View Full Version : comic starting over, will you?
06-10-2008, 11:01 PM
[COLOR=Red]just wondering if the fact that the comic is getting a reboot will effect your joeverse? as i myself dont let anyone tell me who i can and cannot use, it will not effect me. but i know some of you follow the comics, at least marvel. hama will have something to do with this. since most of you love his work, will it effect your joeverse since he is part of it?[/COLOR]
06-10-2008, 11:46 PM
No, to me my universe is set in the marvel run of the series - with maybe some of the stuff from DDP, any "alternate" or (future) movie verse will not be incorporated into mine.
06-11-2008, 12:38 AM
[COLOR=Red]do you follow the deaths in the marvel run? this is the main factor and probably the only thing that starting over will change.[/COLOR]
06-11-2008, 02:02 AM
If IDW reboots it and resurrects dead Joes, I'm done with it. That's what made it 'real' for me, these are combat soldiers, albiet highly trained ones, there are bound to be casualties. Let the dead Joes, and Cobra's RIP, and carry on with who's left. If they resurrect them, this comic is no better than the superhero comics that keep resurrecting dead heroes over and over again (half the reason I don't read the majority of Marvel and DC titles anymore). Regardless of whether or not you liked the DDP continuity (I for one thought the majority of it was good, though it did have it's bad moments) it carried on where Marvel left off, the Joes were older, wiser, some fatter (Bazooka), and believe it or not Larry Hama (have you checked out the 25th comic packs?) was not always writing great Joe stories, and the Marvel comics were not always that good (Hello! The majority of the Ninja storylines). IDW would be wise to continue, cause if they reboot, like they did with Transformers (which stinks) I can say they will lose one Joe fan.
"That's just my opinion, I could be wrong." - Dennis Miller
06-11-2008, 02:33 AM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]do you follow the deaths in the marvel run? this is the main factor and probably the only thing that starting over will change.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Not yet - but I probably will ;o) I'll probably utilize cloning technology ala Serpentor to lie why some characters are still alive or somesuch ;)
06-11-2008, 07:48 AM
Actually, a reboot would probably be the only thing that could get me back into reading the comics. I read all of the first Devil's Due series, and about the first 12 issues of America's Elite, but they didn't strike me as "real" Joe comics. They came across more like fan-fiction that happened to be "official" because they had the license-- Though I feel that way about a lot of Marvel and DC comics today, too.
I was upset that IDW rebooted Transformers, because once they got their act together, Dreamwave's ongoing was the number one comic I looked forward to every month. But IDW couldn't continue those stories even if they wanted to because of Dreamwave's bankruptcy proceedings. So I tried their reboot, and found that I really liked it! Not in the same way as I liked Dreamwave, but the storylines that have been building over the past few years definitely keep me coming back for more.
So, yeah... I trust IDW to reboot this thing properly, and I'll check it out with or without Hama's involvement. Though personally, I would rather not see a complete reboot-- My number one choice would be to disregard all the Devil's Due stuff, and have Larry Hama start writing a new series picking up immediately where Marvel's run ended!
06-11-2008, 08:52 AM
[QUOTE=silentdusty]If IDW reboots it and resurrects dead Joes, I'm done with it. If they resurrect them, this comic is no better than the superhero comics that keep resurrecting dead heroes over and over again (half the reason I don't read the majority of Marvel and DC titles anymore). [/QUOTE]
[COLOR=Red]what about how many times they have brought back cobra commander, serpentor, storm shadow. they brought back snake eyes billy, mindbender, firefly. they bring these back and nobody seems to mind, thats why i want a reboot. if its going to be realistic why doesnt duke, hawk, flint or colton or any key core characters die beside lady jaye.
besides, i think this will make for much, much better stories. instead of having all the others stories have happened, they can do somewhat similar stories. it would be best if they take into account that most readers will already know a lot of the joe history and characters, so instead of focusing on bringing a new characters out each issue, they can focus on story.
