View Full Version : What characters do NOT exist in your JoeVerse

05-24-2008, 11:09 AM
Ok, I think it's safe to say that a lot of us pick and choose who are actually on our Joe teams and in our Joeverses. Surely, some of the characters (and their toy counterparts) just aren't used or even acknowledged. So what characters do you guys PURPOSELY throw out of your Joeverse? (This is different than simply NOT using characters for whatever reason, but they exist.)

First on my list?

[COLOR=Navy]Link Talbot.[/COLOR] That moron does not exist in any form in my JoeVerse.

[COLOR=Navy]Venomous Maximus.[/COLOR] This Serpentor rehash has no place in my Joeverse. Yes, some of the venomized troops do. RazorClaws, Sand Scorpions and Swamp Rats in particular. But VenMax, nope.

[COLOR=Navy]Dr. Mindbender.[/COLOR] People will question on me on this one, but the way I see it, if there's a mad scientist on Cobra, it's Overkill. Mindbender never did much for me. Overkill, in my mind, is capable of more just as Destro actually designs and produces weapons for Cobra.

Lastly, [COLOR=Navy]ALMOST ALL THE DIC and beyond characters.[/COLOR] It's kinda like GI Joe Extreme. Those guys don't exist. I got out of Joe when Airborne turned into a blonde caucasian, y'know? So most of the characters never existed to me.

That's just a partial list and I wasn't about to hit yojoe.com to find out WHO was made 1990+ or whatever. Don't forget Raptor, Crystal Ball, Zanzibar, & Roadpig...

05-24-2008, 11:45 AM
Zanzibar, & Roadpig...[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=Red]WHAT!!! no roadpig. i couldnt see the noks without him. i actually use all the ones you named, well they exist, but mostly as fillers in the background. oh i use cobra-la too. just changed the story around.

as for who doesnt exist in my joeverse. billy, the hard master, the soft master, none of that stuff exist in my world. i hate it. since i am more influenced by the cartoon, i would rather have mara, sharp and other characters like that then billy and other lame characters. i know, im on the bad list for saying that. but there is just to much stupidity there.

now the aliens do not exist in my world. the mega monsters i use, but not as they are supposed to be. i also use venomius, but he was created from scratch, not hawk. i dont use ghostbear, or neo vipers, liked the first ones so dont need any new vipers. im sure there are others, just cant think of them all. i like to use custom characters more then newer ones.[/COLOR]

05-24-2008, 11:50 AM
Serpentor :mad:

05-24-2008, 12:27 PM

05-24-2008, 01:56 PM
Pretty much all the ridiculous cr@p; Cobra La, VenMax, Raptor, most of BF2000, Headman & friends, most of Star Brigade, Cyber Vipers, Razor Claw, etc. etc. Just give me hard core realism (or at least feasibility) baby! :)

05-24-2008, 06:01 PM
I have limited my collecting pre 1994, I have only a handful of new sculpted stuff (mainly exclusives) so all the JvC, Spytroops, VvV & 25th stuff is out. In the first run Joes I have no use for:
Crystal Ball
Cobra-La Team
Python Patrol (I have 1 of each + a Conquest that see little to no use)
Tiger Force
Super Trooper
NINJAS - I hate that crap! Stormy, Ninja-Ku & Satan are my only ones!
Any of the neon figures from the '90s - Eco, Dino, Battle Corps & Star Brigade
I have had all of these guys but have sold them to make room for more meaningful troops. If I could find a Night Force Psyche-Out & Lightfoot I would use them. I have seen Road Pig & Zanzibar mentioned but I think they make great additions to the Dreadnoks.

05-24-2008, 08:40 PM
[QUOTE=vader9900]NINJAS - I hate that crap![/QUOTE]

Good point Dave, I think so little of the ninja rubbish I completely forgot about them. T'Gin Zu, Dojo, etc - YUK!

05-24-2008, 08:54 PM
[COLOR=Red]i probably hate the ninjas more then any of you, but i use them... everyone needs punching bags, or jobbers if your into wrestling.[/COLOR]

05-24-2008, 10:09 PM
let me see :
raptor , COBRA LA , ninja force ( well only exist s snake , stormy , kamakura and some cobra ninjas , THE FRIDGE , aliens , Billy , soft master :eek:

05-24-2008, 10:47 PM
Sneak Peek
Cobra officer and soldier (I missed em whe I was a kid)
Sonneilon (I really hate this one)

05-25-2008, 05:45 AM
Cobra La, BF2000, Eco Warriors (though I have been know to customize the vehicles :D ), Star Brigade, Tiger Force, Python Patrol.

