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View Full Version : Welcome to JoeDios! PLEASE READ! *OFFICIAL* Rules, Regulations and Reminders...

02-21-2005, 11:20 PM
This is the place to talk about dios in general, share tips, ask questions and talk about our latest prop and set piece finds. If you want to look at the latest dios, or post one of your own, please click the Dioramams link above!

02-22-2005, 08:36 AM
Hey hammer great idea, hope it works out wonderfull.

02-22-2005, 03:31 PM

OK I'm here. Let the part begin.

02-22-2005, 03:37 PM
[QUOTE=zedhatch]Hey hammer great idea, hope it works out wonderfull.[/QUOTE]Welcome all! I KNOW it'll work out because almost every page on this site can be added to by YOU, so go ahead and add some links, post some Joe photos, a review, or even a Dio if you have some. Doesn't have to be new, just put it up!

02-22-2005, 06:27 PM
Great site Hammer!
Whith the state G.I. joe is in now, I am glad that you are helping keep the dream alive!
VIVA 3 3/4!!!!!!! :D

02-22-2005, 09:51 PM
Its Hammer time! :D

Fantastic job with this idea and site...I must also applaud you on the new Disciple chapters. I am longing to start a project but lack the space and time. I have a theme and am writing my story slowly. I dig your props...like the computer command desks in the Intel chapter #3, and the desk used for Ace's air traffic in #5. Any suggestions as to where I may score some peices like these. Unfortunately I don't own a Terrordrome, Mobile Command Center, etc. Ebay has some items for other sets, but not much. Any ideas or leads are greatly appreciated.

Yo Joe!

02-22-2005, 10:20 PM
The elevator control console is from Playmobil police set. You can still buy it in some shops and online. The Joe briefing room console is from the Star Trek Enterprise line of 6" toys. It's from their brige sets. I has to trim the legs to make it Joe-height. :)

So glad you like them!

Dio-making can be a little daunting at times, so I suggest you start with a simple, short story, maybe just 10-20 photos total, to get your feet wet and get excited about it. Don't start with a HUGE story or it will seem like too big a job. Keep it simple to start.

02-23-2005, 05:51 AM
Great idea, a good way to see all the dios that we might not see otherwise :D

steel bonnet
02-23-2005, 10:37 AM
Hammer sweet site mate & now you`ve gone International :D

Steel Bonnet

Spin Doctor
02-23-2005, 07:26 PM
Definitely digging the site, Hammer.

Great to have another place to congregate.

Wish you had a Major Bludd avatar, though.

I feel naked without one.

02-23-2005, 10:46 PM

Thanks for the advise and sharing your leads on the props. Hope to get something going soon.


02-24-2005, 06:54 AM
Great idea. Three cheers for Hammerfel!

This is exactly what the GI Joe online community needed. You have my full support.


02-26-2005, 12:42 AM
Mine as well ! this is exactly what the fans need right now!
im looking forward to adding something to the group here. :D


02-26-2005, 10:06 AM
*Peakes his head in like a frightened mouse*

Um, hello. I have decided that I shall actually participate in this forum and (God willing...or just perhaps if get a digital camera) contribute some dios eventually. I can safely say no one here will no me because I only lurk at other Joe forums. So be gentle with the hazing and feed me every so often and I'll be good. Oh, and by the way, great idea Hammerfel and thank you for continuing Disciple, I was afraid it was dead.

*Scurries back to foxhole and camoflagues himself up*

02-26-2005, 11:08 AM
Hi guys... I love what some of you can do with a camera... I'm not a Dio guy, but I joined so I can respond to somr of the work, and maybe in the future try my hand at it(always got Ideas rolling around in my head)...
keep up the awesome work!!!

02-27-2005, 05:04 PM
Hello to everyone...

I enjoy dio stories and dios in general very much and hopefully one of these damn days I'll finally do one of my own or at least create some cool pictures,(My broke-ass needs a digital camera desperately! :( )

Anyways, Hammerfel put together a pretty cool site here and I'll be back around to check it out from time to time...

02-28-2005, 01:46 PM
This place is looking quite sharp! Thanks for the invite and it'll be fun to watch this place fill up with great pictures!

03-27-2005, 10:52 AM

i'm late cluing into what you've got going here, but its fantastic! while in school i have no real way of keeping up with all the various diostories running currently. but its great that we now have a dedicated resource to sampling them.

also mucho thanx for providing a hosting service for single shots. as joe fades quietly once again from retail, it will become even more important for the fans to keep interest in the line alive.

i'm sure i'll pop in with an image from time to time... once things get less hectic!


03-27-2005, 11:51 PM
Mammerfel great site bro,cant get enough you and Violentfix are the ones who have gotten me into doing Dios,hope to have some pics up in the next couple of days.

Getting Prop is the only part i am having trouble with,and making all the customs for my Dio.It is alot of work and Hats off to all who take on this task,I find myself always taking shots over,because I think I can get a better angle.

Love the site................................

Bekker out..............

09-07-2006, 10:07 AM
I am not aware if Hammerfel ever posted rules and regulations. I think he figured we could self-moderate the place on our own. Unfortunately, the family can easily ask for people to behave, but there was no way to properly back it up. Now I can. So here’s the deal. I come from the SgtSavage/SavageSoundOffs/JoeBattlelines mentality of rules and regulations. Hopefully Fred won’t mind me using his. Honestly, I feel that his will work far better than if I used, oh, Metallica’s forum rules.

I’m a fair guy and I always give people the benefit of the doubt. As they say in school, “Everyone starts with an A at the beginning of the year. It’s you that changes it.” That’s very much how I see things.

Onto the body count...

1) Be good to each other. You can agree, you can disagree, and you can agree to disagree but don't get personal about it. We're all friends here, and we're all fans so let's just leave it at that.

