View Full Version : Cobra La- classic or waste of Plastic?

06-28-2008, 09:59 PM
I got the Cobra-la set when I was a completionist. If it were now, I'd pass it up as a waste of Plastic and a reminder of a chapter of Joe history that needs to be TOTALLY forgotten, but with the new 25th stuff re-doing EVERYTHING, some are actually cheering the Cobra La stuff....What do you think? Don't hold back. I personally hate them, but not everyone thinks like I do! shoot.....

06-28-2008, 10:06 PM
R U kidding?

06-28-2008, 10:08 PM
[COLOR=Red]love them, some of my fave figures. i played as nemesis and the royal guard for months when i was a kid. but i was into the cartoon, not the comics and that is what i love first and foremost. i guess it depends a little on the age group you were in too, i was young so cartoons were the thing, and they werent so far fetched to someone so young.

beside all that, look at the custom royal guard and golobus, can you say that they didnt look awesome, even if you dont want to use them in your joeverse? but thats my opinion, i know im the oddball here on joedios as i like them and most dont.[/COLOR]

06-29-2008, 02:48 AM
waste of Plastic

06-29-2008, 06:58 AM
Definitely waste of plastic.

06-29-2008, 07:48 AM
in and of themselves - a waste of plastic
But as extra stuff to use - for conversions or whatnot then its ok to have. I guess some are going to be a lot more nostalgic about it then others. I myself grew up with the Hama comics - the marvel run - so I'm not into it at all - I saw G.I.Joe the movie a couple of months ago and although I can see it as entertainment for kids (as it was meant to be) I really didn't like it that much.

Lava Boss
06-29-2008, 09:04 AM
What isn't a waste of plastic, a non-renewable substance?

But, no, not a waste of plastic. Should they have been part of GI JOE? Not really, Hasbro should've made them part of another 3 3/4" line instead of the large scaled lines they did make (Inhumanoids, Visionaries, COPS).

06-29-2008, 09:31 AM
I like them as figures and characters... they dont fit so well with official Joeverse. That's why I am willing to get the comic book from the 25A Nemesis & Falcon.

06-29-2008, 10:49 AM
It's my belief that if you can write a good story, the characters will be loved (or expected to be hated, but still loved). So with Cobra La, I don't have much in the way of thoughs of the old ARAH ones. But man, the 25A versions are pretty tight. That Golobulus would be tight, even if it's a custom!

But as for just 1 duder showing up in a comic pack, doesn't really make sense unless CObra La were properly involved AND the GI Joe story can go in a very differection. (ie; to go that route of Cobra La and the aliens and whatnot. That's pushing the boundaries, right?)

So here's food for thought. No matter HOW we look at the Joe figures, they come off as lil action figures. I can't help but think, WHAT if Hasbro went to the same paint factories as, oh, McFarlane toys and changed up the painting style? I've looked at McFarlane's Horror/Fairy Tale stuff and the paint jobs are awesome. I have a few of the Cyberunits and it's a whole 'nother level. Specialty toys, yes.

IF we were to get a Golobulus figure like the custom (w/ that gritty paint job) instead of the refined paint/ plastic style now, I'd be a fan.

06-29-2008, 10:55 AM
they are junk!

06-29-2008, 10:59 AM
As I've said before, I like the concept of a hidden civilization trying to take over the world or whatever-- I just don't like that Cobra was ret-conned to be part of Cobra-La. As their own entity, unconnected (or at least very peripherally connected) to anything else, I think they have a lot of potential.

But then, I'm open to some fantasy in my G.I. Joe world. I wouldn't be working on a crossover with the Transformers if I wasn't!

06-29-2008, 11:39 AM
A complete and utter waste of plastic, probably just about the worst figures Hasbro ever released in the Joe line.

06-29-2008, 12:55 PM
The whole concept of Cobra-La blew my mind when I saw the movie when I was 8 or so, and despite my preference for the comic continuity now I've been exposed to enough of both to make the comparison I still have the utmost respect for the impact the movie had on me (when I was in the target demographic and all).

Nemesis Enforcer was one of the biggest badasses I'd ever seen and he's still an imposing concept (even if he doesn't fit into the kind of Joeverse I like to focus on). Especially because of the scale thing, I'm actually excited about the upcoming Nemesis "Immortal" figure as he'll fit in quite well alongside RAH Joes.

Just because "my" Joeverse doesn't allow for Cobra-La, I still like the idea of having figures to represent what are still iconic elements of GI Joe from my childhood. Why not do something with my figures set inside the cartoon universe from time to time? What with Hasbro doing cartoon-based versions of the figures now, it only makes sense to include figures of characters who were ONLY in the cartoon. And with them making up new comics to suit the figures in the 2-packs, it won't necessarily mean this issue is going to put Nemmy in the Hama-verse, just that they decided to package these two with a comic.

All this said; the original Cobra-La 3-pack was AWFUL. Terrible representations of the characters -- Nemesis Enforcer was too small, especially the wings and elbow-spikes, and his outfit & colouring were a bit off; the Royal Guard wasn't THAT bad but really should have had a cape; Golobulus and his barely-flexible tail meaning he couldn't stand and properly interact with other figures... Ugh.

06-29-2008, 01:13 PM
Cobra La was an embarrassing mistake the first time. There are so many better characters that have yet to get a 25A treatment.

Urban Saboteur
06-29-2008, 03:26 PM
Cobraaa Lalalalalalalalalalala. :o
Ok it probably sounds best if a RG does this. ;)

The new Cobra La figure of Nemesis Enforcer is utterly crud. Although he isn't Nemesis Enforcer now, he's Nemesis Immortal.. he can't be all that great if Sarge kicked his butt all over cobra la blindfolded :rolleyes:

In all seriousness there are many many serious flaws in hasbro's cobra la story line, as well as many many misconceptions on the cobra la race.. I should know.. after all I've been there!

And so what of the original pack.. erm, where was Pythona? she deserved to be released in the original 3 pack with Golobulus and Nemesis Enforcer.

The new one is laughable.. Nemesis Immortal looks substantially cheap.. although he is probably made to look alot better consider that ''half a$$ joke'' of an excuse for lt.falcon.. the falcon figure looks tacky and cheap.. what's with his face too.. did Nemesis Immortal fart in the package?

The more 25th Bashers get on Hasbro's case it seems the more Hunka Junk they keep releasing, funny though, because as Lehsreh said I'm sure many have differing opinions on the Falcon & Nem Two pack, they might of missed the 87 versions of the figures and be clammering to get them.. but me.. I'll be passing on this.