07-30-2008, 06:44 PM
did you guys see this, i got the email on this, and it saids there available, bull #$##@
the one in black is out of stock, so that means its not available, the one in the blue suit is coming soon, and there still is no joes, as far as target and wal.mart, no joes, there on back order for wally world, and target and its new resets have every thing but no joes, :mad: OK, I'm i missing something here,
the one in black is out of stock, so that means its not available, the one in the blue suit is coming soon, and there still is no joes, as far as target and wal.mart, no joes, there on back order for wally world, and target and its new resets have every thing but no joes, :mad: OK, I'm i missing something here,