05-25-2008, 09:03 AM
Hmmm...Cobra La right off the bat and the Star Brigade aliens and the Bio-monsters. I can pretty much fit everyone else in. Although characters like Raptor and Crystal Ball are difficult to take seriously, you can put a spin on them and they fit nicely.

Im much like Outrider, I prefer hardcore realism, but I also hate letting some figures (Raptor and Crystal ball) go to waste. The other Option is rather than deny deny they exist, just never have them take an active role in your joeverse.....

05-25-2008, 10:23 AM
[QUOTE=ender098] Although characters like Raptor and Crystal Ball are difficult to take seriously, you can put a spin on them and they fit nicely.

I also hate letting some figures (Raptor and Crystal ball) go to waste. The other Option is rather than deny deny they exist, just never have them take an active role in your joeverse.....[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=Red]a good point here. even the characters i hate (all ninjas but stormy, jinx, snakes, slice and dice) still exist in my world, just not like many of them were in the comics. and rather then say any character doesnt exist, i prefer to have them all, that way you can have lots of deaths of supposedly main characters. but they wont be missed by you.[/COLOR]

05-25-2008, 10:48 AM
I have no problem taking characters out of existence. Screw the "I'm just gathering dust" reasoning. That has more to do with keeping a full collection. I wasn't going to say it before, but any 'celebrity' that was made has no place in my verse. Yup, that includes Slaughter who was never that good in the WWF.

It's funny tho. Carlos says that Leatherneck and Torpedo don't exist. He have something against Marines and their brother Navy SEALs???

05-25-2008, 04:30 PM
[QUOTE=silentdusty]Cobra La, BF2000, Eco Warriors (though I have been know to customize the vehicles :D ), Star Brigade, Tiger Force, Python Patrol.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. All of the special teams ultimately turned out to be a bad idea.

And GI Joe is no place for zombies, mutants or aliens. There's always been some sci-fi elements to GI Joe but that's going too far.

05-25-2008, 04:54 PM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]And GI Joe is no place for zombies, mutants or aliens. [/QUOTE]
Yeah, leave the aliens to Indiana Jones :eek:

05-25-2008, 06:13 PM
I have aliens in mine! But at least mine have a semi-decent reason for being, right?

05-25-2008, 07:39 PM
I have to say that there are a LOT of characters that I have no use for and some who have new roles.
The following don't exist in my Joeverse;
GI Joe Teams;
Mega Marines
Slaughter's Marauders
Star Brigade
Desert Patrol Squad
Night Force
Ninja Force
Tiger Force
Cobra Teams;
Mega Monsters
Ninja Cobra Strike Team
Evil Headhunters
Cobra’s Star Brigade
Lunartix Empire

GI Joe/Government Teams:
Anti-Venom Task Force – FBI/Homeland Security Group investigating domestic terrorist activities by Cobra or known Cobra agents
Battleforce 2000 – Originally a testbed team using experimental equipment. After their destruction in Benzheen City, the Battleforce 2000 is deactivated, the remaining equipment is mothballed and their combat related existence is recorded only on the roster of the fallen at GI Joe HQ. DARPA took over the research aspect and field testing.
Drug Elimination Force – Special DEA group assigned to battle more radical elements of the drug trade in US and US interests worldwide.
Sky Patrol – Does not exist. United States Air Force Joint Forces Command fills this role.
Steel Brigade – A special Pentagon security team sent to handle operations too “Hot” for regular or special forces.
Cobra Teams:
Dreadnoks – Classic “Bad Boy” Aussie biker gang. Zartan is the financial backer who uses them as hired muscle when needed.
Plague Troopers – Origins unknown, Mystery team
Python Patrol – Major Bludd’s personal combat group. No aviation units exist.
Strike Team - Urban Division – Alley Vipers? Uh…well NO! Regular Cobra operatives dressed either as non-descript terrorists or in Cobra Blue.
Iron Grenadiers - Destro’s personal security
Oktober Guard - Russian Special Mission force

05-25-2008, 08:21 PM
Convention only characters--- General Mayhem, con Dreadknoks, and the like. I feel these are second rate customs only.

