View Full Version : Super Patriots

05-16-2008, 11:53 PM
Hey people check out this site and let me know what u think OK :o

05-17-2008, 05:45 AM
Isn't this quasi-political?
I'm not sure its such a good idea to post it here - But to give my input.
The page was way to busy, I got the general gist of it, but it was to messy for me to be interested in actually reading it(and truth be told, Its not my war so I'm not that interested any more.). So there, I think I managed to avoid giving flame bait but still give something constructive back ;)

05-17-2008, 05:53 PM
Yeah, looks like there might be something cool in there, but I don't feel like wading through 30 pages of them badmouthing the "Flogging the simian" whatever that is.....

If they would stick to english for the laymen and explain who they are, and what they stand for in plain old English, I might read some of it....

Lava Boss
05-17-2008, 09:55 PM
Glad I'm not the only one confused by that site. Really does make me wonder what goes on over there.

05-17-2008, 10:20 PM
me too i really dont get it ....

05-18-2008, 04:09 PM
I tried looking up Flogging the Simian and found this blog site by some Romanian. I think it's a woman as other places I searched had said that it was. Nonetheless I found like 20 articles referring to this Jack Idema guy. I'm not exactly sure who he is, I think he's some ex-Green Beret who was running some kind of hunt for the Taliban and conducted some nasty interrogations. I could be wrong about this as I read several different sites, but couldn't really find a clear explanation of what was going on. Though on that Super Patriots site I never found that it said Jack Idema, it just referred to this guy Jack. So there's room for some confusion there. It could be another Jack entirely.

Otherwise I had the same problem with what haradrel said in that the site is messy and I find it to be a little unorganized with what it's trying to promote. In the about me section they were explaining about some guys who were tortured badly, and then put into great cells and it sounded like they were the ones who were posting this information about Jack. But are they same guys who jack supposedly tortured? Or are they the guys that work for Jack? I was confused about that.

I don't have an actual opinion about this, I hope everyone sees that. I found it confusing and the bit that I've explained is to the extent in which I organized the information I read there.

05-19-2008, 08:46 AM
*scratches head* ummm... what exactly is this site about? Very disjointed and confusing. Near as I can tell these guys are just mercs.

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