2) Swearing is not allowed in any post in the forums or when replying to pictures. This includes the description area of your picture(s). IF your picture and/or dio has swearing, fine. Please keep in mind that we wish this to be a PG/PG13 sort of site. If you have a ton of swearing in a dio, please try and post a warning as a courtesy.

3) Absolutely no sniping and personal attacks on any member. If there is a problem between board members, take it somewhere else.

4) Blatant trolling. I'll be blunt on this one-- I don't care if you post links to features/reviews/dios/etc at other sites. What I do care about are people who only pop up to promote their site and don't otherwise contribute to the community in any way. This is "trolling for traffic" and I think it's a pretty sleazy thing to do. If you want to post links to your own sites/customs/work/etc, that's great and I encourage it! However, just don't show up to promote yourself and then leave.

5) Enjoy yourself. It’s a place to share stories and images w/ people who have the same interest. It’s great that we have a place like this.

The "order of battle" for disciplinary action around here.

If anyone is found consistently and intentionally violating the spirit of the rules above, the following steps will be taken:

1) Written warning. Either via email or PM you'll be hearing from me with one of those "Cut the crap!" messages. Hopefully this will be enough-- otherwise we move to...

2) Banning. I've seen too many boards grow "out of control" because some people can't remember to respect others. I won't tolerate that here-- ever. Anyone who consistently decides that they can do whatever they want will have to do so elsewhere.


If you feel the need to disrespect other board members, make blatant insults, etc, your posts are subject to a bit of an edit. However, you'll know the reasons for the edit and everyone will be able to see that the post has been altered.

[COLOR=Purple]By the by...[/COLOR]

You want a 1-way ticket to getting banned w/ no warnings?

1. Steal pics from another site, post them here and say they are yours.

It's one thing to post your own stuff. It's another thing to post someone's stuff with their permission. (ie; hosting pics on your own account and posting it for the public) But taking a pic from another site and posting 'em, that's a no-no no matter where you're from.

2. Racism in any form.

09-07-2006, 05:12 PM
Sounds very fair to me, G. Anyone not prepared to abide by the rules can go and start their own site. :)

09-07-2006, 05:37 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Sounds very fair to me, G. Anyone not prepared to abide by the rules can go and start their own site. :)[/QUOTE]

09-07-2006, 05:56 PM
Totally agree. Let's have fun and make friends!

09-07-2006, 06:09 PM
what they said :D

09-08-2006, 07:59 AM
Harumph!!! (hopefully i'm not the only Mel Brooks fan here)

I concur; sounds very fair. Thanks man, and again, congrats!

09-08-2006, 08:44 AM
Fair and unbiased, just like it's been and how it should be. And by posting "The Rules" people can't use the excuse of "But I didn't know any better". :D The next step to this is also having the membership advise you of problems in a timely manner, so they can be dealt with.

Thanks again for all your hard work in keeping things on track.

09-08-2006, 09:10 AM
Of course, if anyone has problems (in general) they can always contact me PM or email. I'm ASSUMING the rules are pretty basic and normal. I mean, you go to any other board, it's all about the same.

Just so you guys know, there IS a 'report to moderator' button on pictures and posts. There's a ton of lil hidden buttons around this place that people might not be aware of (including the "rate this picture" button).

The exclamation point on people's posts, you click that and you can send it in as a bad post.

On pictures (or dios), under Image Tools, you can "Report to Moderator".

Just a heads up, of course.

09-09-2006, 07:55 AM
will v13 ever come bak

09-09-2006, 10:03 AM
The answer is NO and neither will AZNKILLA.

[SIZE=5]Did I mention any racist screen names, posts, etc equal immediate ban?[/SIZE]

09-09-2006, 10:06 AM
I don't want to sound dumb but how is aznkilla racist? I'm confused why is it racist and how is it racist? :confused:

just wandering

09-09-2006, 10:20 AM
AZNKILLA is usually read as Asian Killer. But you guys knew him better as Valor13.

09-09-2006, 10:22 AM
oh that is really racist. now I understand why he is banned thanks for clearing that up.

09-09-2006, 11:12 AM
Congrats Sonneilon and keep the good work!


09-09-2006, 11:53 AM
I like I was sayin to Sonn, you don't mess with a made guy, fellas. We're all just connected guys. Sonn got upped and now he has the power.

Sorry, been watching too much Donnie Brasco and Goodfellas. hehehe

09-09-2006, 01:46 PM
I thought there was something "off" about that name, but just couldn't put my finger on it. Nice job on catching him right away. :)

09-09-2006, 03:03 PM
Hopefully NoValor13 will get bored soon and go away just like the troll did awhile back. Good work keeping on top of the situation, G. There is no room for hateful people here.

09-10-2006, 08:46 AM
Well, something Valor13 should have realized, as an administrator of a website, you can easily retrieve IP addresses. Being a former board admin, it is quite easy to recognize when a banned member comes back, it is usually within a few days of being banned. They watch for a day when a couple of new members join, and think they will be lost in the mix, but a screen name like that gives it away. Kudos to Sonne for stayin on top of things in dealing with a joker like this.

Leonardo T Dragon
09-11-2006, 09:30 AM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Sounds very fair to me, G. Anyone not prepared to abide by the rules can go and start their own site. :)[/QUOTE]

Fine, I WILL!! (Oh wait a minute.... I already did that.)

Glad I could help out, G. This place is too good to let a few bad apples ruin the bunch.

09-18-2006, 06:47 PM
Roger that.

10-18-2006, 12:33 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]The answer is NO and neither will AZNKILLA.

[SIZE=5]Did I mention any racist screen names, posts, etc equal immediate ban?[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
Thank you!

