View Full Version : For those of you out there...

Agent Viper
07-19-2008, 05:35 AM
I notice (not on here) that when looking at collections, everybody has a frickin army of Snake Eyes, Storm SHadows, and Cobra Commander!

I was like, wtf?!

But what I'm getting to, why do people go out and buy every version of each figure?
I mean, if I was rich I'd search for the V1 Firefly In box and keep him that way, but thats just for memories.

So here is my opinion,
The 25th is hitting ful force, the bad thing is, too many repaints!
Now don't get me wrong, even though Firefly was made from Beach Head doesn't meean he is a crappy figure, I love the 25th Firefly, he is probably the best so far out there.

Now that i have said that, for those of you have the original figures Hasbro is rehasing, do you want to buy the 25th? I mean, since you all have the originals, why would you buy remade editions of the originals?

Toneguns, Outrider and Ender098 are my hero's for staying aboard the originals train!

07-19-2008, 06:10 AM
[QUOTE=Agent Viper]
Toneguns, Outrider and Ender098 are my hero's for staying aboard the originals train![/QUOTE]
Thanks for the hero part :) .

I can't say I never bought a 25th. I own a Beachhead, why? He seemed to be the better sculpt out there. And I would just grab another 25th figure again if it really was COOL!

About the old molds, I was searching trought my colection of pictures here and I'm noticing that most of my pictures are using ARAH molds, so I'm mean I'm a old fashioned collector. And hope the convention sets being always made from old molds. And sometimes, when money helps, I can get one or 2 from the con figures. And maybe someday a complete set :eek: .

Now, getting back to topic. People buy 1, 2, 3, 4 versions of the same character because they what the army builder that they came with. Because they love the character being remade. Because they what the acessories the newer version come with. Or just to be completist collector to have all the figs and all the variants. So he can say I own them all, hahahahaha!

Agent Viper
07-19-2008, 06:18 AM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]Thanks for the hero part :) .

I can't say I never bought a 25th. I own a Beachhead, why? He seemed to be the better sculpt out there. And I would just grab another 25th figure again if it really was COOL!

About the old molds, I was searching trought my colection of pictures here and I'm noticing that most of my pictures are using ARAH molds, so I'm mean I'm a old fashioned collector. And hope the convention sets being always made from old molds. And sometimes, when money helps, I can get one or 2 from the con figures. And maybe someday a complete set :eek: .

Now, getting back to topic. People buy 1, 2, 3, 4 versions of the same character because they what the army builder that they came with. Because they love the character being remade. Because they what the acessories the newer version come with. Or just to be completist collector to have all the figs and all the variants. So he can say I own them all, hahahahaha![/QUOTE]

Very true,
Ah, your welcome about the hero part!

Urban Saboteur
07-19-2008, 06:46 AM
This topic could get interesting.. :)
as for your question, the answer truely isn't a right and wrong, there are multiple different types of collectors, some collect what they simply like, some buy multiple figures of the same characters as they like the sculpt/colour and as already pointed out it could be they come with a decent army builder!

Army building gets addictive, so when you have 28 Gung-Ho's or 30 Snake Eyes.. it can look strange, but hey it's their collection isn't it, everyones collection will be different.

Then you have the completists.. who want one of every figure ever made, there are also some that are semi completist.,. in the sense they want 1 version of every character out there. So they will pass on 20+ versions of Snake Eyes and just have the v2 or v1 in their collection, considering they have this character they don't have a need to have two of him.,

I've started to favour this way of collecting, and it's partly a situation i have in my own life, not enough room, easier and much more manageable collection to work with on dio's etc..

As for the 25th Question, I got a 25th Storm Shadow in a competition I won, I done a review about the figure here @ Joe Dios, although the figure is good, it has problems. Three main gripes, which I wont go into discussion with here as I'd be beating a dead horse and repeating myself over and over.. if your a vintage collector and a new product is released (25th) the product has to be substantially better and outclass it's predecessor and honestly I don't think this is the case with the 25th.. they have just as many problems as the rah line.. so if you remember collecting gi joe and wanted to rebuy your favourites as you missed out (as in lehsreh's case) the 25th line is a good situation for him, for a vintage collector like Ender098. GIJOCK, Outrider etc.. they arent going to shell out fat $$$ on a secondary collection that has just as many problems and in their own viewpoint, inferior to their own..
We all have our opinions, I think if I was in Lehsreh's situation I would love the 25th.. and for those guys who sold their collections when they got a woman.. only to see it fall through.. they'll be all over the 25th, it's a modern mix of action figure meets nostalgia.. which as already proved is a deadly combination for hasbro.

I still have my major doubts on the success of the line, but that can be saved for another topic.

Agent Viper
07-19-2008, 06:49 AM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]This topic could get interesting.. :)
as for your question, the answer truely isn't a right and wrong, there are multiple different types of collectors, some collect what they simply like, some buy multiple figures of the same characters as they like the sculpt/colour and as already pointed out it could be they come with a decent army builder!

