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View Full Version : Leaving the hobby...

08-22-2006, 04:27 PM
I have decided to leave the wonderful hobby of Joe Collecting for good

As some of you know, i am a Mod over at YoJoe.com
I havent been modding threads in over a month
I havent posted any pix over here in a while either
so yah, am done with the hobby...

I also wanna get rid of my collection, a handful of hard to find items
a whole bunch of customs & i wanna get rid of them ASAP

heres a link to them
Joes for Sale (http://forums.yojoe.com/showthread.php?t=40465)
Cobras for Sale (http://forums.yojoe.com/showthread.php?t=40466)

thanks for the fun times, guys!! :)

08-22-2006, 05:11 PM
WHAT??? WHY???

We've been asking where you disappeared off to. Everyone needs to step back now and then, but this is a pretty drastic thang you're doing! We need all the picture-takers we can get!!!

08-22-2006, 06:53 PM
What can I say about it. Sometimes we just have to make a turn.

08-22-2006, 09:20 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]WHAT??? WHY???

We've been asking where you disappeared off to. Everyone needs to step back now and then, but this is a pretty drastic thang you're doing! We need all the picture-takers we can get!!![/QUOTE]

Sometimes it is necessary to take on new responsibilities at the cost of old pleasures. This decision can't have been made lightly - all I can say is that while personally I understand if life has gotten in the way of your hobby, you will be sorely missed here and on the web. Your work has been inspirational and instrumental in my interest in this hobby. Wherever your path takes you, may the sun be at your back and the skies clear. :(

08-23-2006, 12:13 AM
Don...!! :eek: Say it isn't so!!! I was wondering where you'd been, but was sure you would be back soon. I hope everything works out just fine for you, and that perhaps in the future you will find time to return to GI Joe. Until then, what are we going to do without you, man? :confused: :(

Lava Boss
08-24-2006, 05:12 AM
Bummer. I enjoyed your photos.

I know people have their various reasons for exiting the hobby, but I wonder how many will call it quits mainly out of loss of interest. With 3 3/4"'s off again/on again hiatuses people turn to other things, anyone saying the hiatuses are good doesn't remember the phrase "out of sight is out of mind". People drift to other interests, and don't necessarily go back to Joe. Losing collectors only hurts the chances of any 3 3/4" comeback, though I can't "blame" anyone for leaving. (I'm really tired of fans blaming fans for everything.)

08-24-2006, 08:31 AM
The way I see it is that I've watched a lot of fans have their interest disappear. And that's cool. I can understand. Other things are more interesting or whatever. Or a huge fight erupts on the Joe boards and people leave.

But I've seen a lot of people come back after a year or two and rebuy their collections on EBAY. I just hope the BabyBoo has considered what he's doing. I'd hate to see him come back next year for the 25th Anniversary set and then try to buy everything he sold off. Fortunately as a dio guy, I only buy what I believe I need for the dios, just as Luke does. It saves ME from the headache of trying to have a full collection to gather dust.

G'luck to ya, Don. Come back and say HI every now and then. You can always comment on pictures or whatever!

08-24-2006, 04:23 PM
Sorry to hear you are leaving the hobby. But, I understand as I've come and gone since the 90's. The nice thing is. I have always just boxed everything up and stored it in the attic. I'm 36 years old and once in awhile I start filling old and decide to break out the hobby. It helps me relax. Anyways, Good luck and I'll look thru your stuff, I for sure am wanting your,

Comic Pack #8 Rock N Roll. If it's available..

HOLESNIPE <---------- Not letting the body even get cold...

09-01-2006, 04:05 PM
just FYI
i am having a 50% off sale on everything

i know i said no international shipping
but since most of you joediosers are from all over the world
i will make an exception for y'all ;)

I will overquote you shipping, and i will refund you anything extra
once i send off your package... PM me cuz items are going quick!!

09-01-2006, 04:34 PM
Just to clarify, i wasnt annoyed with anybody to the point i want
to leave the hobby
I was not financially strapped & forced to sell my collection
my wife didnt put her foot down & say ENOUGH ~ she totally supports me with this
hobby of mine

Its just that I have grown tired of the hobby
My close friends know that I get tired of things easily
from collecting jerseys, to jordans, to Joes, i usually get into collecting
for at most 6mos at a time, then i move on to something else
My friends are actually surprised that i lasted 4 years collecting Joes

I will still try to visit joedios tho when i can
please everybody, keep up the good work & take care

09-01-2006, 07:50 PM
Whoa, I missed this topic while I was occupied over the past month! Sorry to see you go, semi-neighbor! Hope to still see you around the boards occasionally...

09-02-2006, 02:51 AM
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Indigo]Oh Wow!,
I didn't see this announcement over on yojoe.. does everyone on there know? I too am sorry to see you quit the hobby.. although I'm sure if its what you want to do then the decision would have been made after some considerable thought.

I enjoyed reading that take on the Sure Fire/ Tomax & Xamot thing you sent to me by email.. and I too had noticed the last of posting by you on yojpe.

Good luck for the future Don I hope things work out really well for you.

09-02-2006, 06:02 AM
[QUOTE=Lava Boss]Bummer. I enjoyed your photos.

I know people have their various reasons for exiting the hobby, but I wonder how many will call it quits mainly out of loss of interest. With 3 3/4"'s off again/on again hiatuses people turn to other things, anyone saying the hiatuses are good doesn't remember the phrase "out of sight is out of mind". People drift to other interests, and don't necessarily go back to Joe. Losing collectors only hurts the chances of any 3 3/4" comeback, though I can't "blame" anyone for leaving. (I'm really tired of fans blaming fans for everything.)[/QUOTE]
I only just got into it at the start of the hiatus. almost no joes in stores hurts my cause but i wont give in! :cool:

09-18-2006, 07:01 PM
I'm late with this one but have noticed you have been MIA for a while.

So you're done huh? I know I still might run into you at Target or something. :)

Be good.

09-18-2006, 09:08 PM
Actually, I think Don lurks. It takes a really gnarly picture for him to comment. For the most part, he is out of the GI Joe collecting business but I'm sure he's cool w/ pictures on occasion. I know that I appreciate him still stopping by.