View Full Version : indiana jones movie
05-22-2008, 03:53 PM
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=7]warning, may be spoilers.[/SIZE]
dont want to spoil it for anyone, but has anyone saw it yet? i just got back and thought it was great. [/COLOR]
05-22-2008, 04:00 PM
going to see it in about an hour :D
05-22-2008, 04:02 PM
05-22-2008, 10:16 PM
I'm going to hopefully see it the weekend :)
05-24-2008, 06:10 PM
Just got back from seeing it, and man, was it the bomb! In my opinion the best since the Original "Raiders of the Lost Ark".
05-24-2008, 06:16 PM
[COLOR=Red]exactly what i thought. it kinda bothered me that his dad was dead, but i guess it was realistic. kinda bad that it will most then likely be the last one to, but a good way to go. i noticed frank that you bought some of the figures, have you saw what you get when you send the stickers in yet? pretty sweet for a throne room.[/COLOR]
05-24-2008, 07:55 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]exactly what i thought. it kinda bothered me that his dad was dead, but i guess it was realistic. kinda bad that it will most then likely be the last one to, but a good way to go. i noticed frank that you bought some of the figures, have you saw what you get when you send the stickers in yet? pretty sweet for a throne room.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
I haven't seen it, but I read about it...I sent for mine last week...are there pics posted yet?
05-24-2008, 08:10 PM
[COLOR=Red]yeah, i havent sent yet, im think maybe two of them though. im only buying the figs i want or think ill need.[/COLOR]
05-24-2008, 10:51 PM
I loved the movie! But in my opinion I prefer the 3rd part.
I always hate when all evidence is destroyed at the end of the movie.. why???
Da Talent
05-24-2008, 11:12 PM
I enjoyed it quite a bit a true testiment to the originals, but still prefer the originals. I didn't like the idea of alien beings or whatever they were. I would have much rather just liked it if they were just chasing treasure and fighting russians, the sci fi part seemed like it didn't fit to me.
05-25-2008, 07:03 AM
gotta agree with you guys, the movie was excellent but the sci fi aspect just didn't mesh well, it kept it from feeling like an Indiana Jones movie,still what was your favorite scene? mine was the one where Indy climbs inside the fridge to survive the bomb blast only to be blown who knows how many feet away
05-25-2008, 08:51 AM
Well, as far as the sci-fi thing goes, Spielberg and Lucas have always been into the sci-fi aspects of movie making for years. All 3 of the other Indiana Jones movies had Religious/Supernatural Power involved (The Ark, The Black Magic of Kali and the Power of the Holy Grail to make one Immortal) . Me, I hated the religious/ supernatural Power aspects to the other movies. There have long been speculation that Alien races made contact early civilizations (Chariots of the Gods, etc). I'd rather think Aliens did it that than some God put a curse on a Grail or an Ark of the Covenant. But that is getting into the religion debate and we don't wanna go there.
Let's just leave it at "Like all Indy movies, they needed a "power not of this World" angle and instead of religion, they used Aliens.
I like the way they intergrated Area 51, Roswell and the McCarthy era into the plot. That was cool.
05-25-2008, 09:50 AM
I like the way they intergrated Area 51, Roswell and the McCarthy era into the plot. That was cool.[/QUOTE]
yeah it was,it was also nice seeing that area 51 was the warehouse at the end of Raiders, i thought that was a nice touch
05-25-2008, 10:18 AM
[COLOR=Red]yeah, the alien thing was a bit to much, but not so much as to hurt the movie any. as for my favorite scene, i like so many that its hard to pick one. i like the one where their in the library and get up and the guy ask indiana a question. the fridge scene was funny, but a bit to much.[/COLOR]
05-25-2008, 11:08 AM
yeah,i didn't know that you could survive an atomic blast by climbing into a lead lined fridge and then being launched god knows how many feet away :rolleyes:, still the part where Indy was being decontaminated was very funny
05-25-2008, 07:10 PM
My wife and I went to see it today. It was enjoyable, but as others mentioned, there were some elements that were "out there." Of course, when you know that it is Spielberg/Lucas going in, you can choose to suspend disbelief and just enjoy being entertained.
I like vehicle chases of all sorts. For whatever reason, that makes me happy.
05-25-2008, 09:50 PM
[COLOR=Red]one of my fave parts, when indy was in the quicksand and he wanted to stay in rather then grab a snake,lol.[/COLOR]
06-02-2008, 03:02 AM
I enjoyed it a lot, especially the nods to Henry Jones Sr. and (particularly) Marcus Brody (since the actor who played him died a while ago). The links to previous movies were good, and I also liked the reference to the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (talking about riding with Pancho Villa which was in the first Young Indy episode).
My main gripe was the extent of CGI and computer-compositing used. I know that's the way movies are done these days but the physical stunts were one of things I loved about the old Indy adventures.
Harrison Ford's age was definitely something I couldn't help noticing (like he looked more natural in his professor suit than his action-gear) but it was helped by a great quote I read from Ford himself on the subject that went something along the lines of "Yeah, he's 20 years older. Well, so are YOU!"
06-02-2008, 07:57 AM
[QUOTE=Stormer]I enjoyed it a lot, especially the nods to Henry Jones Sr. and (particularly) Marcus Brody (since the actor who played him died a while ago). The links to previous movies were good.
Harrison Ford's age was definitely something I couldn't help noticing (like he looked more natural in his professor suit than his action-gear) but it was helped by a great quote I read from Ford himself on the subject that went something along the lines of "Yeah, he's 20 years older. Well, so are YOU!"[/QUOTE]
i enjoyed the fact that both were made reference too myself. as you said especially brody. i also liked seeing the ark and that marion in it. i only wish his father wasnt dead, maybe there would be a chance for a new jones if they did it right away. i wish it had sallah in it. i think the guy is a good actor and one of my favorite characters in the indy movies. and it would have been so cool to have a cameo of short round in it to see what he is like to day.
you could tell his age, but it didnt bother me in the least. do you know he is older in the new movie then connery was in the last crusade. [/COLOR]
06-02-2008, 07:41 PM
Saw this last Wednesday and liked it quite a bit. I think I liked the first 3 movies better, but this was definitely a worthy followup, and lots of fun to watch.
I liked a lot of the real world references in the movie, like mentioning Indy working with the OSS during WWII, studying the alien in 1947, the Nazca lines in Peru. He even mentioned seeing a crystal skull in the London Museum, which I also saw and took a picture of a few years ago when I went to Europe.
I think Sean Connery was asked to be in it, but he has retired from film making. His last 2 movies (LXM and The Avengers) were widely panned by critics, which probably also made him want to leave the business.
The alien scenes may have been a little out there, but no more so than a 600 year old knight in the 3rd movie.
I guess I'd say my favorite scene was the chase in the jungle, which ended with the ants, and then ended up in the water.
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