View Full Version : August Contest!!!
07-31-2008, 08:57 PM
It's that time again!
Answer all the questions right and you will be in the running for 3 different prizes. If ya don't answer the questions will enough and I run out of people that answered correctly, you'll be in a drawing for the remaining prizes.
As usual, I pick some really random prizes BUT the 1st prize at least is GI Joe-based!
This contest will end Wednesday, August 8th.
No purchase necessary. Shipping is free. This is NOT a popularity contest. Past winners can, uh, win again if they can are chosen. All entries will receive consolation prizes. Top 3 winners can expect other funky items in their package. (c'mon, anyone who knows me knows that ya end up with OTHER stuff!)
ANYBODY can enter. I hold no grudges against people who may have been banned in the past or whatever.
Start watching those movies or find OTHER ways to figure out the answers. Trust me, this will be a hard one!
1st Prize. 3x 25A CG Fred & Scarface comic packs.
2nd Prize. Commemorative Series IV Red Alert. (Classic re-issue from back in 2002) MIB
3rd Prize. Random weird stuff. (don't worry, new comers, I don't hand out Supertramp and Spice Girl cds. not yet, at least.)
Oh yeah, PM me the answers. And there are ALWAYS 3 movies so don't jump to answering yet!!!
07-31-2008, 09:01 PM
1. The first Indiana Jones movie was called...
A. Raiders of the Lost Ark
B. The Wrath of Farahkan
C. The Temple of Hexen
2. Short Round showed up in...
A. Temple of Doom
B. Raiders of the Lost Ark
C. The Holy Grail
3. The actor's name who plays Indiana Jones is...
A. Dolph Lundgren
B. Jean Claude Van-Damne
C. Harrison Ford.
4. Extra Credit. Hexen was a...
A. Movie
B. Video Game
C. Pop group from 1983
5. Extra Credit. Dolph Lundgren & Jean Claude Van-Damne show up in what movie???
A. Doom
B. Blood Sport
C. Universal Soldier.
07-31-2008, 09:05 PM
1. October spelled in Russian is actually...
A. April
B. Oktober
C. Okotober
2. "My Morse is so rusty, I could be sending him dimensions on playmate of the month." This is a quote from the movie? (I goofed on this one too; freebie)
A. True
B. False
3. The author who originally wrote "THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER" was:
A. Conrad Hauser
B. Tom Clancy
C. Tom Jones
D. Dr. Jones!
4. Sean Connery shows up in an Indiana Jones movie.
A. True
B. False
5. Captain Ramius's wife is...
A. Alive
B. Dead
07-31-2008, 09:15 PM
1. PLATOON is a war movie based on which war?
A. The Iraq War
B. The war of humans against monsters in the HALO universe.
C. Vietnam War
2. Johnny Depp shows up in the movie. He acts as the Vietnamese interpreter?
A. True
B. False
3. According to the door gunner on the huey taking the squads into the bush, it's easier to... (I f'd up on this one. Wrong movie. This is a freebie)
A. Blow away the farmers by dropping grenades.
B. Following them with bullets as they run.
C. Leading them. Kids are easier to lead.
4. Sgt. Barnes and Sgt. Elias (don't know if that was his last name) were...
A. Best buddies
B. Hated each other
C. Sgt Elias was in another platoon so it doesn't matter!
5. Tony Todd, one of the sergeants, made his career playing what horror character?
A. Candyman
B. Jason from the Friday the 13th flicks
C. The Leprechaun from the, uh, Leprechaun movies.
6. Extra credit. Forest Whittaker, one of the soldiers, showed up in what group of movies?
A. Phenomenom, The Crying Game, & Blood Sport
B. Blood Sport, Crying Game & Starship Troopers
C. The Last King of Scotland, Independence Day, & Rush Hour3
7. Extra credit. Platoon has an all-star cast.
A. True
B. False
07-31-2008, 09:36 PM
I've only got 2 submissions since posting but man, these questions aren't that hard especially if you know where to LOOK for some of the answers!
