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View Full Version : GI Joe 25th Anniversary

09-13-2006, 10:48 AM
There's been talk and speculation about next year's 25th Anniversary. There's almost nothing known about it except for a couple of facts. Those facts could even change depending on Dwight Stall's mood! Should we be looking forward to it? Are you pessimistic about the whole ordeal? What can we really expect???

Fact. Dwight Stall has said that he's working hard at making the figures "super-articulated".

Fact. Dwight Stall has said that they are looking at a range of characters; from a 1982 to around 1986.

Fact. They are looking to be released early Fall. This would plop GI Joe AFTER the TF movie and toy push and before the supposed new line of Star Wars toys.

Discuss on.

09-13-2006, 11:31 AM
I'll wait for the character list to buy the whole set, if there will be a set, or buy just some of the guys. Figures like Flash, need a new version ASAP. Others like Duke could die (I hate him). I just hope there will not be tons of Snake Eyes, Dukes, Storm Shadows. Take the special date and give fans what they want. Please you man in charge look at fan forums first.

Starts here a manifest for a new killer FLASH fig!!! :D

09-13-2006, 11:59 AM
I should be looking forward to what could be one of the greatest sets of all, but knowing Hasbro, I'm a little worried. If they are really "pulling out all the stops" and end up delivering something special, then it may be a fitting farewell to the 3 3/4" line, 'cos let's face it - there probaly won't be anymore after that. But if it's just a rehash of old molds with a few different paint apps then why bother? All we can do is hope Hasbro gives us some worthwhile figures (and vehicles)!

09-13-2006, 02:33 PM
I KEEP hearing they are going with the Classics. I DON'T WANT ANOTHER DUKE!!! Or Flint, Or Shipwreck. And the comic book 3-packs took care of my original 13....again! I understand the need for "Classics" because it's the 25th anniversary, but with so many Image/DD Characters unmade, the classics will be a waste for me to pick up.

I'd rather see some new Characters. Wraith, Zanya, Mistress Armada, Alexander Destro, Dr Knox, The Red Shadows, Firewall, Even "50" from Reloaded! I want to move forward, not look back. It's like Transformers.....how many Optimus Primes can there be? BLAHHH!!

09-13-2006, 05:12 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]I should be looking forward to what could be one of the greatest sets of all, but knowing Hasbro, I'm a little worried. If they are really "pulling out all the stops" and end up delivering something special, then it may be a fitting farewell to the 3 3/4" line, 'cos let's face it - there probaly won't be anymore after that. But if it's just a rehash of old molds with a few different paint apps then why bother? All we can do is hope Hasbro gives us some worthwhile figures (and vehicles)![/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=ender098]I KEEP hearing they are going with the Classics. I DON'T WANT ANOTHER DUKE!!! Or Flint, Or Shipwreck. And the comic book 3-packs took care of my original 13....again! I understand the need for "Classics" because it's the 25th anniversary, but with so many Image/DD Characters unmade, the classics will be a waste for me to pick up.

I'd rather see some new Characters. Wraith, Zanya, Mistress Armada, Alexander Destro, Dr Knox, The Red Shadows, Firewall, Even "50" from Reloaded! I want to move forward, not look back. It's like Transformers.....how many Optimus Primes can there be? BLAHHH!![/QUOTE]

Here is my fear and concern all together. I have always loved the 3.75" GI Joes and Hasbro has disappointed me more times than I care to think about. When an opportunity arises for better molds, more interesting paint schemes, or even a more creative figure lineup, we get a couple carrots (Kwinn, an updated Major Bludd, October Guard), but we also get seven versions of Duke, yet two more versions of Hawk, and numerous other revamped figures that just don't seem as great as the originals. The new Footloose figure could have reflected the Army's new look, but is nothing but a repaint of the Shipwreck figure from the attack boat. I love the fact that Hasbro has been producing GI Joe again and the potential for another Golden age for GI Joe was at hand but then Hasbro decided to produce the 5" figures (No offense Sigma Six fans). I'm frustrated that a line that could produce stellar items like the battle mech and the BTR tie-in can't seem to get a corporate go ahead to take GI Joe in a positive direction as they did in the Real American Hero days.

Lava Boss
09-14-2006, 07:28 AM
Not enough information.

And I'm not optimistic. And I find myself caring less, Star Wars is doing interesting things these days and there's 1:18 scale military knock-offs out there, so it's not like there's nothing else for me to waste money on.

I'm all for redoing the big names, Duke, Destro, etc...if they do them right. Make retro Destro but bring the sculpting up to today with added articulation. If you did them right, even all the "sick of same characters" fans would get them. Not to put anyone down, I got sick of the same characters, too. But what amazed me is how they dropped the ball on even the big names. How many years did it take to get an new o-ring Storm Shadow in the relaunch? Over 2 1/2! They never got Flint right. Or Zartan. Even the praised Spy Troops Cobra Commander was flawed IMHO.

