View Full Version : friends and enemies in your joeverse?

07-17-2008, 12:11 PM
[COLOR=Red]im sure we all have made our own. so who beside those in the comics and cartoons have you made close friends or bitter enemies in your joeverse, and why?


raptor and big boa, they needed moral support since most hate them
quick kick and covergirl, this is more like a brother, sister thing
quick kick and bazooka just 2 nice guys who get along
quick kick and spirit friends, although spirit finds QK's humor odd at times
spirit and snake eyes a friendship built on zen and silence
mainframe and dial tone tech geeks
wild bill and cross country
cross country and thunder, they both love to listen to country music
dusty, mutt
dusty and footloose
dusty and rampart, they work together a lot
sci-fi and lowlight
airtight and barbecue, the guy from tim's corner did this one and it stuck

raptor hates zartan
dusty and shipwreck have a strained relationship since the cartoon.
outback and leatherneck do not like each other.
beach head and duke, doesnt like how duke bends the rules
beach head and falcon, BH hates falcon because he was once on drugs


07-17-2008, 12:43 PM
I had the Airtight and Barbecue as friends when I was a kid and it stuck till today mostly because, I think, I got them around the same time :)

07-17-2008, 01:22 PM
The only thing I can really think of is:

Bombstrike and Gung Ho being good friends.

07-17-2008, 02:18 PM
let me see :
enemies :
scoop and leatherneck , they hate each other ( special missions)
red star and heavy duty
beach head and falcon
Cobra Commander and Destro
Duke and Flint
scarlet and clutch: since day 1
scarlet and lady J
zarana and the Baroness
kamakura and storm shadow
metal head and salvo :since MARVEL era

best friends
leatherneck and wet suit ( cartoon)
quick kick and bazooka , airtight
mutt and spirit
scarlet and hawk
big ben and dusty
stalker and snake eyes ( since Nam )
roadblock and rock n roll
red star and big bear
steeler and cover girl
salvo and heavy duty
shockwave and wide scope ( swat team)
lowlight and scoop ( DIC)
dialtone and mainframe
lady J and cover girl
Hawk and Optimus Prime
junkyard and sandstorm :eek:
duke and roadblock ( MARVEL )
flint and gung ho
ace and Doc
Duke and Hawk
clutch and rock n roll
stalker , scarlet , zap
dodger and dialtone ( since sonic fighters)

loners: snake eyes , storm shadow , recoil , agent faces , firefly .

Agent Viper
07-17-2008, 02:38 PM

Beach Head and Stalker

Flint Hawk

Hit and Run and Lowlight


Lowlight and Black out

Firefly and Beach Head

Cobra Commander and Destro

07-17-2008, 03:22 PM
Man I don't even think about the "friends" issue, thats to chick for me. All the Joes are professionals, anyone will work with almost anyone. Some of the "bosses" I never use together such as Duke with Flint, Falcon, etc. Some like Snake Eyes are loners and seldom work with a team. If they are not on a mission, I don't even think about who they are hangin out with. For Cobra, the Commander is leary of all his "Capos" except Storm Shadow. He feels thay are all only as loyal as their options, terrorism is a cut-throat profession. Firefly is also a loner, trust no one enough to be a friend, and is loyal to the highest contract, and Cobra has deep pockets. The only friends are the troops, Vipers hang with Vipers, Troopers with Troopers, ect. I do have some romances: Triangle with CC, Baroness & Destro, Snake Eyes & Scarlett, Flint & Lady Jaye, Shipwreck has the hotts for Cover Girl, Zarana is a ho & loves the Viper Corps and Jinx can't be trusted because she has a thing for Storm Shadow.

07-17-2008, 03:24 PM

Sneak Peek and ??????

07-17-2008, 03:54 PM
[QUOTE=vader9900]Man I don't even think about the "friends" issue, thats to chick for me. All the Joes are professionals, anyone will work with almost anyone. [/QUOTE]

[COLOR=Red]we all think they will work with anyone as professionals, but even then some get along better and others dont like some because f their attitudes. ask anyone who is in any service here, im sure they have met some people they like better then others and some they do not like so much.

also, "to chick", thats a little childish, like saying im to cool and have to pretend to be hard, and sexiest. i hope you didnt mean it like that, but thats the way it sounds.[/COLOR]

07-17-2008, 04:30 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh]also, "to chick", thats a little childish, like saying im to cool and have to pretend to be hard, and sexiest. i hope you didnt mean it like that, but thats the way it sounds.[/QUOTE]
What? Give me a break! Have you ever heard of the term "chick flick", is that sexist or childish? Because I am not into all the mushy buddy stuff does not make me sexist. We are talking about toys, comics & cartoons, so I guess we are all a little childish. I am cool, I don't have to "pretend" to be anything. When I take pictures, they are usually of fight scenes & not hanging around the barracks & drinkin beers & hangin out with their buds (not that there is anything wrong with that), its just not what I think about. General Scarlett has a whole story line of everyone being family and friends. That is a more feminin view, IMO. I have posted to alot of her pics & have never criticized her or ever said anything negative about it. I enjoy her stuff, it rocks that a female is into GI Joe, it is just not MY point of view. Would I rather watch a War flick over a "chick flick"? - Absolutely! Does that make me "hard" & "sexist" & "childish"? - I think not! For the love of all that is holy, I am married with 4 daughters, 4 female dogs & a female cockatoo, I deal with "chick" issues all day! My "Joe time" is for fightin battles! I did not mean to offend anybody!

07-17-2008, 05:16 PM
[COLOR=Red]i wasnt offended, i just wasnt sure how to take it, thats why i thought i would ask. things written on the net can be misconscrewed easily.[/COLOR]

Da Talent
07-17-2008, 05:41 PM
[QUOTE=vader9900] Zarana is a ho & loves the Viper Corps

That is awesome! It cracked me up big time, I spit beer all over my laptop.

07-17-2008, 06:13 PM
[QUOTE=fireflyed][QUOTE=vader9900] Zarana is a ho & loves the Viper Corps

That is awesome! It cracked me up big time, I spit beer all over my laptop.[/QUOTE]
Cool! That is the response I hoped to get! :D

07-17-2008, 06:21 PM
[QUOTE=vader9900] Zarana is a ho & loves the Viper Corps[/QUOTE]

Cool! That is the response I hoped to get! :D[/QUOTE]

You know, I always suspected she was promiscuous but the whole Viper corps? No wonder we don't see her a lot...she's too tired. ;)

Roland da Thompson Gunner
07-17-2008, 09:20 PM
Well they're inanimate objects so they don't have friends or enemies ;)

Uh the only guys I assume are chums are Rock N Roll and Clutch. Short Fuse and Zap. Airborne and Ripcord. Hawk and Stalker.