bad thing is, i didnt like what i saw with their transformers. im not talking story, as the art was so bad i couldnt make myself look at the pages long enough to read it.[/COLOR]
06-11-2008, 09:14 AM
yeah im a big gijoe comic fan , DDP , MARVEL , well in my joe universe there s 3 continuity s present day( roll bar , wide scope ) some flashback s ( original team ) and a crossover joes vs transformers , that way i can bring back all the dead joes :o
06-11-2008, 11:30 AM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]just wondering if the fact that the comic is getting a reboot will effect your joeverse? as i myself dont let anyone tell me who i can and cannot use, it will not effect me. but i know some of you follow the comics, at least marvel. hama will have something to do with this. since most of you love his work, will it effect your joeverse since he is part of it?[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Didn't Devils Due already "reboot" GI Joe that with that "reloaded" Crap? If that's any indication fo what we have in store, forget it! And why not reboot the comic, hell, Hasbro has went and rebooted the line, starting right back at 1982. Just think, only about 3 thousand more versions of Snake Eyes, Duke and Cobra Commander as 25th figures before they reboot again! BLAH! I'm about one more dissappointment from giving up collecting! I already buy more Indiana Jones figures on the weekends than I do Joes! If it wasn't for Mastercollector and the Con sets, I would have given up already! As soon as they run out of ARAH and DTC molds and the Con sets switch to 25th Anniversary figures, I'm done!
06-11-2008, 12:13 PM
My Joeverse is based on the Marvel run, everything since then has had no relevance to me at all, so it won't make any difference. Nor will the upcoming movie, for that matter.
06-16-2008, 12:35 AM
I'm with outrider on this one... My joeverse is based on the Marvel line (minus some REALLY stupid stuff, like Star Brigade etc..)
But in my Joeverse the battle of Benzheen has not happened yet (or it never will, dont know yet)...cos otherwise I cant use all the awesome figures that died during that event...
But rebooting would not affect my joeverse at all... And as much as I like the Americas elite storyline... I think they are trying to kill too many characters, so that is just a fun read to me, but not "canon"... more like possible future etc...
06-16-2008, 03:50 AM
I'll probably buy the first issue (or two, what with advance ordering -- my comic store doens't order GI Joe comics for the shelves as they wouldn't sell...) but chances are I'll not bother.
What I'll be curious about is what of the characters' histories will they choose to acknowledge and what will they drop? Like where will the cutoff point be?
The idea of starting over from where the Marvel run left off seems a bit pointless, since that's what DDP did and why would the people asking for this be satisfied with what IDW would do any more than they were with DDP? Plus people seem to forget that by the end, the Marvel series was pretty dire anyway in most respects. Getting Larry Hama to follow up on the end is also something DDP did already with the first story-arc in the Frontline series.
Really, it feels like a reboot will be more work than continuing the 25-year-long history (something Transformers didn't have when IDW started with them) and just done for the sake of being different, and to use the relatively tiny number of characters who've been killed off (like Crank Case is going to do anything significant -- most of the dead Joes, people only cared about them after they died!).
I feel the same towards Marvel's Ultimate line of comics -- I'd rather read about the characters I know and care about than people who just look like them, and waste my time trying to figure out what's the same and what's different while reading storylines that are just "edgy," post-modern takes on what's been done before that depend on a familiarity with the REAL stories for a large part of their impact...
06-16-2008, 09:34 AM
I don't know. I tired of the DD stuff. Just lost interest because I enjoyed doing my own thing. I'd LIKE to think DD had some good ideas going, but when I actually think about it, I can't really remember anything.
I'd love to say, "I loved how DD had Crosshair and Dart show up in the comic." BUT those were NOT DD creations, those were Hasbro creations. Therefore, I can NOT give DD credit for those two particular characters and their portrayals.
Duke as a super-spy during the 'down' years? I kinda go for it, but I still see Duke as the All-American Hero from the cartoon.
I WILL give DD that the creation of Zanya and Firewall were excellent additions.
Personally, if there's a toy for the figure, they exist (since 2002 at least). Therefore, if Quick Kick comes back, he'll exist. We already have a 25A Lady Jaye so she's alive and kicking DESPITE what the comic tried to pull. And like some others have said, I use cloning technology so in theory, anyone can come back. (However, Mindbender is DEAD so he ain't coming back regardless.)
Maybe I'll see how the comic is. Maybe I won't. I'll let YOU guys give reports and see what's up.
06-16-2008, 09:59 AM
Ok 1st Can't wait to see what the New Comicbook writers will do!!! :) Will I read every issue? HELL YES, It's G.I. JOE!!!! :D Will it affect my Joeverse? NO. :) I pick and choose what I want from ALL Aspects of G.I. Joe, the Comics, the Cartoons, Filecards & My own Mind!!! :D I hope they will bring back certain characters they killed off in the comic, if they don't, it will be ashame, but they'll always be alive in my Joeverse!!!! Nuff said!!! :cool:
06-16-2008, 11:45 AM
In terms of my own Joeverse, since the established history basically IS my Joeverse (anything I do is representative of it or interwoven while avoiding any contradiction), if nobody's continuing it professionally then I'll probably end up doing that myself (like other dio-authors did back before the '02 relaunch).
