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09-17-2006, 05:17 PM
New people and old people, unite! Tell us about yourself!

File Name : (optional)
Location :
Job :
Music taste :
Hobbies :
Favorite Color : just kidding...

09-18-2006, 08:39 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]New people and old people, unite! Tell us about yourself!

File Name : (optional)
Location :
Job :
Music taste :
Hobbies :
Favorite Color : just kidding...[/QUOTE]
Luís Galileu G. Tonelli
Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Hard Rock
G.I. Joe
Blue :p

09-18-2006, 10:21 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]New people and old people, unite! Tell us about yourself!

File Name : (optional)
Location :
Job :
Music taste :
Hobbies :
Favorite Color : just kidding...[/QUOTE]

Nick A, Whittaker
Woolwich, Maine
inbetween jobs
pop punk rock
G.i. Joe,action man,sigma 6
Green :p

09-18-2006, 10:28 AM
Wes Dykema
Colorado Springs, CO
US Army
Classic Rock-Rolling Stones
GI Joe, American Civil War, watching American Football, running, lifting, skiing
Favorite football teams: Michigan Wolverines, Detroit Lions

09-18-2006, 12:04 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]New people and old people, unite! Tell us about yourself!
File Name : (optional)
Location :
Job :
Music taste :
Hobbies :
Favorite Color : just kidding...[/QUOTE]

Craig Anderson
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Laboratory Technician in the plastics industry.
Guitar based rock, CCR, the Pretenders, the Church, etc.
GI Joe, military history, photography, keeping fit, and of course spending time with my ever patient wife :D

09-18-2006, 12:14 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]New people and old people, unite! Tell us about yourself!

File Name : (optional)
Location :
Job :
Music taste :
Hobbies :
Favorite Color : just kidding...[/QUOTE]
Skot E. Alderman
Geneva, OH
purchasing agent for a maching & tool company
rock, punk, country, etc....all kinds!
GIJOE, Sigma 6, movies, comics, reading, tv, my lady!:)
dark blue of course !!

09-18-2006, 12:17 PM
Adriano Oliveira
Embú - SP - Brazil
CCTV Technical Support
Rock and roll, Heavy Metal, Bossa Nova, Pop, Classical
G.I. Joe
Black :D

09-18-2006, 02:56 PM
File Name : Graham Hughes
Location : Bellingham, Wa
Job : Stay-home dad. Worked at Trader Joes for almost 5 years.
Music taste : Primarily old heavy metal. Lil of everything.
Hobbies : Skateboarding, drawing, writing, video games, etc.
Favorite Color : Purple

09-18-2006, 06:17 PM
File Name : Franklin Nash
Location : Twentynine Palms Ca (Mojave Desert)
Job : US Marine, Tactical Networking instructor
Music taste : a little of everything, but nothing too fringe!
Hobbies : Martial Arts, Military History, GI Joe, women, Rum.....

09-18-2006, 06:22 PM
File Name : Shane Welin
Location : Nova Scotia Canada
Job :Retail Dept Store, Electronics Dept.
Music taste : Pretty much everything, from Metal, Rock, Classical, Folk Rock, Celtic and Eastern Canadian Music.
Hobbies :Joes, Music, Movies, RPGs, Video Games, Poker, Pool, Hockey, Beer and Rum
Favorite Color : Black, I'm Colour blind, so black is one I know :-)

09-18-2006, 06:37 PM
File Name : Tao Mori
Location : Nanaimo BC, Canada
Job : Student
Music taste : Rock mostly
Hobbies : Wargaming, Writing, Computer Gaming, GIJOE of course
Favorite Color : Green

09-18-2006, 07:13 PM
File Name : Fisher
Location : Wise, Virginia
Job : Motorola Technician
Music taste : Rock, almost every genre of rock, from the Beatles and Stones to Cradle of Filth and all in between.
Hobbies : Reading, Writing, Computer and Console Gaming, GIJOE, transformers, movies, movies, movies and the family life.
Favorite Color : Green

09-18-2006, 07:23 PM
Name: Matthew (Matt) Re

Location: San Ramon, CA

Occupation: Recently hired as a banker (previously worked at the UPS Store/Mail Boxes Etc. for eight years).

I like too many types of music to list, but near the top are hard rock, some alternative, and some jazz.

