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09-02-2006, 08:15 AM
My mom gives me $200 in gifts foe my list. what are the absolute essentials i need to get? :confused:

09-02-2006, 08:56 AM
Link Talbot
Ice Cream Soldier
Big Headed Ripper.

Uh, what era of GI Joe were you thinking of? 2002+? ARAH? Sigma6? heh heh

09-02-2006, 09:11 AM
It depends on what you already have and what you want. Vehicles, figures?

Nice problem to have, though. :D

09-02-2006, 10:06 AM
[QUOTE=Swindle] Nice problem to have, though. :D[/QUOTE]

Yeah, no kidding! Personally, I wouldn't be thinking Joes. I'd be thinking, "Hey, I can finally build my dio set for Chapter3." Then I'd be thinking beer, mp3 player for wife and saving up for Stone and Zartan. And it's in that order too. lol.

09-02-2006, 10:17 AM
I think it really does depend more on what you want to get. There's a lot of cool stuff out there but if your in the States at least you can order directly from Hasbro to get your hands on some of the joes there.

09-02-2006, 11:58 AM
since my grandfather died i get 24 billion a week


09-02-2006, 02:41 PM
[QUOTE=valor13]since my grandfather died i get 24 billion a week

Please marrie me! I don't mind your posts, I can get over that :p

Why I don't have the problem to think where to spare US$ 200,00? You could start thinkin' about give some gifts for your Joe friends from Joedios!!

09-02-2006, 03:06 PM
Yeah, a nice big present for Outrider! :D Nah, just kidding. There is a whole big world of Joe out there, guess you've just got to wade through it and see what catches your eye.

09-02-2006, 03:37 PM
Waffles! Tasty Waffles with plenty of syrup!

09-02-2006, 03:53 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Link Talbot
Ice Cream Soldier
Big Headed Ripper.

Uh, what era of GI Joe were you thinking of? 2002+? ARAH? Sigma6? heh heh[/QUOTE]

Link Talbot
Ice Cream Soldier
Big Headed Ripper.

This list shows what a sick sense of humor you have...lol!!!!
It was funny to read though...

I can tell you from personel experience, get the DragonHawk, It is really cool (once modified to fit 3.75 guys).

If you are open to varied generations of Joe, Sonneilon I would trust to recommend the best stuff...

I am all for 3.75 Joes... Ebay gets me what I broke or missed during the 80's and 90's... Just depends if you are collecting or making Dios...

09-02-2006, 04:04 PM
[QUOTE=valor13]since my grandfather died i get 24 billion a week


Wait what!!!! wow. why 24 billion a week?


yeah like everyone else said it really depends on what you want. like if you don't just want gi joe stuff. if you get stuff off line ebay is a good source. or any other web site you can find it all depends on what your looking for. mostly what I want for Christmas is some of the new sigma 6 stuff and money. anyways it would help if we knew what it is you want to spend it on. if its not just gi joes then maybe a Ipod, dvd player or something else entirely.

09-02-2006, 08:28 PM
[QUOTE=Sgt_DP]I can tell you from personel experience, get the DragonHawk, It is really cool (once modified to fit 3.75 guys).

If you are open to varied generations of Joe, Sonneilon I would trust to recommend the best stuff...

I am all for 3.75 Joes... Ebay gets me what I broke or missed during the 80's and 90's... Just depends if you are collecting or making Dios...[/QUOTE]

What exactly did you do to modify the DragonHawk to fit 3.75 figures?

09-02-2006, 08:33 PM
[QUOTE=Mobius_1]My mom gives me $200 in gifts foe my list. what are the absolute essentials i need to get? :confused:[/QUOTE]

What are your primary interests? Do you want High Tech scenes? Combat [Jungle/Desert/Ocean/Urban]? Are there certain personalities that catch your attention? These will give you a better idea of what figures and equipment you should focus on. Personally I like a mix of SciFi Tech and pure combat - Aliens meet Rambo. This kind of pushes certain figs and equipment that I'll use. I however do have a lot of stuff from back in the day when I was a kid...uh young collector...Yeah thats it!! :p

09-02-2006, 08:39 PM
I was joking. My best days of Joes were '83-86. Sure, I started in 1982 but man that 2nd series was just awesome and really got away from that standardized look.

My own faves as a kid up until I quit were;

Tunnel Rat
and well, the 5th would have been a mix of Tripwire, Flash, Torpedo, Hawk, etc.

09-02-2006, 08:45 PM
[QUOTE=valor13]since my grandfather died i get 24 billion a week


You aren't the deli toothpick cellophane wrpping heiress, are you?

(Please don't make me the only Danny Phantom viewer in this forum.)

09-02-2006, 08:53 PM
Actually, now that I think about it, you have to figure out if you want a collection or a team. You want a collection, you'll end up buying the mooks I listed plus some. But if you want a team, those I listed a few posts above work well. You have a leader, heavy gunner, scout/eod, mud fighter, etc. I mean, I pared down my collection to what I needed. I got rid of a LOT of chars I felt were useless from the 2002+ relaunch.

09-02-2006, 10:31 PM
Something that I do with my Joes and Cobras when I purchase a new one, is organize them onto specific teams. I have teams based on recon, assault, fire teams, shock troops, heavy equipment, etc. I have a word document that I arrange in order from top ranking C.O.'s to the lowest level enlisted soldier, each assorted by primary and secondary military specialties, so it really makes it easy when I want a team of specific specialists. As Sonneilon said, I only acquire figures that fit my team needs, or desires, but a lot of figures I have passed on and even more vehicles. But hey, with $200, I would try to locate a complete Terror Drome on e-bay if it were me, or a mobile command center and a couple other large vehicles I am still in need of. And if you want to focus on joe stuff, do you get it for collecting purposes or for dios? There are some great accessories out there that are compatible with the 3.75 inch joe line from PTE and BBI that you may want.

09-02-2006, 10:41 PM
[QUOTE=Bayer] (Please don't make me the only Danny Phantom viewer in this forum.)[/QUOTE]

Haha no I know what you're talking about. :D

09-04-2006, 08:09 AM
[QUOTE=Sgt_DP]Link Talbot
Ice Cream Soldier
Big Headed Ripper.

This list shows what a sick sense of humor you have...lol!!!!
It was funny to read though...

I can tell you from personel experience, get the DragonHawk, It is really cool (once modified to fit 3.75 guys).

If you are open to varied generations of Joe, Sonneilon I would trust to recommend the best stuff...

I am all for 3.75 Joes... Ebay gets me what I broke or missed during the 80's and 90's... Just depends if you are collecting or making Dios...[/QUOTE]

the dragonhawk is very expesnsive.

09-04-2006, 08:10 AM
[QUOTE=bluestalker88]Wait what!!!! wow. why 24 billion a week?


yeah like everyone else said it really depends on what you want. like if you don't just want gi joe stuff. if you get stuff off line ebay is a good source. or any other web site you can find it all depends on what your looking for. mostly what I want for Christmas is some of the new sigma 6 stuff and money. anyways it would help if we knew what it is you want to spend it on. if its not just gi joes then maybe a Ipod, dvd player or something else entirely.[/QUOTE]

i get that much a frickin WEEK

09-04-2006, 09:40 AM
[QUOTE=valor13]i get that much a frickin WEEK
Ok, again... Do you want to marrie me?