09-14-2006, 12:36 PM
From what I have heard Hasbro is investigating different kinds of contruction for these new figures, with and without o-rings apparently. Also they are to be more articulated than ever before. Further more, the most popular characthers from 82-87 will be redone. I'm quite excited about it all, whatever the outcome. I just hope they don't do anything drastic with the articulation. I love the tradition of o-rings and the fact that Joe's can be deconstructed, then rebuilt with parts from another figure, adds to the attraction of the toyline for me. It is a customisers dream! Its the touches like that which make the toyline what it is! The possibilities and the playability.

I really don't know how it will turn out, but I can't wait to find out and I will buy the set or sets for sure.

I hope theres vehicles too!



Lava Boss
09-14-2006, 12:48 PM
[QUOTE=G.I.*Jock] I just hope they don't do anything drastic with the articulation. I love the tradition of o-rings and the fact that Joe's can be deconstructed, then rebuilt with parts from another figure, adds to the attraction of the toyline for me. It is a customisers dream! Its the touches like that which make the toyline what it is! The possibilities and the playability.

Not only customs, but can be repaired or have broken parts swapped out. Some fans are advocating a new design without giving thought into problems. Power Team Elite 1:18 scale figures have more hip movement, but at a price, if their hips are loose...there's not much you can do (and I've recently gotten a few that were that loose right outta the box). Microman, I don't own any, but I hear they can be fragile. And I have no faith in Hasbro's quality assurance. So I'd just soon hope they stick with O-ring.

09-14-2006, 01:18 PM
[QUOTE=Lava Boss]I'm all for redoing the big names, Duke, Destro, etc...if they do them right. Make retro Destro but bring the sculpting up to today with added articulation. If you did them right, even all the "sick of same characters" fans would get them. Not to put anyone down, I got sick of the same characters, too. But what amazed me is how they dropped the ball on even the big names. How many years did it take to get an new o-ring Storm Shadow in the relaunch? Over 2 1/2! They never got Flint right. Or Zartan. Even the praised Spy Troops Cobra Commander was flawed IMHO.[/QUOTE]

Agreed - if they do release "classic" characters, they have to be new sculpts.
And definitely with O-rings!

09-14-2006, 04:44 PM
It seems for the most part that everyone is in agreement about quality. Like what has been mentioned a number of times,we don't want a dozen new Dukes. I have always been a firm believer, since making it back to the hobby, that I want figures that are the original character with an updated look and detail.

The main thing that I have had a gripe with is the whole thing with the line sizes. They need to pick a size and stick with it. And for those of us that remember the "Old" days, and those that have found the line for the first time, 3.75" is the only true representation. The fact is that if you want more detail, you have to have more area to work. The less area, the least amount of detail.

One idea I remember hearing is a "Legends" based line. Where I "Heard" it I can't recall. But if you look at the Marvel legends line that has been released, you have quality and articulation. I could see the GI Joe line getting a good, and true look if...it's done right. That is what it all boils down to, if Hasbro can do the line justice.

One other thing I have a problem with is the Star Wars line. What does Star Wars have to do with GI Joe you ask? And the answer is everything. Made by the same company but the Star Wars line has more detail, more articulation, and you can go the the local Target, or Wal-Mart to pick them up by the truck load. Now I don't mean to complain, but why should Star Wars get top billing and GI joe gets a limited run and limited distributors? Yes, I know us GI Joe collectors are a rare breed, but why not make it easy for the next generation of GI Joe fans to find the figures like we did in a corner store toy isle all those years ago? I stand down from my soap box my bretheren. :)

09-14-2006, 06:40 PM
[QUOTE=Wausauviper] One other thing I have a problem with is the Star Wars line. What does Star Wars have to do with GI Joe you ask? And the answer is everything. Made by the same company but the Star Wars line has more detail, more articulation, and you can go the the local Target, or Wal-Mart to pick them up by the truck load. Now I don't mean to complain, but why should Star Wars get top billing and GI joe gets a limited run and limited distributors? Yes, I know us GI Joe collectors are a rare breed, but why not make it easy for the next generation of GI Joe fans to find the figures like we did in a corner store toy isle all those years ago? I stand down from my soap box my bretheren. :)[/QUOTE]

Because of George Lucas. Back when SW3 was released and for X-mas, he wanted nothing to compete with his action figures. Lucas has the money to push it and Hasbro figures, "why not?" Sure, H wants GI Joe to be their flagship toy and with SIGMA6, they are pushing hard. 3.75", well... Uhmmmmm, uh....