11-22-2006, 01:20 AM
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Indigo]Hi,
I saw elsewhere someone asked that the other members recently banned should be given chances.. Lmao.. I don't think anyone who is racist deserves a place in a community such as this.. I have no respect at all for racists.. maybe some websites or forums do.. but I certainly dont.. congrats on Sonnelion for making admin member and a quick public thank you to him for sorting out my recent problems with posting.

I think the rules should be rewritten to include this and the recent stealing images thing.. it would clarify then to any...*thinks* how shall I say this younger member proclaiming they didn't know any better at the time.

Good job so far guys.. excellent community[/COLOR][/FONT] :cool:

11-27-2006, 11:30 AM
I revamped the rules a tad. NemEnforcer had a good idea to do so, thank you.

I don't expect everyone to come running and reading it again. Just wanted people to know that I added a few things or rather, condensed a few posts.

11-27-2006, 07:07 PM
ok Agreed!

02-26-2007, 12:46 PM
i`m so sorry please let me back

02-26-2007, 12:49 PM
[QUOTE=NemesisEnforcerFan][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Indigo]Hi,
I saw elsewhere someone asked that the other members recently banned should be given chances.. Lmao.. I don't think anyone who is racist deserves a place in a community such as this.. I have no respect at all for racists.. maybe some websites or forums do.. but I certainly dont.. congrats on Sonnelion for making admin member and a quick public thank you to him for sorting out my recent problems with posting.

I think the rules should be rewritten to include this and the recent stealing images thing.. it would clarify then to any...*thinks* how shall I say this younger member proclaiming they didn't know any better at the time.

Good job so far guys.. excellent community[/COLOR][/FONT] :cool:[/QUOTE]
i`m so sorry aboy all the hatred. i hope you forgive me?

02-26-2007, 01:35 PM
Wow, so anyone can just get around a ban by making a new username?

02-26-2007, 02:13 PM
i`m saying sorry and i hope that sonn doesn`t get rid of me

General Scarlett
02-26-2007, 02:21 PM
Dude, you gotta crawl a lot more than that..........and put some chapstick on them lips while your at it....

night creeper
02-26-2007, 02:24 PM
we should give him a second chance, he's sorry forgive him

02-26-2007, 02:25 PM
[QUOTE=night creeper]we should give him a second chance, he's sorry forgive him[/QUOTE]
exactly agreed

night creeper
02-26-2007, 02:26 PM
thanks bluestalker88

02-26-2007, 02:29 PM
[QUOTE=night creeper]we should give him a second chance, he's sorry forgive him[/QUOTE]
You're only saying that because you want to be forgiven too.

02-26-2007, 02:42 PM
I'm not dealing w/ stupid gits and will continue banning the same morons who come back over and over and over. Valor12 had several chances; he went by a few other names when trying to come back, Nick. And I'm keeping an eye on 1 other person.

02-26-2007, 03:09 PM
i want to plese come back i promise on my laptop`s grave that i will follow rules :(

02-26-2007, 03:49 PM
Alright, I'll let you slide this round.

02-26-2007, 03:57 PM
thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much :)

General Scarlett
02-26-2007, 04:11 PM
Dude, don't *F* it up this time by being a shmucko. If you can't be respectful, then don't get involved..........

night creeper
02-27-2007, 01:31 PM
o.k. what you say behind my back is false I'm a new user not some guy who wants a 2nd chance, so you jay why do you think I'm some guy who wants a chance? but if you say stuff behind my back actually say it to my face

02-27-2007, 02:16 PM
[QUOTE=night creeper]o.k. what you say behind my back is false I'm a new user not some guy who wants a 2nd chance, so you jay why do you think I'm some guy who wants a chance? but if you say stuff behind my back actually say it to my face[/QUOTE]

I DID say it to your face...

And I haven't talked to G or anyone else about you...


night creeper
02-27-2007, 02:18 PM
i'm not who your talking about so leave me the hell alone!!!

General Scarlett
02-27-2007, 02:48 PM
Guys, please-go to your corners and cool off.......

The problem is not with members who 'positively' enhance this forum. It's with the smart@$$es who think it's cool to pi$$ other people off. It's some sort of assinine game to them.

If there's members here who are looking to get their rocks off by aggravating other members, then GET OUT!! If somebody says their truly sorry, and they mean it, then they'll get a second chance. And as far as telling somebody HOW you feel about them, don't do it out in the public forum if you can't keep it polite. Send them a PM & hash out your 'extreme' differences there.......
Here in the forum we can have different opinions, hell, we encourage it!!! But let's just keep it civil, OK??

I come here every day to enjoy my little corner of the world. I've said it before & I'll say it again; I really enjoy everyone here & your various humors & viewpoints. Let's try to get along as much as possible & leave the pettiness to the politicans.........

For god's sake, don't make me start singing 'Kumbaya'........ :) ;)

02-27-2007, 04:50 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I'm not dealing w/ stupid gits and will continue banning the same morons who come back over and over and over. Valor12 had several chances; he went by a few other names when trying to come back, Nick. And I'm keeping an eye on 1 other person.[/QUOTE]

I understand, I knew he used several other names, one of thos names was very racist, so I can understand why you banned him. but I am glad you are letting him back in long as hes good and not go back on his word everything should be fine.


night creeper
02-28-2007, 10:51 AM
[QUOTE=bluestalker88]I understand, I knew he used several other names, one of thos names was very racist, so I can understand why you banned him. but I am glad you are letting him back in long as hes good and not go back on his word everything should be fine.


ok case closed.

02-28-2007, 04:25 PM
[QUOTE=bluestalker88]I understand, I knew he used several other names, one of thos names was very racist, so I can understand why you banned him. but I am glad you are letting him back in long as hes good and not go back on his word everything should be fine.

thank you u all rock

03-02-2007, 05:59 PM
If you need any help, tips or guidance, let me know,ok? I can help you out if you want my help!