06-16-2008, 06:43 PM
I think I will pretty much continue with the storylines I have going. If IDW reboots the story at all, I will probably read it and hopefully enjoy it, and maybe even incorporate any good ideas into my storyline, but I don't plan on changing my current storyline to follow their book.
06-17-2008, 06:26 AM
I'll see the comic first before passing full judgement on it (as to me it's more a matter of how it's executed) but I won't mind a reboot. To be honest I wasn't too big on DD's following Marvel and making the series realtime in that everyone was 10 years or more older etc, it just didn't work IMO. Reloaded started alright IMHO but sort of lost the path as it went on. I liked the second Dreamwave Joe/Transformers (the one after the WWII version) take on the joe team, had some interesting elements such as Flint and Shipwreck being good buddies, the mystery of Flint's animosity towards Spirit, too bad that never went beyond issue one due to Dreamwave going bust. A reboot isn't too bad since it does allow newcomers to get into the series quickly and for the oldtimers among us, a fresh look. And frankly, if the 25th is going to largely recycle all the old line without new characters, a reboot would keep things slightly fresh ( as it is I dislike the fact that Joe is becoming too much like SW in that you get either same character in same uniform with just new sculpt and articulation or multiple repaints rather than new uniform or look though this is really for another thread :) ) Not disparaging the old Marvel continuity (DD is another matter though :) ) but it might be time just to start the slate fresh.
06-17-2008, 08:15 AM
To say Lady Jaye is dead is laughable. I bought a figure of her in the toyline and her filecard mentioned no such death. The mail in offer said Doc was captured by Cobra, but yet he's dead in the comic, so which is it? Heh.
The bottom line, GIJoe is all about iconic characters that surpass any particular media. I truly believe that. I'm not saying someone is taking a dirt nap just because of some long past comic from the 80s.
I do hope the comic does a complete reboot so we can finally have a fresh take on the property. Its time for the GIJoe comic to seek out new ground, not living in the nostalgia of the Hama-verse. That story is DONE and 'picking up' after 155 is pointless, completely pointless. It would just be another splitter verse that always lives in the shadow of Hama, with people rationalizing, hey, its not as bad as DD's run. Whoopee!
My Joe verse is a lot of the Sunbow toon, with a little of DIC, S6, and a bit of the comics thrown in for spice. I feel Sunbow had the best characterization, voice work was topnotch, and it cut through the crap, Cobra was always trying to take over the world!
06-17-2008, 02:28 PM
[QUOTE=Swindle] I feel Sunbow had the best characterization, voice work was topnotch, and it cut through the crap, Cobra was always trying to take over the world![/QUOTE]
thank you, nice to know others on here use the toon as their influence. and yeah, i do want a reboot. but you know, it would be cool if they take big events like the birth of serpentor and the cobra civil war and retold them from a different perspective.[/COLOR]
06-18-2008, 08:28 AM
I haven't read the comic since the Marvel days. I've been thinking of picking up a TPB of the new comics but don't know what's good. Does anybody have a recommendation?
06-18-2008, 10:24 AM
I'd say pick up "Reinstated," the first one from the Image/Devil's Due run, and see if you like the updated Joeverse they present. If you do, continue from there as it's been pretty much a continuous story.
Or there's the first Frontline (spin-off series) one, which was a 4-issue story written by Larry Hama set right after the Marvel run ended. The rest of the Frontline series was set to run pretty much concurrently with the main series, just with shorter, sometimes standalone, stories focusing on one or two characters so again to best appreciate what's going on it helps to read the main story.
06-19-2008, 09:54 AM
I talked to a comic guy over on the JBL. He says to expect...
1. The Joes to be in semi-classic outfits. Look at the current 25A toys for an idea of how they'll look.
2. There's a possibility that the 'couples' will be changed up. ie; SE & Scar? Maybe not.
3. While he didn't know what sort of role Zartan and his posse would have, it's NOT outside of the box that they could have the same sort of situation as with DD. ie; a nationwide organization doing whatever they did.
3a. It's possible that a character like Zanya will be part of this rebbot.
4. This is a reboot, NOT a re-invisioning (ala Reloaded).
5. Expect the characters to stay pretty much in character. Duke will not be a superspy, for example.
6. Moving forward with new characters or recently created ones (Crosshair, Dart, Plague, Barrel Roll, etc)? Doubtful simply cuz this is a reboot. Most of the DD stories will be thrown out. MOST.
