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View Full Version : The Soundtrack to G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero

02-27-2005, 03:56 PM
Hello, everyone. A little over a week ago, I put up a webpage with background music from the original Marvel/Sunbow G.I. Joe cartoon, and posted a link to it on the only Joe forum I regularly visited, www.joecustoms.com. However, the response I received was much greater than I'd anticipated, and the meager bandwidth supplied by Freewebs was devoured in less than three days.

However, Hammerfel, the generous webmaster of this very site, offered me hosting services to keep the MP3 files I'd encoded available to the public. It's taken a few days, but we now have it all up and running, and the only thing you need to do to download the music is register as a member of JoeDios. So while you're looking at this site, please check out the newly-created Music section:


Thanks, and enjoy!

-The Self-Modifier

02-28-2005, 01:50 PM
As a big fan of action 'toon background music (especially Johnny Douglas and H-B's Hoyt Curtin), I thank you for this service to the community :)

02-28-2005, 08:40 PM
As a big fan of action 'toon background music (especially Johnny Douglas and H-B's Hoyt Curtin), I thank you for this service to the community

Thanks, glad you like it! I put these files together about a year ago, and finally decided to share them with the world since no one else had yet. Several months ago, I listened to the music while reading some back issues of the old comics, and it really enhances the experience, if you can believe it.

I'm a very big Johnny Douglas fan, though I like Rob Walsh well enough. His music just sounds very generic though (which I guess makes sense since it was used for multiple productions).

I recognized Hoyt Curtin's name, but I wasn't sure what cartoons he'd worked on till I did a Google search and found that he was involved in pretty much every Hanna Barbera cartoon ever, apparently! Very impressive.


Ric Rueger
02-28-2005, 09:29 PM
Thanks so much I love this music. Where can I get more?Anychance of getting more ? Your the best man.

02-28-2005, 11:41 PM
Do you have the opening music to the Movie? Man I love that song... Coooobra... Cobraaaa :)
Does anyone know of any dios w/ Joe music in the background, that'd be pretty cool...

03-01-2005, 08:29 AM
[QUOTE=Joerhyno]Does anyone know of any dios w/ Joe music in the background, that'd be pretty cool...[/QUOTE]Just you wait. :D

03-01-2005, 04:29 PM
Thanks so much I love this music. Where can I get more?Anychance of getting more ? Your the best man.
Probably some day. This is something I really need to be in the right frame of mind to do, so for the time being this is it.

Do you have the opening music to the Movie? Man I love that song... Coooobra... Cobraaaa
I do have it in fact, though I personally have never cared for it. I like the voice of the original singer better, and you can't top that bossa nova beat. Anyway, I'll speak with Hammerfel about putting that up.

Does anyone know of any dios w/ Joe music in the background, that'd be pretty cool...
If I made dios, you can bet I would try to do it somehow. Actually, I've thought a lot about working on dios, even started one, but my desire to make them ebbs and flows (I wrote the script for mine in Spring 2003, started shooting in summer '03, stopped, then started again in Spring '04, then stopped again, and haven't gone back to it). But anyway, I'm digressing...

Just you wait.
It looks like someone's already making plans, and I look forward to seeing what he comes up with.

03-02-2005, 08:04 PM
I listened to the files, and I would love to hear more, especially the shared music used in g.i.joe the movie and transformers, (please make more)!!!! Thanks, it's about time that someone made a soundtrack.

03-02-2005, 08:07 PM
I also wanted to comment on the question about putting music in the background of a dio,

Try the nemo codec pack, this program is awesome, you can make up videos (anything you can imagine-I personally have put the lincoln park song in the end to dragon ball video, very cool) try nemo.


03-03-2005, 12:20 AM
I listened to the files, and I would love to hear more, especially the shared music used in g.i.joe the movie and transformers, (please make more)!!!! Thanks, it's about time that someone made a soundtrack.
I will eventually, but as I say, it's a time-consuming process, and since I'm not as "into" that music, it's a little harder for me to do it. I like it well enough, and I actually hum some of it a lot, but it's just so generic sounding... Which, as I've said before, makes sense since it was written to be shared between two shows.

What's funny is that Rob Walsh, the composer of that music, said he was going to release that music on CD about three or four years ago... and his website hasn't been updated since!

