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09-06-2006, 10:05 PM
Alright, where to begin. Since moving into my new house back in April, my Joe Room hasn't gotten much attention. First, moving in and getting settled took time. Then, the Joe con took all my attention to get ready for that. The actual set up that I could live with permanetly needed some serious thought and consideration before I could put full blown effort into it.

Now, with my new JoeStore I knew I needed to thin out my collection so I'm not overwhelmed everytime I walk into the room, but I need to be able to nicely display my collection and store my inventory, AND have a workshop table and room to sort crap. I finally got all the flourescent lights up. The room measures 20x24 feet.

With a finite amount of space and so many projects in mind, I've really gotta focus on what my long term goals are. Collecting wise, I'm pretty much done. The 100 or so items I need are small accessories and really rare stuff like prototypes and international figures. The next steps I plan to take are major dioramas, so my room needs to be set up now to support that. I need to look into deeper shelves.

Here are pics of the room as of tonight:

The vehicles on the shelves are a bit thrashed as I'm still sorting parts and deciding what stays and what goes, quantity wise. Do I really need umpteen Crimson Hisses?

To the left of the Cobra shelves is the deep freezer. Hey, gotta use that Sams Club membership to stock up on shitza, right? And while I'm at it I have a space for my Defiant.

Continuing to the left we have the latest addition of shelves. This area is also a work in progress primarily for international figures and vehicles.

Heres a close up of some of my new favorite figures. I've actually managed to aquire all these suckers in the past 4-5 months.

Below the international stuff are prototypes and pewter figures

Next to the international shelf is my standing Cobra army. I got this interesting display shelving from a local Walgreens that was about to throw is out. It's ugly as hell but works:

As they say on every episode of Cribs, 'this is where the magic happens. A nice u-shaped desk allows space for painting on one end and sorting thru stuff on another. Shelving and drawers behind me allow for easy access to crap:

On top of my materials shelves I horde more crap. Namely some 12" stuff, statues, Eagle Force and BBI Nazi figures.

Above my desk is one of my most treasured items. At the JoeCon I passed around a 11x14 of Shipwreck that everyone from JC.com signed for Beav. Hasbro was giving out a poster of the Joe characters parading thru the French Quarter during Mardi Gras, so I grabbed one and had all the Joecustoms guys sign it for me! Very cool and has about 30 signatures. Also some Cobra/Joe custom dogtags:

Alright, next are shots from each of the four corners of the room. You can see the Joe vehicles shelves, Dreadnok & Iron Grenadiers shelves and my US figure collection display. In the center of the room are 5 8' tables where I'm currently setting up a battle scene. Still a work in progress since no figures are added yet! The USS Flagg sits on a small display table 12" off the floor:


Joe and Cobra aircraft fight a battle overhead! More planes and helicopters to be hung still...

Here is my US figure collection. These shelves hold every figure made and released in the US, including con stuff, from 1982 to present. It takes 6 shelving units to hold them all and spans 16 feet!. All the vehicles you see in front are being phased out to be sold or customized (then sold!),


Here is my tabletop battle scene. Again, its still a work in progress. It will when complete depict a Cobra army of about 200 troops attacking a US base staffed mostly by about 100 greenshirts (action marines & soldiers).


USS Flagg set up:

So, it's coming along nicely. I'm spending about 6 hours a week right now working on it. I figure it'll be done sometime in 2014. Questions, comments or accussations? Post 'em and I'll try to answer, or if you need close ups of something, let me know!


09-07-2006, 07:47 AM
1st pic. Those shelves are soooooo clean!

2nd pic. I love how you ripped off the engines/fans of the Dragonhawk and turned them into a lil stereo. Totally awesome GI Joe custom. Any secrects on how you did that? ;) I find it interesting how the Defiant takes up the WHOLE top of a fridge!

3rd pic. You have a Defiant MOC???

Uhmmmm, that's all I'll comment on for now. The aerial battle is kinda neat. I take it they dont' bonk you in the head as you go in and out? And... Is the Flagg set up next to your wartable as if it's docked next to the base? Cuz if it is, that's a very cool idea. Sure, it sits lower than your wartable, but it does look good.

09-07-2006, 09:56 AM
Whow!!! Very impressive. Cobra can overun the joes anytime. Great display do you have out there.

Just a small question. Are you seeling a AGP? If yes just PM, hehehe! I'm dying for one of those.

Man I understand why you moved to another house, what a big collection!!!

09-07-2006, 11:34 AM
Very nice collection. I'm both impressed and envious!

09-08-2006, 06:19 AM
One of the reasons why my girlfriend and I are searching for a larger house is because I wanted a Joe room/hobby room, and she said I could have one. Then I had her look at all these pics and she now understands why we need our own spaces for Joes. Although I have nothing on the scale of zombieguide, he has helped me to secure a room in our new house when we do move. And not only was I impressed with his collection, but she was as well, which is saying something.

09-08-2006, 04:18 PM
I am really jealous of that collection it rocks! You should seriously consider wargaming especially since it looks like you've got the table to do it with.

09-11-2006, 02:05 PM
Very impressive!!! I love your collection, makes me want more stuff!!!