Hobbies are numerous, including (but not limited to): TV, movies, comic books, video games, toys (specifically Transformers, Joes, and Marvel Legends), baseball (SF Giants), drinking.

And my favorite color is blue. Cobra blue!

09-18-2006, 07:35 PM
Buck unmasked:

Kassem or Phil

Location: San Francisco. Grew up back east. Wash DC, Tri-State area and New England.
Occupation: returning student (yeesh)
Interests: My lady, Joes, photography, light customizing and dio making, flatland BMXing, most everything outdoors, enjoying the early 30's.

Other toy/toon/comic interests: Macross, Robotech, Yamato Valks, and Self Mod got me to buy a couple of Transformer Alts. Enjoy most '80s era tv.

Started recollecting Joes in '04

I won't be able to buy a camera until the end of the year at the earliest. I have scratch built some stuff that I can't wait to use.

09-18-2006, 08:10 PM
File Name : Mike W.
Location : Wausau, Wi
Job : Currently unemployed/Full time student
Music taste : Anything from the 80's & 90's.
Interests : Airsoft, Military History, Computer games, Collecting GI Joe, Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate (SG1 & Atlantis), The lil' missus and the kids.
Favorite Color : Black

09-19-2006, 12:57 PM
File Name: Charles Bayer
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Job: Delivery Driver
Music Taste: Pink Floyd, 80's 4ever, Jazz, some contemporary.
Interests: Family (Wife, two daughters, too many cats), Military, SciFi, History, Reenacting, GI Joe.
Favorite Color: Black, Gray, Green

09-20-2006, 09:48 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]New people and old people, unite! Tell us about yourself!

[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Indigo]File Name : Richard Wyatt
Location : Manchester, United Kingdom of cobra La ;)
Job : Thats my Toystore on ebay, I'm currently incapacitated to work :(
Music taste : Rock, Punk, Disco, Rap, Soul, Hip Hop?, Trance, 80s, 90s, Naughties :p I like all types of music..
Hobbies : Lets see, army building cobra la royal guards, writing, collecting GIJOEs old sculpt only. socialising.. , blogging online.. , file sharing with friends music & photo's, taking pics of my joes,making short animations on my gi joes too, watching football (soccer in the states), customizing Joes & vehicles..
Favorite Color : Either Blue or Magenta (purple or sorts)
Favorite Film: Scarface.
Favorite Song: Your Love (The Outfield)
Favorite food: Theres so many? Go on then.. Spores.. hmmm...[/COLOR]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Indigo]Webspaces:[/COLOR][/FONT]
MSN Free webspace: http://enforcerspace.spaces.live.com/
I'm on Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/rawgenius2006
I'm on Bingbox: http://bingbox.com/Addicted2thenet

09-21-2006, 02:17 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]New people and old people, unite! Tell us about yourself!

File Name : (optional)
Location :
Job :
Music taste :
Hobbies :
Favorite Color : just kidding...[/QUOTE]
Nick Urtes
Edgemere MD
Surviving being a teen
classic to modern rock. (STYX and Queen baby!)
G.I.joe, Micro machines, video games, anime

09-21-2006, 10:40 PM
File Name : John
Location : Oregon
Job : IT, Computer Operator
Music taste : Alternative, Rock, Classic Rock, Heavy Metal,
Hobbies : Joe collecting, Fitness, ATVing, Motor Cycle riding, Drawing, Working on my house, Beer, Movie's, Education

Hey, is this a personal add? :p

09-22-2006, 04:55 AM
File Name : Brian Bednarek
Location : Woodbridge, NJ
Job : Pre-Press monkey
Music taste : Rock, Punk n Blues
Hobbies : 1/6 Action Figures (G.I. Joe and others), Sigma 6, MEGO, Comics and Art
Favorite Color : Black

09-22-2006, 12:12 PM
File Name: classified
Location: classified
Job: none
Music taste: Everything
Hobbies: Paintballing, Drawing, G.I. Joe ( 3inch, 8inch, and 12inch), StarWars figures, and Military History
Favorite Color: Loden Green

09-22-2006, 01:07 PM

That's great pic of the Raptor you're using for your avatar. If only BBI would make a 1:18 version, I'd buy 2!