This is all speculation, of course.
06-19-2008, 12:18 PM
[COLOR=Red]sounds good to me. i know its bad to totally forget something that was great, but everyone has to agree that even with marvel things went wrong a long time before it was ender. as long as they keep the characters true and the outfits true to the characters, ill be happy. and i hope they do shake up the couple things, they can always come back later and have them get back together. its more realistic to think that they might have broken up somewhere along the way and dated other people before finding the one they would stay with.[/COLOR]
06-19-2008, 12:45 PM
Funny, I just got to thinking about this, and you know what? Maybe a fresh begining wouldn't be that bad. Start right back at ground zero. Intergrate what is going on in the world right now. Terrorism has large, well organized organizations and the Military forms an elite team to do something about it.
During the forming of this group, a shrewd dissadent (Who later becomes Cobra Commander) who has been using pyramid schemes, and maybe even a quasi-religious organization (think Scientology but used for early cobra recruitment). He begins an organization to make "the Perfect World" and goes from peaceful/political means to gathering guns for the future showdown with the evil agents of democracy. He runs across Destro in his gun dealing and gets introduced to the "Whos-Who" of terrorism (maybe even Osama Bin Laden) and manages to dissusade many of their disillusioned followers that HIS plan for the world is better.
Slowly he becomes more and more powerful much like Osama Bin Laden and his organization, until he IS the name and face (or faceless figure) behind global Terror! During the formation and workup phase of the new Task Force Echo (Code named "GI Joe"), they must shift gears between fighting little bands of poorly trained and organized terrorists and fighting a terrorist ARMY!
GI Joe's roster could be filled out by making billets like ;
Commander; Code name "Hawk": Currently held by Gen Clayton Abernathy
First Sergeant; Code name "Duke" Currently held by Conrad Hauser
Team Leader one; Code name "Stalker" Currently held by Lonzo Wilkinson
Then if a character dies, you can put a new person in the billet and they take that persons place. So it might be "Stalker" but it's no longer "Lonzo Wilkinson". This way Hasbro can still put out Quick-Kick, crankcase etc without having everyone saying "But they're dead!" And if they make the action figures "look" a little more generic, (think of old 1982 V1's) then if you have a character of someone who is long gone..."poof" Greenshirt replacement!
You could even have one of the Joes have a father or brother or uncle who is part of Cobra (think like the brother's Stall). Maybe one came from a poor rural community where Cobra convinced a lot of the people there the goverment is their enemy and Cobra is like the local Moose Lodge or Masonic Temple. Everyone is a card carrying and dues paying member thinking they are supporting lobbying in Washinton and the advancement of their own political veiws, when in reality the money is going to terrorism and attacks on civilian and military installations.
Entire towns and communities could be under cobra control and GI joe will have a hard time sorting out the "Hard Core Cadre" from the "conscripts". (Had to break out my communist manifesto books for THOSE terms!).
It could be the begining of a GREAT new world if they do it right and forget ninjas and clones!
06-19-2008, 01:07 PM
[COLOR=Red]yes frank, yes. welcome to the darkside. the next step is using profanity like smurf it and smurf you a lot. then, finally... buying the 25th, MUHAHAHAHA![/COLOR]
GI Joe's roster could be filled out by making billets like ;
Commander; Code name "Hawk": Currently held by Gen Clayton Abernathy
First Sergeant; Code name "Duke" Currently held by Conrad Hauser
Team Leader one; Code name "Stalker" Currently held by Lonzo Wilkinson
Then if a character dies, you can put a new person in the billet and they take that persons place. So it might be "Stalker" but it's no longer "Lonzo Wilkinson". This way Hasbro can still put out Quick-Kick, crankcase etc without having everyone saying "But they're dead!" And if they make the action figures "look" a little more generic, (think of old 1982 V1's) then if you have a character of someone who is long gone..."poof" Greenshirt replacement!
seriously though, this part is great. a way to make it realistic by killing off key characters, but keeping the code names and everything the same. its not a code name for each character, rather a code name for the position held.[/COLOR]
06-19-2008, 01:09 PM
As long as the new movie doesn't infect the reboot it should be worth checking out.
06-19-2008, 01:21 PM
I have to disagree with you Ender. Multiple characters using the same name would ruin the individuality of the characters.
I'm all for killing characters for the sake of realism though. It doesn't have to stop them form doing new stories or making new figures of the dead characters. Just do a flashback, go back in the timeline before they died.
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