08-01-2008, 08:03 AM
Word to the wise.
You can always revise your answers.
You can always ask for help from other members or friends and family.
I need people's real names and shipping addresses when you PM so I know where to send the goodies out to.
There are 3 movies that have questions.
As it stands, I've had 4 entries. Only 1 person has gotten them all correct.
And somebody let me know, did I get Full Metal Jacket and Platoon mixed up with the door gunner thang?
08-01-2008, 08:39 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]And somebody let me know, did I get Full Metal Jacket and Platoon mixed up with the door gunner thang?[/QUOTE]
Yeah, but it's a famous war movie scene, people will be able to figure it out. The helicopter was a Seahorse.
08-01-2008, 02:06 PM
Well nutz. That 1 question is a freebie now. But people are still getting answers wrong! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
08-01-2008, 06:37 PM
:D people like me i'm sure
Agent Viper
08-01-2008, 06:45 PM
PM's sent
08-01-2008, 06:52 PM
Since i got the Red October one wrong, Fyreflyed helped me out and I put the proper quote. In any case, that one is NOW a FREEBIE!
08-06-2008, 05:08 PM
Today's the 8th. My math class is done and I'm actually able to be on Summer Break. Now, people are wondering just who got their stuff right and well, who won the actual prizes.
12 people entered.
5 got them right, including some help in getting my shite straight. ;) THose became the freebie questions. BUT before I say who won, allow me to give the answers.
1. The first Indiana Jones movie was called...
A. Raiders of the Lost Ark
B. The Wrath of Farahkan
C. The Temple of Hexen
2. Short Round showed up in...
A. Temple of Doom
B. Raiders of the Lost Ark
C. The Holy Grail
3. The actor's name who plays Indiana Jones is...
A. Dolph Lundgren
B. Jean Claude Van-Damne
C. Harrison Ford.
4. Extra Credit. Hexen was a...
A. Movie
B. Video Game.
Hexen: Beyond Heretic is a first-person shooter computer game developed by Raven Software, published by id Software, and distributed by GT Interactive beginning on March 16, 1996. It is a platform-switching sequel to 1994's Heretic, and the second game in the Serpent Riders series. Its name is German for "witches". This was DOOM with medieval weapons.
C. Pop group from 1983
5. Extra Credit. Dolph Lundgren & Jean Claude Van-Damne show up in what movie???
A. Doom
B. Blood Sport
C. Universal Soldier.
1. October spelled in Russian is actually...
A. April
B. Oktober. Do we REALLY write it the Russian way with backwards Es and stuff? Nope. There, we'd write it as Oktober/oktobr if we were in class.
C. Okotober
2. "My Morse is so rusty, I could be sending him dimensions on playmate of the month." This is a quote from the movie? (I goofed on this one too; freebie)
A. True
B. False
3. The author who originally wrote "THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER" was:
A. Conrad Hauser
B. Tom Clancy
C. Tom Jones
D. Dr. Jones!
4. Sean Connery shows up in an Indiana Jones movie.
A. True. C'mon, he's plays Indy's dad in Holy Grail. "You named me after the dog???"
B. False
5. Captain Ramius's wife is...
A. Alive
B. Dead.
"No. THis book belonged to my wife."
"I am sorry, Captain. Your wife was a beautiful woman. Her death was... Unfortunate."
1. PLATOON is a war movie based on which war?
A. The Iraq War
B. The war of humans against monsters in the HALO universe.
C. Vietnam War
2. Johnny Depp shows up in the movie. He acts as the Vietnamese interpreter?
A. True
B. False
3. According to the door gunner on the huey taking the squads into the bush, it's easier to... (I f'd up on this one. Wrong movie. This is a freebie)
A. Blow away the farmers by dropping grenades.
B. Following them with bullets as they run.
C. Leading them. Kids are easier to lead.
4. Sgt. Barnes and Sgt. Elias (don't know if that was his last name) were...
A. Best buddies
B. Hated each other
C. Sgt Elias was in another platoon so it doesn't matter!
5. Tony Todd, one of the sergeants, made his career playing what horror character?
A. Candyman
B. Jason from the Friday the 13th flicks
C. The Leprechaun from the, uh, Leprechaun movies.
6. Extra credit. Forest Whittaker, one of the soldiers, showed up in what group of movies?
A. Phenomenom, The Crying Game, & Blood Sport. In Blood Sport, he plays one of the agents trying to get Frank Dux (like, "Put up your dukes!") in Hong Kong.