10-02-2006, 06:26 PM

That's great pic of the Raptor you're using for your avatar. If only BBI would make a 1:18 version, I'd buy 2![/QUOTE]
I'm with you there!

10-12-2006, 12:58 AM
hey guys !

the name is Julien

i'm 29 and i live in France where i am a civil servant

i'm a regular member of many other joe forums

I collect toys (mostly joe and SW) since well 1980 or so.

10-12-2006, 08:40 AM
File Name : Allen
Location : New York
Job : Inventory Control Coordinator
Music taste :Metal
Hobbies :Star Wars, Joes, other comic action figures along with airsoft guns.
Favorite Color : RED, WHITE and BLUE
A true patriot probably from the 4 years spent in the Army. I'm 35 with 4 kids all of which share an interest in my hobbies which is pretty cool.

10-22-2006, 10:12 AM
File Name :Shawn Turgeon
Location :Vermont
Job :
Music taste :
Hobbies :Collecting Joes
Favorite Color :

10-22-2006, 02:38 PM
Seems I missed that one so far...

File Name : Wojciech (and I'll leave you with that :p)

Location : Cracow; Poland

Job : University Student

Music taste : Metal (almost all kinds)

Hobbies : Joe Collecting, making model kits, skiing, militaristics, martial arts and many more hard to recall right now.

Favorite Colour : green/black

10-25-2006, 04:38 PM
hi im new here, but have been on the tni joe board for over two years now. i am just getting started in dio making and have been lurking here for a while, so i thought id join up. im hoping this will be an educational experience for me to help get the most from my diostory.

file name: layne
location:in the sticks in south dakota
job: i work in a factory that nake wooden playground equipment
music taste: mostly metal and prog rock. i like a lot of various types of music but jazz and country
hobbies: collecting toys (mostly joes), video games, golf
favorite color: red and black

10-29-2006, 03:38 AM

I'm new here, I was referred here by Shane "LordRaven", and have been checking out the site for awhile now. I currently have a very small joe collection. My orignal gen 1 collection was given away by my folks when I left home.

File Name: Dustin "SilentDusty" Colwell
Location: Greenwood NS Canada
Job: Canadian Air Force
Musical Tastes: Heavy Metal, Classic Rock, Some Rap, Some Techno
Hobbies: Joes, Hot Wheels, NASCAR, Console/PC Gaming, P&P RPG's
Favorite Colour (Yes 'our' cause I'm Canadian eh?): Blue :)

10-29-2006, 08:06 AM
Hi to all the new folks! Don't be shy about posting!

10-29-2006, 10:00 AM

I'm new here, I was referred here by Shane "LordRaven", and have been checking out the site for awhile now. I currently have a very small joe collection. My orignal gen 1 collection was given away by my folks when I left home.

File Name: Dustin "SilentDusty" Colwell
Location: Greenwood NS Canada
Job: Canadian Air Force
Musical Tastes: Heavy Metal, Classic Rock, Some Rap, Some Techno
Hobbies: Joes, Hot Wheels, NASCAR, Console/PC Gaming, P&P RPG's
Favorite Colour (Yes 'our' cause I'm Canadian eh?): Blue :)[/QUOTE]

Welcome aboard! Good to see another NASCAR fan. And being an Aussie, I'm with you on the "colour" thing as well! :)

11-04-2006, 02:03 PM
Hi; some of you guys may know me from yojoe (andymort on the boards), or the international MSN chats that sprung up from there. I've been lurking here for ages, like over a year, looking at the pics & stories and finally thought I should take the plunge. I want to take more pics so hopefully the feedback here will encourage me to get them done as well as help them improve! And in case anyone was wondering, Stormer is the name I made up when I "joined" the Steel Brigade back when I was about 8 years old!

File Name : Mortimer, Andrew
Location : Just outside Bath, SW England (but I want to be in NYC)
Job : accounts assistant/credit control (kinda by accident, and I hate it)
Music taste : extremely varied, from cheesy 80s pop to classical to techno to rock...
Hobbies : Comicbooks (mostly Marvel), Joes, other SF/fantasy, trying to get fit!

11-07-2006, 06:47 AM

I'm new here, I was referred here by Shane "LordRaven", and have been checking out the site for awhile now. I currently have a very small joe collection. My orignal gen 1 collection was given away by my folks when I left home.