Welcome Back Valor.

03-02-2007, 06:07 PM
[QUOTE=night creeper]o.k. what you say behind my back is false I'm a new user not some guy who wants a 2nd chance, so you jay why do you think I'm some guy who wants a chance? but if you say stuff behind my back actually say it to my face[/QUOTE]

And just a quick FYI....uh, this is an online forum......unless Graham put on a webcam chat feature, it's impossible to say anything to your face! LOL!!

And I'll be hoonest Night Creeper. You have the same "style" in your posts as Valor had. I thought you might be him/her when you first logged on. If you're not, sorry I was suspicious. But I don't trust people easily.

Anyway, to you "Welcome Aboard"

and to Valor "Welcome Back"

04-10-2007, 04:34 PM
[QUOTE=bluestalker88]I understand, I knew he used several other names, one of thos names was very racist, so I can understand why you banned him. but I am glad you are letting him back in long as hes good and not go back on his word everything should be fine.

i play halo and i didn`t know what that ment

04-10-2007, 06:47 PM
As it stands, Valor11 is behaving and grew up quickly.

NiteCreeper had a few other names; Beach Head Rocks and Firefly something-or-other comes to mind.

04-10-2007, 07:05 PM
[QUOTE=valor11]i play halo and i didn`t know what that ment[/QUOTE]
thats understandable, but if you didn't know what it ment then why did you use it? anyways I'm glad your here the more the merryer


04-15-2007, 08:51 AM
i thought it was like a abbreaviation for aztecs

General Scarlett
06-14-2007, 01:39 PM
OK, in light of all the 'newbies' who have been finding us, I've copied the 'Genesis' of this thread (way back from page 1) and want to post it up here again...........

The rules are still the same, the difference is that Sonneilon is not alone now......I'm the 'Big Mamma' who carries a cast iron frying pan............and as members here will tell you, I'm extremely even tempered and patient.......but do not 'mistake kindness for weakness'..........

I encourage everyone new to join in, but follow the very casual, yet undeniable rules...........as they are now posted here.........


*Official* rules and regulations


I am not aware if Hammerfel ever posted rules and regulations. I think he figured we could self-moderate the place on our own. Unfortunately, the family can easily ask for people to behave, but there was no way to properly back it up. Now I can. So here’s the deal. I come from the SgtSavage/SavageSoundOffs/JoeBattlelines mentality of rules and regulations. Hopefully Fred won’t mind me using his. Honestly, I feel that his will work far better than if I used, oh, Metallica’s forum rules.

I’m a fair guy and I always give people the benefit of the doubt. As they say in school, “Everyone starts with an A at the beginning of the year. It’s you that changes it.” That’s very much how I see things.

Onto the body count...

1) Be good to each other. You can agree, you can disagree, and you can agree to disagree but don't get personal about it. We're all friends here, and we're all fans so let's just leave it at that.

2) Swearing is not allowed in any post in the forums or when replying to pictures. This includes the description area of your picture(s). IF your picture and/or dio has swearing, fine. Please keep in mind that we wish this to be a PG/PG13 sort of site. If you have a ton of swearing in a dio, please try and post a warning as a courtesy.

3) Absolutely no sniping and personal attacks on any member. If there is a problem between board members, take it somewhere else.

4) Blatant trolling. I'll be blunt on this one-- I don't care if you post links to features/reviews/dios/etc at other sites. What I do care about are people who only pop up to promote their site and don't otherwise contribute to the community in any way. This is "trolling for traffic" and I think it's a pretty sleazy thing to do. If you want to post links to your own sites/customs/work/etc, that's great and I encourage it! However, just don't show up to promote yourself and then leave.

5) Enjoy yourself. It’s a place to share stories and images w/ people who have the same interest. It’s great that we have a place like this.

The "order of battle" for disciplinary action around here.

If anyone is found consistently and intentionally violating the spirit of the rules above, the following steps will be taken:

1) Written warning. Either via email or PM you'll be hearing from me with one of those "Cut the crap!" messages. Hopefully this will be enough-- otherwise we move to...

2) Banning. I've seen too many boards grow "out of control" because some people can't remember to respect others. I won't tolerate that here-- ever. Anyone who consistently decides that they can do whatever they want will have to do so elsewhere.


If you feel the need to disrespect other board members, make blatant insults, etc, your posts are subject to a bit of an edit. However, you'll know the reasons for the edit and everyone will be able to see that the post has been altered.

By the by...

You want a 1-way ticket to getting banned w/ no warnings?

1. Steal pics from another site, post them here and say they are yours.

It's one thing to post your own stuff. It's another thing to post someone's stuff with their permission. (ie; hosting pics on your own account and posting it for the public) But taking a pic from another site and posting 'em, that's a no-no no matter where you're from.

2. Racism in any form.


06-14-2007, 01:43 PM
its cobra1 here from jbl.
I'm hoping to spring some of my madness to joedios :p

General Scarlett
06-16-2007, 08:49 PM
Hi gang,

I'm giving you all a friendly reminder......

[SIZE=3]Posting of pictures is wholeheartedly encouraged.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]HOWEVER[/SIZE], the posting of the same picture more than once OR pictures that are too similar OR pictures that have absolutely nothing to do with 'G.I. Joe', [SIZE=3]WILL BE DELETED AT THE ADMIN'S DISCRETION!!! [/SIZE]

I love the enthusiasm and the talent that abounds on this forum, but my patience is wearing thin for all the recent 'CRAP' that has been leaking in. If you are really passionate about G.I. Joe, then spend a little bit of time making your shots count. And I don't want to see any 'but I'm doing my best' posts.........you all know what your doing individually. Take some pride in the pictures you post. I know you can because that's all I read in the comments 'Wow! Great job!' or 'That's awesome!' or any other compliments along those lines.