-The Self-Modifier
Insert Signature Here

Pit Viper
03-05-2005, 06:32 PM
I'd like to get what I consider to be the "Cobra Theme". Not the song from the Statue of Liberty scene at the opening of the Movie but rather the song that plays AFTER that when Pythona is inflatrating the Terror Drome. I love that song! I could do it myself (I own the VHS version) but it would have all the sound effects and what not. Hell maybe I will do it myself and see how it turns out. No harm in trying.

Almost forgot - THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS. I love the music from the old toon. So many people just think of the Main Title when they think of Joe music but I get those jazzy 70s like action tunes in my head anytime I imagine a Joe going into battle.

EDIT: OK I guess it's not when Pythona shows up but rather when they first show Cobra Island.

EDIT Again: Nevermind, my VCR just ate the tape. :mad:

03-06-2005, 11:40 AM
[QUOTE=Pit Viper]I'd like to get what I consider to be the "Cobra Theme". Not the song from the Statue of Liberty scene at the opening of the Movie but rather the song that plays AFTER that when Pythona is inflatrating the Terror Drome. I love that song! I could do it myself (I own the VHS version) but it would have all the sound effects and what not. Hell maybe I will do it myself and see how it turns out. No harm in trying.

Almost forgot - THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS. I love the music from the old toon. So many people just think of the Main Title when they think of Joe music but I get those jazzy 70s like action tunes in my head anytime I imagine a Joe going into battle.

EDIT: OK I guess it's not when Pythona shows up but rather when they first show Cobra Island.

EDIT Again: Nevermind, my VCR just ate the tape. :mad:[/QUOTE]
Sorry to hear about the tape! I think I know the tune you mean... I'll make sure to get it when I start doing this again in the future.

I really like the 70s sound to the old music too. You can't top that groovy disco guitar! I actually used to hum a lot of this music when I played with Joes as a kid... I've never been able to play a single musical instrument, but I've always had a very good ear for recognizing and reproducing tunes. If only I'd had then what I have now, I could have saved myself some effort.

Also, per people's requests, we have added the main title to G.I. Joe: The Movie, as well as the commercial break bumpers with the narrator's voice to the music page, so anyone who's interested can go have a look.

-The Self-Modifier

03-08-2005, 10:15 PM
totally bad assed. now i can play the opening theme to the movie over and over and over

and over.

It caused me to jump out of the unregistered lurker pool and in to the deep end.


03-08-2005, 10:57 PM
Well, welcome aboard! :)

03-09-2005, 03:41 PM
First time poster here... thanks so much for the great site, especially the music downloads! I have the movie theme on repeat, playing full blast as I type. And I can't agree with PitViper enough... I would love to get the Cobra/Terrordrome theme from the movie, along with the movie end titles. I wish I knew how to do these kinds of rips, so I could contribute, instead of just beg.
Anywho... thanks again, and I look forward to talking Joe with everyone.

11-01-2005, 04:35 PM
Its great to finally see all the Joe music up on the internet, I thank you very much sir! I always enjoyed the background music, but I did notice one of the major themese from the cartoon was missing, the Battle theme they usually used(which was also used on Transformers), I cant really describe it but its used in the opening battle of Pyramid of Darkness :)

11-01-2005, 04:58 PM
[QUOTE=thecommander]Its great to finally see all the Joe music up on the internet, I thank you very much sir! I always enjoyed the background music, but I did notice one of the major themese from the cartoon was missing, the Battle theme they usually used(which was also used on Transformers), I cant really describe it but its used in the opening battle of Pyramid of Darkness :)[/QUOTE]

I know the one you mean, but it's from the second composer to work on the show. All the files I created are from Johnny Douglas, the first composer (he only wrote music for the original 1983 mini series, but it was recycled throughout the second mini and the rest of the series).

The second, more orchestral sounding (and in my opinion more generic sounding) music was created by Rob Walsh for use in both the G.I. Joe and Transformers cartoons. I may someday make MP3s of those too, because even though I don't like it as much, I do still like it... though when I might get to it is anyone's guess (including mine!!).

But anyway, thanks a lot for the feedback!

11-02-2005, 10:21 AM
I was amazed at how hard the music has been to find... and then I see it all here...
I love you!

