View Full Version : Favorite Video Game Character
Agent Viper
07-23-2008, 04:23 PM
I know most of us on here play video games, so whos your favorite characters?
1Sephiroth from FF7 ( I wish Sephiroth would just kill Cloud)
Zack Fair from FF7
John-117 From Halo
Alucard form Castlevania
Sold Snake from MGS
The original liquid Snake from MGS
Gray Fox from MGS
07-23-2008, 05:04 PM
[COLOR=Red]oh god, i got a lot as i use to play games like crazy.
bayou billy
toad from mario
billy from double dragon
ryu street fighter
ryu ninja gaiden
guy from final fight
turtles from the turtle games
smurfs from the smurfs games
link from zelda link to the past(the only one i really care about)
toejam and earl
shinning force people
to many to name from suikoden(each game has 108 characters)
harvest moon a wonderful life character
laura croft
Bryan Fury tekken
Heihachi Mishima tekken
Hwoarang tekken
Lei Wulong tekken
Ling Xiaoyu tekken
Michelle Chang tekken
Nina Williams tekken
Taki sold calibur
cloud strife FF7
tifa lockheart FF7
vicent FF7
most of the girls from DOA(although i dont like the game)
sunny from the outlaw games
of course the characters in the GI Joe games
many, many more.
07-23-2008, 06:01 PM
The guys from CONTRA.
Ninja Gayden
Almost all the characters from Metal Gear Solid
The kid in PUNCH-OUT
Agent Viper
07-23-2008, 06:03 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]oh god, i got a lot as i use to play games like crazy.
bayou billy
toad from mario
billy from double dragon
ryu street fighter
ryu ninja gaiden
guy from final fight
turtles from the turtle games
smurfs from the smurfs games
link from zelda link to the past(the only one i really care about)
toejam and earl
shinning force people
to many to name from suikoden(each game has 108 characters)
harvest moon a wonderful life character
laura croft
Bryan Fury tekken
Heihachi Mishima tekken
Hwoarang tekken
Lei Wulong tekken
Ling Xiaoyu tekken
Michelle Chang tekken
Nina Williams tekken
Taki sold calibur
cloud strife FF7
tifa lockheart FF7
vicent FF7
most of the girls from DOA(although i dont like the game)
sunny from the outlaw games
of course the characters in the GI Joe games
many, many more.
I forgot TEKKEN, I thought Brian was the man
Agent Viper
07-23-2008, 06:04 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo]The guys from CONTRA.
Ninja Gayden
Almost all the characters from Metal Gear Solid
The kid in PUNCH-OUT[/QUOTE]
Cap, I forgot Ryu hayabusha
07-23-2008, 06:13 PM
Solid Snake (MGS)
Gabe Logan (Syphon Filter)
Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell)
Sir Daniel Fortesque (Medievil)
Agent Viper
07-23-2008, 06:15 PM
[QUOTE=snakeeater]Solid Snake (MGS)
Gabe Logan (Syphon Filter)
Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell)
Sir Daniel Fortesque (Medievil)[/QUOTE]
Sir Dan!!! Great choice
07-23-2008, 06:51 PM
The character at the old Pitfall from Atari;
River Raid (from Atari);
Republic Commandos clones;
The characters from all the Street of Rage of old Mega Drive from SEGA;
Golden Axe from Mega Drive.
07-23-2008, 07:42 PM
Mortal Kombat : Sub-Zero, Rain and Kung Lao
Final Fantasy X : Tidus, Lulu, & Wakka. The Aurochs' crew was cool as were the many blitzball dudes you could get.
Final Fantasy X-2 : Payne.
Final Fantasy 12 : Fran & Penelo.
Dynasty Warriors : Sun Ce, Guan Ping and ALL the chicks are wonderful to look at.
FF Crisis Core : Angeal & Cissnei.
Phantasy Star : Riku, Wren, Demi, Rolf & Nei.
Pokemon : Wubbafett, Pikachu, Brock, Misty, Jenny(s), Lotad, Psyduck, etc.
Legend of Dragoon : Dart & black haired chick.
07-23-2008, 08:17 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon] ...Pikachu...[/QUOTE]
Watch this:
what's next? teletubies?
Major Bludd
07-23-2008, 09:31 PM
Like Tone I like the Republic Commando characters, but I also like Duke Nukem "Hail to the King baby" and you gotta love the Pig Cops too.
07-24-2008, 03:11 AM
In no particular order:
Niko Belic
Carl Johnson
Tommy Vercetti
"Fido" (Claude)
Nathan Drake
Lara Croft
You might get the idea from the above list that I enjoy all the GTA games! :D
Agent Viper
07-24-2008, 07:30 AM
[QUOTE=Outrider]In no particular order:
Niko Belic
Carl Johnson
Tommy Vercetti
"Fido" (Claude)
Nathan Drake
Lara Croft
You might get the idea from the above list that I enjoy all the GTA games! :D[/QUOTE]
Vice City is the greatest out of them all!
(only because of the music)
07-24-2008, 07:48 AM
Isn't Nick Drake from Uncharted: Drakes Fortune for the PS3 or something close to that name?
07-24-2008, 12:13 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Isn't Nick Drake from Uncharted: Drakes Fortune for the PS3 or something close to that name?[/QUOTE]
You got it G!
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