I'm not overly ticked off here, but I am growing tired of seeing blatant shots of 'poo'..........there's enough material spread out throughout this forum to help even the most inexperienced photographer......FIND IT AND READ IT AND LEARN FROM IT!

And I will not be responding to questions about 'why'd you take down my pic??' That's just redundant..........the name of this site is called [SIZE=3]'JoeDios'[/SIZE], NOT 'let me throw up whatever I feel like'

Thanks for the understanding and compliance............ :)


06-17-2007, 06:13 AM
im pretty new here, and I was wondering what the etiquette/prevalent thinking is behind commenting on photos?
Im not really a photographer myself, but I like to think I have a decent eye for a good photo- and would sometimes post (hopefully constructive) criticism.
As a customiser, I regard honest feedback as important to my learning curve- and even though Im far from established here, I wondered if others feel the same?
Im sorry if this decends into a flame war- i assure you thats not my intentions for this post, just genuinely curious and interested.
(and I dont want to step on any toes, either)

General Scarlett
06-17-2007, 07:04 AM
First off, in case you weren't 'officially' welcomed-WELCOME!!

Secondly, comments on pics should ALWAYS be honest and polite...........if you find something that looks a bit 'off', a 'gentle' suggestion should be offered. Nothing like 'that pic sucks' or 'I hate that it's stupid' or along those lines.......

Don't sell yourself short on your own pics either! Let's be honest, YOU should know if a picture is 'decent'.......look at it this way, are you proud of what you did? Or are you doing it so you can say to your friends 'look what I crapped out and took a picture of!'? Time and patience will show through your pics all by themselves. And if you get frustrated, don't be afraid to ASK!

Now I don't expect everyone to be able to take the same level of pics, it depends on so many things....camera, speed, surroundings, theme and the most important part........each individual!! Again, it all boils down to each person taking pride in what they are doing..........I mean it is your name attached to each shot!

So, take time and have patience...and just follow your mother's advice 'be respectful'...everyone can benefit from something and you'll be churning out brillant work in no time!!! :D :cool:

And I don't see a reason for this to turn into a flame war...............so no worries there! ;) :cool:

Urban Saboteur
06-17-2007, 07:14 AM
I don't know if i'm a member of a small minority, I'm in agreement with G.S here. It's frustrating to see three or four of the same shot.
I comment on probably every single picture I can get round to seeing. There is alot of Talent on this site and I think with the right.. what's the words compliance and courtesy we could continue to post up great shots!

Having made a mention already to sometimes poor picture quality, some people do have the talent to make a decent picture and they do have the right camera. It's a few centremetres back from the shot to bring it into focus or as Pru mentioned.. being a little more organised and creative.,
Take 20-30 pictures of the same thing by all means.. I think it was Ender or Outrider who mentioned this recently.. theres nothing wrong with 5-6 of the same shot/scene but JD doesn't need to see every single one of them.
By a simple process of elimination pick out your best of best, I had at least 8 different alternative shots on my NLC picture submitted yesterday. It would of been quite ridiculous to post all of them.

I'm certain if you go onto users images on mine there will (hopefully) be a variety of different angles and shots which is really what we're looking at.
Learn from mistakes, what works better in what situations with certain figures?

Finally the post above isn't meant to tell you to stop posting pictures. Just show a tad composure and courtesy before posting the next 10. Be creative!! Find a good spot and work it.. If you find the mods deleting your pictures then your obviously not listening to good advice. ;)

Urban Saboteur
06-17-2007, 07:26 AM
Hey Chris,
Good post. I actually don't mind either comment. I'm probably in the small minority that would rather have something said.. then not at all. :o
With that said, I'd rather it be constructive.. as already mentioned "Your Picture is crap" kind of post wouldn't bother me so much if there was any substance to back it up.
I've seen amazing shots and pieces of artwork on this site.. sometimes I've struggled to come up with the right words to express my joy or great feeling when I see some of these pictures it renders me speechless. :eek:

One of my area's I feel I could improve on would be nightshots.. i haven't mastered group shots either, which is why most of my shots are individual shots. :cool:

We can all help each other here, theres really no excuse for continous poor picture quality.. not when the likes of the best contributors are expressing continous helpful comments. I feel sometimes I comment on a picture thats out of focus they would listen to the advice, find a good spot and take 50 or so of the same picture.
When I first started taking pictures in the garden I had the great backup help of Dave aka G.I.*JOCK on msn to talk to. I went through one afternoon taking around 100-150 before I settled on a picture I was happy with. Nowadays my ratio is alot less (thanks dave) ;)

Finally I'm certain not everyone on this site is perfect, I'm sure some of us feel close to it, theres always area's you can touch up on, or improve.. we'll only get better by sticking together and helping each other out. :cool:

06-17-2007, 07:35 AM
Well, when I think I've to say something about a good or bad picture I'll always say. But using my education. I try to help once and no more. I think if you are really interested in do better you'll hear everyone's criticism if not you'll keep doing your actual work.
What really bothers me in a picture is no focus on the real matter and pictures taken with no respect to scale. I can buy a "caption this photo". But everyday a "caption this photo" is BORING.
However I'm not the oner of judging what is or what is not apropriated, being so this are my 2 cents. And I think your posts is very important for readers of this forum.

06-17-2007, 12:05 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]First off, in case you weren't 'officially' welcomed-WELCOME!!

Secondly, comments on pics should ALWAYS be honest and polite...........if you find something that looks a bit 'off', a 'gentle' suggestion should be offered. Nothing like 'that pic sucks' or 'I hate that it's stupid' or along those lines.......

