes, but my brother did. If I didn't have their figure when I was young, they cannot be a favorite. that's my rule.
Best cartoon character was probably Roadblock, Shipwreck was great, too. But he maybe got overused a bit.
08-22-2006, 09:54 AM
I was always partial to Low Light (v1). I thought it was such a great figure! He also was one of the more intriguing characters in the Joe mythos, filecard to cartoon. My favorite Cobra would definitely be Firefly, especially the comic pack one. I love the headsculpt there. Firefly is just a morally-bancrupt individual and would double-cross his own mother for a nickle. Evil, through and through. The figure depicts this well. Great accessories, sculpt, everything.
08-22-2006, 09:04 PM
I would have to say, my favorite character of all time, would have to be the head snake himself, Cobra Commander. I love the idea of a broken, blue-collar individual that actually created and shifted enough blame from himself and onto society and the government that he was able to start a successful terrorist organization that has spawned globally. He may not be as imposing face to face size wise, but the man has a stare that sends chills down anyone's spine. How else could anyone gather the forces he has to his inner circle and control them? Sure there is in-fighting and plotting and backstabbing, but the man still comes out on top. He has taken down General Hawk, he will take down more.
On to the Joes, I have to say my favorite character is Mercer. Ironically, Mercer was never used in the comics until the DD run and only briefly, he was never featured heavily in the cartoon except for the movie to my knowledge, but the sheer mystique about his character, a cobra that defected, and picked up the fight for freedom in the face of adversity, never to be accepted by anyone. A loner that did what he thought was right, even with no one trusted him. The man has some guts, what can I say?
I would have to say Beach Head is a close second, a hard-nosed, no-nonsense, take-no-crap, when push comes to shove he incapacitates and lets someone else ask the questions later. He has an utmost respect for anyone that gives his all, and while not one to exhibit compassion, I believe Beach Head to be more compassionate than most any other Joe about his duty. It is that passion that makes him such a hard-case. It is that same passion that pushes him to push others to perform to their utmost ability.
08-23-2006, 09:02 PM
My favorite Joe is Falcon, which should be obvious as he's been in all of my dio stories so far. I actually liked his character in the movie, he started off as a jerk in the beginning but grew over the course and I began to like him. I think issue 109 of the Marvel comic was one of the best representations of him. When the SAW Viper opened fire in the trench, Falcon threw the knife that stopped the SAW Viper, and then he was the first one out of the trench to fight even though he was the leader and could have ordered someone else out. When the Rage blew up at the end of the issue and Cross Country and Duke were pulling him from the wreckage, he told them to put him down and get the others out, sadly, there were no others.
He was also the first Joe figure I got, so he got a lot of use back in the day. I'm a little worried that something might happen to the figure (like a broken thumb or missing knife) while I'm doing my stories, but I also think it's cool that the same Falcon of my childhood is also the star of my dio stories.
08-29-2006, 12:09 PM
Got to be Mainframe for the simple reason that hes the first one i ever got.
its that simple.
Sure there are cooler looking ones, ones with more gear but mainframe just does it for me.
09-02-2006, 02:31 AM
I will say Shipwreck, the original.
I put him in that top tier of iconic Joes, with Snake Eyes, Duke, Lady Jaye, Scarlett, Flint, etc. Shipwreck was just a fun character and had a simple, but cool look.
I remember an interview with one of the Buzz Dixon. "Write him like Popeye, but play him like Jack Nicholson." I don't know how he can be summed up any better than that. He also had arguably the most memorable pet of all time, Polly. I don't think Neil Ross gets enough props for his voice work (as well as Dusty, Hector Ramirez... there were some great episodes where he's basically playing off himself because his characters are talking to one another).
It saddens me that the Devils Due look is getting the nod in the S6 toyline. :confused:
09-02-2006, 10:12 AM
A lot of people have said that they like the original version of Low Light but I personally like the second version where he's so hairy you can barely see his face. That weird wool mesh stuff he wears too is really cool, I forgot where I've seen it elsewhere but I think it's pretty sweet. As for Cobra I'm really a huge fan of the Night Viper's, they're so sneaky and cool and the Black/Purple version of Sand Viper was really sweet too.
09-02-2006, 12:03 PM
Tunnel Rat V1. Not only my favourite figure, but his character in the movie was pretty cool and other than Jinx was the most believable. A cockey rookie who thinks he's done it all but worse. And besides it's nice to see a Joe with an attitude :D
Honourable mentions are Crankcase and Outback.
Cranky just is a great realistic based figure, though his British gentleman's hairstyle clashes with his personality.
And Outback... Well, what's not to love? Perhaps the best sculpted oldscool face, fantastic accessories... A great figure!!
I have never been one for your Snake Eyes, General Hawk or Duke. The less used a character, the more fun you can have with inventing them.
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