11-25-2005, 02:10 AM
I had to sign up just to say thanks so much for taking the time to do this. AWESOME! If you are taking requests, I'd like the "Cold Slither" song as well as the Joe version that they sing afterwards. Both are so cheesy, but cool. Also, any Joe movie stuff is cool. It sounds very Transformery, but I love TF also!

05-28-2007, 04:55 PM
I'm glad I'm not the only fan of GI Joe and Transformers back ground music on here also. I really wish Walsh would release a CD of that music. I'd so buy it in a heart beat. Some times I just play my DVD's just to listen to the music.

Thanks for sharing from a first time poster and a long time fan.

General Scarlett
05-28-2007, 05:18 PM
Very nicely done 'SM'!!!! :cool:

And judging by all the responses you've recieved, there are plenty of people who love your work as well!!

Now do a G.I. Joe/Transformers 'Mega Mix'................:p ;)

10-15-2007, 09:16 PM
first time posting,.. I had to post and respond!

Here for the last two years Ive been asking The Collectors club and Hasbro to put out this cd soundtrack,..and here you go beating me to the punch !!!

Thank you for this!!!

looking foward to you trying again with the Transformers/ joe tracks.

General Scarlett
10-16-2007, 07:09 AM
[QUOTE=kingofpain26]first time posting,.. I had to post and respond!

Here for the last two years Ive been asking The Collectors club and Hasbro to put out this cd soundtrack,..and here you go beating me to the punch !!!

Thank you for this!!!

looking foward to you trying again with the Transformers/ joe tracks.[/QUOTE]

Hey King!!

Are you here 'cause of little 'ol me?!?!?!? :D

Glad to have you....go introduce yourself and have some fun looking around!!! ;) :cool:

10-16-2007, 08:24 AM
[QUOTE=kingofpain26]first time posting,.. I had to post and respond!

Here for the last two years Ive been asking The Collectors club and Hasbro to put out this cd soundtrack,..and here you go beating me to the punch !!!

Thank you for this!!!

looking foward to you trying again with the Transformers/ joe tracks.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's kind of hidden away here. I promoted it on Joecustoms when it was first posted, but once everyone who wanted it at the time got it, the thread disappeared.

I actually have a lot of Transformers and some of the shared Joe/TF music (by Rob Walsh) ripped, but I'd need to find a way to host all of it. I could see if Hammerfel wants to put the rest of them up. I'm not sure if he'd want to put up the Transformers stuff though.

Glad you like it!

General Scarlett
10-16-2007, 08:33 AM
Awww hell!!!! SM, POST 'EM UP!!!!!!!! You have my permission!!!! ;) :cool:

10-16-2007, 11:58 AM
Wow! That is all I can say, Wow!

Great job!

10-16-2007, 07:25 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]Awww hell!!!! SM, POST 'EM UP!!!!!!!! You have my permission!!!! ;) :cool:[/QUOTE]

Ahh, if only it were that easy. I need Hammerfel to upload them to this site, because I have nowhere to put them myself. I'll send him a PM to see if he's interested.

10-18-2007, 03:34 AM
Fantastic thread, and thanks for all the hard work in getting this up Matt and Hammerfel and anyone else involved. And look at all the fans who popped in... Welcome, all!

11-17-2007, 10:05 PM
I'm interested! email them to me at

natepearce (at) gmail.com

11-18-2007, 11:47 AM
[QUOTE=Hammerfel]I'm interested! email them to me at

natepearce (at) gmail.com[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I never did get you that PM, did I? I'll probably have some time to send these to you in the coming week, what with the Thanksgiving holiday.

11-26-2007, 12:48 PM
More music. More music! I'm loving this. More music!


12-01-2007, 10:49 AM
Thank you so much Self-Modifier for the hardwork you put into these. I joined just to tell you this as you originally ripped them & put in all the time to make the mp3's. I will enjoy this music forever & I salute you!! :D

12-01-2007, 12:38 PM
I'm really glad everyone's enjoying these. I really just ripped them for my own enjoyment years ago, but eventually decided to share them with the Joe community.

I'm still planning to send those season 2 MP3s to Hammerfel; I just need to find the time to do it.

12-01-2007, 01:21 PM
I'm still planning to send those season 2 MP3s to Hammerfel; I just need to find the time to do it.[/QUOTE]

GREAT!! Looking forward to it!! Thanks again!! :D

01-21-2008, 04:45 PM
any word on season two?