Don't sell yourself short on your own pics either! Let's be honest, YOU should know if a picture is 'decent'.......look at it this way, are you proud of what you did? Or are you doing it so you can say to your friends 'look what I crapped out and took a picture of!'? Time and patience will show through your pics all by themselves. And if you get frustrated, don't be afraid to ASK!

Now I don't expect everyone to be able to take the same level of pics, it depends on so many things....camera, speed, surroundings, theme and the most important part........each individual!! Again, it all boils down to each person taking pride in what they are doing..........I mean it is your name attached to each shot!

So, take time and have patience...and just follow your mother's advice 'be respectful'...everyone can benefit from something and you'll be churning out brillant work in no time!!! :D :cool:

And I don't see a reason for this to turn into a flame war...............so no worries there! ;) :cool:[/QUOTE]
GS- I did get a really warm welcome from here, and you were the first to do so.
Its just that Ive started commenting on photos, and Im very opinionated and cant shut up.
Thought Id better check if its ok first thats all.
As to my pics- my talents not my major problem-
I have a rare illness called lazybuggeritis so often dont get round to it.

Urban Saboteur
06-17-2007, 12:19 PM
:confused: Odd...
Lazybuggeritis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=lazybuggeritis&go=Go)

Wiki doesn't have a record of that illness :o :p

06-17-2007, 12:22 PM
If anyone needs another subject for a case study, I can volunteer.

But they'll have to come get me.

06-17-2007, 12:41 PM
[QUOTE=Stormer]If anyone needs another subject for a case study, I can volunteer.

But they'll have to come get me.[/QUOTE]
Not sure I can even be bothered volunteering...

Urban Saboteur
06-17-2007, 01:16 PM
:o Oooh.. theres that illness again.. ;-<

06-17-2007, 10:58 PM
[QUOTE=bigtattoo]I have a rare illness called lazybuggeritis so often dont get round to it.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't say it's all that rare; I suffer from recurring bouts of that very same disease myself! ;) :D

Urban Saboteur
06-25-2007, 05:38 PM
Ok, Is there a limit to posting one deluge of photos at once? :confused:
I just logged onto here and theres 25+ pictures all from one member (jaimanstone).

I aint complaining.. well I sort of am. It's just its really unfair on others to post 25 plus pictures all in a row like that..
I can appreciate from what I've seen there is lots of effort there.. and they are all different.. but isn't there a way to group them and post them as a dio? :confused:

What are everyone else's thoughts on deluge posting? :o

06-25-2007, 06:38 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]Ok, Is there a limit to posting one deluge of photos at once? :confused:
I just logged onto here and theres 25+ pictures all from one member (jaimanstone).

I aint complaining.. well I sort of am. It's just its really unfair on others to post 25 plus pictures all in a row like that..
I can appreciate from what I've seen there is lots of effort there.. and they are all different.. but isn't there a way to group them and post them as a dio? :confused:

What are everyone else's thoughts on deluge posting? :o
I've to agree with you Rich. Would be better if people could use the story behind and tie them up in a dio.

General Scarlett
06-25-2007, 07:26 PM
OK, here's an 'addendum' to the lead post of this thread..............

[SIZE=4]The 'excessive' posting of a series of pictures by one member at one time is also a reason for the admin to DELETE random images of the set![/SIZE]

I love the time and talent that goes into taking, editing and posting pics here, HOWEVER, to 'blow the front page' with more than 8 pictures at one time, THAT'S JUST IN REALLY BAD TASTE!!

If anyone has taken that many pictures to relay a story, then break it up into sections and post only a few at a time. Rest assured that all the regulars will follow along.

If someone wants to view all of a member's pictures throughout their 'series', all they have to do is click on the 'view all of ______ pictures'. Or, as has been stated, find a site to host your vast library of pics and make a dio story out of it!!

Also, while I appreciate that we are a small group here on JoeDios, seeing members interact more with the other members of the site would seem to be much better manners......what I'm trying to say to all those who only post pics and then 'disappear' is, why don't you interact a bit more with the rest of the gang?? You might be surprised at the camraderie that you find!!!

06-25-2007, 08:45 PM
Gs Thanks For Telling It Like It Is Ive Made A Friend Id Say On This Site And Though Imay Not Be The Most Articulate. Typer I Hope When Ipost A Comment It Comes Through In The Manner I Inted To As Far As Posting Many Of The Same Photos Or Clogging Up The Front Page With A Bunch Of My Shots I Hope I Havent Broken That Rule I Think Ive Done A Lot Netter With My Angles Mainly Due To All The Comments Ive Read From Vets Like You Again Thanks And If You Gotta Lay The Smack Down On Me If Need Be Dont Hold Back. ;)

General Scarlett
06-25-2007, 08:50 PM
[QUOTE=Flatline]Gs Thanks For Telling It Like It Is Ive Made A Friend Id Say On This Site And Though Imay Not Be The Most Articulate. Typer I Hope When Ipost A Comment It Comes Through In The Manner I Inted To As Far As Posting Many Of The Same Photos Or Clogging Up The Front Page With A Bunch Of My Shots I Hope I Havent Broken That Rule I Think Ive Done A Lot Netter With My Angles Mainly Due To All The Comments Ive Read From Vets Like You Again Thanks And If You Gotta Lay The Smack Down On Me If Need Be Dont Hold Back. ;)[/QUOTE]

Your fine Flatline.......it's members like you who make it all worthwhile for me to do this............ ;) :D :cool: Keep up the AWESOME work!!!! :)

06-28-2007, 11:54 PM
Rules read and understood. Gee, isn't amazing how good rules make sense.

