View Full Version : G.i. Joe Cobra Commander- Black Suit

07-30-2008, 06:44 PM
did you guys see this, i got the email on this, and it saids there available, bull #$##@
the one in black is out of stock, so that means its not available, the one in the blue suit is coming soon, and there still is no joes, as far as target and wal.mart, no joes, there on back order for wally world, and target and its new resets have every thing but no joes, :mad: OK, I'm i missing something here,

07-30-2008, 08:33 PM
You know call me Crazy but I thought when your in Business to make $$,and you have a Product that People are buying up as fast as they can.Wouldn't you make that Product available???? :rolleyes: I remember back in the 80's when I was enjoying Joes as a Kid,and anytime I wanted a Figure or Vehicle about 80% of the time all you had to do was go to the Store and there it was,and if it wasn't there it wouldn't be long before it did show up.What a CONCEPT HUH,Man whats up with Hasbro???????