01-22-2008, 12:42 AM
[QUOTE=kingofpain26]any word on season two?[/QUOTE]

Actually, I'd forgotten. I had a lot going on over the holidays, then it sort of slipped my mind in the aftermath.

I promise I won't forget again though! I'll get them to Hammerfel by this weekend, then it'll be up to him.

02-04-2008, 06:34 PM
That's GOOD NEWS!! I'm really looking forward to it!! :D :cool:

02-04-2008, 08:28 PM
Man A Great Contribution To The Joe Comunity, Now I Have Music For Environment My Dios. Thank You So Much!.

03-02-2008, 07:19 AM
any updates?

03-02-2008, 12:08 PM
[QUOTE=kingofpain26]any updates?[/QUOTE]

I've been in touch with Hammerfel, and I sent him the MP3s of the Rob Walsh/season 1 music. He just needs to upload them, then we can announce that they're available.

03-08-2008, 09:27 PM
very apprecitive of your work putting all this together and then sharing it with us!

03-10-2008, 07:52 PM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]I've been in touch with Hammerfel, and I sent him the MP3s of the Rob Walsh/season 1 music. He just needs to upload them, then we can announce that they're available.[/QUOTE]

GREAT!! Can't wait!! Really looking forward to it & thanks in advance!! :cool:

03-12-2008, 07:50 PM
This soundtrack is EXCELLANT!!! It helps me enjoy long flights, tho I do get some raised eyebrows when I sing under my breath!! Thank you for this!!!


03-21-2008, 12:28 PM
Hi all, I'm new here. I just was hoping to find the End Titles to GI Joe the Movie. If anyone can help that would be great. Thanks.

04-24-2008, 03:44 PM
I've been looking for this music for years. All I can do right now is say thanks.

04-27-2008, 06:17 PM
Any word on whether the rest of the music has been uploaded yet?
Thanks!! :D

05-27-2009, 10:22 PM
Hey Self Modifier, you KA. Thanks. I just joined so I could access these files.

I have a question though. Pardon my ignorance, but is there a way to download these into iTunes to use with an iPod? I was able to download them into Realplayer, but that won't let me transfer them to iTunes - as far as I can tell.

Any techies know the answer to this?

05-28-2009, 08:59 AM
They're all MP3 files, so there shouldn't be any problems getting them into iTunes. They work in my iTunes with no problems, anyway...

Unfortunately, I'm not iTunes-savvy enough to offer any suggestions. I just dragged them into mine, and there they sit.

05-28-2009, 07:12 PM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]They're all MP3 files, so there shouldn't be any problems getting them into iTunes. They work in my iTunes with no problems, anyway...

Unfortunately, I'm not iTunes-savvy enough to offer any suggestions. I just dragged them into mine, and there they sit.[/QUOTE]
Hey Self-Modifier, thanks for offering what you know. I have a PC. I just figured how to do it.

In the Music section of iTunes, click on the "Advanced" tab, then choose "Open Audio Stream". Then a dialog box pops up asking you to input a url. So then I open the url of one the soundtrack files you put on the site. Then I copy the url, and paste it into the dialog box in iTunes.

Yay! Now I can listen to the cartoon music when I go running. YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JOE!

EDIT: I just found a better way to do this using "File", "Add File to Library" etc. Guess I had to learn a bit more about how to use iTunes.

03-28-2011, 11:08 PM
Man--the Robert Walsh music is so much better than Johnny Douglas's, in my opinion...same on Dungeons and Dragons...wish it was excerptable for both!!

06-01-2011, 01:19 AM
great uploads!! much appreciated

01-19-2013, 05:33 PM
Put me down as someone who is firmly in the camp of Johnny Douglas; I have always felt that his compositions were FAR superior than anything from Rob Walsh.

Maybe it's because I was about 10 when the first 2 mini-series hit the air, and EVERYTHING from the characters to the sounds to the music resonated with me, but I always equated Douglas' themes with G.I. Joe. I know it's been covered before how Walsh's compositions were generic so that they could fit both G.I. Joe and Transformers, but I never felt that they fit G.I. Joe at all. Douglas' material was composed specifically for G.I. Joe, and so to me that will always be the music for this cartoon.