10-05-2007, 12:42 AM
ok I got a question..I joined a little while back..tryin to be more active, but with no digital camera right now, can't post pics..is it ok for me to be here??? I was just wondering seems like a really cool site I've seen mis Scarlett from Hisstank..and she seems real nice..as some of the other posters here...just wondered..didn't want it to be an issue either way..thanks no matter what!!!!!

General Scarlett
10-05-2007, 05:26 AM
[QUOTE=wildbill73]ok I got a question..I joined a little while back..tryin to be more active, but with no digital camera right now, can't post pics..is it ok for me to be here??? I was just wondering seems like a really cool site I've seen mis Scarlett from Hisstank..and she seems real nice..as some of the other posters here...just wondered..didn't want it to be an issue either way..thanks no matter what!!!!![/QUOTE]

Are you kidding me??!??!? OF COURSE you can stay!!!!! Just because the site is called 'JoeDios', it doesn't mean that you MUST post pics!!! We want any and all fans of G.I. Joe to hang out and have fun!!!!!!

And if you are actively looking into purchasing a camera, there are threads that talk about brands and all kinds of stuff!!!! Some might be buried, but they are here......just do a search or even better, ask!!!!

Glad to see you over here! Can't wait to hear what you've got to say!!!! YO JOE!!! :cool: :D

10-05-2007, 06:05 AM
[COLOR=Red]ive been on here nearly 2 years and for the first 9 months or so i didnt post a single pic. i didnt have a camera and really didnt want one. i bought one because i love dio stories and wanted to show my own take on G.I.Joe. not everyone post pics. you'll notice that there are a very select who do, some do it daily and some once a month or so.[/COLOR]

General Scarlett
10-05-2007, 06:12 AM
And when the 'vets' don't post for a bit, (like me), no one seems to notice.......or maybe it's just that they don't give a whip what I do?!?!?!? :p

10-05-2007, 05:31 PM
everything Understood ;)

10-06-2007, 05:55 AM
That's cool thanks gang..as I said will try hard to be more active..

01-07-2008, 01:47 PM
Acepto las reglas! Rules are fair and the people on this site have been very nice with me and with everybody. Let's keep this place healthy.

01-07-2008, 02:34 PM
ok all clear sir...

01-17-2008, 10:45 AM
I agree w/ you here GS I have tried my best to folllow the rules sometimes I'll even wait for others to post some pics so I don't post more than 4-5 pics at once. I also have learned a lot from people on here and have found 2-3 different angles of a single shot is usually the most I take.

01-17-2008, 06:14 PM
I agree with everything. I bet you can imagine how many pics of my Rambo custom I have stored in my computer and there will remain.

I am not so good yet with the photoshop, posing and scening. But I will.

Thanks for the patience and the friendship.

01-17-2008, 08:43 PM
Thanks for taking care of this issue, GS. What I find frustrating is posting a shot and watching it get bumped because someone posts THEIR 8 images. Or 14 Images. I don't remember what I'm set at. But yeah, you get the idea.

And Rambo, your problem isn't necessarily posing, it's your picturetaking abilities. You learn to focus or use MACRO better, that'll be an incredible increase in terms of quality.

01-18-2008, 05:14 AM
MACRO... oh hell yeah! it's the flower icon on the camera...

Thank you Sonneilon. I will re-take some pics :)

[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Thanks for taking care of this issue, GS. What I find frustrating is posting a shot and watching it get bumped because someone posts THEIR 8 images. Or 14 Images. I don't remember what I'm set at. But yeah, you get the idea.

And Rambo, your problem isn't necessarily posing, it's your picturetaking abilities. You learn to focus or use MACRO better, that'll be an incredible increase in terms of quality.[/QUOTE]

02-05-2008, 03:09 PM
Nice clean guidelines that are easy to understand.
I was curious about the swearing part as I did see a few pictures with a few words in them here and there, now its all cleared up for me so thanks.

On a slightly different note, but still a valid note on this post. Asking a question is usually a good way to get a great answer here. I'm sure there are some questions that gets asked a million times, but it seems that to some of us 'noobs' you don't really mind and tell us anyway (many forums start screaming "USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION" almost like a knee reflex), so that is appreciated and a welcome change from other forums.

Thanks for making a great place and re-igniting my interest for G.I.Joe!

02-23-2008, 09:43 AM

I'm gonna do some housecleaning. Don't take offense if stuff gets deleted.

03-12-2008, 06:46 PM
...is dangerous to your friendships, and I really don't want either to be subjects of discussion on JoeDios.

I have a really good friend at work named Eric. I have caught on from a comment here or there that his political views are pretty much opposite of mine, so we never talk about it. We avoid the topic because all it can do is hurt the good friendship we have going. So, we talk about the things we both enjoy, video games, beer and women. :)

Take that lesson and apply it here. Avoid the explosive, divisive topics, especially religion and politics, and talk about your common ground, GI Joe and related stuff. It's the healthiest thing for the community.

03-12-2008, 06:48 PM
Well said.

03-12-2008, 06:48 PM
Can Raven get his posting privileges back? :D

-Heir to the Ender3digit throne.

03-12-2008, 06:56 PM
I find this quite amusing. It's pretty sad, but amusing. Religion talk will do it to ya 10 times out of 10.

Let's just call it a truce and give LordRaven back his access.

Depending on where this issue goes in the next 12 hours will dictate my continued participation at this site.


03-12-2008, 07:52 PM
I will find it easy to follow these rules. Finding a place to talk about shared interests with like-minded individuals is always a true treasure!!!

03-12-2008, 08:28 PM
I don't feel the need to apologize to anyone, but I am sorry for walking by an explosive thread and adding 2 cents of air that could have contributed to "touchiness." Normally I dodge threads like that, but sometimes I type before thinking of my audience. I think many of us do from time to time.

And haradrel is very wise when he said it is nearly impossible to convey tone and mood in typed words. It really is.

