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View Full Version : Some quetions about picture taking

08-26-2006, 01:28 PM
Most of my pictures have been in the 2272 x 1704 and I wonder if thats way too big or not? What scale do you guys usually use? I suppose I could look through the pictures list and find out myself but perhaps you guys shoot with picture sizes you prefer not to use or something. Anyway just curious.

08-26-2006, 01:46 PM
I keep it down to 640x480. Small, but you can still see the details, and gives me more room to upload more :-)

08-26-2006, 03:20 PM
[QUOTE=LordRaven]I keep it down to 640x480. Small, but you can still see the details, and gives me more room to upload more :-)[/QUOTE]
You get it Shane! I was using 1024 x 738 or something. Right now I'll change for 800 x 600, 'coz of room space here in Joedios. I just runned out of space once, don't want do that again soon. :D

08-27-2006, 05:00 PM
That small eh? Okay I'll kee that in mind, thanks guys.

08-27-2006, 08:37 PM
600x800 is a regular standard for most people. We get thumbnails on one page. Then we open it up and for the most part, we can see everything we need. If it's bigger than 600x800, we can click again and get a HUGE picture but then we need to scroll around to be able to see it. What's the point of that? Most people's browsers automatically fit pictures to fit the screen or whatever. But seriously, anything bigger is a waste of computer space.

Whatever art program you are using should have a RESIZE option or button. In most cases, the program will automatically the Y or X axis for you. You fill in X, it does Y. Or vice versa. There's no need to actually type in 600 height (X) and 800 Width (Y) unless you have it turned off. (or do I have that backwards? Y is vertical, X is horizontal??? TONEGUNS!?!?!) I resize everything and sometimes, if you resize it just right, you can hide a lot of glitches or bad focusing. *cough cough*

When doing a dio, you tend to make them even smaller! I know looking thru old dios, I have shots that look too big. But that's another topic!

08-28-2006, 08:22 AM
Y is vertical, X is horizontal. At least in math. ;)

08-28-2006, 05:38 PM
i say that joecustoms.com didnt let me put any pics on there even though i was a member

thank you joe dios!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

08-28-2006, 07:22 PM
JoeCustoms is very anal about how the pictures are supposed to be. You need to note only resize them, but make them worth even putting up there. I didn't have a lot of customs so I put up a few and that's it. I had the custom bug but not for long.

08-30-2006, 10:08 AM
So I was looking at all the pictures at like 50 per page and just wondering what people said about my pictures and I think that its funny that when I look at all the pictures most of them have like white light in the background and then you get to mine which have orange. I wonder how many people who see the orange background pictures go "Oh, there's another one of Dersham's pictures." Haha I kill me, anyway thanks for all the advice though guys. I'll try that out when shooting Zartan for theme week I just haven't gotten the right idea of how to pose him. I've thought of some perspective shots where we can see him aiming at things or sneaking around, but I haven't decided yet.