Vypra--- or is that Vypra twins? Hard to keep track. Weak conception. Should have been Jinx in a stolen Cobra jeep. They came out with Luke on a speed bike, why cant GIJoe do the same?

Surefire and Crossfire--- vanity characters. I let Big Brawler slide for comedy relief, the other two are not worth anything in my world.

Everything else exists if they got a figure even if I don't own them. The toyline is my Joe bible above all, then the toon, then the hama-verse, then finally other forms of media. I give less merit to characters who seem to have more basis in fandom than official media, which is why I dismiss the characters I do.

05-25-2008, 08:30 PM
[QUOTE=Swindle]Everything else exists if they got a figure even if I don't own them. The toyline is my Joe bible above all, then the toon, then the hama-verse, then finally other forms of media. I give less merit to characters who seem to have more basis in fandom than official media, which is why I dismiss the characters I do.[/QUOTE]

I have a tendency to agree with Swindle on the thinking...but not on the order. My initial order of canon is Hama, Hasbro and on occasion the toon (very little). As I haven't seen the movie or its surrounding forums I can't list it as a source.

05-25-2008, 09:19 PM
for me it's easy, if i don't have the figure or sub-group they don't exist :D

05-25-2008, 09:49 PM
[QUOTE=Swindle]Convention only characters--- General Mayhem, con Dreadknoks, and the like. I feel these are second rate customs only.

Vypra--- or is that Vypra twins? Hard to keep track. Weak conception. Should have been Jinx in a stolen Cobra jeep. They came out with Luke on a speed bike, why cant GIJoe do the same?

forgot about these. these dont exist in my world either. dont have any convention figures and dont want any and wont use them.[/COLOR]

05-26-2008, 12:54 AM
[QUOTE=Swindle]Convention only characters--- General Mayhem, con Dreadknoks, and the like. I feel these are second rate customs only.[/QUOTE]

The con figures have given us some of the best ever; Mayhem, the Iron Anvils,the Skull Squad, Lt Moore, etc, are awesome figures/characters who broaden my Joeverse. They have become especially important for us 25th haters, we get no other new stuff. :(

05-26-2008, 11:08 AM
Yeah man, I go usually Toy, Marvel and cartoon.

Now I think about it tho, it depends on the specific character.

I can't see Shipwreck in AE style, but I can sure see him as the mook he as in the cartoon. Same with cartoon Spirit and Duke. Can't see them in either Marvel terms. Of course, I also tend to make up my own personalities for them regardless of ALL 3 canons!

05-26-2008, 11:11 AM

I can't see Shipwreck in AE style, but I can sure see him as the mook he as in the canons![/QUOTE]

[COLOR=Red]good point. how does everyone use shipwreck? i cant see anyone using him any differently then what he was in the toon. i know i dont want to see him or read about him as being serious or anyway other then the cartoon. the same with spirit.[/COLOR]

05-26-2008, 01:54 PM
For me it has to be the Street Fighter characters and the Manimals

05-26-2008, 06:54 PM
Cobra La does not exist in my joe verse, also not a fan of raptor, or any of the ninjas with the wierd figure actions, also eco warriors but never say never I have been thinking of getting a cesspool.

05-26-2008, 07:31 PM
My Joeverse tends to follow the comic verse. So almost all the characters might exist in it, but there are plenty I don't own or want to use in my stories. Ninja Force being an example of characters I HATE but they still exist in it, they just never show up.

I guess Convention figures and foreign repaints do not exist in my Joe verse.

C-GDSM 2487
05-28-2008, 04:11 AM
well these figure dont exist in my joeworld :)

cyber vipers
i cant stand ninjas and street fighters <boaring>>> :mad:
these figures i pass on .. i do collect the convention figures
some great troop builders..havent been dissapionted yet..
not keen on the the 25th rubbish i got a few cobra troopers but i am
not that all impressed with them.... :(


05-28-2008, 10:31 AM
Streetfighter. HAHAHAHAHHA. Never considered them. They don't exist for me either. HOWEVER, if Hasbro did do new versions of them (or DECENT versions of 'em), maybe characters like Guile and Chun Li would fit in. Hmmmmmmm... Bison vs Cobra Commander. ShadowLaw vs Cobra. That'd be an interesting tale of terrorist organizations butting heads!