Like Hammerfel, I don't discuss politics with anyone at my work, but focus on common ground. Like work. My mortgage kinda depends on that! And talking about political views doesn't ever change anyone's mind. And if it does, well, that's kinda sad. ;)

So let me encourage everyone to exhale and post some pics! Please, for the love of those little joes! We all love Joes! :D

We had some great Whacky Wednesday pics, and the How-to sections have truly been helpful to me as of late. I appreciate all the time members are taking in showing the "magician's tricks." I have been blessed by many who have shared lighting suggestions with me, but now all the dio how-to's have got my creativity flowing.

gung ho
03-12-2008, 08:31 PM
hey! me and hammerfel is just alike lol i like women and beer to! but well said HF don't know whats been going on around here but well said :cool:

03-12-2008, 08:34 PM
Yes, for the record, I CLOSED the thread because I didn't want thing to get MORE out of hand. When I asked that things get back ON TOPIC, I meant that it needed to get back to Frank's post. He was asking for an opinion of whether to allow his kid to go a demonstration.

I firmly believe that a discussion about religion could work. We could discuss our beliefs, the religion's morals and ethics as well as our own.

In terms of the ORIGINAL POST, the blame goes ALL AROUND. This was not supposed to be a discussion about our views on religion, god, Jesus, Buddha, whoever and whatever you associate yourself with. But that's what it became and one can NOT blame Shane for feeling uncomfortable over this whole thing. I know I didn't but I left it open.

IF Shane and Rich are to get banned, then Haradrel, YorkTownJoe, MYSELF AND GeneralScarlet should too because it went off topic and I asked for it to get back on track!

Now, when Shane originally came to me, I supported him posting his 1st post. By his last post, he lured her into a trap and if any of you read close enough, he caught her. Shane doesn't incite this type of stuff and therefore I am reinstating both Rich and Shane.

gung ho
03-12-2008, 08:37 PM
if anyone don't mind me asking i was gone for around a day and a half what happend around here i came back and seen that lordraven had got banned and somthing about religion...i totally in the dark here

03-12-2008, 08:51 PM
Gung Ho, we're gonna let this lie quiet. Just a lot of weird crap went on.

gung ho
03-12-2008, 08:53 PM
ok thats fine i'll stay in the dark lol :D

03-12-2008, 09:21 PM
[COLOR=Red]im the type of person who voices my opinion on anything. as long as i am asked, which frank did ask everyones thoughts. however, i kept out of this one. as far as religion goes, no ones opinion matters to anyone, unless they agree. this thread really didnt mean anything to me, glad now i kept out of it.[/COLOR]

03-12-2008, 09:34 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]im the type of person who voices my opinion on anything. as long as i am asked, which frank did ask everyones thoughts. however, i kept out of this one. as far as religion goes, no ones opinion matters to anyone, unless they agree. this thread really didnt mean anything to me, glad now i kept out of it.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
You are wise beyond your years, however old you might be. :)

03-13-2008, 05:52 AM
This addition to the rules & regs is a good thing. I avoided the other thead like the plague. I thought, when I first saw it, it could only end badly

03-13-2008, 08:35 AM
gotta agree with both lehsreh and sithviper, the moment the thread started leaning towards religion i opted to stay out, no matter what i believe in that's a hot topic that always causes friction with people and i like to remain as frictionless as possible :D

03-13-2008, 09:07 AM
IF Shane and Rich are to get banned, then Haradrel, YorkTownJoe, MYSELF AND GeneralScarlet should too because it went off topic and I asked for it to get back on track![/QUOTE]

Uh-oh! I didn't mean it, I promise! I... I... I...

....and therefore I am reinstating both Rich and Shane.[/QUOTE]


I'll just throw in my 2 cheap cents here. I have been to many boards/forums etc over the years - and if this is "out of hand", then I am even more in love with this place then before.
The moderators here really do an awesome job! Kicking donkey and taking names :D (I really do mean that guys, its really nice to come to a online community who gives a rats-behind)

On a different note and slightly on topic.
I really don't mind the "big" issues being debated in a forum - he clearly labeled it as off topic - and to those who doesn't want to read about it, well they could have stopped right there. I also feel it gives more depth to a online community to sometimes air stuff like that - even if it is a heated debate - but as I said earlier - it would be pointless to debate religion, even though I found it interesting.

So I actually disagree with the Sonneilon for locking the thread, but of course I will follow his rulings and respect that.

On a totally different note: I finally got my WAVE 1-2-3-4-5 25th Guys!!!!!! (Yes that was totally off topic, but I always like to end a post with something positive ;) - Expect lots of shots in the coming days!!!!
*Shamelessly edits his post to throw in a link to a picture of the waves:

03-13-2008, 10:55 AM
Hammerfel has hit the nail right on the head. Joedios is the place I come to to get away from real world dramas! I have no problem with those who posted on the said topic, I just chose not to. Sure I have firm views on both religion and politics, but I tend to keep them to myself unless someone asks me a direct question. I would hate to see this place lose it friendly atmosphere and split into warring factions based on anything more serious than 25th A lovers and haters! :)

03-13-2008, 11:00 AM
with the steady hands of the moderators, I don't think that is a problem we will ever face ;)

General Scarlett
04-27-2008, 02:54 PM

Urban Saboteur
06-13-2008, 08:36 AM
Hey Dude.
I just wondered if you should perhaps copy and paste your rules thing to the first post? :o
So that it is available on the first page of the thread rather than the third or fourth page. Also might be worth updating the flood page rule for photos ;)

06-13-2008, 10:48 AM

after a small hic-up with pictures removed I am very happy to be posting here and must say its nice to see an active community concerned about content and moral fiber :)

I look forward to contributing to this site!