Army building gets addictive, so when you have 28 Gung-Ho's or 30 Snake Eyes.. it can look strange, but hey it's their collection isn't it, everyones collection will be different.

Then you have the completists.. who want one of every figure ever made, there are also some that are semi completist.,. in the sense they want 1 version of every character out there. So they will pass on 20+ versions of Snake Eyes and just have the v2 or v1 in their collection, considering they have this character they don't have a need to have two of him.,

I've started to favour this way of collecting, and it's partly a situation i have in my own life, not enough room, easier and much more manageable collection to work with on dio's etc..

As for the 25th Question, I got a 25th Storm Shadow in a competition I won, I done a review about the figure here @ Joe Dios, although the figure is good, it has problems. Three main gripes, which I wont go into discussion with here as I'd be beating a dead horse and repeating myself over and over.. if your a vintage collector and a new product is released (25th) the product has to be substantially better and outclass it's predecessor and honestly I don't think this is the case with the 25th.. they have just as many problems as the rah line.. so if you remember collecting gi joe and wanted to rebuy your favourites as you missed out (as in lehsreh's case) the 25th line is a good situation for him, for a vintage collector like Ender098. GIJOCK, Outrider etc.. they arent going to shell out fat $$$ on a secondary collection that has just as many problems and in their own viewpoint, inferior to their own..
We all have our opinions, I think if I was in Lehsreh's situation I would love the 25th.. and for those guys who sold their collections when they got a woman.. only to see it fall through.. they'll be all over the 25th, it's a modern mix of action figure meets nostalgia.. which as already proved is a deadly combination for hasbro.

I still have my major doubts on the success of the line, but that can be saved for another topic.[/QUOTE]

I would be the Semi, I get the versions I like, and I also do try to build up my blue Shirt Army!
I used to have 4 regular Blue Shirts 25th, but I customized them into a raid response team.

07-20-2008, 10:06 AM
I don't buy multiple versions of characters. I do have a few versions of the same character but only because I've been forced to buy five or two-packs to get a figure I want and they always come with at least one very common character. The only time I've wanted more than one version is of Cobra Commander with a helmet and with a hood.

Looks like I'll have to buy yet another Cobra Commander to get Tripwire in an upcoming comic pack. Not impressed.

07-20-2008, 10:43 AM
Rich, I'd collect that gal in your signature in all sorts of different ways.

07-20-2008, 10:45 AM
yea even i admit i hate see the same character over and over. it seem the could save the plastic and make new characters like... Hit&Run

07-20-2008, 10:53 AM
I like new versions of central characters, if they have good gear and a mission or environment specific uniform. I could do without repaints of the same outfit like Duke and Shipwreck.

07-20-2008, 11:38 AM
[QUOTE=Agent Viper]I notice (not on here) that when looking at collections, everybody has a frickin army of Snake Eyes, Storm SHadows, and Cobra Commander!

I was like, wtf?!

But what I'm getting to, why do people go out and buy every version of each figure?
I mean, if I was rich I'd search for the V1 Firefly In box and keep him that way, but thats just for memories.

So here is my opinion,
The 25th is hitting ful force, the bad thing is, too many repaints!
Now don't get me wrong, even though Firefly was made from Beach Head doesn't meean he is a crappy figure, I love the 25th Firefly, he is probably the best so far out there.

Now that i have said that, for those of you have the original figures Hasbro is rehasing, do you want to buy the 25th? I mean, since you all have the originals, why would you buy remade editions of the originals?

Toneguns, Outrider and Ender098 are my hero's for staying aboard the originals train![/QUOTE]

When that's all Hasbro make, it doesn't leave you much choice! Repaints have always been a problem with the Joe line, but the 25th stuff seems to be made from about a half dozen sculpts just used over and over again. How many 25th CC's, Snakes Eyes and Storm Shadows are there already in less than two years? It's just laziness on Hasbro's part. And there is no way I'm going to restart a 25 year, 1,800 figure collection all over again because Hasbro decide to retool the style and start from scratch. As for the "hero" part, you are being very kind, and I thank you!

07-20-2008, 01:24 PM
[COLOR=Red]i have always bought the figures i want, nothing more. as a kid i would get one bat and pretend there are more, now i buy 4. i dont need 40, where would i keep them? as for different versions. i do buy different versions if i want them, with the 25th i found myself trying to be a completionist, when i realized this, i put a stop to it. i sold the 1st 25th snake eyes and timber(not the one in the battle pack) for 7.49$ sure i could have gotten more out of it, but i just didnt need him and that will pay for a future joe. i have 2 firefly's, 3 storm shadows and 2 shipwrecks. im going to try and sell. if i cant sell them for 4$ each ill make customs. shipwreck makes a great tunnel rat.[/COLOR]

Urban Saboteur
07-21-2008, 07:17 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Rich, I'd collect that gal in your signature in all sorts of different ways.[/QUOTE]

Go for it.. :D
You'd have to sign up to my forum of course... :o :p