05-28-2008, 10:33 AM
[COLOR=Red]i dont own any street fighter figures, but i want bison. he is the only one who works as he is. also dhalsim and sagat will mesh perfectly.[/COLOR]

05-28-2008, 12:34 PM
Street fighters could be fit well, especially the ones with original body sculpts like Sagat, Dalshim, Honda....

I would like to see new bodies for ChunLi, Cammy, Vega :)

05-28-2008, 01:42 PM
I have some of the Street fighters, but I would use them for something like a Cobra Sponsored Martial Arts Tournament (Think "Enter the Dragon", Han using the tourney to elicit new talent.) The Shadowloo Fortress goes Great as a Shadow Guard Compound.

05-28-2008, 01:45 PM
Do you have the Shadaloo Fortress? :eek:

[QUOTE=ender098]I have some of the Street fighters, but I would use them for something like a Cobra Sponsored Martial Arts Tournament (Think "Enter the Dragon", Han using the tourney to elicit new talent.) The Shadowloo Fortress goes Great as a Shadow Guard Compound.[/QUOTE]

05-28-2008, 01:55 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo]Do you have the Shadaloo Fortress? :eek:[/QUOTE]

Yes, it's a cut down version of the 1993 (4?) and 2001 GI Joe Headquarters. It lacks the gatling gun/missile launcher, the base that holds that gun and slides under the fortress and it lacks the larger of the two platforms on the tower. But it's colors are awesome! Dark Purple and Black.

TJ's Toys here in the US still has them mint in box for $30.00 if you're interested!


Look under toys/hobbies> action figures & Dolls> 1:18 Scale Action figures and Dolls> Vintage Collectible and out of production.

;) Enjoy!

05-28-2008, 05:00 PM
Link worked, Frank :)

[QUOTE=ender098]Yes, it's a cut down version of the 1993 (4?) and 2001 GI Joe Headquarters. It lacks the gatling gun/missile launcher, the base that holds that gun and slides under the fortress and it lacks the larger of the two platforms on the tower. But it's colors are awesome! Dark Purple and Black.

TJ's Toys here in the US still has them mint in box for $30.00 if you're interested!


Look under toys/hobbies> action figures & Dolls> 1:18 Scale Action figures and Dolls> Vintage Collectible and out of production.

;) Enjoy![/QUOTE]

06-02-2008, 03:24 AM
I dismiss Cobra-La, Lunartix, Manimals, Dino-Hunters and the idea that Monstro-Vipers have werewolf DNA. I'm on the fence about Venomous Maximus, but I'll happily use the V-Troops as just from looking at them there's nothing to suggest they HAVE to have messed-up DNA rather than hi-tech/themed equipment. Razorclaw and his Razor Troopers work best for me like that -- close-combat specialist agents who AREN'T ninja...

For those talking about preferring the cartoon's portrayal of characters, particularly Shipwreck -- have you been reading the DDP comics? Right from the start they have been blending cartoon characterisations with the Marvel continuity, and in recent years of AE Shipwreck has been one of the main examples of this. Reading him "sounds" like the cartoon, he's just not quite so incompetent that you can't see how he's even on the team.

06-02-2008, 10:16 AM
Well like most on here no Cobra-La. The rest is simple if I don't own them then they don't exist. They exist in comic or cartoon but not in my personal one.

Now if I acquire them then I incorporate them, and any extras I have get a new code names and i write file cards for them rather than three Flints, 6 Dukes, etc.

Any repeats like the Sky Patrol Airborne was simply re-named....mine is named L.Z.

As far as Battle Force 2000 I only owned two of them Blocker and Maverick so they are the one s to have survived the Battle of Benzheen (sp?) As far as that goes many of the Joe's who died in the comic are still alive and well in mine like Quick-Kick. I like the ninjas, but I don't focus on them that much in my Joe verse...they are only called on for special ops.....and they are called the ninja team, I always hated the name Ninja Force, plus I hate the spring action crap so that's also a another reason they don't get used....anyone know how to remove them since they do not unscrew?

06-02-2008, 11:53 AM
[QUOTE=Stormer]I'll happily use the V-Troops as just from looking at them there's nothing to suggest they HAVE to have messed-up DNA rather than hi-tech/themed equipment.[/QUOTE]

Spot on Stormer, that's how I use the Swamp Rats, etc. :)