View Full Version : Life After Joe Dios And Other Joe Forums!!!

05-09-2008, 07:52 PM
[COLOR=Red]thinking of my joes, star wars and indiana jones figures. thinking of how in the years to come how many i will have. maybe in 5 years ill have enough stuff to do great dios like general hawk or violentfix, but what if there is nowhere to put them!?!

right now there is a boom in joe activity, many of us taking pics, doing dios and collecting. i dont see this happening soon, but what happens when G.I. Joe goes through another great dry spell? say in 7 years there are no more figures being made, no cartoon, no movie and no comics. hammerfel who those of us who dont have our own sight owe a lot to, what happens if he decides that with no joe activity he doesnt need to spend his money to keep this site active? worse still, all joe related sites where we post follow suit and close. all of our pics on here are gone, everything on here gone. a lot of us will lose total contact with the others. what will we do with the small army we have amassed in the years? with no one to show our pictures or our dios to, will our joes then be put away in a dark corner?

i know some of you have bonded on this site, lord raven and ender seem to be pretty tight, but will keeping in touch with a few people on here be enough to keep us going? will the joe inside of us all just wither and die like a flower with no rain? only one of my real life friends is into joes, but he doesnt buy them or do anything with them. i have a few email addresses somewhere of people on here, but would that be enough for me to take my army out and do dios or pics? just something i though about and wonder if you have though about this?[/COLOR]

05-09-2008, 08:03 PM
I dont know what future have for us, but I know I will be buried with my joes and perhaps and helicopter.

Till that happen I will still look for joe sites related. Somehow there will be another Hammerfel (it could be the same) that will keep this terrific site on line. That happened to YoJoe.com, some people started it and some years later they passed the torch to a new bunch of joe fans.


Da Talent
05-09-2008, 09:04 PM
I dont think the big Hammer will ever pull the plug on us. But if something should happen to him that makes that necessary, I am sure he would give us ample warning, so that one of us could step up and do what is needed( finacially and with admin needs). I'm sure our niche in the joe universe is safe ;)

and if it did happen, I bet our core group and email addresses could get it back. No use worrying about the next drought, I know I am just enjoying what we got and the friends I make along the way.


05-09-2008, 11:28 PM
No way this site is going away. I created it so Dio authors could have a PERMANENT place to post their work, where it won't get purged like so many did at JoeCustoms. I know he has database limitations, and that's a reality he faces, but I'm focused on preserving this art.

05-10-2008, 11:13 AM
We appreciate it Hammerfel. I for one have been into Joes since I was a kid in 83. Now that I'm rediscovering my childhood, I can't see myself giving it up again.

05-12-2008, 04:12 AM
I got into online Joe-fandom with sites like yojoe and thebivouac back when Hasbro wasn't even making GI Joe products. There were the limited TRU releases but that hardly caused a storm of activity and resurgence in interest. There were some awesome dio-stories and pictures around then, and considering how immensely the franchise grew over the last 7 years or so, there's a lot more possible than fans were able to do when they had to rely on '80s and '90s figures.

The very fact this is a fan-made, fan-supported site that's populated almost entirely by people who, if they were likely to "grow out" of GI Joe would have done so already, makes me feel very secure with this part of the GI Joe community if not online Joe-fandom in general. And the fact that we DO talk on here, in PMs, over IMs, and in person when possible, means we're not likely to let things fall apart and then suddenly one day go "Oh, I want to talk to the JoeDios guys, how will I get in touch with them?"

The very nature of this site, inspiring a more adult way of "playing" with toys, helps to keep my interest in the line going -- I don't collect 25th, so if my interest were dependent on Hasbro's activities I'd have gone by now -- and I'm grateful to Hammerfel for maintaining this site as well as all the other members who make this creative, interactive corner of GI Joe fandom a community that I'm very happy to be a part of wherever I may be in the world!

05-12-2008, 09:51 AM
I just appreciate that people here try and put effort into what they are posting. I've found on joecustoms.com, you gotta wade thru a lot of junk to find a gem there. It's great that it's a smaller community cuz we are very specific in what we are doing. Like Fel has said, we can go other places if we need other things. Like Clutch's Locker Door on the JBL. ;)

05-25-2008, 10:33 AM
[QUOTE=lovebeijgo]The world is a ladder for some to go up and others to go down.


05-25-2008, 10:50 AM
You got me. With that sig, looks like a bored spammer.

05-25-2008, 11:38 AM
[QUOTE=Hammerfel]No way this site is going away. I created it so Dio authors could have a PERMANENT place to post their work, where it won't get purged like so many did at JoeCustoms. I know he has database limitations, and that's a reality he faces, but I'm focused on preserving this art.[/QUOTE]

That's great to hear. I appreciate this site as a place to share our hobby with like-minded people, many of whom have become good friends, and to enjoy and be inspired by each other's work. I for one have no intention of going anywhere else! Thanks Hammerfel for creating such a special site! :)