File Name: Dustin "SilentDusty" Colwell
Location: Greenwood NS Canada
Job: Canadian Air Force
Musical Tastes: Heavy Metal, Classic Rock, Some Rap, Some Techno
Hobbies: Joes, Hot Wheels, NASCAR, Console/PC Gaming, P&P RPG's
Favorite Colour (Yes 'our' cause I'm Canadian eh?): Blue :)[/QUOTE]
Canadian Air Forcre? do you fly the CF-18?

11-07-2006, 09:32 AM
No, I wish, I'm a technician on the CP140 Aurora, our version of the US Navy P3 Orion. :)

11-13-2006, 06:12 PM
That's still cool. the P-3 is one of the sweetest prop planes ever flown. on a side note, i saw the CF-18s in the IMAX Operation: Red Flag. if you look on google earth, you can see nellis at the time of the filming. the canadian planes are on the southern to south eastern part of the base. it's really cool. :cool:

11-13-2006, 06:14 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]New people and old people, unite! Tell us about yourself!

File Name : (optional)
Location :
Job :
Music taste :
Hobbies :
Favorite Color : just kidding...[/QUOTE]

File Name: Henke, Scott D.
Location: Saint Louis, MO
Job: Boring and I don't like it.
Music Taste: Whatever's on the radio.
Hobbies: A whole bunch of geeky things.

New member, longtime fan. I think all of you guys are very creative with these sets and pics. I don't have a digital camera of my own yet, and am not that creative at all, so I don't know when I'll start posting pics of my own.

12-03-2006, 07:22 AM
Long time reader, occasional poster

File Name: Tim
Location: Northeastern Ohio, US
Job: IT drone, occasional musician and writer.
Music Taste: Johnny Cash, Cannibal Corpse, and everything in between.
Hobbies: bad horror movies, GI Joe, comic books, RPGs, assorted geekery.

General Scarlett
12-06-2006, 09:22 PM
File Name: Prudence (yes, from the Beatle's song :) )
Location: New Englandy Connecticut
Job: Automotive Service Advisor
Music Taste: All over the spectrum
Hobbies: Collecting, Drawing, Writing, Finding 'Mr. Right' ;)
Favorite Color: Red, White & Blue

Hi everyone! I am a JBLer & was directed over here by 'ender098'. I took a quick peek at some of the stuff here-WOW!!
I am looking forward to hanging out here with 'the guys'!!

12-06-2006, 09:31 PM
Brought over by Frank??? WOW. My recruiting has been pretty poor as of late. I guess I've given up on most of the folks on the JBL. Glad you came over. Take a look around and you might see some familiar names.

12-06-2006, 09:38 PM
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Indigo]Everyone thats joined recently.. a very warm mutantly welcome :p No kidding.. I was asked to join here by a friend and I now think I am addicted to dio's and picture taking.. this is one of the friendliest places on the net... well .. aside from cobra la that is.. but you have to be with a select incrowd and be half mutated at least..[/COLOR][/FONT] :o

12-07-2006, 07:02 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Brought over by Frank??? WOW. My recruiting has been pretty poor as of late. I guess I've given up on most of the folks on the JBL. Glad you came over. Take a look around and you might see some familiar names.[/QUOTE]

Don't say the "R" word or the Marine Corps Recruiting team will be after me! I need to get away from the Communications school and get out in the fleet and get my happy butt shot at! :eek:

12-13-2006, 02:14 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]New people and old people, unite! Tell us about yourself!

File Name : (optional) Djett
Location :
Job :
Music taste :
Hobbies :
Favorite Color : just kidding...[/QUOTE]

Ft. mitchell, Kentucky U.S.A.
Just getting back to G.I.joe
I want to learn about Dio making.

12-14-2006, 08:47 AM
Hi all,

Just wanted to introduce myself, I've been in the joe online community since 96 which makes me somewhat of a relic :) , posted a dio pic of mine here and will start posting more soon. Glad to be here

File Name: Dzirhan
Location: Malaysia
Job: Defence Consultant and Journalist
Hobbies: Joes of course :) , also anything 1/18 or 3 3/4 military. Military studies and reading.

