View Full Version : Open Letter to Vader9900 and All Other Members

06-25-2008, 07:12 PM
I was going to post this on Vader's Jungle Firefly image in the photos section, but thought it would be better suited for the forum.

In regards to Vader9900's photo found here:

Rock-on Vader! - very very nice how-to based on the image... that kind of interaction/tutorial is what is needed more here to inspire folks to try their hand at dio making, photography and image manipulation. Especially with that kind of detail and explanation. Major Kudos to you!

I was super-enthused to see your how-to. My 8yr old son read it twice and printed out your photo-tent setup picture ~ he is very inquisitive as to what it is and why you would use it... so thanks for inspiring a young mind.

It's great that this site has a bunch of photos, but innovative and inventive images such as yours of late (underwater, smoke effects, shot angles etc) show folks what's possible and give them a base to build from. Personally I'd like to see this site make more of a focus on how-to's, with featured how-to's right on the homepage, rated by other members... Such that we push the limit of professional-style how-to's and create a truly unique repository.

I found that when I started trying my hand at Gijoe-based dios (with my son) in January of this year, that there is tons of pictures on the web, but basically very little detailed, quality instruction. I found I inadvertently rubbed a few folks the wrong way for trying certain techniques and sharing them.... like I was a magician showing everyone the secrets of the craft ;-) ..... that was my experience anyhow.

As some folks here know, my son and I were huge into Lego (and still are, but not to the crazy degree we were), and we built massive detailed dios and took them to lego shows in Vancouver and Seattle. The feedback we received was nothing short of amazing. Simply, it was easy to see that we inspired kids and adults alike to break out of their box and attempt something they would not normally do. I used to recreate multiples of our set pieces at night and ship them free of charge to kids around the world who could not normally afford the pieces to build them. And our lego website still gets well over 350,000 unique visitors a month (which costs me a bit for hosting fees ;-). We were just featured 2 months ago in Wired Magazine which was way cool... And the only reason for doing any of this was to demonstrate to my son and daughter that the world is a better place if everyone finds commonality and shares passion... shares vision... with no expectation of personal return. And these values are directly related to my own successful business and our family's social and financial stability.

My main message with this overly long post...
and I know it's crazy, but stay with me....
Focus joedios.com as a tutorial-based diorama site first and foremost. Make an impact on young minds to inspire creativity, and to encourage older members to try their hand at something new. Maybe someone that's close to hammerfel could suggest a re-focusing. Just and idea... but hey, I think outside the "bun". I think this site is on to something big ~ with a little restructuring and assistance from members could go a long way to becoming the defacto standard in dioramas rather than a bunch of pictures from the same people over and over again.

And as an idea offering (if anyone's interested)... all 3 of my current/recent diorama sets, I will donate free to members who contribute to the site in an instructional theme... maybe a contest or something. And yes, even the coveted snake-head stone diorama that took freak'n forever ;-) Talk it out, let me know.

So, call me crazy... flame me into oblivion, whatever... take this as a "directional thesis". I'll still poke into joedios now again in it's current form.

Now, Dave... if you would show folks how you did your trees, then you would surely win the joedios seldom granted "pimp-daddy hero of the year" award ;-) and probably bring a few adult men to tears (of joy)... myself included.

Cheers! ~ Paul.

06-25-2008, 07:22 PM
[COLOR=Red]i love the how to's. they have helped me so much, at least in thinking of ways to do stuff myself. but i dont think that most of us on here do set buildings as much as pictures. most here dont even do dios stories and thats what this site is supposed to be.

what im trying to say is, if it were just a how to, or mainly a how to site, then only 7 or 8 people would contribute, and then not to often as set building takes a lot of time. i wish that everyone would start doing dio stories, thats the main reason for any set building anyway, imo. but i know many like to just take pics, some like to look, some like you and vader and graham use to do a lot, like to set build. in the end, even though the site is called joe dios, its about much, much more. dios is in the title, but only a small part of this site, as is pictures, the forums, reviews and how to's.[/COLOR]

06-25-2008, 08:30 PM
I am going to post a how-to on making a set, it will include my trees!