B. Blood Sport, Crying Game & Starship Troopers
C. The Last King of Scotland, Independence Day, & Rush Hour3
7. Extra credit. Platoon has an all-star cast.
A. True. Sure, this is based on opinion BUT you have:
[COLOR=Purple]Willhem Dafoe[/COLOR] : Spiderman1 & 2, Born on 4th of July, Clear & PResent Danger, Speed2 - Cruise Control, Boondock Saints, Life Aquatic, Mr. Bean's Vacation, etc.
[COLOR=Purple]Forest Whittaker [/COLOR] : Bloodsport, Good Morning Vietnam, Body Snatchers, Jasons Lyric, Species, etc.
[COLOR=Purple]Tom Berenger [/COLOR] : Major League 1 & 2, Sniper flicks, Gettysburg, Chasers, and a lot of tv stuff.
Johnny Depp : Pirates of the Caribbean 1-3, Edward Scissorhands, etc.
Charlie Sheen : Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Navy SEALs, Major League, Men At Work, Young Guns, etc.
Add on John C McGinley, Tony Todd, Kevin Dillion, Keith David, and a few more, that's a cast.
B. False
08-06-2008, 05:18 PM
The 1st prize winner... Lava Boss
2nd Prize winner... Vader9000
3rd Prize winner... Troops of Doom
I'll be mailing everything out around the 13th (payday). Everyone gets a lil something so it's always worth playing!
And PLEASE EMAIL me your shipping addys to IF you want, contact each other if you want to swap prizes. However, the 3rd prize is gonna be a bit of a surprise and while it's DIO related, it's not GI JOE related. Just FYI.
08-06-2008, 05:36 PM
Da Talent
08-06-2008, 07:11 PM
man! only out of 5 peeps and I still didn't place, man I'm unlucky
08-07-2008, 07:13 AM
Wow, thanks! It's been a long time since I won anything.
08-07-2008, 08:48 AM
08-07-2008, 09:05 AM
I want a re-count!!!!!
General Jones
08-07-2008, 10:52 AM
Today is the 7th?
08-07-2008, 11:06 AM
[QUOTE=General Jones]Today is the 7th?[/QUOTE]
Ha! Jones is right! This contest should be run again. :eek:
Lava Boss
08-08-2008, 07:41 AM
I won?
Guess that semester of Russian in college finally paid off. ;)
08-08-2008, 08:41 AM
oh jeez. All I knew is that I set up the contest to close 1 day after my math class was done. Which was Wednesday. Uh... Anyway, there'll be a late September contest in which, the 1st Prize will be a signed toy by an old uncle of mine. *think Randy Bowen* In fact, if I have the other piece he gave me, that'll be the 2nd Prize too!
Trust me, you guys will WANT to enter this bad boy when it comes up.
08-21-2008, 11:17 AM
So, I was sitting sweating my ass off for the 3rd day in a row. We have had a hurricane sitting on top up us and have been with out of power. The wind has died down but it is still raining (we have gotten over 25 inches in the last 3 days!). There is a knock at the door and it is DHL with a package for me. Inside was the booty from the contest. Thanks Graham, you made my day, Red Alert in the box absolutely rocks. The cool part is as I was opening this package the lights came back on!! Now if this storm will just get the hell out of here, it will be a great day. Thanks again, Dave
08-21-2008, 12:28 PM
You didn't think he'd be so minty fresh, huh??? lol
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