It's like the old 1967 Spider-Man cartoon; the first season had music that was composed specifically for it, while the second season (the psychedelic Ralph Bakshi episodes) had generic music that was culled from the other Marvel cartoons of that era (Thor, Iron Man, Sub-Mariner, etc) and jazz music from the public domain. I always felt that the first season was just so much better than anything that came after.

I always loved how Johnny Douglas' music usually found a way to incorporate the G.I. Joe fanfare into it, and how certain compositions were obviously designed for adventure, suspense, Cobra, etc. It was something that was sorely lacking from Walsh's music. Additionally, I always felt that Douglas' music lent an air of gravitas to the cartoon, something that was missing from Walsh's music; indeed, Douglas' music was something that I thought transcended the cartoon, while Walsh's music to me always sounded cartoon-y.

If I had the time and (more importantly) the know-how, I would love to take a season 2 episode or even the movie itself and re-score it with Douglas' music solely. It would be leaps and bounds better than anything with Walsh's music in it IMHO.

03-12-2013, 07:26 PM
What about Cold Slither?

04-06-2013, 10:00 PM
A very big thank you. I had the Transformers music collection (did you make that also?) and was delighted to find the Joe music had also been pieced together from the shows as well. The music means a lot to me and having it preserved for the future is a great thing. You've done an amazing job. Thank you!

[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]Hello, everyone. A little over a week ago, I put up a webpage with background music from the original Marvel/Sunbow G.I. Joe cartoon, and posted a link to it on the only Joe forum I regularly visited, www.joecustoms.com. However, the response I received was much greater than I'd anticipated, and the meager bandwidth supplied by Freewebs was devoured in less than three days.

However, Hammerfel, the generous webmaster of this very site, offered me hosting services to keep the MP3 files I'd encoded available to the public. It's taken a few days, but we now have it all up and running, and the only thing you need to do to download the music is register as a member of JoeDios. So while you're looking at this site, please check out the newly-created Music section:


Thanks, and enjoy!

-The Self-Modifier[/QUOTE]

03-15-2014, 01:05 PM
I couldn't disagree more with people saying the first mini-series music is better than what came later. For the purposes of writing this, I'll assume Douglas did the first mini-series and Walsh did what came later. Douglas' compositions have a more dated '70s feel, especially when that jazzy guitar shows up. Douglas' action music never amps up the threat enough. Everything feels a little more comfortable, pleasant and safer. If someone put out a CD just with Douglas' stuff and called it a G.I. Joe Animated Series soundtrack, I'd be asking where's all the really good music?

I have never watched Transformers, so it doesn't matter to me whether Walsh's compositions were used there or on G.I. Joe first. Walsh's music is what I identify with G.I. Joe. He did all the cues that get stuck in my head and that I find myself humming randomly. Just going by memory, I would point to the Gamesmaster episode and of course the 1987 movie for scenes that underline just how effective Walsh's music can be. Almost all of Walsh's cues sound so fresh and timeless that they could be used on a cartoon today and no one would blink an eye. The range of pacing and emotion he covers goes far beyond what Douglas did. His action and suspense cues are incredibly dynamic, tense and exciting. He created a truly sweeping, cinematic score whereas Douglas made something that was clearly more timid and intended for the smaller screen.

There is more Joe music on this Transformers music site. The file with "100+ HQ Tracks" has a G.I. Joe folder, and some of the music in its Transformers folder was also used in Joe. I don't believe any of the other files have music used in Joe.


If you want the music released officially on CD, please e-mail intrada.com at intrada@intrada.com

They just released the Transformers 1986 movie soundtrack. And I can tell you with certainty that one of the main reasons this classic TV music has not been released is because the companies don't think there's a demand for it. Rob Walsh has said he has the music stored in high quality, and I assume he also has the Douglas music since he had all of it available to reuse during the production of the series.

My desire would be to see first a G.I. Joe movie soundtrack that collected the basic cues used in the movie in the order they appeared in the movie (restoring any cuts the movie made to them) and including the wonderful opening song and the instrumental version used on the end credits. Then I would like to see a TV soundtrack collecting the well-known TV opening theme and variations, any cartoon cues that didn't make it into the movie, which would most likely be a lot more of the first mini-series stuff, plus Cold Slither as a bonus!