06-25-2008, 08:40 PM
This is a call for "artists" of this site.

I support the idea of the How-To 'cause I need a lot of inspiration.

06-25-2008, 08:59 PM
I'd still be posting a how to on the Two story house if i a had a working a camera. i am almost there...as far a saving goes. I have halted construction until I get a camera. I figured it wouldn't be fair

06-25-2008, 09:17 PM
I have no cool sets to tell how I made but I am always willing to share any tricks I learned wire coat hanger to make things appear to be flying was one of the best tips I ever got from this site

Da Talent
06-25-2008, 09:19 PM
I loved Vaders how-to as I do most all of the how to's here of JD's. I wish I could be more informative on the set making end. But mine are always simple and I'm a sucker for a good outdoor shot. Customs are my speciality, vehicles in particular. But ask anyone, I am always happy to help, in whatever way I can :) just ask

06-25-2008, 09:40 PM

HERES THE SECOND PART TO THE BEACH (http://www.joedios.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2386&highlight=FLATLINE)

06-25-2008, 11:16 PM
[QUOTE=guiltridden]I have no cool sets[/QUOTE]
You would if you quit burning them all down :D

06-25-2008, 11:18 PM
[QUOTE=fireflyed]But ask anyone, I am always happy to help, in whatever way I can[/QUOTE]
Yes you do! ;)

06-25-2008, 11:31 PM
The how-to section is cool, and I have contributed several items myself, but I wouldn't want to see it to become the focus of the site. I think the current balance is perfect.

06-25-2008, 11:54 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]The how-to section is cool, and I have contributed several items myself, but I wouldn't want to see it to become the focus of the site. I think the current balance is perfect.[/QUOTE]
I agee, how-tos are great, its fun to help someone out. I come here for the pictures. I love looking at them & I love contributing them.

06-26-2008, 12:31 AM
I'd like to contribute more - but finding the time has been hard lately.
I have about 15 years of miniature painting and making custom scenery (sets), so I know a few things, I just need to find the time to sit down, write and make things as well take pictures of it explaining it along the way.

It really is a lot easier then most people believe I'll see if I can find some worth while turtorials from a few miniature pages.

06-26-2008, 04:38 PM
I did two,but it is hard for me,I'm 12 years old,so trying to get it gramaticaly is hard.

06-26-2008, 06:56 PM
Thanks guys,

I get the pictures thing... Photos showcase your story, your cool moment-in-time, your ideas, your mad skills and your love for GI Joe. I get that totally.

I still feel a focus on tutorial based information spurs creative discussion, and from that new photos, new concepts, new dioramas, new stories...

And by no means did I intend to suggest the folks that replied to this thread haven't been sharing their techniques. I've enjoyed reading your instruction and appreciated it...

Simply, I was expressing an idea ~ to pull out some focus on the how-to arena, rather than have it burried in the forum. Whatever form that may look like.

If I'm alone here, that's cool. I'm only one opinion ;-)

Cheers! ~ Paul.

06-26-2008, 11:15 PM
The How-to section is at the top of the forums screen all by itself. It is already prominent on the top of the page. I would hate to see JoeDios go away from what it already is. I don't think it would ever happen anyway.

06-27-2008, 01:30 AM
I love the How To's,and i love all the great Pic's.But when you see a Set like Vader's it makes you wonder "how did he do that",and how can i copy it?Then when he show's you how he did it,i'm like man that's a great idea why didn't i think of that?And when Fifth put up all those How To's,i was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what was next.And what it was going to look like when he got done,and he never disappointed with any of them either!I got some great idea's on how to build some Dio's of my own from Fifth,and i'm going to try making something like his Bunker Dio here soon.And with Vader's latest Tree How To,i'm definitely going to try that.So keep all the How To's & Pic's coming,they both go together with what we come here for.Great Dio Pic's!!! :D