12-23-2006, 12:34 PM
Fernando Vargas
Lima Peru
Metallica , ozzy , alice in chains
Yo joe .......

12-23-2006, 07:56 PM
[QUOTE=Dzirhan]Hi all,

Just wanted to introduce myself, I've been in the joe online community since 96 which makes me somewhat of a relic :) , posted a dio pic of mine here and will start posting more soon. Glad to be here
File Name: Dzirhan
Location: Malaysia
Job: Defence Consultant and Journalist
Hobbies: Joes of course :) , also anything 1/18 or 3 3/4 military. Military studies and reading.[/QUOTE]
[FONT=Century Gothic]
[COLOR=Indigo]Hey Dzirhan good to see you!! I haven't spoken to you for a long while since the pit mailing list!
I noticed your pic but didn't know if it was you or not.. I should of checked.. how many more Dzirhan Relics can we have? :p
Good to see you posting here, talk to you soon.

12-23-2006, 11:09 PM
[QUOTE=NemesisEnforcerFan][FONT=Century Gothic]
[COLOR=Indigo]Hey Dzirhan good to see you!! I haven't spoken to you for a long while since the pit mailing list!
I noticed your pic but didn't know if it was you or not.. I should of checked.. how many more Dzirhan Relics can we have? :p
Good to see you posting here, talk to you soon.

Hey good to hear from you too, I'm pretty quiet these days owing to work stepping up a lot with my current position, can't complain too much though since being freelance, the more work I get, the more money it means for joes :)

12-28-2006, 01:18 PM
Just infected myself to JoeDios from JBL. I am sure I will stumble upon a few familiar and new people.

12-28-2006, 01:20 PM
welcome to the boards


12-28-2006, 02:19 PM
[QUOTE=Southzen]Just infected myself to JoeDios from JBL. I am sure I will stumble upon a few familiar and new people.[/QUOTE]

Hey I've you all over JBL! How can I forget the Darth Vader head with an LSU helmet!
Welcome to the site!

12-28-2006, 04:39 PM
Yeah, I get all kinds of responses to the LSU Vader in public. I have a feeling I will have to wear it to the Joe Con (whenever that will be) so people will recognize that.. wait... maybe that won't be a good idea because I know I have razzed some people. When I created it, I was inspired by a guy that dresses up as a LSU Spidie and a LSU Batman and a few other characters in purple and gold. Now, I just hope some other people get as goofy as me and make their own version of a Vader helmet. I know a guy that is making an Kentucky Vader. Anyway, thanks for the welcome.

12-28-2006, 05:27 PM
YOU'VE razzed some people? Like who? What'd you say? Don't tell me you said that the 2.5" line isn't your thang cuz you know how the fans of the lil scale feel sometimes! Good to see you come over. Check it all out. And if you see a pic you really like by someone, you can view ALL their pics too.

General Scarlett
12-28-2006, 05:33 PM
Awwww, c'mon Southie....you know that we still love ya!! ;)

12-28-2006, 08:12 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]Awwww, c'mon Southie....you know that we still love ya!! ;)[/QUOTE]

I have a tendency to have an abrasive disposition ;) Trying to work on that now that my job requires me to not argue. :D

I am glad to be here.

12-29-2006, 03:35 AM
File Name : (optional)
Location :
Job :
Music taste :
Hobbies :
Favorite Color : just kidding...

File Name : Dave

Location : Outside Edinburgh, Scotland.

Job : Production Operator/Uni Student

Music taste : Indie, rock, some pop... what category does Goldfrapp come under? :rolleyes:

Hobbies : Computing, Cars, Soccer, Collecting Joe's

Favorite Color : Tartan! :p

01-06-2007, 05:30 PM
File Name : (optional)
Location : Utah
Job : student
Music taste : rock, country no dixie chicks, no rap
Hobbies : GI Joe and Transformers
Favorite Color : :eek:

Red Sox
01-11-2007, 06:12 PM
Hello All, I'm new to the boards and this seemed like a good place for my first post. :)

File Name : Bryan
Location : Massachusetts
Job : Technician
Music taste : Hard Rock
Hobbies : Joe, Transformers, Red Sox, Patriots, WWE

General Scarlett
01-11-2007, 06:19 PM
Welcome Bryan!! Glad to have you here!! Can't wait to see what you've got!!!